Papers by Kirembwe Rashid Abdul Hamed

Ulum Islamiyyah USIM, Dec 1, 2011
This article aims to evaluate the recent empirical studies on the Arabic language. The problem ad... more This article aims to evaluate the recent empirical studies on the Arabic language. The problem addressed here is the Phenomenon that big number of practical Arabic studies do not yield consistent findings. The implied question is “What are Common Weak Points in Arabic Practical Studies and What Should be Done for Correction?” This article is evaluative using the method of “met analysis”. It is based on the idea that proper application of empirical research procedures yields consistent information in Arabic. It critically reviews several recent empirical research carried out on the Arabic language. The major focuses on the weaknesses and strong points of the studies in question. The analysis of the studies involved methods, procedures, and findings. Then the article draws an overall conclusion on the reviewed studies. The results of this evaluation show that there is little empirical research on the Arabic language that yields reliable findings. Some results of Arabic studies do not show significant effects and other findings are not reliable. There are still too few studies to support meaningful conclusions on Arabic language acquisition. Some studies reported findings with methodological loopholes and many researchers of the Arabic language do not control extraneous variables that influence their findings. Hence, there have always been unanswered questions about the influence of unstructured language aspects in their findings. Further questions exist about the influence of research methods on unstructured language aspects in general. Implications and general remarks are provided and based on remarkable issues about methods, procedures, and findings.
Al-Azkiyaa - Jurnal Antarabangsa Bahasa dan Pendidikan
This study investigated the relationship between Arabic reading skills (ARS) and Arabic verbal ex... more This study investigated the relationship between Arabic reading skills (ARS) and Arabic verbal expression (AVE) for third-year students of a tertiary institution in Malaysia. The study employed a descriptive approach, using a set of questionnaires, with a random sample of n=42. The descriptive findings yielded a high level of students’ (ARS) as well as (AVE). The correlational analyses yielded a significant relationship between (ARS) and (AVE) levels for the population at (r, Sig. 2, n= 42). An (r) (H0) was rejected. An (r) (Ha) suggested that the more the engagement in (ARS) the better the levels of achievements in (AVE).
Al-Azkiyaa–International Journal of Language and Education| Vol. 2, Issue 1, April2023, 2023
This study investigated the relationship between Arabic reading skills (ARS) and Arabic verbal ex... more This study investigated the relationship between Arabic reading skills (ARS) and Arabic verbal expression (AVE) for third-year students of a tertiary institution in Malaysia. The study employed a descriptive approach, using a set of questionnaires, with a random sample of n=42. The descriptive findings yielded a high level of students' (ARS) as well as (AVE). The correlational analyses yielded a significant relationship between (ARS) and (AVE) levels for the population at (r, Sig. 2, n= 42). An (r) (H0) was rejected. An (r) (Ha) suggested that the more the engagement in (ARS) the better the levels of achievements in (AVE).

Penerbit USIM Press, 2023
This research investigated Arabic needs for Ugandan-adults muallaf UAM using the first phase of A... more This research investigated Arabic needs for Ugandan-adults muallaf UAM using the first phase of ADDIE; (analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate) in favor of developing the elementary Arabic learning module EALM for UAM. This research marked the Step (One) out of ADDIE (Five) steps of academic module development. It was meant to explore Arabic learning needs for UAM in order to identify the major aspects for the proposed EALM development. The study used a descriptive method with purposive UAM sample sized (n=40). The valid and reliable quesstionnaire of 5 Likert scales was used and the total reliability coefficient of which was (r)=.984 for 128 items. The major results showed that UAM needed Arabic language for nine basic purposes including religious, social, communication, education, business, self satisfaction, diplomatic, security and legal purposes. The general implication of findings confirmed that UAM Arabic weakness was a reflection of weaknesses in their Arabic curriculum. The researchers recommended to consider thise finding in the process of building EALM for UAM with samples of lessons using elementary Arabic grammar EAG, morphology and common arabic vocabularies CAV.

This case study was conducted on the needs of Arabic writing skills AWS for Ugandan Adults Learne... more This case study was conducted on the needs of Arabic writing skills AWS for Ugandan Adults Learners UAL using the descriptive analytical method where the sample sized (n=40) was used. The researchers sought to answer, among others, a major research question about how important the AWS from UAL viewpoint are. It attempted to identify the signicancy of AWS from UAL viewpoint so that the researcher could engage more relevant design of Arabic writing sub- skills' content alternatives for elementary Arabic learning course EALC. The valid and reliable questionnaire namely, “The Elementary Arabic Learning Analysis Scales EALAS for UAL” with 5 Likert scales was used. On one hand, the descriptive ndings assert that UAL ratings for AWS interests are signicantly high. On another hand, the correlational ndings yielded by this survey indicate that the natural relationships among AWS are signicant. They also indicate that there is a positive natural relationship among AWS irrespective of...

SAIS 2022 Seminar Antarabangsa Islam dan Sains 2022, Secretariat SAIS 2022, Persatuan Kakitangan Akademik USIM (PKAUSIM), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), 2022
This paper aims at analyzing the mechanisms of designing Arabic linguistic content (ALC) for Ugan... more This paper aims at analyzing the mechanisms of designing Arabic linguistic content (ALC) for Ugandan adult beginners (UAB). The paper is descriptive and analytical in nature. It describes the conventional design of ALC proceeded by the detailed functional analyses for UAB. The focus is centered on two major ALC design components: ALC linguistic design and ALC technical design. On one hand, the paper analyses the two major aims of ALC linguistic design including the deliberate selection of lexical content, grammatical and morphological rules. On another hand, the paper analyses the three Major Aims of ALC technical design including: deciding on ALC format, developing ALC instructional strategy and developing ALC evaluation strategies. The analysis of ALC development format involves the guide to expand ALC synonyms and antonyms using Arabic derivative morphology ADM. The format design also involves planning the best modes of how to impart the ALC knowledge to UAB audience. Whereas the analysis of ALC instructional strategy development touched ALC theoretical models, ALC instructional framework, and ALC instructional activities. Finally, the paper analyses the ALC evaluation strategies which includes designing ALC learning outcomes, teaching and learning experiences as well as ALC assessment strategies. Such a carefully constructed ALC design is recommendable for the related ALC curriculum and instructional design, researches and experiments in favor of UAB.

This case study was conducted on the needs of Arabic writing skills AWS for Ugandan Adults Learne... more This case study was conducted on the needs of Arabic writing skills AWS for Ugandan Adults Learners UAL using the descriptive analytical method where the sample sized (n=40) was used. The researchers sought to answer, among others, a major research question about how important the AWS from UAL viewpoint are. It attempted to identify the signicancy of AWS from UAL viewpoint so that the researcher could engage more relevant design of Arabic writing sub-skills' content alternatives for elementary Arabic learning course EALC. The valid and reliable questionnaire namely, "The Elementary Arabic Learning Analysis Scales EALAS for UAL" with 5 Likert scales was used. On one hand, the descriptive ndings assert that UAL ratings for AWS interests are signicantly high. On another hand, the correlational ndings yielded by this survey indicate that the natural relationships among AWS are signicant. They also indicate that there is a positive natural relationship among AWS irrespective of any instructional condition. This is clear manifesto that justied the feasibility of structuring EALC for UAL in which the samples of lessons are presented using AWS.

PhD Dissertations; University Putra Malaysia (UPM) 1 (2), 2004
Penyelidikan eksperimen ini mengkaji masalah yang dihadapi di kalangan pelajar bahasa Arab sebaga... more Penyelidikan eksperimen ini mengkaji masalah yang dihadapi di kalangan pelajar bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa kedua di sekolah menengah Malaysia dalam mengaplikasi peraturan penulisan bahasa Arab dalam tugasan mereka. Masalah ini berdasarkan faktor yang unik dalam kemahiran menulis bahasa Arab dan penggunaan yang tidak bersistem tentang kemahiran penulisan akademik umum yang telah menghasilkan skor yang rendah dalam kertas bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa kedua. Kajian ini juga menentukan hubungan antara kemahiran sosial pelajar dan pencapaian mereka dalam kertas penulisan bahasa Arab bagi membentukkan keberkesanan kaedah pembelajaran tersebut. Kajian ini membezakan keberkesanan kaedah pembelajaran Bacaan Bersepadu Secara Kerjasama dan Pengajaran Karangan dengan Pengajaran Tumpuan Guru. Reka Bentuk Empat Kumpulan Berawak Solomon telah digunakan sebagai asas eksperimen ini. Keputusan kajian ini menunjukkan perbezaan yang signifikan ke atas skor min kemahiran menulis bahasa Arab µ1 - µ2 = 4.26, t (151) = 2.872, p < .05; SD = 0.26 at α2. Tiada satu pun hasil hubungan antara skor min kemahiran sosial pelajar dan pencapaian mereka dalam kertas penulisan bahasa Arab didapati signifikan. Walaubagaimana pun, hasil kajian menunjukkan secara keseluruhannya terdapat hubungan korelasi yang signifikan r = .71 antara pencapaian penulisan bahasa Arab dan kemahiran sosial pelajar. Perbincangan memberi fokus ke atas aplikasi dapatan kajian ini. Perakuan yang dikemukakan berdasarkan hasil kajian.

مجلة العلوم التربوية. مج. 18، ع. خاص، مج. 1، 2010, 2010
This article aims to providing scientific guidelines for the management of Arabic as a second lan... more This article aims to providing scientific guidelines for the management of Arabic as a second languagearts at elementary levels. It provides samples of analyses based upon recent literature on Arabic as a second language-arts as well as providing models for evaluation of applied Arabic as a second language. The researchers comment on each of the selected literature in terms of content and results. They also provide scientific suggestions phenomenon based on the selected literature for the benefit of the teaching of Arabic as a second language-arts at elementary levels. The problem of this project is that some of the results reported on elementary Arabic language-arts do not show significant effects, few of these studies lead to a meaningful conclusions on Arabic language-arts. Most of previous studies reported questionable findings on Arabic language-arts. They did not observe the influence of external variables in their selected contents of the Arabic language-arts. Therefore, there are un answered questions on their selected content of the Arabic language-arts. Therefore, the present researchers provide scientific

al-Qanatir: International Journal of Islamic Studies, May 17, 2018
This qualitative research discusses the verbal interaction in the teaching process in basic educa... more This qualitative research discusses the verbal interaction in the teaching process in basic education schools, in view of the teachers’ interaction with the students, and its impact on the educational outcome. To achieve that, a sample of (8) teachers of various disciplines and (560) students were selected from; Imam Ahmad bin Said School in Al Batinah Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman. The researcher used the Flanders tool to analyze the verbal interaction between the teacher and the students at the classroom; as a classroom observation tool, noting the methods used by the teacher in class. Through the Flanders tool the teacher and pupils’ behavior is monitored, so that the supervisor records this by monitoring for every type of behavior performed in front of him. Thus, all the verbal interaction that took place are observed. By analyzing this recording; the supervisor and the teachers will have real perception of the verbal interaction in the classroom. The findings revealed that the pattern of verbal interaction is at low level of discovery and inquiry by the students. A number of recommendations were made, including the use of educational strategies based on discovery, investigation and collaborative learning.Keywords: Verbal interaction, flanders, teaching.ملخص البحث يناقش هذا البحث النوعي التفاعل اللفظي في عملية التدريس بمدارس التعليم الأساس، نظرا لأهمية هذا البعد في تفاعل المعلم مع طلابه، وأثره في المردود التعليمي لديهم. ولتحقيق أهداف هذا الموضوع، تم اختيار عينة عدد (8) من معلمي مواد مختلفة وطلابهم البالغ عددهم ( 560 ) طالب من مدرسة الإمام أحمد بن سعيد بمحافظة الباطنة شمال في سلطنة عمان. استخدم الباحث أداة (فلاندرز) لتحليل التفاعل اللفظي بين المعلم والطلاب في الصف؛ كإحدى أدوات الملاحظة الصفية، حيث تلاحظ الوسائل التي يستخدمها المعلم في الصف. ويقوم العمل بأداة فلاندرز من خلال رصد سلوك المعلم والتلاميذ؛ بحيث يقوم المشرف بتسجيل ذلك من خلال رصد نوع السلوك الذي يجري أمامه كل ثلاث ثواني أو كلما تغير السلوك. وبهذا يرصد كل التفاعل اللفظي الذي وقع بين المعلم وتلاميذه. وبتحليل نتائج ذلك التسجيل يكون لدى المشرف والمعلم تصور عن وضع التفاعل اللفظي في الفصل. أظهرت النتائج ان نمط التفاعل اللفظي مستوى منخفض من الاكتشاف والاستقصاء بواسطة الطالب يظهر بشكل أكبر، وقد حدد البحث عدد من التوصيات منها استخدام استراتيجيات تعليمية تقوم على الاكتشاف والاستقصاء والتعلم التعاوني. الكلمات المفتاحية: التفاعل اللفظي، فلاندرز، التدريس

The purpose of this paper is to introduce the feasibility of Encyclopedia of Luganda-Arabic Wordl... more The purpose of this paper is to introduce the feasibility of Encyclopedia of Luganda-Arabic Wordlist as an integral part of his Luganda research project. The paper focuses on Arabic and Luganda combination at lexical and morphological level. The major problem investigated here is that Luganda language suffers from unlimited morphological structures inherent in Luganda Language morphology itself that hinders practical control of Luganda word meanings. The author observes that most of Luganda lexical concepts are limited to traditional expressions other than scientific and uptodate concepts. Thus, Luganda activities can hardly reach modern concepts’ expression. This problem is manifested in then phenomenon that Ugandan users of Arabic as a second language in Uganda find difficulties in acquiring Arabic vocabularies. They suffer from inadequate fluency during their expressions in Arabic language. They also tend to hesitate during their oral and written Luganda-Arabic translations; Most of their translations can hardly get acceptable lexical equivalence. In the author’s opinion that the application of Arabic morphological principles with Luganda wordlist does not only standardize Luganda lexical application but it also expands it to wider intellectual perspectives. This phenomena lead to the need for creation of an Encyclopedia of Luganda Arabic Wordlist not only for academic and communication purposes but also for Luganda Arabic Language-art developments so that Luganda language-arts are not only up-to-date but they are all round active and systemically comparable with the rest of world major languages. Thus, the recovery and maintenance of Luganda language and culture is assured. The author observes though a combination of pre-excremental methods; such as explorative surveys, descriptive and analytical methods, that Luganda wordlist does not only suffer from inactivity of some language-arts but also from the death of some vocabularies. Although some of these vocabularies are in the Luganda dictionaries, they hardly get users’ attention; they lack an up-to-date morphological activities. Here comes the role of English Language in the proposed “Encyclopedia of Luganda Arabic Wordlist” as moderator between Luganda and Arabic words, so as to clarify Luganda words prior to their attribution to their equivalents in Arabic language dictionaries. The above discussion leads to the possible investigation in determining the possibility of expanding Luganda lexical application to the global levels by use of Arabic morphology system. Moreover, the study also describes the roles of vocabularies that exist in Luganda language with Arabic origin on the assimilation of Arabic culture in eastern Africa in general and in Uganda in particular.

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
Achievement motivation is a very important element in students' academic success . This is especi... more Achievement motivation is a very important element in students' academic success . This is especially true at the postgraduate level when students are expected to work independently on research projects. The purpose of the present research was to examine how psychological well-being, social adjustment and social responsibility predicted achievement motivation among Arab postgraduate students in Malaysia. The sample consisted of (137) Arab students currently pursuing their postgraduate studies in Malaysia: (59 Syrians, 32 Yemeni, and 46 Libyans). Data were collected using the Achievement Motivation test (Smith, 2018), Ryff's psychological well-being test (1989), Social adjustment test (Bell, 1934) and the Social Responsibility Test . Multiple Regression Analysis and ANOVA were used to analyse the data. Results showed that psychological well-being, social adjustment and social responsibility were significant predictors of achievement motivation among Arab postgraduate students. Furthermore, social responsibility was the most significant predictor of achievement motivation among Arab postgraduate students. The study also showed that there were differences in psychological well-being, social adjustment, social responsibility and achievement motivation among Syrian, Yemeni and Libyan students. These findings have a special significance as they show the possible contribution of these variables to the achievement motivation of Arab students in the diaspora. This will inform future studies about this population.

The purpose of this article is to report a quasi-experimental research on Arabic writing skills A... more The purpose of this article is to report a quasi-experimental research on Arabic writing skills AWS for the trainee teachers. The effect of complementary approach CA on achievements of AWS for grade one Arabic as a Second Language students was investigated. The null hypothesis (Ho); there is no signicant difference at 0.05 between students' achievements in the experimental cluster and students' achievements in the control cluster when CA is used to teach AWS was tested. The Randomized Solomon Four Group Design n=100 was used. Different statistical measures were applied to analyze the data including averages, standard deviations, degrees of freedom and independent t-tests. The ndings yielded the rejection of the null hypothesis (Ho) of no signicant difference between clusters' means when CA is used to teach AWS for the sample in question at: 1-2 =19.04, t=5.223, df (48)=.000, α2, p .05 and integrated speaking and report writing: 1-2 =40.44, t=7.823, df (48)=.000, α2, p

This pilot research analyses the translation quality constructs that deem necessary for both sour... more This pilot research analyses the translation quality constructs that deem necessary for both source text ST and target text TT. The researchers’ experiences in translation research and practice revealed that basically, there are five constructs of translation quality analysis which can always correlate with TT regardless of differences in translation models or theoretical backgrounds used. The Five Constructs for Translation Quality Analysis (FCTQA) include: translator, source text ST, ST initiator, translation process and linguistic characteristics. Thus, this pilot study was directed to develop basic translation quality constructs for reliable translation products’ analyses. Hence, the research was designed to answer five scientific questions about both the validity and reliability of (FCTQA) in question. This study used purposive sampling techniques and a questionnaire for the process of internal consistency data collection which included the sample of professional translators in...
International Journal of Asian Social Science
Contribution/ Originality: This study contributes to existing literature by identifying five majo... more Contribution/ Originality: This study contributes to existing literature by identifying five major components of Islamic tourism that should be considered in developing the Islamic tourism industry in Malaysia.

Global Journal Al Thaqafah, 2014
Kajian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis sikap dan motivasi pelajar IPT di Malaysia terhadap modul... more Kajian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis sikap dan motivasi pelajar IPT di Malaysia terhadap modul pengajaran Bahasa Arab Pelancongan. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 126 pelajar di tiga IPT iaitu USIM, UiTM dan KUIS yang menawarkan subjek Bahasa Arab Pelancongan. Mereka terdiri daripada 30 pelajar lelaki dan 96 pelajar perempuan. Kajian ini mendapati peratusan tahap sikap dan motivasi terhadap modul pengajaran Bahasa Arab Pelancongan adalah tinggi dengan peratusan sebanyak hampir 90%. Responden juga mempunyai persetujuan yang agak baik terhadap keberkesanan modul pengajaran Bahasa Arab Pelancongan dengan skor min = 3.63 dan sp. = 0.65. Lebih 85% responden bersetuju bahawa modul pengajaran Bahasa Arab Pelancongan dapat diaplikasi dalam bidang kerjaya di sektor pelancongan. Kebolehpercayaan instrumen pengukuran adalah tinggi dengan Cronbach Alpha bagi sikap dan motivasi terhadap modul pengajaran Bahasa Arab Pelancongan ialah 0.96.
ʻUlūm Islāmiyyah Journal, 2013
The purpose of'this study was to .find out the use of Arabic fbr Religious Purpose.s among studen... more The purpose of'this study was to .find out the use of Arabic fbr Religious Purpose.s among students in the .4rahir Language and Communication program at the Islamic Science Univer~itl)~ of Malaysia (USIM). This stud?, was condztcted among 150 second and third year students in the Arabic Language and Communication program. The re.su1t.s sho\zl the signzficancr ofdrahicjbr academic and occ~uputional purposm The rc.su1t.s of'this stud?, may have practicul implic.ations on the teuchirig and learning of Arabic. fir Religious Purposrs at USIM, in specijk, and Maluysian Institutions of Higher Leurning, in gcneral.
Asian Social Science, 2012
We would like to express gratitude to our parents, sons, daughters and husbands for their kind en... more We would like to express gratitude to our parents, sons, daughters and husbands for their kind encouragement which helped us in completion of this project. Special thanks and appreciations go to our teammates [Sixta, Geimy, Cristina and Esmith] whose contribution in stimulating suggestions and encouragement helped each other to coordinate our project beyond the boundaries of time and space. We would like to acknowledge with much appreciation our research counselor, Claudia Lucía Acero Ríos, who has helped us out with her abilities, her guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project.
Papers by Kirembwe Rashid Abdul Hamed
- أما العوامل الاقتصادية يتجلى التباين في المستوى الاقتصادي بصورة واضحة بين الدول الطاردة والدول المستقبلة. هذا التباين هو نتيجة لتذبذب وتيرة التنمية في هذه البلاد التي لازالت تعتمد أساسا في إقتصاداتها على الفلاحة والتعدين وهما قطاعان لا يضمنان استقرارا في التنمية نظرا لارتباط الأول بالأمطار والثاني بأحوال السوق الدولية وهو ما له آثار سلبية على مستوى سوق العمل.
- وأما سوق العمل خلافا لما نجده في دول الاستقبال، فإن النمو الديمغرافي، رغم الوضعية المتقدمة لما يسمى بالانتقال الديمغرافي في الدول الموفدة، لازال مرتفعا نسبيا وهذا له انعكاس على حجم السكان النشيطين وبالتالي على عرض العمل في سوق الشغل. وهكذا فإن البطالة تمس عددا كبيرا من السكان وخاصة منهم الشباب والحاصلين على مؤهلات جامعية. ولكن إذا كانت الظروف الاقتصادية تشكل عوامل أساسية في التحفيز على الهجرة، إلا أن ذلك لا يشرح كيف أن البعض يمر إلى مرحلة التطبيق دون البعض الآخر، هذا يعني أن قرار الهجرة تدفع إليه عوامل أخرى وهي أساسا اجتماعية و نفسية.
- وأما العوامل الأخرى المحفزة للهجرة. تتجلى أساسا في ثلاث عوامل: - صورة النجاح الاجتماعي و القرب الجغرافي و عوامل النداء.
* فصورة النجاح الاجتماعي والقرب الجغرافي مثلا، هو الذي يظهره المهاجر عند عودته إلى بلده لقضاء العطلة، حيث يتفانى في إبراز مظاهر الغنى: سيارة، هدايا، استثمار في العقار الخ.... وكلها مظاهر تغذيها وسائل الإعلام المرئية. آثار الإعلام المرئي: فالثورة الإعلامية التي يعرفها العالم جعلت السكان حتى الفقراء منهم يستطيعون اقتناء الهوائيات التي تمكنهم من العيش عبر مئات القنوات في عالم سحري يزرع فيهم الرغبة في الهجرة. إضافة إلى هذه العوامل الاقتصادية والمحفزة، هناك عوامل أخرى مصدرها دول الاستقبال.
* وأما عوامل النداء : إن حلم الهجرة هو نتاج الممنوع، وهو رد فعل أمام غلق الأبواب أمام الهجرة الشرعية والسياسة التي تبنتها أوروبا في هذا المجال والتي كانت لها آثار عكسية حيث أججت من وتيرة الهجرة البشرية وجعلت كلفتها باهظة بالنسبة للمرشح للهجرة. وهكذا أصبحت الهجرة مشروعا مكلفا واستثمارا يقتضي تعبئة مصادر للتمويل من أجل تحقيقه من ديون ومن بيع للأرض والممتلكات... إلخ هذا ما يفسر كيفية إقبال المهاجر غير الشرعي على أي عمل مهما كان مذلا وصعبا لأنه في كل الحالات لا يقبل أن يرجع خاوي الوفاض. وتجدر الإشارة هنا إلى وجود طلب نوعي على العمل في دول الاستقبال، هذا الطلب يستجيب وفقا لمعايير كلفة تشغيل العامل ومرونته في قبول أعمال صعبة حسب احتياجات سوق العمل وغالبا ما تكون هذه الأعمال مؤقتة ومنبوذة اجتماعيا. هذا الطلب يصدر أساسا عن قطاعات كالفلاحة والبناء والخدمات. وتحصل هذه القطاعات على امتيازات مالية واجتماعية بتوظيف هذه اليد العاملة التي تتميز بكونها طيعة وغير مكلفة. ويظل الجزاء القانوني حتى الآن، ورغم القوانين الصادرة للحد من الهجرة البشرية المعاصرة، دون حد رادع لأصحاب العمل عن استغلال هذه اليد العاملة البشرية.
1-To Introduce the Al-munaasabah Application Scales for Soft Skills Enhancement (MASSSE) for the second year USIM students during this period of COVID-19 pandemic.
2-To analyze the level of Al-munaasabah Application for social-academic values enhancement as the Naqli-Aqli Integration showcase for the second year USIM students during this period of COVID-19 pandemic.
Thus, this book addresses the significance of Al-munaasabah in activating a wider use of soft skills even if they apparently look irrelevant from Aqli points of view.
The method adapted was the descriptive analytical method, in which Al-munaasabah Application Scales for soft skills enhancement (MASSSE) was used to collect the data from the selected stratified sample of the second year USIM students sized n=266.
This results yielded that Al-munaasabah procedures open up a wider range of Soft Skills variables’ predictions and implantations.
It also assert that Al-munaasabah is a supreme controller over all soft skills enhancement space by reducing the gap between Islamic practices and contemporary social skills variable. Thus, Al-munaasabah principles encompass the vast scientific capacities that reproduce a variety of theoretical and practical alternatives that enable researchers to comprehend the relevancy of various Aqli variables for soft skills enhancement .
The results further indicate that although some of apparent Aqil literature on the soft skills enhancement might look insignificant from the statistical points of view, they are ultimately viable and meaningful for Naqli Al-munaasabah points of observation.
More findings reported in this book will encourage scientific researchers to apply Al-munaasabah principles for both the soft skills developments enhancement and examination process so that Al-munaasabah is applied to understand a large amount of soft skills issue related to the contemporary phenomena.
The big picture of the findings reveals that the Naqli-Aqli integration in our day to day life brings about peace of minds and harmony rooted in believing in God and the sense of optimism; Husnu Al-dha’n; It rather sounds like a “Blessing in Disguise” empowered the Al-Qura’n Al-Kareem Surah 2: Al-Baqara - Juz' 2:
“…But you may hate a thing although it is good for you, and may love a thing although it is evil for you. Allah knows, and you do not.” Surah 2: Al-Baqara - Juz' 2 (216).
﴿…”وَعَسَى أَنْ تَكْرَهُوا شَيْئًا وَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ وَعَسَى أَنْ تُحِبُّوا شَيْئًا وَهُوَ شَرٌّ لَكُمْ وَاللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ وَأَنْتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ" ﴾ سورة البقرة الآية: 216.
المعجم اللوغندي- الإنجليزي - العربي
Kirembwe Rashid Abdul Hamed
Mohammad Najib Bin Jaffar
Hishomudin Bin Ahmad
Penulis: Kirembwe Rashid Abdul Hamed I Mohammad Najib Jaafar I Hishomudin Ahmad
e-ISBN: 978-967-440-089-7.
• Publisher: Penerbit USIM;
• Product Code: 9789674400897
DVD - e-Book format in PDF
This dictionary is composed of 13992 commonly used Luganda words. It is consisted of three important sections i) General Introduction to the Conceptual Framework, Techniques and guidelines of using this dictionary; ii) Main Section of the Dictionary; iii) Conclusion and Two Appendixes.
This dictionary uses three categories of words origins; 1) Words exist in Luganda language with Arabic origin that never changed; 2) Words exist in Luganda language with Arabic origin that changed and 3) Typical Luganda words.
The uniqueness of this dictionary is manifested in using: multilingual wordlists (Luganda- Arabic-English); Islamization of Luganda language by using necessary Islamic instances for word usage; Internationalization of Luganda language though Luganda Arabic and English combination and being an (e-book) it is accessible anytime and anyplace.
e-ISBN: 978-967-440-124-5
Published: 2014
DVD - e-Book format in PDF
The Advanced Luganda-English-Arabic Dictionary is intended to make the learning of Arabic Language easy for Luganda-English speakers at advanced level. It consists of 13992 entries of Luganda words. The linguistic descriptions of all entries are differentiated with black, blue and red colours. This dictionary provides learners with opportunities to:
i. Implement techniques of learning Arabic language by using Luganda words borrowed from Arabic language.
ii. Apply practical instances of Arabic grammar and morphology using Luganda words borrowed from Arabic language.
iii. Acquire big number of Arabic vocabularies using the easiest list of analyzed glossary for Luganda words borrowed from Arabic language provided in the appendixes.
iv. Acquire more Luganda as well as English vocabularies throughout lexical syntactic comparison of entries.
Also available in e-book format at
(e-ISBN 978-967-440-125-2)
The purpose of this Electronic Luganda English Arabic Wordlist is to make the learning of Arabic Language easy for Luganda-English speakers at advanced level. It also expands Luganda Language-arts and vocabularies so that Luganda does not only become up-to-date but it also becomes all round active and systemically comparable with the rest of world developed languages.
Thus, the recovery and maintenance of Luganda language and culture is assured. The development of this Advanced Learner’s Luganda–English–Arabic Dictionary by applying Arabic derivative morphology was made feasible at three levels: (i) by using Arabic words that exist in Luganda language with Arabic origin and never changed (see the Appendix); (ii) by using Arabic words that exist in Luganda with Arabic origin but changed ; and (iii) by using typical Luganda.
The whole dictionary is composed of 13.992 entries. This dictionary is composed of three important sections (a) general Introduction, (b) main section of this dictionary (c) conclusion and (d) Appendix of Arabic words that exist in Luganda language with Arabic origin and never changed.
The method of word search used in this Dictionary is the method of alphabetical order by Luganda main entries. Whereby the letter (a) comes before the letter (b) and the letter (c) comes before the letter (d) etc. There is no alphabetical order arrangement for the subsequent word derivatives.
It is said that African language-arts are underdeveloped. This is acceptable to some extents. It is also true that African language-arts are developable, by means of translation or by use of other linguistic procedures that may keep African language going instead of dropping then in favor of other languages interests. African language can meet all scientific and economic developments, they can assimilate science and technology. African languages can also assimilate modern life just like Malaysians, Japanese and Chinese have done. This Dictionary voices out authors’ idea of systemically assimilate Islamic and Arabic concepts in to foreign languages so that Islamic concepts can always be foreign language friendly. Similarly, such an educational initiative makes Arabic easy for foreign learners.
This Dictionary Embarks on the Following Objectives: 1) To improve foreigners’ mastery of Arabic language so that Ugandans can always understand Al’Qura’an and Al’ Ssunnah references. 2) To enhance foreigners’ awareness, Islam and Arabic culture. 3) To enhance foreigners’ readiness to acquire various linguistic skills for both Local and Arabic language. 4) The serve as a Luganda Arabic word reference at all levels.5) To encourage cultural combination among Islam, Luganda and Arabic culture. 6) To address people interests in Arabic African communication. 7) To introduce an up-to-date wordlist for Luganda vocabularies borrowed form Arabic language. 8) To encourage African (Ganda) linguistic innovations for different practical and theoretical purposes so that foreign linguistic activities can reach modern applications for all life aspects.
Among significances of this dictionary are: 1) To enhance readiness to acquire various linguistic skills for both local and Arabic language. 2) To serve as Luganda Arabic word reference at advanced levels. 3) To initiate systematic combination of Luganda-Arabic language-arts including Islamic and social-cultural implications. 4) To awaken the awareness of Islam by comprehending Arabic language-arts. 5) To respond to demanding Eastern African need to develop Luganda-Arabic-wordlists for different practical purposes including communication, academic e.t.c.
Method of Meaning Search
The method of word search used in this Dictionary is the method of alphabetical order. The meaning of a world is searched according to the order of letters for the main entry. Whereby the letter (a) comes before the letter (b) and the letter (c) comes before the letter (d) etc. There is no alphabetical order for the subsequent word derivations. The following Figure 1 presents Luganda Alphabets.
A a B b C c D d E e F f G g I i J j
a bba cca dda e ffa gga yi/i jja
K k L l M m N n Ŋŋ O o P p R r S s
Kka/Qq la mma nna ŋŋa o ppa eri ssa
T t U u V v W w Y y Z z
tta wu/u vva wa ya zza
Figure 1 Luganda Alphabets
The Authors wish to acknowledge their sincere thanks the Islamic Science University of Malaysia USIM especially the Faculty of Major Language Studies FPBU, for the great assistance they provided in favor of this Electronic Luganda English Arabic Wordlist. The authors also thank (Al-Azhar Media Enterprise No. 9456, Lorong Kekwa 1/1, Taman Guru Melayu, Senawang, Malaysia) for the great technical and professional advices they rendered for this dictionary. The authors also thank the rest scholars and colleagues whom provided them with different assistance in favor of this
Thus, the analyses of fundamentals of (Naqli- Aqli) integration in the educational research procedures and product are necessary in determining the use of small effect of the observable relationships or differences among variables in educational research. There are many questions on this point, including: Why did the researchers took so long to discover the fundamentals of (Naqli- Aqli) integration in the educational research procedures and product? The appropriate answer to such a question is earliest scholars such as: Al-Ghazali, (550h); Al-Ainsari,(730h); Al-Taftazani, (791h); Al-Raazi , (606ha); Al-Shaatibi, (790h); Al-Shaafiei Al-Asnawi, (772h); Al-Iaraqi, (684h) were relying on other alternative criteria to determine the levels of (ES) and significances of relationships or differences among variables in educational research (Cohen,1977; 1988; 1990).
Thus, the scholars have turned on demonstrating (ES) of the observable relationships and or differences among variables in educational research by use of statistical methods rather than traditional logical analyses. Here comes the necessity of this introducing this book to analyze the fundamentals of (Naqli- Aqli) integration in the educational research with specific focus on (Qiyas) procedures and effect sizes analyses. Although some research results depend on slightly small (ES), they are considerable because they depend on valid methods and strategies. Most of the results of (Naqli- Aqli) research are satisfied with small (ES) among their variables. However, the majority of these small (ES) are considerable in their relevant circumstances, such as the phenomena in which the effects are rarely seen between the variables. Hence, it is viable to consider the importance of small (ES) among (Naqli- Aqli) variables in such appealing situations.
There is a concern that if the sense of neglecting the small (ES) increase in the applied experimental and relational research this may lead to the neglect of many useful (Naqli- Aqli) research results, knowing that the consideration of (ES) among variables in educational research finding is dependent on relevant valid (Naqli) references extracted from either: Al-Quraan, Al-Ssunnah, Al-Ijma’ or Al- Ijtihad regardless of the size of (ES). Thus, when the (ES) is in agreement with the fundamentals of (Naqli- Aqli) integration inferences is considered valid, other they may call upon supplementary means of validation. The author has introduced more advanced rooms for Al-Ijtihad in order to integrate and apply various research findings that produce a holistic life curriculum, including Analogical reason (Qiyas), juristic preference (Istihsan); public interest (Al-Maslahah AlMursalah), inference (Istidlaal) and Local custom (‘Urf).
The learning methods Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition versus Teacher-Centered Instructions were also used. On one hand, the results of this study showed significant differences in mean scores on Arabic writing skills a=2, .05, ES=2.972 . On another hand, none of the hypothesized ( r ) was significant between the means scores on Arabic writing skills and means scores on students' social skills. The findings were discussed with respect to the previous research results and current practical trends of Arabic as a second language for the population in question.
The general discussions of the findings in this study included future research directions in the field of academic writing skills of Arabic as a second language for lower secondary school level in Selangor, Malaysia. Specifically, the discussion and interpretation of results addressed the contemporary issues on the academic achievement in Arabic writing skills for the population in question. Whereupon, technical and professional suggestions were provided on pedagogical basis for the improvement on the academic achievement in Arabic writing skills.
1) Words exist in Luganda language with Arabic origin that never changed;
2) Words exist in Luganda language with Arabic origin that changed and
3) Typical Luganda words.
The major differences between this Encyclopedia and the previously published Elementary and Advanced Luganda English-Arabic Wordlists is that: While the focus in the “Elementary Wordlist” is on basic description of Luganda word in three languages, the Advanced Wordlist elaborates common Morphology and Grammatical instances beside the basic descriptions. Yet this Encyclopedia provides more than –just- word descriptions and syntactic elaborations; It expands the word of Luganda Language by applying Arabic derivative morphology so that Luganda word becomes up-to-date, active and systemically comparable with the rest of world developed languages.
This encyclopedia is composed of three important sections i) General Introduction to the Conceptual Framework, Techniques and guidelines of using this encyclopedia; ii) Main Section of the Encyclopedia; iii) Conclusion and Two Appendixes.
Logically, this chapter would review studies that are directly related to the effects of cooperative learning strategies on the achievement of Arabic writing skills. Unfortunately, there had not been much literature of that nature. Instead, there were many other studies providing general information about students’ achievements through cooperative learning strategies and traditional methods. Therefore, this chapter discusses the literature on the effects of cooperative and traditional learning methods on students’ achievements in general as variables related to students' social skills. The literature reviewed in this chapter provides background about the influence of the selected cooperative and non-cooperative learning methods on academic achievements in writing skills.
The acceptance of the alternative hypothesis on holistic Arabic writing skills was based on the following experimental sub Arabic writing skills data :
a. Multiple choice writing: 1-2 =11.24, t. 4.199, df (48)= .000, α2, p <.05.
b. Open essay writing: 1-2 =10.56, t. 2.369, df (48)= .022, α2, p <.05.
c. Audio writing skills: 1-2 =-2.96, t. .519, df (48)= .606, α2, p >.05.
d. Letter writing: 1-2 =27.44, t. 5.522, df (48)= .000, α2, p <.05.
This data assert that the complementary approach positively influences the academic achievements in Arabic writing skills for Level One students at Jakarta Higher Institute of Teacher Training.
(Arabic words that exist in Luganda with Arabic origin but changed) have common characteristics among which are: 1) They are clustered with Luganda names of nature; 2) they are common with adjectives and attributes; 3) Their structural changes are centered with strange Arabic letters that are not found in Luganda language system such as: (،هـ ، ظ، ق، غ، ع، ط، ض، ص، ر، خ، ح ;(4) they are not commonly used by today’s generation because the big number of it has been replaced by
English words. Howver, Luganda words that start with the letter (MA) should be treated with caution because some of them have (ma) as a prefix to mean plural of some thing they are not necessarily teken from Arabic. For instance the Luganda word (mayanja) the singular form of
which is (nyaja) it was not borrowed from Arabic language. It is not like the Luganda word (masiro), which means princes burial places it’s (ma) at the beginning is not prefix to mean plural it originally Arabic place or time adjective (املصري (which means the final, ultimate or returning place
or time. The authors examined the traditional Luganda English dictionary Snoxall, RA (1967), he discovered more than 1500 words are (Arabic words that exist in Luganda with Arabic origin but changed), however, some of their structures and meanings changed due to different factors such as: very long time elapsed on their integration with Luganda language; difficulty of articulating some Arabic phonetics for early Ugandan communities; although Ugandans are bordering with Arab of Sudan they can hardly articulate some Arabic letters correctly; letters like ( ،ض، ص، ر، خ، ح ،هـ ، ظ، ق، غ، ع، ط (do not exist in Luganda phonetic system. Thus, it is observable that the biggest amount of structural changes in (Arabic words that exist in Luganda with Arabic origin but changed) is centered on Arabic letters that do not exist in Luganda
language. Scholars have paid attention on this matter while addressing “Eastern Origins of Luganda Language” which have significantly become today’s unit of analyses that provokes different topics including linguistic, historic, cultural, religious, political, social identity, educational etc. For instance, the Figure 4 is more on language education; it presents a instructional guide to using (Arabic derivative morphology) for expanding Luganda vocabularies with is based on the pedagogical value that provides room for easer vocabulary acquisition. It is based on
“phenomenography approach. In such a way, people are free to choose whichever dimensions of a words that deems easy for them to start with due to their various social- psychological experiences.