Papers by Mariana Velykodna
The Lancet Regional Health - Europe
Psychoanalytic Psychology
Ukrainian psychoanalytic journal
Velykodna, M., Nalyvaiko, N., Pavlovska, O., Arshevska-Guérin, O. & Butsykin, Y. (2023).Ethical challenges in psychoanalytic practice in wartime: conference report, Kyiv, Ukraine,2023, Psychodynamic Practice, 2023
The conference “Ethical Challenges in Psychoanalytic Practice in Wartime” was held on 22–23 April... more The conference “Ethical Challenges in Psychoanalytic Practice in Wartime” was held on 22–23 April 2023, a year after the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. This conference report briefly describes the clinically based ideas of 15 keynote speakers devoted to various ethical issues raised by psychoanalytic practice in Ukraine during the war. The topics of confidentiality, neutrality, psychoanalyst’s limitations, and trauma are discussed along with the challenges of utilizing psychoanalytic technique and setting amidst the madness of these dangerous, unpredictable times.

BackgroundIn February 2022 the Russian federation started a new invasion of Ukraine as an escalat... more BackgroundIn February 2022 the Russian federation started a new invasion of Ukraine as an escalation of the ongoing war since 2014. After nine years of war and the COVID-19 pandemic, the mental health state of Ukrainians requires systematic monitoring and relevant action.MethodsThis study was designed as an online survey arranged in the 9-12 months after the start of the new invasion of Ukraine and includes sociodemographic data collection, evaluation of stress intensity by PSS-10, anxiety with GAD-7, and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder with PCL-5. The sample size of 3173 Ukrainians consisted of 1954 (61.6%) respondents that were not displaced persons (NDPs), 505 (15.9%) internally displaced persons within Ukraine (IDPs), and 714 (22.5%) refugees that left Ukraine.FindingsModerate and high stress was prevalent among 64.7% and 15.5% of NDPs, 64.4% and 21.6% of IDPs, and 68.2% and 25.2% of refugees, respectively. Moderate and severe anxiety was prevalent among 25.6% and 19.0...

Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment
Since 2011 primary school students with special educational needs (SEN) in Ukraine have been allo... more Since 2011 primary school students with special educational needs (SEN) in Ukraine have been allowed to study alongside mainstream students in the inclusive education program established by the Ministry of Education and Science. The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 challenged the possibility of maintaining inclusive education for children with SEN, which required providers to find new solutions. This paper focuses on the first response of inclusion providers in the Ukrainian primary school education system to the challenges of working in wartime from February to May 2022, using teachers in the city of Kryvyi Rih as a case study. A quasi-experimental study (n=495) involved a group of inclusion providers (n=92) in comparison to mainstream primary school teachers (n=403). The research included: collecting data on the professional qualifications and experience of the teachers; questions on changes in the educational process and the number of students; the Psychological Stres...

International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition
Introduction: After eight years of the war in the East of Ukraine, two years of the COVID-19 pand... more Introduction: After eight years of the war in the East of Ukraine, two years of the COVID-19 pandemic with relevant lockdowns, and two months of bomb alerts, school students and school psychologists from Kryvyi Rih have been dealing with new brutal military actions during the Russian invasion of Ukraine since the 24th February 2022. Purpose: This paper focuses on School Psychological Services' changes and challenges caused by the Russian invasion. It assesses war-related psychological effects on school students and school psychologists from Kryvyi Rih. Method: Brief non-structured interviews and the survey. Results and Conclusions: After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, School Psychological Services in Kryvyi Rih continued their work remotely, often combining it with in-person meetings (48.5%) and other volunteer activities (27.9%). The surveyed school psychologists (n=48) informed they conducted more individual consultations and psychoeducation and fewer diagnostics than usual ...

Mental Health and Social Inclusion
Purpose This paper aims to discuss current work and further steps of the psychological hotline la... more Purpose This paper aims to discuss current work and further steps of the psychological hotline launched by the National Psychological Association of Ukraine (NPA), along with a call for action to mental health professionals worldwide. Design/methodology/approach This paper describes the training and support of the NPA’s hotline staff as well as reflections on the hotline’s work from June 2022 to April 2023. Findings With broad international support, the NPA’s psychological hotline currently operates in 21 countries providing psychological assistance and referrals to other service providers within Ukraine and abroad. The authors propose further steps of its work, including international collaboration. Originality/value Providing citizens of Ukraine with broad public access to evidence-based remote psychological support through NPA’s hotlines is a high priority considering the war’s negative impact on mental health diverse and the limited capacity of the state mental health system.

Palii V, Velykodna M, Pereira M, McElvaney R, Bernard S, Klymchuk V, Burlachuk O, .., Gómez-Maquet Y (2023). The experience of launching a psychological hotline across 21 countries to support Ukrainians in wartime. Ment H Soc Incl, 2023
Purpose-The current work and further steps of the psychological hotline launched by the National ... more Purpose-The current work and further steps of the psychological hotline launched by the National Psychological Association of Ukraine (NPA) are discussed along with a call for action to mental health professionals worldwide.
Design/methodology/approach-This paper describes the training and support of the NPA's hotline staff as well as reflections on the hotline's work from June 2022 to April 2023. Findings-With broad international support, the NPA's psychological hotline currently operates in 21 countries providing psychological assistance and referrals to other service providers within Ukraine and abroad. We propose further steps of its work, including international collaboration. Originality/value-Providing citizens of Ukraine with broad public access to evidence-based remote psychological support through NPA's hotlines is a high priority considering the war's negative impact on mental health diverse and the limited capacity of the state mental health system.

Velykodna, M., Deputatov, V., Kolisnyk, L., Shestopalova, O., Shylo, O., 2023
Introduction: After eight years of the war in the East of Ukraine, two years of the COVID-19 pand... more Introduction: After eight years of the war in the East of Ukraine, two years of the COVID-19 pandemic with relevant lockdowns, and two months of bomb alerts, school students and school psychologists from Kryvyi Rih have been dealing with new brutal military actions during the Russian invasion of Ukraine since the 24 th February 2022. Purpose: This paper focuses on School Psychological Services' changes and challenges caused by the Russian invasion. It assesses war-related psychological effects on school students and school psychologists from Kryvyi Rih. Method: Brief non-structured interviews and the survey. Results and Conclusions: After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, School Psychological Services in Kryvyi Rih continued their work remotely, often combining it with in-person meetings (48.5%) and other volunteer activities (27.9%). The surveyed school psychologists (n=48) informed they conducted more individual consultations and psychoeducation and fewer diagnostics than usual to address school students' changing needs in response to wartime. School psychologists felt more effective and involved with students when they believed they got enough support from colleagues and supervisors, learned crisis interventions, received clear guidance, and did not feel burnout. They appreciated current governmental guidance and felt their post-traumatic growth more when they were safe. After 1.5 months of the war, 43.8% of psychologists experienced burnout. At least a quarter needed additional education, psychological support, easily accessible supervision (especially short and rapid), and guidance for specific cases.

Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala
The ability of children in Ukraine to continue their primary education after the Russian invasion... more The ability of children in Ukraine to continue their primary education after the Russian invasion is inextricably linked to the direct providers of education – primary school teachers. This study aimed to clarify the psychological effects of the war on Ukrainian primary school teachers and their everyday educational activities, using teachers in the city of Kryvyi Rih as a case study. The research design included personal and professional data, questions on changes in students and the educational process, Psychological Stress Measure (PSM-9), Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI), Brief Resilience Scale (BRS), and Miroshnyk Teacher’s Roles Self-Assessment Scale (MiTeRoSA) integrated into an online survey conducted three months after the invasion. In the results, primary education in Ukraine during the invasion required teachers (n=495) to make significant changes in their work, namely shifts in schedules, increased workload, conducting remote lessons, providing tutoring for certain stu...

Velykodna, M., Deputatov, V., Horbachova, O., Miroshnyk, Z., Mishaka, N. (2023). Providing Inclusive Primary School Education for Children with Special Educational Needs in Wartime Ukraine: Challenges and Current Solutions. Int J of Intel Dis - Diagn and Treat. Vol. 11. In press, 2023
Since 2011 primary school students with special educational needs (SEN) in Ukraine have been allo... more Since 2011 primary school students with special educational needs (SEN) in Ukraine have been allowed to study alongside mainstream students in the inclusive education program established by the Ministry of Education and Science. The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 challenged the possibility of maintaining inclusive education for children with SEN, which required providers to find new solutions. This paper focuses on the first response of inclusion providers in the Ukrainian primary school education system to the challenges of working in wartime from February to May 2022, using teachers in the city of Kryvyi Rih as a case study. A quasi-experimental study (n=495) involved a group of inclusion providers (n=92) in comparison to mainstream primary school teachers (n=403). The research included: collecting data on the professional qualifications and experience of the teachers; questions on changes in the educational process and the number of students; the Psychological Stress Measure; Oldenburg Burnout Inventory; Brief Resilience Scale; and Miroshnyk Teacher's Roles Self-Assessment Scale (MiTeRoSA), designed as an online survey. The inclusion providers faced numerous challenges due to the war, namely, (a) the enormous workload of preparing for classes (φ*=8.7, p<.01), the extended non-educational work assignments (φ*=5.5, p<.01), working with students (φ*=2.9, p<.01) and their parents (φ*=3.5, p<.01), (b) volunteering at school, and (c) the changed composition of student groups, i.e., students who left school and fled the area (in 64.1% of responses) and incoming students displaced from combat zones (27.2%). Struggling with stress and burnout (self-reported by 48.91% of inclusion providers), using psychological self-care skills and social resilience capacity through the support of the student's parents and colleagues, primary school teachers invented and implemented seven ways to maintain education for the students with SEN, the kind of which depended on the teacher's professional role structure and available social support.

Velykodna, M., Mishaka, N., Miroshnyk, Z., & Deputatov, V.(2023). Primary Education in Wartime: How the Russian Invasion Affected Ukrainian Teachers and the Educational Process in Kryvyi Rih. Revista Românească pentru Educaţie Multidimensională, 15(1), 285-309. , 2003
The ability of children in Ukraine to continue their primary education after the Russ... more The ability of children in Ukraine to continue their primary education after the Russian invasion is inextricably linked to the direct providers of education –primary school teachers. This study aimed to clarify the psychological effects of the war on Ukrainian primary school teachers and their everyday educational activities, using teachers in the city of Kryvyi Rih as a case study. The research design included personal and professional data, questions on changes in students and the educational process, Psychological Stress Measure (PSM-9), Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI), Brief Resilience Scale (BRS), and Miroshnyk Teacher’s Roles Self-Assessment Scale (MiTeRoSA) integrated into an online survey conducted three months after the invasion. In the results, primary education in Ukraine during the invasion required teachers (n=495) to make significant changes in their work, namely shifts in schedules, increased workload, conducting remote lessons, providing tutoring for certain students, conducting crisis interventions with a broader range of subjects, and volunteering. The majority of the surveyed practitioners experienced considerable stress due to a significant increase in the amount of time they spent preparing their lessons. The psychological conditions of primary school teachers depended on the number of students who were expelled and new students who had been evacuated from other war-torn regions, the ability of school administrators to re-organize the work for online teaching, and perceived support from colleagues. All of these factors along with resilience were predictors of stress and burnout among teachers in wartime. Teachers experiencing burnout, especially exhaustion, high-stress scores, and low levels of resilience frequently evaluated the performance of their students with more leniency. In addition to a list of typical teachers’ roles (MiTeRoSA), teachers indicated frequently taking on the new roles of a ‘tutor’ and a ‘crisis counselor’ in response to the war.
Psychodynamic Practice, Apr 19, 2022

Мета роботи – проаналізувати сучасні тенденції в дослідженнях позасвідомого психоаналітика сві-то... more Мета роботи – проаналізувати сучасні тенденції в дослідженнях позасвідомого психоаналітика сві-товою психоаналітичною спільнотою. Методи. У статті подано результати кількісного (методом контент-аналізу) та якісного (методами узагальнення й систематизації) аналізу статей, присвячених різним аспектам вивчення позасвідомого психоаналітика, опублікованих у фахових психоаналітичних журналах із переліку Scopus за І півріччя 2017 року. Згідно з ними, усього із 447 статей у 22 журналах виявлено 17 робіт, які містять результати емпіричних досліджень феноменології функціонування та прояву позасвідомого психоаналітиків. Результати. Виявлено, що переважно емпірична частина в них ґрунтується на клінічних випадках та інтерв’ю з психоаналітиками, тренінговими аналітиками й супервізорами. У них, зокрема, виявлено три загальні групи ключових понять, що є актуальним предметом вивчення в указаний період: контрпе-ренесення, ревері та позасвідома комунікація. Описано короткий огляд уведених категорій у ...

Великодна М. С., Колісник Л. О., Шестопалова О. П., Шило О. С., Депутатов В. О. (2022). СТРЕС-РЕАКЦІЇ, ТРАВМА ТА ПОСТ-ТРАВМАТИЧНЕ ЗРОСТАННЯ ШКОЛЯРІВ В УМОВАХ ВІЙНИ РОСІЇ ПРОТИ УКРАЇНИ. Теоретичні і прикладні проблеми психології та соціальної роботи. Випуск 1 (57). т.2. С. 81-97 , 2022
Надзвичайна ситуація воєнного нападу Росії на Україну створює особливо гострий запит для психолог... more Надзвичайна ситуація воєнного нападу Росії на Україну створює особливо гострий запит для психологів в оцінці психологічного стану населення та наданні йому невідкладної психологічної допомоги, особливо дітям та підліткам. Аналіз актуальних досліджень доводить, що стресові й травмівні події шкільного віку часто стають підґрунтям для розвитку депресії та пост- травматичного стресового розладу, що залежить від характеру копінгів, віку, почуття сенсу життя, підтримки близьких, отримання психологічної допомоги. У статті висвітлено результати емпіричного дослідження психологічних впливів війни на школярів України, а також запропонувано рекомендації психологам у роботі з ними. Зокрема, встановлено, що в усіх вікових групах школярів переважають емоційні реакції на війну, передусім тривога та страх, менш вираженими є когнітивні, і мало вираженими – фізичні реакції. При цьому емоційні реакції молодших школярів обʼєднані тим, що мають здебільшого ненаправлене, розмите генералізоване вираження, іншими словами – не мають конкретний об’єкт. Для учнів середньої школи більш притаманна конкретизація почуттів, особливо страху, розгубленість, зниження самооцінки, навчальні труднощі. У старшокласників найчастіше труднощі пов’язані з вибудовуванням планів на майбутнє, а необхідність вибору професії, вступу до вишу і загроза руйнування цих планів викликає в них найбільш гострі і різноманітні реакції: від зневіри й апатії до ненависті і провини. Динаміка пост-травматичного зростання школярів відповідає попереднім даним із вікової психології. Молодші школярі розвивають більшу емпатійність, тоді як підлітки ускладнюють картину своєї самосвідомості, формуючи цінності й світогляд як більш серйозні та обґрунтовані сенсом життя, відчувають власні сили впоратися з ним. Старшокласники надодачу до зазначених надбань, роблять більше екзистенційних відкриттів, відчувають більше розуміння духовного.
Velykodna M. Le corps comme garantie pour l&#39;Autre / Mariana Velykodna // XIX Семинар Фрей... more Velykodna M. Le corps comme garantie pour l&#39;Autre / Mariana Velykodna // XIX Семинар Фрейдова поля в Украине &quot;Ребенок-объект, ребенок-субъект&quot; (20-21 апреля 2013, Симферополь, АР Крым). - C. 87-94

Psihosomatična Medicina ta Zagalʹna Praktika, 2020
Вступ. Спалах і поширення коронавірусної хвороби (COVID-19) у світі значно впливає на психологічн... more Вступ. Спалах і поширення коронавірусної хвороби (COVID-19) у світі значно впливає на психологічний стан та порушує психічну рівновагу різних груп населення, що підтверджено низкою емпіричних досліджень. Своєчасна та ефективна психологічна й психотерапевтична допомога в цей особливий період є нагально необхідною, задля забезпечення чого дослідження реального досвіду практиків, їх потреб та складнощів, що виникають в цей період, є вкрай актуальним. Мета. Проаналізувати потреби та складнощі, з якими стикаються фахівці з надання психологічної та психотерапевтичної допомоги на перших етапах поширення пандемії COVID-19, а також запропонувати стратегії їх подолання з урахуванням світового досвіду. Методи. Відповідно до мети, було розроблено та проведено аналіз даних анонімного онлайн-опитування фахівців сфери психічного здоров'я з країн Східної Європи; на основі отриманих результатів проведено літературний огляд і систематизація практичних рекомендацій щодо надання психологічної і пси...
Master Sciences Humaines et Sociales. Spécialité: Psychologie clinique et médiations thérapeutiqu... more Master Sciences Humaines et Sociales. Spécialité: Psychologie clinique et médiations thérapeutiques par l’art. Parcours recherche. МEMOIRE DE MASTER (RESUME)
Papers by Mariana Velykodna
Design/methodology/approach-This paper describes the training and support of the NPA's hotline staff as well as reflections on the hotline's work from June 2022 to April 2023. Findings-With broad international support, the NPA's psychological hotline currently operates in 21 countries providing psychological assistance and referrals to other service providers within Ukraine and abroad. We propose further steps of its work, including international collaboration. Originality/value-Providing citizens of Ukraine with broad public access to evidence-based remote psychological support through NPA's hotlines is a high priority considering the war's negative impact on mental health diverse and the limited capacity of the state mental health system.
Design/methodology/approach-This paper describes the training and support of the NPA's hotline staff as well as reflections on the hotline's work from June 2022 to April 2023. Findings-With broad international support, the NPA's psychological hotline currently operates in 21 countries providing psychological assistance and referrals to other service providers within Ukraine and abroad. We propose further steps of its work, including international collaboration. Originality/value-Providing citizens of Ukraine with broad public access to evidence-based remote psychological support through NPA's hotlines is a high priority considering the war's negative impact on mental health diverse and the limited capacity of the state mental health system.
Цей практичний посібник містить наукові дані про вплив пандемії
COVID-19 та карантину на психологічні стани та процеси у населення,
а також моделі і конкретні практичні методи, матеріали та техніки надання
психологічної допомоги вразливим групам населення під час та після
режиму надзвичайної ситуації через пандемію. Цей текст може стати
у пригоді психологам, фахівцям соціальної сфери, іншим спеціалістам, які
працюють із вразливими групами.
Проєкт "Онлайн-майстерня навчання технікам дистанційної психологічної допомоги вразливим групам населення під час режиму надзвичайної ситуації через пандемію COVID-19 та після. “Психологічний Covid-resilience:)” реалізується Психологічною кризовою службою ГО ”Українська асоціація фахівців з подолання наслідків психотравмуючих подій" за підтримки Міжнародного Фонду «Відродження» та Європейського Союзу в рамках гуманітарної ініціативи «Людяність і взаємодопомога».
(valid member of European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations)
Division «Psychoanalytic psychology and psychotherapy»
invites psychoanalysts, psychoanalytic psychotherapists and psychoanalytic psychologists
to participate in an online-conference
«Life and death of psychoanalytic societies:
lessons from history and new perspectives for unions»
January 23-24, 2020
What are the main difficulties and the main opportunities for psychoanalytic societies to stay alive, developing and productive? Which examples from history and these days are illustrative for the mentioned phenomena?
Types of participating:
submitting a paper (will be translated and published in Ukrainian in an open access electronic book)
recorded and sent before the conference date video report (will be translated into Ukrainian and showed to the participants of the conference)
online-report (will be translated by our interpreter)
There is no fee for participating as a foreign speaker (i.e. not from Ukraine). If you are interested to join the conference as a speaker - please, contact us as soon as possible with your author’s note and topic: [email protected]