Papers by Baharuddin Salleh

Biotropia: The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology, Apr 1, 1999
Artificially inoculated asparagus tissue culture plantlets with a virulent fungus, Fusarium proli... more Artificially inoculated asparagus tissue culture plantlets with a virulent fungus, Fusarium proliferatum showed signs of infection as early as 4 days after inoculation. Macroscopic observations revealed presence of early symptoms such as necrotic lesions at the affected area and light microscopic examinations clearly revealed the post-penetration events that took place including the destruction of surrounding cells. However, little is known of the hyphal activity or advancement on the host's surface at the initial stage after inoculation. Scanning electron microscopic examination clearly revealed the hyphal advancement on the surface and the mode of entrance into the host tissues beneath. Four days after inoculation, the fungi proceeded to spread out from the inoculation point onto the host surface which eventually developed into a sparse network of both aerial and non-aerial hyphae. Non-aerial hyphae form a network of mycelium that adheres to the surface and it's movement appeared to be oriented towards the stomata. Hyphal penetration occurs more often through the stomata, natural openings or wounds. In some cases, the hyphae crossed over the stomatal opening without entering the host tissues. At places where the cuticle layer is absent or not well developed the hyphae successfully grew in between the epidermal cells into the tissues beneath.

African Journal of Biotechnology, Sep 20, 2010
Fumonisin B 1 (FB 1), a toxin produced by Fusarium verticillioides (Fusarium moniliforme) and oth... more Fumonisin B 1 (FB 1), a toxin produced by Fusarium verticillioides (Fusarium moniliforme) and other Fusarium species which grow on maize worldwide, has been documented to cause various physiological responses in animals. Thirty-nine female Wistar rats randomly assigned to three treatment groups were used to assess the effects of dietary FB 1 on nutrient utilization and growth performance. Each group received one of the three diets containing 0.20, 10.0 and 20.0 mg FB 1 /kg constituting diets 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The animals were weighed weekly and proximate chemical compositions of the diets and the faecal samples collected from the rats on each diet were determined using standard methods. Dietary FB 1 significantly (P < 0.05) influenced nutrient digestibility, feed intake, feed conversion efficiency and relative weight gain. Rats fed diets 2 and 3 had relative weight gains of 87.2 and 66.2% of the rats fed diet 1, respectively. Rats on diet 1 were about 104.5 and 160.6% more efficient in feed conversion compared to those on diets 2 and 3, respectively. Dietary exposure to FB 1 at a concentration of about 10 mg/kg or higher for a period of 35 days is a potential health risk that reduced nutrient utilization by adversely affecting proper nutrient digestion, absorption and/or metabolism, resulting in poor growth rates in Wistar rats. This study revealed that adverse effects of FB 1 on nutrient digestibility and utilization play a significant contributory role in poor growth performance usually associated with animals exposed to diets containing FB 1 .
African Journal of Microbiology Research, Dec 4, 2010
Sains Malaysiana, 2014
The Fusarium species are notoriously known for causing various plants and animal diseases and pro... more The Fusarium species are notoriously known for causing various plants and animal diseases and producing a number of harmful mycotoxins. The mycotoxins production by species recovered from non-agricultural hosts such as wild grasses have hitherto never been given attention. We examined 30 strains representing 12 Fusarium species i.e.

Biotropia: The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology, Apr 1, 1999
Forty strains of Fusarium oxysporvm isolated from roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa var. sabdariffa) s... more Forty strains of Fusarium oxysporvm isolated from roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa var. sabdariffa) showing vascular wilt symptoms in three states (Terengganu, Penang and Ipoh) in the northern Malaysian Peninsula were used to investigate the vegetative compatibility. Nitrate-nonutilizing (nil) mutants were recovered from all the strains tested and subsequently used to study vegetative compatibility groups (VCG) within the population by nit mutants pairings on minimal medium. Thirteen VCGs were found and none were vegetatively compatible with those of other formae speciales (f. spp.) such as asparagi and cubense, and non-pathogenic strains from paddy and oil palm. The results indicate that there is substantial genetic diversity in F. oxysporum that causes vascular wilt disease on roselle as reflected by multiple VCGs, but the distribution of strains into the VCGs is not even as there are 26 representatives in VCG-1001M, two in VCG-1003M and VCG-1013M and only one in the other VCGs. This study may provide new insight into the establishment of a new forma specialis off. oxysporum.

Mycoscience, 2007
Taxonomic rearrangement of the genus Ulkenia sensu lato based on morphology, chemotaxonomical cha... more Taxonomic rearrangement of the genus Ulkenia sensu lato based on morphology, chemotaxonomical characteristics, and 18S rRNA gene phylogeny (Thraustochytriaceae, Labyrinthulomycetes): emendation for Ulkenia and erection of Botryochytrium, Parietichytrium, and Sicyoidochytrium gen. nov. following seven genera at that time: Thraustochytrium Sparrow emend. Johnson, Schizochytrium S. Goldst. et Belsky emend. Booth et Miller, Ulkenia A. Gaertn., Labyrinthuloides F.O. Perkins, Japonochytrium Kobayasi et M. Ookubo, Aplanochytrium Bahnweg et Sparrow, and Althornia E.B.G. Jones et Alderman. These genera had been distinguished by morphological features at various stages of their life cycle. For example, the genus Schizochytrium was characterized by successive binary division of vegetative cells. Ulkenia was characterized by producing naked protoplasts. However, more recently Honda et al. (1999) clearly showed that Thraustochytrium, Schizochytrium, and Ulkenia did not form a monophyletic group in the molecular phylogenetic tree of 18S rRNA genes. On the other hand, Leander and Porter (2000, 2001) and Leander et al. (2004) revealed that Aplanochytrium kerguelense Bahnweg et Sparrow and two Labyrinthuloides species, i.e., L. minuta (S.W. Watson et Raper) F.O. Perkins and L. yorkensis F.O. Perkins, formed a monophyletic group with comparatively compact distances among species of these genera in the 18S rRNA gene tree. Leander and Porter (2000) judged that Aplanochytrium and Labyrinthuloides are synonymous, based on the combination of molecular phylogenetic data and morphological features, and consequently emended the defi nition of the preferential genus Aplanochytrium, which included all species of Labyrinthuloides and one species of Labyrinthula, L. thais B.A. Cox et Mackin. Recently, Yokoyama and Honda (2007) clearly showed that their own isolates and reported strains that were identifi ed as Schizochytrium spp. formed three separate well-supported monophyletic groups in the 18S rRNA gene tree. These groups can be distinguished by the combination of morphological characteristics, profi les of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and carotenoid pigments. Therefore, we proposed that species of the genus Schizochytrium were separated into three distinct genera, that is, Schizochytrium sensu stricto and two new genera, Aurantiochytrium R. Yokoy. et D. Honda and Oblongichytrium R. Yokoy. et D. Honda. The genus Ulkenia was established by Gaertner (1977), but the 18S rRNA gene tree suggested that this genus is also not a natural taxon. Two Ulkenia species, U. visurgensis
Journal of Plant Protection, Jun 1, 1984
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, May 1, 2011
Annals of the Phytopathological Society of Japan, Jun 25, 1999
The effect of Pseudomonas fluorescens and the chemical fungicides-aminobutyric acid to Fusarium o... more The effect of Pseudomonas fluorescens and the chemical fungicides-aminobutyric acid to Fusarium oxysporum in banana disease has to the biocontrol solution of these bacteria. Under invitro conditions Pseudomonas fluorescens clearly inhibited Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense. At a concentration of (50, 200, 250, 350) µg/ml BABA did not inhibited invitro germination of conidia and mycelium growth of FOC on PDA medium.

A preliminary study was carried out to determine the water quality status along the Sungai Mada i... more A preliminary study was carried out to determine the water quality status along the Sungai Mada irrigation channel at Kodiang, Kedah to the Sungai Baru estuary at Kuala Perils. Nine stations were identified, namely Sg. Mada-Titi Kodiang (SIJ, Sg. Mada-Kg Sena (S2j , Sg.. Mada-Guar Sanji (S3), Long Boh (S4), Utan Aji (S5), Pekan Simpang Empat (S6), Simpang Empat road bridge (S7), Sungai Baru floodgate (S8) and Sungai Baru road bridge (S9). The parameters studied were temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), salinity, total dissolved solids (TDS), pH and specific conductance (SpC). All these parameters were measured at a depth of about 1.0 m from the water surface. Both temperature and DO parameters generally show results which reflect the time of sampling. Results for pH, salinity, TDS and SpC show some degree of water quality degradation starting from S7 through the estuary end at S9. Measurements from salinity, TDS, pH and SpC parameters also suggest salt water intrusion to about 3.5 km inland from the Sungai Baru estuary.
The Fusarium species are notoriously known for causing various plants and animal diseases and pro... more The Fusarium species are notoriously known for causing various plants and animal diseases and producing a number of harmful mycotoxins. The mycotoxins production by species recovered from non-agricultural hosts such as wild grasses have hitherto never been given attention. We examined 30 strains representing 12 Fusarium species i.e.

Journal of Phytopathology, May 1, 1983
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lupini was more aggressive in summer than in autumn on all 15 white lup... more Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lupini was more aggressive in summer than in autumn on all 15 white lupin cultivars tested. Race 3 was more aggressive than races 1 and 2. Cultivars Blanca, von Baer and WB1 are proposed as "primary differential hosts". The development of race 3 in the xylem wM more profuse in cultivars Astra and Neuland (susceptible) than in cv. Primorskij (resistant). There was a direct relationship between disease severity and number of colonies of race 3 recovered from the infected plants. F. oxysporum never colonized seeds internally. Amorphous gum-like substances, not tyloses, occluded xylem vessels of infected plants. Differences in resistance are apparently not due to this occlusion. Zusammenfassung Resistenz von Kultivaren der wei6en Lupine (Lupinus albus) gegeniiber Welke hervorgerufen von Fusarium oxgsporum f. sp. lupini Bei allen 15 Kultivaren der weiBen Lupine erwies sich Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lupini im Sommer als mehr aggressiv als im Herbst. Rasse 3 war aggressiver als die Rassen 1 und 2. Die Kultivare Blanca, von Baer und WB1 wurden als ,primare Differentialwir,te" vorgeschlagen. Die Entwicklung der Rasse 3 im Xylem der Kultivare Astra und Neuland (anHillig) war iippiger als im Kultivar Primorskij (resistent). Es gab eine direkte Beziehung zwischen Krankheitsschwere und der Anzahl von Kolonien der Rasse 3, die von infizierten Pflanzen gewonnen wurden. F. oxysporum kolonisieme Saatgut niemals im Inneren. XylemgefaBe von infizierten Pflanzen wurden von amorphen gummi-ahnlichen Substanzen, keine Tylosen, verschlossen. Unterschiede in der ResiSitenz sind offensichtlich nicht auf diese Verschliisse zuriickzufiihren.
![Research paper thumbnail of Mating populations of the fusarium fujikuroi species complex (FFSC) associated with wild grasses (gramineae) in Peninsular Malaysia / Nor Azliza Ismail … [et al.]](
The present study sought to explore the mating populations (MPs) of the Fusarium fujikuroi specie... more The present study sought to explore the mating populations (MPs) of the Fusarium fujikuroi species complex (FFSC) associated with asymptomatic wild grasses throughout Peninsular Malaysia. Results demonstrated that species in the FFSC associated with wild grasses were less diverse of which only two species were obtained, namely F. sacchari (10 isolates) and F. proliferatum (20 isolates). Of 30 isolates, 26 were found to be fertile and produced eight-celled ascospores in perithecia, whereas the remaining four isolates were not, hence, considered as infertile. Two MPs were recognised i.e. MP-B (F. sacchari; 10 isolates) and MP-D (F. proliferatum; 16 isolates). Both mating types, namely MAT-1 and MAT-2 were present, but the ratio was somewhat uneven (~2:1). Based on the uneven ratio of mating types and different sampling locations, sexual reproduction among isolates obtained in this study is not possible under the field condition. Reproduction using sexual means is insignificant for the...

The Fusarium species are notoriously known for causing various plants and animal diseases and pro... more The Fusarium species are notoriously known for causing various plants and animal diseases and producing a number of harmful mycotoxins. The mycotoxins production by species recovered from non-agricultural hosts such as wild grasses have hitherto never been given attention. We examined 30 strains representing 12 Fusarium species i.e. F. oxysporum, F. solani, F. semitectum, F. nelsonii, F. compactum, F. equiseti, F. chlamydosporum, F. proliferatum, F. subglutinans, F. sacchari, F. lateritium and F. incarnatum-equiseti species complex isolated from wild grasses in Peninsular Malaysia for the production of four major mycotoxins i.e. moniliformin (MON), fumonisin B1 (FB1), zearalenone (ZEN) and beauvericin (BEA) using TLC and HPLC techniques. BEA was the highest frequency of mycotoxin detected, followed by MON, ZEN and FB1. This study also presented the first report of BEA production by F. solani, F. compactum and F. chlamydosporum. All mycotoxins were not produced by F. nelsonii and F. ...
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 2010

Forty isolates of Fusarium oxysporum were tested for their pathogenicity to roselle ( Hibiscus sa... more Forty isolates of Fusarium oxysporum were tested for their pathogenicity to roselle ( Hibiscus sabdariffa L. var. sabdariffa ) in a plant house. The most virulent isolate was later used in a disease complex experiment with a root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita . Disease severity of roselle seedlings inoculated with a combination of fungus and nematode was higher than those inoculated with either fungus or nematode individually. Seedlings that were inoculated with fungus two weeks after nematode inoculation showed the highest disease severity compared to that inoculated with nematode two weeks after fungal inoculation or that inoculated simultaneously with both pathogens. It seems that root infections by M. incognita increased the colonization of roselle by F. oxysporum and subsequently caused higher damage to the roselle seedlings. The high wilt incidence in the presence of M. incognita and F. oxysporum may be due to the synergistic relationship between these two pathogens.
![Research paper thumbnail of Characterization and intraspecific variation of Fusarium semitectum (Berkeley and Ravenel) associated with red-fleshed dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus [Weber] Britton and Rose) in Malaysia](
African Journal of Biotechnology, Jan 18, 2010
A total of 79 isolates of Fusarium semitectum were characterized by morphological and IGS-RFLP an... more A total of 79 isolates of Fusarium semitectum were characterized by morphological and IGS-RFLP analysis to assess its intraspecific variation. Based on morphological characteristics, the isolates of F. semitectum were classified into 2 distinct groups, morphotypes I and II. Morphotype I was characterized by longer macroconidia (3-septate: 31.03 ± 2.57 µm; 5-septate: 40.17 ± 1.85 µm), 0-7 septate with 5septate was the most common, absence of chlamydospores, presence of sporodochia, abundantfloccose mycelium, peach colony appearance, peach to orange pigmentations and fast growing. While isolates of morphotype II produced shorter macroconidia (3-septate: 24.98 ± 1.87 µm; 5-septate: 35.24 ± 2.07 µm), 0-5 septate with 3-septate was the most common, with (56%) or without chlamydospores (44%), without sporodochia, abundant-floccose and abundant-powdery mycelium, beige to brown colonies, brown to dark brown pigmentations and slow growing. Corresponding to the morphological characterization, IGS-RFLP analysis indicated that the 79 isolates could be divided into 2 different clusters assigned as RFLP groups I and II. 49 IGS haplotypes were produced by 8 restriction enzymes (AluI, Bsu15I, BsuRI, Eco881, Hin6I, MspI, PstI and TaqI) which indicated a high level of intraspecific variation and polymorphism among the 79 isolates. This is the first report of F. semitectum associated with H. polyrhizus.
Papers by Baharuddin Salleh