Georgia Gwinnett College
Religious Studies
Western theology struggles with the rise of secularism and postmodernism. The Radical Orthodoxy sensibility asserts that the ancient principles of methexis (participation) and theosis (deification) presents an alternative metaphysical... more
During the Patristic Period, there was a profusion of perspectives on the given task and relationship between Theology and Philosophy. From Justin Martyr’s (c. 100 – c. 165) famous affirmation that Socrates was a Christian before Christ,... more
Maximus the Confessor is a figure of renewed interest in recent times. His synthesizing of Cappadocian, Pseudo-Dionysian, and Evagrian theology was a tremendous achievement in Byzantine thought, and his cosmic metaphysics rooted in the... more
“Now everything that becomes or is created must of necessity be created by some cause, for without a cause nothing can be created…Was the world, I say, always in existence and without beginning, or created, and had it a beginning?”... more
‘What I am saying is that in the beginning sin seduced Adam and persuaded him to transgress God's commandment, whereby sin gave rise to pleasure and, by means of this pleasure, nailed itself in Adam to the very depths of our nature, thus... more
Abstract. This article uses the writings of Alfred Schutz as catalysts to analyze three dis-tinctive modes of transcendences operative in human experience. Particular attention is given to the role symbolic awareness plays in the... more