Papers by Galina Plesca (Ciudin)
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Nov 1, 2007
This paper is an attempt to study the possibilities of word order in phrasal verbs in the English... more This paper is an attempt to study the possibilities of word order in phrasal verbs in the English language.

Articolul prezintă un studiu al limbajului stiinţific ca subsistem al limbajului literar, scopul ... more Articolul prezintă un studiu al limbajului stiinţific ca subsistem al limbajului literar, scopul căruia este de a identifica caracteristicile generale ale acestuia. Limbajul stiinţific se adresează raţiunii si logicii, raţionamentul fiind caracteristica sa de bază, iar funcţia sa de a transmite informaţii stiinţifice, utilizate pe baza unor raţionamente logice si deductive, este una dominantă si serveste in scopul informării si educării – piloni de bază ai oricărui text stiinţific. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SCIENTIFIC LANGUAGE The article deals with the study of the scientific language as a literary language subsystem, the aim of which is to identify its general characteristics. The scientific language addresses the reason and logic, reasoning being its basic characteristic feature and its function of rendering scientific and utilitarian information based on logical and deductive reasoning is the dominant one and serves the purpose of informing and educating, basic pillars of ...

Noi tendinţe în predarea limbajelor de specialitate în contextul racordării învăţământului superior la cerinţele pieţii muncii, 2017
Subiectul prezentei lucrări se axează pe analiza de nevoi ca punct de plecare la elaborea unui cu... more Subiectul prezentei lucrări se axează pe analiza de nevoi ca punct de plecare la elaborea unui curs ESP. Fiind un instrument de cercetare, ea determină aspectele care cer o îmbunătăţire a performanţei, iar realizarea unei analize de nevoi riguroase şi concludente, conduce la facilitarea dezvoltării unor competenţe generale şi specifice în funcţie de nevoile individuale de formare ale viitorilor specialişti. Etapele cheie ale analizei de nevoi se manifestă în primul rând, prin identificarea necesităţilor lingvistice reale ale studenţilor, determinarea instrumentelor de colectare a datelor şi desigur evaluarea prin sintetizarea informaţiilor obţinute, dezvăluind astfel aspectele care necesită îmbunătăţire şi oferind un cadru, mai mult sa mai puţin deplin, al capacităţilor şi competenţelor necesare pentru viitor. Cuvinte-cheie: analiză de nevoi, chestionar, curs specializat, dezvoltare curiculară, ESP, evaluare
Conferinţa ştiinţifică naţională cu participare internaţională ‚‚INTEGRARE PRIN CERCETARE ŞI INOVARE’’, 2019

Noi tendințe în predarea limbajelor de specialitate în contextul racordării învățământului superior la cerințele pieții muncii, Ediția a III-a, 2018
The multidimensional character of text has generated an increased interest among linguists over t... more The multidimensional character of text has generated an increased interest among linguists over the last decades. Text and textology have become important research directions and as a result, today we have text linguistics, another branch of general linguistics. Despite this, the multitude of contradictory opinions on text and textuality gives rise, in its turn, to yet another branch of text linguistics and exactly to text typology (classification). The present study, therefore, aims at investigating and presenting the existing criteria for text classification as well as the varied terminology used by various specialists in the field, such as Adam J. M., Biber D., Trosborg A., Werlich E., Hatim B. and Mason I., de Beaugrande D. and Dressler W., etc
Epoca marilor deschideri: Rolul limbilor și al literaturilor în societatea pluralistă, 2015
The translation of computer terminology represents a particular interest both for translators and... more The translation of computer terminology represents a particular interest both for translators and computer experts not only from the standpoint of the translation difficulties these terms create, but also because of the utility of possessing certain equivalents in the target language. Determining the appropriate translation strategies comes as a necessity to standardize computer terminology translation with the aim of eliminating ambiguities and different interpretations. The utility of these equivalents is huge not mentioning such factors as time saving and of course not less important - semantic accuracy.

Inspiring Professional Excellence in Teaching Languages, 2018
The development of science and technology has obviously led to the development of translation in ... more The development of science and technology has obviously led to the development of translation in these areas. The translation of technical documentation, user manuals, product catalogues, and even of tutorials has become an essential element in maintaining business contacts between foreign companies, concluding collaborative agreements and in their international activity. Therefore, the aim of this paper focuses on studying this type of specialized translation and on identifying the difficulties and challenges that the translator encounters, as a rule, in the process of translation. Translation as a process is, in fact, a linguistic activity that involves the creation of a new text in the target language and which according to Bell, must preserve the style and content of the original text, i.e. of the text from the source language [1, p.30]. As far as the technical-scientific translation is concerned, it is important to render correctly the linguistic material because errors can cause difficulties in working with documents or equipment. Thus, the translator’s main task is to reproduce exactly the way the information is transmitted in the original, drawing attention to the technical nuances, so that, the translated text could have eventually the same function as the original text and could instrumentally contribute to the technical-scientific field as a whole. The quality of translation, in this sense, is determined by the accuracy of the translated text and it proves that the translator has efficiently used the proper linguistic and specialist knowledge, terminology and the characteristics of scientific and technical documentation in accordance with all the requirements of scientific and technical translation

Perspectives in Humanities and Social Sciences: Hinting at Interdisciplinarity 4th edition: Revolutions. The Archeology of Change, 2018
In the 21 st century, English for Specific Purposes has become an important subject matter discus... more In the 21 st century, English for Specific Purposes has become an important subject matter discussed in nearly every corner of the world. It has grown and spread with an incredible speed. Since its appearance in the 1960s, ESP has conquered many territories and has achieved an important role in higher education as well. However, what led to the appearance and the amazing growth of ESP? According to Hutchinson & Waters (1987), there are three main reasons for the emergence of ESP: the demands of a brave new world, a revolution in linguistics and the focus on the learner. Thus, the present paper concentrates on the challenges and changes ESP has undergone throughout its history. The demands for English to suit specific needs of a profession became the cornerstone of ESP. More and more attention was paid to discovering the ways in which language was used in real communication and this fact shaped five phases of ESP evolution, each of them being characterized by certain changes. The stage of register analysis, the aim of which is to focus on language at the sentence level, was followed by the stage of rhetorical or discourse analysis, the aim of which was to understand how sentences were combined into discourse to produce meaning. Then, target situation analysis brought about the needs analysis and continued with genre analysis emphasizing the interpretative strategies. The fifth stage, learning-centered approach, gave birth to CLIL – a dual-focused approach in which the foreign language is used for learning and teaching both content and language.
Keywords: ESP, register analysis, rhetorical or discourse analysis, needs analysis, genre analysis, learning-centered approach, CLIL

New Trends in Teaching Market-Oriented Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes in Higher Education, 2nd Edition, pp. 174-179 Noi tendințe în predarea limbajelor de specialitate în contextul racordării învățământului superior la cerințele pieții muncii, Ediția a II-a, pp. 174-179, Jun 2017
Subiectul prezentei lucrări se axează pe analiza de nevoi ca punct de plecare la elaborea unui cu... more Subiectul prezentei lucrări se axează pe analiza de nevoi ca punct de plecare la elaborea unui curs ESP. Fiind un instrument de cercetare, ea determină aspectele care cer o îmbunătăţire a performanţei, iar realizarea unei analize de nevoi riguroase şi concludente, conduce la facilitarea dezvoltării unor competenţe generale şi specifice în funcţie de nevoile individuale de formare ale viitorilor specialişti. Etapele cheie ale analizei de nevoi se manifestă în primul rând, prin identificarea necesităţilor lingvistice reale ale studenţilor, determinarea instrumentelor de colectare a datelor şi desigur evaluarea prin sintetizarea informaţiilor obţinute, dezvăluind astfel aspectele care necesită îmbunătăţire şi oferind un cadru, mai mult sa mai puţin deplin, al capacităţilor şi competenţelor necesare pentru viitor.
Cuvinte-cheie: analiză de nevoi, chestionar, curs specializat, dezvoltare curiculară, ESP, evaluare
This paper is an attempt to study the possibilities of word order in phrasal verbs in the English... more This paper is an attempt to study the possibilities of word order in phrasal verbs in the English language.

Conferința științifică internațională, Perspectivele și Problemele Integrării în Spațiul European al Cercetării și Educației, Vol II
The present paper is an attempt to understand the essence of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) ... more The present paper is an attempt to understand the essence of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) by studying various language specialists’ efforts to define it, tracing its evolution and presenting its distinctive characteristics. Being a branch of English Language Teaching (ELT), its focus is narrower than that of EGP (English for General Purposes) and in contrast to EGP, ESP is determined by specific learning needs of the language learner. Although, there have been contradictions as to what ESP is, Hutchinson and Waters improved absolute and variable characteristics helped significantly in resolving arguments about what is ESP. Thus, ESP refers to the teaching and learning of English where the aim of the learners is to use English in a particular academic, professional or occupational domain, focusing on learners’ special needs.
Key-words: ESP, EGP, special needs, absolute characteristics, variable characteristics

New Trends in Teaching Market-Oriented Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes in Higher Education, 1st Edition, Noi tendințe în predarea limbajelor de specialitate în contextul racordării învățământului superior la cerințele pieții muncii, Ed I, pp. 213-218, May 2016
Elaborarea unui curs ESP implică determinarea unor scopuri şi obiective corespunzătoare. Aceasta ... more Elaborarea unui curs ESP implică determinarea unor scopuri şi obiective corespunzătoare. Aceasta presupune formularea scopurilor în aşa fel încât ele să fie realizabile iar obiectivele măsurabile. La elaborarea cursului ESP trebuie să se pornească de la analiza necesităţilor specifice ale cursanţilor, ca mai apoi în baza acestor necesităţi să se identifice scopurile şi obiectivele cursului. Această lucrare este o încercare de a arăta diferenţa dintre scopuri şi obiective pe de o parte, şi relaţia de cauză şi efect pe de altă parte. Aflându-se într-o relaţie ierarhică, scopurile sunt mai generale pe când obiectivele sunt mai specifice. În aşa fel, fiecărui scop îi va reveni câteva obiective măsurabile care-l va ajuta să se realizeze.

Articolul prezintă un studiu al limbajului ştiinţific ca subsistem al limbajului literar, scopul ... more Articolul prezintă un studiu al limbajului ştiinţific ca subsistem al limbajului literar, scopul căruia este de a identifica caracteristicile generale ale acestuia. Limbajul ştiinţific se adresează raţiunii şi logicii, raţionamentul fiind caracteristica sa de bază, iar funcţia sa de a transmite informaţii ştiinţifice, utilizate pe baza unor raţionamente logice şi deductive, este una dominantă şi serveşte în scopul informării şi educării – piloni de bază ai oricărui text ştiinţific.
Cuvinte-cheie: stil, stil funcţional, limbaj, limbaj ştiinţific, calităţi, caracteristici, termeni, neologisme, obiectivitate, accesibilitate.
The article deals with the study of the scientific language as a literary language subsystem, the aim of which is to identify its general characteristics. The scientific language addresses the reason and logic, reasoning being its basic characteristic feature and its function of rendering scientific and utilitarian information based on logical and deductive reasoning is the dominant one and serves the purpose of informing and educating, basic pillars of any scientific text.
Keywords: style, functional style, language, scientific language, qualities, characteristics, terms, neologisms, objectivity, accessibility.

Materialele simpozionului științific cu participare internațională, May 19, 2017
The interest in specialized languages has greatly increased recently and the term... more The interest in specialized languages has greatly increased recently and the term ‘specialized languages’ has achieved a considerable importance in the domain of applied linguistics. Therefore, taking into account that specialized languages are defined as communication within a particular professional activity or communication within a domain of specific knowledge, it can be stated that a special language is a code used by a relatively narrow group of speakers who aim at ensuring a less ambiguous communication for both the receiver of the specialized message and the set purpose: either we refer to the scientific discourse or the disclosure of the specific knowledge information.
Key - words: specialized language, specialized vocabulary, common language, particularities, referential function, knowledge domain, language qualites.
Papers by Galina Plesca (Ciudin)
Keywords: ESP, register analysis, rhetorical or discourse analysis, needs analysis, genre analysis, learning-centered approach, CLIL
Cuvinte-cheie: analiză de nevoi, chestionar, curs specializat, dezvoltare curiculară, ESP, evaluare
Key-words: ESP, EGP, special needs, absolute characteristics, variable characteristics
Cuvinte-cheie: stil, stil funcţional, limbaj, limbaj ştiinţific, calităţi, caracteristici, termeni, neologisme, obiectivitate, accesibilitate.
The article deals with the study of the scientific language as a literary language subsystem, the aim of which is to identify its general characteristics. The scientific language addresses the reason and logic, reasoning being its basic characteristic feature and its function of rendering scientific and utilitarian information based on logical and deductive reasoning is the dominant one and serves the purpose of informing and educating, basic pillars of any scientific text.
Keywords: style, functional style, language, scientific language, qualities, characteristics, terms, neologisms, objectivity, accessibility.
Key - words: specialized language, specialized vocabulary, common language, particularities, referential function, knowledge domain, language qualites.
Keywords: ESP, register analysis, rhetorical or discourse analysis, needs analysis, genre analysis, learning-centered approach, CLIL
Cuvinte-cheie: analiză de nevoi, chestionar, curs specializat, dezvoltare curiculară, ESP, evaluare
Key-words: ESP, EGP, special needs, absolute characteristics, variable characteristics
Cuvinte-cheie: stil, stil funcţional, limbaj, limbaj ştiinţific, calităţi, caracteristici, termeni, neologisme, obiectivitate, accesibilitate.
The article deals with the study of the scientific language as a literary language subsystem, the aim of which is to identify its general characteristics. The scientific language addresses the reason and logic, reasoning being its basic characteristic feature and its function of rendering scientific and utilitarian information based on logical and deductive reasoning is the dominant one and serves the purpose of informing and educating, basic pillars of any scientific text.
Keywords: style, functional style, language, scientific language, qualities, characteristics, terms, neologisms, objectivity, accessibility.
Key - words: specialized language, specialized vocabulary, common language, particularities, referential function, knowledge domain, language qualites.