This study intends to determine if online reading has an impact on Malaysian rural secondary school students’ reading habits. It employed a quantitative approach and the survey method was used. The sample consisted of 200 secondary school... more
This study investigated Libyan secondary school students' attitudes towards learning English in terms of the behavioral, cognitive and emotional aspects. It also explored whether there is any significant difference in the students'... more
This study investigated the effects of digital stories on the understanding of spoken English by a group of 6-yearold Malay preschool children. To realise this aim, a quasi-experimental research study was carried out in a suburban school... more
Experts assert that individuals enjoy various learning styles. In many cases what is being taught has a less impact on learners' achievement than the way materials are presented. In other words, learning styles make an important component... more
This research discusses the English listening comprehension problems of university international students from China. The research used a qualitative method to collect data from three China's students taking English Listening... more
Recent research reveals that students' attitudes and academic achievement improve when learning experiences revolve around their interests, talents and needs. In order to facilitate learning, teachers or language educators have to provide... more
The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the Philosophical concept of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR), in regard with its opersionalization, rationalization in the context of teaching reading. It also discusses series number of... more
Self-Access Language Learning (SALL) is one of the leading aspects in efficiency of learners' self-initiated language learning. How far are the learners motivated to learn the language on their own in a Self-Access Language Learning... more
Instructional and personal qualities of the 'effective English language teacher' expounded by English language experts still surprisingly produced average English language proficiency in a majority of Malaysian students, instead of the... more
Writing has not been an easy task to all learners of a foreign language. Different ways have been used in arousing learners" interest to support existing traditional pedagogic practices. For instance, weblogs have been incorporated in the... more
Reading is one of the main literacy skills for second or foreign language learners to obtain knowledge. Acknowledging the importance of reading, this paper attempts to demonstrate that Creative Buddy Reading Program (CBRP) is a viable... more
This paper aims to investigate learning English strategies and the requirement of English needs of the undergraduate students at the National University of Laos (NUOL). The study employed a survey design which involved in administering... more
This survey aims at studying the relationship between English vocabulary threshold and word guessing strategy that is used in reading comprehension learning among 80 pre-university Chinese students in Malaysia. T-test is the main... more
Facebook (FB) is currently considered as the most popular platform for online social networking among university students. The purpose of this study is to investigate if university students consider FB as a useful and meaningful learning... more
Today, one of the main concerns in second language acquisition is to learn how to communicate orally with others. So speaking has played an increasingly essential role in second language settings. However, in many universities, ESL... more
This study investigated the kinds of communication strategies (CSs) used by Iraqi EFL students. The data analyzed in this study were collected in Baghdad University. The study was quantitative in nature where a questionnaire adopted from... more
This study was an attempt to investigate the effect of using podcasting as a revision tool in the recall of English vocabulary items after the teaching program and prior to the examination among Iranian EFL learners. It applied a quasi... more
Faculty of Education (FOE), the National University of Laos (NUOL) in Lao. A study focuses on the reasons that impact on their poor English performance. Data were drawn from the question "Why Lao students weak in English?". This question... more
Reading comprehension is greatly highlighted for either taking exam or academic purpose in most English learning settings. In addition, tests are regularly applied to evaluate academic performance. This study investigated whether teaching... more