Papers by Olesea Bodean-Vozian
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Feb 8, 2023
This study aims to explore the state of remote interpretation during the COVID-19 pandemic (with ... more This study aims to explore the state of remote interpretation during the COVID-19 pandemic (with a focus on the pre-pandemic situation as well), including the lockdown, and to survey the best options that could benefit the translators now and, in the future, along with the development of technology. This evaluation of the past and present practices in terms of distance interpretation will provide us with more precise information regarding the prospect of online interpretation with the use of various platforms, including interpreters' resilience building. Our study emphasizes the case of the Republic of Moldova and will cover the period between 2020 and 2022.

Mūsų tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti postsovietinės politinės ir socialinės konfigūracijos sąlygotą... more Mūsų tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti postsovietinės politinės ir socialinės konfigūracijos sąlygotą naująjį mažumos ir daugumos santykių modelį kalbų politikos įgyvendinimo kontekste, panaudojant Gagaūzijos mažumos atvejo analizę. Taip pat siekiama išnagrinėti kalbų politikos įtaką socialinei sanglaudai šiame Moldovos autonominiame regione. Tyrime pateikti platesnės su Gagaūzijos mažuma susijusios studijos, apimančios kalbų vartojimo bei kalbinio ugdymo efektyvumo Moldovos Respublikoje analizę, rezultatai. Straipsnio autorės siekia, kad visuomenė daugiau sužinotų apie kalbų vartojimo bei kalbinio ugdymo situaciją Gagaūzijos autonomijoje, geriau suprastų Gagaūzijos gyventojų kalbinį pasirinkimą bei jų santykių su Moldovos dauguma sampratą. Pagrindiniai straipsnyje analizuojami klausimai: ar kalbų politika sustiprino ryšį tarp Moldovos etninės daugumos ir Gagaūzijos etninės mažumos, ar kalbų politika padarė teigiamą įtaką, siekiant socialinės sanglaudos ir vienijančios įvairovės princip...
Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova, 2013

Etudes Interdisciplinaires en Sciences humaines, 2016
Conceptualizarea evenimentelor de mişcare cauzată în engleză şi română Rezumat: Domeniul evenimen... more Conceptualizarea evenimentelor de mişcare cauzată în engleză şi română Rezumat: Domeniul evenimentelor de mișcare suscită continuu interesul lingviștilor. Prezentul studiu se axează pe unul din tipurile de evenimente, și anume evenimentele de mișcare cauzată și pe modul în care mișcarea cauzată este conceptualizată în engleză şi română, două limbi tipologic diferite, în interpretarea lui L. Talmy, care definește Cauza și Modul drept elementele externe, secundare ale unui eveniment de mișcare. În evenimentele de mișcare cauzată, Agentul realizează o acțiune ce provoacă translocarea în spațiu a Figurii de-a lungul unui Traseu, de la Sursă spre Țintă. Diferențele tipologice dintre limbi la conceptualizarea mișcării cauzate pot genera dificultăți de traducere. În baza confruntării exemplelor din romanul «Stăpânul Inelelor» de J.R.R. Tolkien cu traducerea lor în limba română, se face o clasificare a evenimentelor de mișcare cauzată, ce permite constatarea atât a anumitor regularităţi comune în codificarea acestor evenimente (spre exemplu, tendința de a reda cu precădere Ținta în defavoarea Sursei), cât şi a diferenţelor dintre aceste limbi, care au impact asupra modului în care noi cartografiem și traducem evenimentele de mișcare cauzată dintr-o limbă în alta.

Sustainable Multilingualism, 2015
Talmy's seminal work on motion events representation in languages that lead to significant typolo... more Talmy's seminal work on motion events representation in languages that lead to significant typological distinctions is primarily based on the differences in encoding (framing) of the Path, as one of the basic semantic components of such events, either in the V(erb stem) or in the S(atellite)-which accounts for the proposed typological language dichotomy V-framed (VLs) and S-framed languages (SLs). Although the above distinction is a very important one, having implication at the level of syntactic structure, crosslinguistic data indicate to some variations that further prompted researchers to question a clearcut binary typological opposition. Thus, more thorough data from Romance languages (besides Spanish, French and Italian) lead to reconsidering their status as VLs and rather considering them belonging to the third class of "split" languages (Talmy). The paper analyzes the place of Romanian in this typological classification, including through making observation on the Path representation in motion events in contrasted narrative texts translated from English (a SL) into Romanian. The hypothesis is that Romanian might claim a mixed typological status, eventually belonging to the class of "split" languages based on the assumption that, first, it is not so poor in manner of motion verbs (MmV) as it is presumably the case of VLs (see the alternative labels sometimes attached to SLs vs. VLs, respectively-manner-rich vs. manner-poor languages) and, second, it does not exclude the possibility of using complex Path (particularly boundary-crossing, which can serve as a test to determine the typological class of language) as satellite to a MmV (e.g. a țâșnit de după perdea 'rushed from behind the curtain', a lunecat de pe acoperiș 'slipped from (on) the roof'). In this respect, the nature of the second preposition is discussed.

Sustainable Multilingualism, 2014
The purpose of our research was to study the new pattern of minoritymajority relationship in the ... more The purpose of our research was to study the new pattern of minoritymajority relationship in the post-Soviet political and social configuration from the perspective of the language policy implementation and its implications for the social cohesion, particularly focusing on the Gagauz minority. The study introduces the results of a wider research covering the use of languages in the republic of moldova and the effectiveness of the language education, focusing on the Gagauz minority. The authors made an effort to reach a better understanding of language use and language education in the Gagauz Autonomy as well as of the linguistic choices the speakers make and their perception of the interaction with the moldovan majority. The major questions that the authors aim to analyse are as follows: has the language policy reinforced the ties between the ethnic majority and the Gagauz minority; has it contributed to social cohesion and the principle of unity through diversity? Through the research the authors attempted to answer these questions, examining the effectiveness of language policy application in line with the established objectives. The study has revealed the complexity of moldovan sociolinguistic landscape where functional distributions and choices among Gagauzi, russian and moldovan/romanian languages in Gagauz Autonomy still remain problematic.

The article examines the strategies applied in the translation of motion events from English into... more The article examines the strategies applied in the translation of motion events from English into Romanian, taking into account the typological differences between these two languages, in Talmy's terms, that is English expresses the manner of motion in the main verb and the path is encoded in elements called satellites, while Romanian encodes the motion and the path in the verb, leaving the manner of motion to subordinating constituents. For translators of narrative texts, these typological differences represent significant challenges, as it is demonstrated through the analysis of the material (the original text and the translation of The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien), given that they have to preserve the plasticity of the original in rendering the motion (implicitly, of the character), the fidelity of the created mental image and of the narrative's dynamics (determined by text extension). Therefore, we consider essential the exploration of the aesthetic dimension o...

There is typological variation in the way languages encode manner as an element of a motion event... more There is typological variation in the way languages encode manner as an element of a motion event. Languages like English view it as relevant, and the lexicalization of the variety of ways to move results in a rich class of motion verbs, contrary to other types of languages, like Romanian, which leave the manner element to be encoded by verbids or adverbs (for these reasons some linguists refer to the first type as manner-rich and second type as manner-poor languages ). Still, several studies contrasting typologically different languages showed that languages of the latter type are not so poor in manner-of-motion verbs. The question then might rather be: which manner components are more likely to be lexicalized? For research purposes, we distinguish manner in terms of objective elements (medium, speed or intensity) and subjective elements (attitude, intention). The aim of the study is to focus on the manner-of-motion verbs that embed an evaluative or qualitative dimension of motion ...

Talmy’s (1975, 1985, 1991, 2000) seminal work on motion events representation in languages that l... more Talmy’s (1975, 1985, 1991, 2000) seminal work on motion events representation in languages that led to significant typological distinctions is primarily based on the differences in encoding (framing) of the Path, as one of the basic semantic components of such events, either in the V(erb stem) or in the S(atellite) – which accounts for the proposed typological language dichotomy V-framed (VLs) and S-framed languages (SLs). Although the above distinction is a very important one, having implications at the level of syntactic structure, crosslinguistic data indicate to some variations that further prompted researchers to question a clear-cut binary typological opposition. Thus, more thorough data from Romance languages (in addition to Spanish, French and Italian) led to re-considering their status as VLs and rather considering them belonging to the third class of “split” languages (Talmy). The aim of the paper is to analyze the place of Romanian in this typological classification, thro...

In the last decades, an array of cross-linguistic research has been devoted to motion conceptuali... more In the last decades, an array of cross-linguistic research has been devoted to motion conceptualisation, Leonard Talmy’s seminal work in typology (1978, 1985, 1991, and 2000) having a great contribution to it. Talmy (1991) divided languages into verb-framed and satellite-framed, depending on how they express Path, the “core schema” of a motion event. The verb-framed languages tend to encode Path in the verb and the Manner in a gerund, adverb or omit it, while satellite-framed languages express Path of motion in a verb particle called satellite and the Manner of motion in the verb. This paper analyzes human locomotion as a sub-type of motion by comparing the ways English and Romanian conceptualise it, particularly focusing, first, on the Manner component, in terms of information granulation levels and, second, on the Path component, in terms of motion directionality conceptualization. MIȘCAREA UMANĂ: O ANALIZĂ CONTRASTIVĂ BAZATĂ PE TEXTELE NARATIVE ENGLEZE ȘI ROMÂNEȘTI In ultimele de...

Sustainable Multilingualism, ISSN 2335-2019, 2014
The purpose of our research was to study the new pattern of minority-majority relationship in the... more The purpose of our research was to study the new pattern of minority-majority relationship in the post-Soviet political and social configuration from the perspective of the language policy implementation and its implications for the social cohesion, particularly focusing on the Gagauz minority. The study introduces the results of wider research covering the use of languages in the Republic of Moldova and the effectiveness of language education, focusing on the Gagauz minority.
The authors made an effort to reach a better understanding of language use and language education in the Gagauz Autonomy as well as of the linguistic choices the speakers make and their perception of the interaction with the Moldovan majority. The major questions that the authors aim to analyse are as follows: has the language policy reinforced the ties between the ethnic majority and the Gagauz minority; has it contributed to social cohesion and the principle of unity through diversity?
Through the research the authors attempted to answer these questions, examining the effectiveness of language policy application in line with the established objectives. The study has revealed the complexity of the Moldovan sociolinguistic landscape where functional distributions and choices among Gagauzi, Russian and Moldovan/Romanian languages in Gagauz Autonomy constantly feed debates.
Papers by Olesea Bodean-Vozian
The authors made an effort to reach a better understanding of language use and language education in the Gagauz Autonomy as well as of the linguistic choices the speakers make and their perception of the interaction with the Moldovan majority. The major questions that the authors aim to analyse are as follows: has the language policy reinforced the ties between the ethnic majority and the Gagauz minority; has it contributed to social cohesion and the principle of unity through diversity?
Through the research the authors attempted to answer these questions, examining the effectiveness of language policy application in line with the established objectives. The study has revealed the complexity of the Moldovan sociolinguistic landscape where functional distributions and choices among Gagauzi, Russian and Moldovan/Romanian languages in Gagauz Autonomy constantly feed debates.
The authors made an effort to reach a better understanding of language use and language education in the Gagauz Autonomy as well as of the linguistic choices the speakers make and their perception of the interaction with the Moldovan majority. The major questions that the authors aim to analyse are as follows: has the language policy reinforced the ties between the ethnic majority and the Gagauz minority; has it contributed to social cohesion and the principle of unity through diversity?
Through the research the authors attempted to answer these questions, examining the effectiveness of language policy application in line with the established objectives. The study has revealed the complexity of the Moldovan sociolinguistic landscape where functional distributions and choices among Gagauzi, Russian and Moldovan/Romanian languages in Gagauz Autonomy constantly feed debates.