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A total number of 19 species of lizards from 12 genera and four families, 20 species of snakes from 18 genera and seven families and six species of freshwater turtles from six genera and three families were recorded during the survey... more
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Frog identification based on the vocalization becomes important for biological research and environmental monitoring. As a result, different types of feature extractions and classifiers have been employed. Yet, the k-nearest neighbor... more
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Abstract-In recent years email has become one of the fastest and most economical means of communication. However increase of email users has resulted in the dramatic increase of spam emails during the past few years. Data mining... more
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Identification of frog sound is useful tool and competent in biological research and environmental monitoring. In contrast with traditional methods that not practical due to the time consuming, expensive or detrimental to the animal's... more
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In this paper an Intelligent Frog Species Identification System (IFSIS) which works as a sensor is developed. It is designed to assist the nonexperts to recognize frog species according to frog bioacoustics signals for environmental... more
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Bukit Perangin Forest Reserve, Kedah Malaysia is a popular forest park well known for its clear rivers and streams, interesting sedimentary rock formations and a rich biodiversity in flora and fauna. However to date no report on the... more
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      HerpetologyBiodiversitySainsSains Malaysiana
The amphibian fauna of Lata Bukit Hijau (Mempelam River), Kedah, Malaysia was investigated for a period of four years starting from 1999 until 2002. The result showed 18 species of amphibians from 12 genera and six families were present... more
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The amphibians and reptiles of Peta, Endau-Rompin, Johor, Malaysia were briefly investigated during a scientific expedition organized by the School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia from 17 to 23 August 2008. A total... more
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    • Multidisciplinary
The breeding activities of the Dwarf Toad, Ingerophrynus parvus were observed under natural conditions at Sungai Junjong, Kulim, Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia for a period of 12 months. Breeding parameters, such as calling activities,... more
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    • Sains Malaysiana
The correlation between total rainfall and breeding parameters of White-Lipped frog, Rana labialis Schlegel was investigated at Junjong River, Kulim, Kedah, Malaysia for a period of 12 months. A number of breeding activities such as... more
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The herpetofauna of Beris Valley, Kedah, Malaysia, was studied using a rapid assessment survey during a scientific expedition organised by the School of Biological Sciences at the Universiti Sains Malaysia, from 14-17 August 2009. All... more
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A survey was carried out at Jerejak Island, Penang, Peninsular Malaysia from August 2008 to January 2011 to inventorise the amphibians contained therein. Specimens were either captured at night by hand or fishnets and then identified. The... more
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Three species of geckos of the genus Gekko (Gekko gecko, Gekko smithii and Gekko monarchus) inhabit the forests of Peninsular Malaysia. Gekko smithii is a large forest gecko with a robust body, large head, thick-set body and scattered... more
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      BioinformaticsImmunologyMolecular BiologyBiotechnology
Abstrak: Kajian terhadap fauna amfibia di Bukit Jana, Taiping, Perak telah dijalankan dari Januari 2009 sehingga Disember 2010; pemerhatian dilakukan pada 12 malam. Dua puluh empat spesies katak dari 14 genera dan 6 famili telah... more
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One of the biodiversity hotspot areas in Peninsular Malaysia is Bukit Larut, which is located within the Banjaran Bintang (Range) near Taiping, Perak. The amphibian fauna in this area was investigated from February 2009 to June 2011 with... more
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    • Multidisciplinary
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      ZoologyBiologyEcology of Amphibians and Reptiles
Lata Bukit Hijau is located within the Banjaran Bintang Ranges on the west coast of northern Peninsular Malaysia. The reptile fauna in this pristine area was intensively investigated from 2008 to 2011 on 10 consecutive visits. A total 37... more
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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the verbal learning and memory performance of postmenopausal women who received tualang honey (Agro Mas) in comparison with women receiving estrogen plus progestin therapy and untreated... more
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      Working MemoryMemory StudiesTraditional, Complementary and Alternative MedicineMenopause