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This paper investigates the impact of foreign direct investment on human rights in Algeria. No direct link is discovered between foreign investment and the repression of human rights. This is largely due to the peculiarities and, in the... more
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      TerrorismHuman RightsOil and gasAlgeria
Recent research suggests that higher-IQ countries have significantly more atheists, supposedly because higher intelligence confers a greater ability to apprehend the assumed irrationality of theistic belief. In this quantitative study, an... more
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      ReligionAtheismOrthodox TheologyCatholic Theology
According to neoliberal theory, foreign direct investment enhances socioeconomic conditions in host countries, which in turn leads to democratization and greater protection of human rights. By contrast, the structuralist theory holds... more
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      Human RightsForeign Direct InvestmentLesothoRepression
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      Orthodox TheologyOrthodox ChristianityEastern OrthodoxyEastern Orthodox Theology
Is it morally defensible to single Russian president, Vladimir Putin, out as a dictator? The popular impression that he is a dictator has been used to legitimize a dangerously adversarial policy towards what a U.S. Army general described... more
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      LawConstitutional Law
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      Political TheoryLiberalismHistory of Political Thought
Intersubjective recognition of human rights abuses affirms them and exerts pressure to acknowledge them in international norms and institutions. It is in this way that the transnational memory of genocides, made part of the common... more
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The issue explores various approaches to transcending national and ethnic borders when studying trauma and memory.
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      TransnationalismHistory and MemoryTrauma StudiesHistorical memory
The moral status of secession should be a significant issue in contemporary political theory. Various secessionist movements around the globe have had a tremendous impact on world politics, and the fluidity of power relations in many... more
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      U.S. constitutional lawU.S. National Security Law
The rights to liberty championed by classical liberal and libertarian theorists may be supported as products of practical reason. The foundations for these rights rest initially on the idea that the separateness of persons is embedded in... more
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What does it mean to internationalize a survey course in American government? After all, many instructors teach this course from a purely “American” perspective, as they rarely include comparisons with other governments and often leave... more
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      Active LearningStudent EngagementInternationalizationAmerican Government
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      Constitutional LawPublic LawConstitutional Law Theory
Herbert Spencer and F.A. Hayek developed bodies of liberal political thought that stress the importance of evolutionary social adaptation as a type of spontaneous order. An evolutionary social theory, properly understood, can form part of... more
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      Social EvolutionLibertarianismHerbert SpencerHayek, Liberalism, Spontaneous Order
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    • Nationalism, national identity, historical memory
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      Critical PedagogyPolitical ScienceFeminism (s)
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    • Historical memory and Identity studies
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      Historical memoryHistorical memory and Identity studiesNationalism, national identity, historical memory
Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. Érudit offre des services d'édition numérique de documents scientifiques depuis 1998. Note : les règles d'écriture des références bibliographiques peuvent varier... more
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