State University of Moldova
Foreign Languages and Literature
The main topic touched upon is the structural and semantic peculiarities of water terminology in English and Romanian. We elaborate a theoretical and practical support of structural and semantic peculiarities of water terminology in... more
Translation is only adequate if it renders the communicative intent of the sender at the highest possible level of equivalence without breaking the norm and use of the target language. That means cultural as well as personal peculiarities... more
Teoria jocurilor are o reputaţie sinistră, în special în cadrul ştiinţelor umaniste. Ea studiază luarea deciziilor raţionale, urmările cărora depind de comportamentul altor actori implicaţi. Ipoteza, pe care dorim să o lansăm aici este... more
Translation of oral or written discourse is a strategic game that aims to render the content of a message in source language using means available in target language making sure that the effect on the receiver of translation is the same... more
The article discusses application of game theory to the study of language interaction and specifically to the study of translation. The terms that denote game and play in different languages are presented, as well as a number of... more
The main topic touched upon is the structural and semantic peculiarities of water terminology in English and Romanian. We elaborate a theoretical and practical support of structural and semantic peculiarities of water terminology in... more
In den letzten Jahren das Studium der Übersetzung hat eine beträchtliche Verlagerung des Interesses von präskriptiven und eher anekdotischen Einstellungen, hin zu mehr beschreibend, wissenschaftliche Positionen durchlaufen. Eine der... more
In the last decades, an array of cross-linguistic research has been devoted to motion conceptualisation, Leonard Talmy’s seminal work in typology (1978, 1985, 1991, and 2000) having a great contribution to it. Talmy (1991) divided... more
Talmy’s (1975, 1985, 1991, 2000) seminal work on motion events representation in languages that led to significant typological distinctions is primarily based on the differences in encoding (framing) of the Path, as one of the basic... more
There is typological variation in the way languages encode manner as an element of a motion event. Languages like English view it as relevant, and the lexicalization of the variety of ways to move results in a rich class of motion verbs,... more
The article examines the strategies applied in the translation of motion events from English into Romanian, taking into account the typological differences between these two languages, in Talmy's terms, that is English expresses the... more
The purpose of our research was to study the new pattern of minoritymajority relationship in the post-Soviet political and social configuration from the perspective of the language policy implementation and its implications for the social... more