Papers by Ramakrishna Govindu
Artificial Intelligence and Law
Cutter It Journal-the Journal of Information Technology Management, 2016
The IoT helps embed technologies into everyday products/devices, such as audio/video receivers, w... more The IoT helps embed technologies into everyday products/devices, such as audio/video receivers, wristwatches, smoke detectors, and home appliances, which not only enables them to communicate online, but also to receive and process data and information from other devices in a dynamic fashion, in real time. Thus, the real revolution of IoT goes beyond embedding a sensor and sending signals over the Internet to developing a 360-degree context awareness by analyzing data from multiple sensors or sources using complex advanced algorithms, in real time, for improved decision making
International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 2010
Abstract Multi-agent systems (MASs) have emerged as the most natural intrinsic paradigm for model... more Abstract Multi-agent systems (MASs) have emerged as the most natural intrinsic paradigm for modelling complex systems, such as supply chains (SCs). However, their development process remains quite involved and extremely time consuming, hindering wide-spread adoption in industrial-strength applications. A software agent-component based framework is proposed to simplify and speedup multi-agent (MA) modelling and simulation for SC applications. With the help of pre-developed libraries of reusable components– ...

Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2007
This article was published in an Elsevier journal. The attached copy is furnished to the author f... more This article was published in an Elsevier journal. The attached copy is furnished to the author for non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the author's institution, sharing with colleagues and providing to institution administration. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit:
SIAM Symposium on Complexity and Business Analytics: Theory and Applications, 2006

American Journal of Criminal Justice, 2014
This study assesses the relative utility of a traditional regression approachlogistic regression ... more This study assesses the relative utility of a traditional regression approachlogistic regression (LR)-and three classification techniques-classification and regression tree (CART), chi-squared automatic interaction detection (CHAID), and multi-layer perceptron neural network (MLPNN)-in predicting inmate misconduct. The four models were tested using a sample of inmates held in state and federal prisons and predictors derived from the importation model on inmate adaptation. Multivalidation procedure and multiple evaluation indicators were used to evaluate and report the predictive accuracy. The overall accuracy of the four models varied between 0.60 and 0.66 with an overall AUC range of 0.60-0.70. The LR and MLPNN methods performed significantly better than the CART and CHAID techniques at identifying misbehaving inmates and the CHAID method outperformed the CART approach in classifying defied inmates. The MLPNN method performed significantly better than the LR technique in predicting inmate misconduct among the training samples.

International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences, 2018
In the U.S., prison administrators often rely on risk assessment instruments to place and supervi... more In the U.S., prison administrators often rely on risk assessment instruments to place and supervise inmates, as well as manage, plan and allocate resources. Hence, any improvement in the accuracy performance of risk assessment instruments is likely to result in significant benefits for offender classification and rehabilitation, management systems, and public safety. To date, researchers have explored the relative predictive performance between regression and non-regression methods and the overall evidence is inconclusive. In this study, we seek to advance the debate regarding the efficacy of traditional regression methods versus the utility of machine learning techniques in forecasting inmate misconduct by exploring the prospect that each technique may be more suitable for a specific performance measure. We examined the relative performance of a traditional regression method, logistic regression, and two machine learning techniques, random forest and neural networks, in classifying...

A re-usable component-based framework is proposed for modeling and simulation of multi-agent supp... more A re-usable component-based framework is proposed for modeling and simulation of multi-agent supply chain systems. The framework facilitates study of both intraas well as interorganizational issues simultaneously across a supply chain (SC) paying due attention to the issue of private as well as public information. It utilizes a pre-developed library of organizational primitives, supply chain primitives, agent behaviours, and policy objects in order to configure a SC of interest. The framework architecture integrates several software tools and technologies for implementing the framework. It utilizes Java and Java Agent DEvelopment Framework (JADE) for implementing various agent components, behaviours, and policy objects, Protege and Beangenerator for SC domain ontology development, PostgreSQL for database back-end support, Apache Ant for Java code compilation, and Eclipse as an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for facilitating integration and development. With the help of the...

MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS FOR SUPPLY CHAIN MODELING: METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORKS by RAMAKRISHNA GOVINDU D... more MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS FOR SUPPLY CHAIN MODELING: METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORKS by RAMAKRISHNA GOVINDU December 2006 Advisor: Dr. Ratna Babu Chinnam Major: Industrial Engineering Degree: Doctor of Philosophy Multi-agent systems (MASs) have emerged as the most natural intrinsic paradigm for modeling complex systems, such as supply chains (SCs). However, their development process remains quite involved and extremely time consuming, hindering wide-spread adoption in industrial-strength applications. This dissertation research focused on developing methodological frameworks addressing three important aspects in particular. In the first part of the research, we develop a generic process-centered methodological framework, “Multi-Agent Supply Chain Framework (MASCF)”, to fill the crucial gap of “lack of generic methodologies” for modeling SCs using MASs. The framework introduces the notion of process-centered organization metaphor, and creatively adopts Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) mo...
Malicious software, or malware for short, is software designed with a nefarious intent of harming... more Malicious software, or malware for short, is software designed with a nefarious intent of harming the computer user. There are many types of malware, depending on how they are spread and the nature of harm they intend. Some examples of
Papers by Ramakrishna Govindu