Papers by Vithor R Franco

Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa
RESUMO Na maior parte das áreas os fenômenos psicológicos tendem a ser explicados apenas por meio... more RESUMO Na maior parte das áreas os fenômenos psicológicos tendem a ser explicados apenas por meio de construções textuais. Diversos autores, no entanto, apontam para a necessidade de teorias que tenham uma natureza mais formal, baseada em raciocínio matemático. A fim de incentivar acesso mais amplo às suas aplicações, apresentamos os modelos e vantagens da abordagem da psicologia matemática para o estudo do comportamento. Revisamos as limitações da teorização verbal, apresentando em seguida uma taxonomia, comum na psicologia matemática, que classifica os modelos de dados como descritivos, explicativos e de caracterização. Como casos bem sucedidos, examinamos a psicologia matemática da tomada de decisão, do comportamento de ajuda, da memória e dos relacionamentos românticos. Por fim, discutimos os benefícios e usos potenciais da abordagem. Bem-vindo(a) à psicologia matemática.
Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa
In most areas, psychological phenomena tend to be explained only through textual constructions. S... more In most areas, psychological phenomena tend to be explained only through textual constructions. Several authors, however, point to the need for theories that have a more formal nature, based on mathematical reasoning. In order to encourage broader access to its applications, we present the models and advantages of a mathematical psychology approach to the study of behavior. We review the limitations of verbal theorizing, then a common taxonomy in mathematical psychology follows, that classifies formal models as descriptive, process characterization, and explanatory. As well succeeded cases, we examine the mathematical psychology of decision making, of helping behavior, of memory, and of romantic relationships. Finally, we discuss the potential benefits and uses of this approach. Welcome to mathematical psychology.
Developmental Neuropsychology

Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto)
Item Response Theory represents one of the major advances in the field of developing valid and re... more Item Response Theory represents one of the major advances in the field of developing valid and reliable measures in psychology. Among the main models used in this perspective are the Rasch model and the logistic models. These parametric models, however, are not suitable for all applications in psychology, since a substantial number of databases in psychology do not satisfy the assumptions of these models: unidimensionality; latent monotonicity; local independence; and, for some models, non-intersecting functions. Given this framework, the objective of this study was to present the theoretical and practical foundations of Mokken Scale Analysis (MSA). We present some historical issues involving the development of MSA, in addition to the main characteristics and assumptions of the two models used in this perspective. After exemplifying a MSA application, limitations and final considerations are presented, supporting the decision-making process for researchers who come to use MSA.

Reduction of graphs is a class of procedures used to decrease the dimensionality of a given graph... more Reduction of graphs is a class of procedures used to decrease the dimensionality of a given graph in which the properties of the reduced graph are to be induced from the properties of the larger original graph. This paper introduces both a new method for reducing chain graphs to simpler directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), that we call power chain graphs (PCG), as well as a procedure for structure learning of this new type of graph from correlational data of a Gaussian Graphical model. A definition for PCGs is given, directly followed by the reduction method. The structure learning procedure is a two-step approach: first, the correlation matrix is used to cluster the variables; and then, the averaged correlation matrix is used to discover the DAGs using the PC-stable algorithm. The results of simulations are provided to illustrate the theoretical proposal, which demonstrate initial evidence for the validity of our procedure to recover the structure of power chain graphs. The paper ends w...

Journal of Business Ethics, 2021
Research on unethical leadership has predominantly focused on interpersonal and high-intensity fo... more Research on unethical leadership has predominantly focused on interpersonal and high-intensity forms of harmful leader behavior such as abusive supervision. Other forms of harmful leader behavior such as excessively pressuring subordinates or acting in self-centered ways have received less attention, despite being harmful and potentially occurring more frequently. We propose a model of four types of harmful leader behavior (HLB) varying in intensity (high vs low) and orientation (people/relationships or tasks/goals): Intimidation, Lack of Care, Self-Centeredness, and Excessive Pressure for Results. We map out how these relate to other constructs in the unethical leader behavior field in order to integrate the existing work on how leaders can cause harm to followers. Next, in five studies (N = 35, N = 218, N = 352, N = 160, N = 1921 in 196 teams), we develop and test a new survey instrument measuring the four proposed types of perceived HLB. We provide initial validity evidence for t...

O Ministério da Economia, órgão central do Sistema de Pessoal Civil da Administração Federal (Sip... more O Ministério da Economia, órgão central do Sistema de Pessoal Civil da Administração Federal (Sipec), avançando na promoção de boas práticas de gestão de pessoas, tem desenvolvido em parceria com a UnB conhecimento sobre o dimensionamento da força de trabalho (DFT). Assim, esta publicação é o quarto volume de uma série de seis livros sobre o projeto de DFT, na qual são apresentadas as principais questões críticas acerca do dimensionamento como ferramenta de gestão. São abordados, ainda, critérios para a seleção e priorização dos órgãos a serem dimensionados mediante a literatura da análise multicritério, bem como apresentado um dimensionamento executado na prática. O objetivo deste volume da série é compartilhar conhecimento sobre as possibilidades de utilização do dimensionamento no setor público e como pode ser usado como ferramenta de gestão, além de apresentar formas de sua aplicação.
Sharing Economy is studied as a new economic trend. This paper analyzed the pattern of publishing... more Sharing Economy is studied as a new economic trend. This paper analyzed the pattern of publishing of the subject, focused on the number of papers published per year. To find what are the thematic categories addressed, this study surveyed papers in Google Scholar and correlated the 649 most relevant papers between 2006 and 2016. Themes related to the legal challenges and new types of consumption enacted by Sharing Economy are discussed, as well as the relationships between the ridesharing industry and sustainability matters.

Avaliaçao Psicologica: Interamerican Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2018
RESUMO Modelos complexos de mediação e moderação são fundamentais para a compreensão dos fenômeno... more RESUMO Modelos complexos de mediação e moderação são fundamentais para a compreensão dos fenômenos psicológicos. No entanto, ao testar esse tipo de modelagem, a estrutura e a imprecisão dos instrumentos podem influenciar a estimação dos efeitos entre as variáveis. Assim, modelos de mediação e moderação que corrigem os parâmetros com as estimativas de erros são fundamentais. O objetivo deste estudo é comparar o desempenho de três modelagens de mediação e moderação: slopes randômicos, interações latentes e path analysis. Os três modelos foram comparados tanto com o uso de dados simulados quanto com o uso de dados reais. Os resultados apontaram que, quando a variância dos slopes é pequena, os modelos de slopes randômicos e de interações latentes são praticamente equivalentes. Já o modelo de path analysis obteve bom desempenho para recuperar os efeitos de moderação, mas subestimou consideravelmente os efeitos diretos e indiretos da mediação. Discutem-se melhores práticas de testagem de hipóteses com efeitos complexos e sugere-se o uso da modelagem latente para testes de mediação e moderação. Palavras-chave: moderação; mediação; interações latentes; slopes randômicos; path analyses. ABSTRACT-Latent Models and Random Slopes for Testing Moderation and Mediation Complex models, such as mediation and moderation, are essential for comprehending psychological variables. Nevertheless, during the testing of such models, the structure and reliability of the instruments might affect the estimated relationship between variables. Thus, models of mediation and moderation that correct the parameters yielding error estimates are fundamental. The objective of this study is to compare the performance of three Structural Equation Modeling models that include mediation and moderation effects: Random slopes, latent interactions and path analysis. The three models were compared using both simulated and real data. The results showed that when the variance contained in the slopes is small, both the random slopes model and the latent interaction model are equivalently good. The path analysis model, on the other hand, performs well to recover the effects of moderation, but it underestimates the direct and indirect effects of mediation. Best practices for testing hypotheses with complex effects are discussed, and we suggest using latent models for testing mediation and moderation.

People who repeatedly experience prejudice and discrimination are at greater risk for developing ... more People who repeatedly experience prejudice and discrimination are at greater risk for developing several negative consequences, such as low self-esteem (SE). However, scholars have not explored the role of social status as an important variable for this relationship, and its consequences. The current study is aimed at investigating the role of status on the relationship between self-perceived prejudice and discrimination (SPPD), subjective well-being (SWB), SE, and the Big-Five. In a Brazilian sample (N = 1,130), we found that social status affects the network structure among low- and high-status group members. We also found that not all causal relations are equal between groups, such that the influence of SPPD, SE, and neuroticism is different depending on participants’ social status. Our results demonstrate the importance of accounting for social status when crafting psychological interventions to mitigate the negative effects of prejudice and discrimination and dismantle systems ...

REVISTA AMBIENTE CONTÁBIL - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - ISSN 2176-9036, 2018
O presente estudo tem por objetivo verificar empiricamente os fatores determinantes da estrutura ... more O presente estudo tem por objetivo verificar empiricamente os fatores determinantes da estrutura de capital de empresas brasileiras de capital aberto, com ações negociadas na BM&FBosvepa, no período 2010-2017. Os fatores considerados na análise são aqueles propostos nas principais teorias sobre estrutura de capital: rentabilidade, risco, tamanho, tangibilidade e oportunidades de crescimento. Subsidiariamente a estes fatores, incluiu-se um conjunto de dummies setoriais com o intuito de evidenciar eventual característica específica de dado setor. Para a análise empregou-se o método estatístico de dados em painel e modelos com efeitos fixos e com efeitos variáveis. A amostra foi composta por 186 empresas, dividias em 19 setores econômicos. Os testes estatísticos evidenciaram a não significância dos setores ao apontar pela estimação de um modelo com efeitos fixos. Os resultados indicam que rentabilidade, risco e oportunidades de crescimento induzem menor endividamento, que o tamanho de ...

The present study has three aims. First to propose and present the situational optimization funct... more The present study has three aims. First to propose and present the situational optimization function analysis (SOFA). Then, to compare a Bayesian implementation of the SOFA with three other Maximum Likelihood-based models in recovering true scores. The third aim is to present how joint modeling can be used for validity research. A simulation study was used to test the second aim, while an empirical example was used to illustrate the third aim. The simulation study used three data generating process, with varying degrees of deviation from linear models and sample size. Results showed that our Bayesian implementation supersedes the other models. In the empirical example, data collected with 63 participants using an iterated prisoner dilemma and a scale on cooperation-competition attitudes was used. Results showed that joint modeling is the best fitting model, also increasing the correlation between the true scores of both measures (deviations from the iterated prisoner dilemma and the...

Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia, 2017
Em contextos sociais, quando ocorre uma falha, frequentemente usam-se as mais diversas justificat... more Em contextos sociais, quando ocorre uma falha, frequentemente usam-se as mais diversas justificativas. A questão que emerge desse contexto é quão desculpável a justificativa se apresenta a depender de sua causa (externa, interna controlável ou interna incontrolável) e da hierarquia social de quem a pede. Esta pesquisa investigou efeitos de pedidos de desculpas, feitos por pessoas de hierarquias diferentes, entre três diferentes alvos de avaliação – auto (eu) e hetero (meus amigos e outros). Trezentos participantes responderam a cenários em que alguém (ora um professor, ora um aluno) se atrasa para um compromisso e oferece três tipos de desculpas que deveriam ser respondidas em três alvos de avaliação. Os resultados corroboraram o modelo de Weiner (2006), mostrando que desculpas com causas externas foram mais aceitáveis que as internas incontroláveis, seguidas das internas controláveis. Pedidos de desculpas feitos pelo professor, no entanto, foram menos aceitos. Na comparação entre a...

Cogent Business & Management, 2018
The concept of staff sizing aims to estimate or determine the ideal or optimal number of people n... more The concept of staff sizing aims to estimate or determine the ideal or optimal number of people needed to perform some organizational activities, which can be considered as a trend. So, models for staff sizing constitute a fundamental part of accurately identifying staff allocation. The objective of this paper is to propose a framework for decision-making based on Data Envelopment Analysis-DEA, to estimate the staff sizing in a Brazilian entity responsible for promoting and supporting the competitiveness and sustainable development of micro and small enterprises. Data collection was carried out in the headquarters of the entity, located in Brasilia. Firstly, interviews were carried with managers in order to assess qualitatively the needs of staff for each service unit. Secondly, the documental analysis of reports from 21 units was analyzed quantitatively in order to determine their efficiency in terms of staff sizing. The results found through DEA show that only three service units can be considered efficient in terms of staff sizing. Thus, there is a need to reduce the number of workers in most of the organization. In this context, the contributions for the entity lie in the discussion on the creation of quantitative indicators and the adoption of an efficiency analysis, which can be used to better estimate or determine the optimal quantity of staff. This paper innovates by proposing a quantitative and systematized approach to estimate the staff sizing, which is the DEA.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018
This paper studied agricultural eco-efficiency in the Amazon, using hyperbolic distance functions... more This paper studied agricultural eco-efficiency in the Amazon, using hyperbolic distance functions with a stochastic frontier based on the classical variables of the multi-product production function and internalization of two externalities (one positive and one negative). The study allowed the contrast among various specifications of production functions and estimation of the opportunity costs of externalities, marginal rates of substitution and transformation, as well as an index of environmental sustainability and its determinants. The main results of the study indicate that the opportunity cost of preserved areas is between US$ 82.39 and US$ 170.37 per ha/year, and it is possible to increase the desired outputs by 19.5%, simultaneously reducing the degraded areas and inputs by 16.36%, and this only referring to the best practices in the region.

Psico-USF, 2018
Resumo Embora pedidos de desculpas sejam tratados como mecanismos de gerenciamento de impressão e... more Resumo Embora pedidos de desculpas sejam tratados como mecanismos de gerenciamento de impressão em psicologia, ainda se conhece pouco sobre a dinâmica de oferecê-las (e não somente de recebê-las) em diferentes tipos de relacionamento interpessoal. Cenários experimentais para pedir desculpas em três condições independentes (interagindo com um parente íntimo, amigo íntimo ou par romântico) foram respondidos por 239 participantes, seguidos por medidas de plausibilidade, responsabilidade e emoção, além da escala de Intimidade Social de Miller. Quatro categorias principais foram identificadas e testadas em suas associações com os relacionamentos. Desculpas a parentes revelaram-se de causalidade externa ou interna, a pares românticos revelaram-se internas ou de reparação, enquanto a amigos revelaram-se de desengajamento moral ou externas. Não foram encontradas diferenças nos julgamentos de responsabilidade, plausibilidade e emoção. Discute-se tanto o papel das desculpas para a prevenção d...
Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, 2017
RESUMO Decisões entre cooperar e competir são fundamentais em dilemas sociais, quando interesses ... more RESUMO Decisões entre cooperar e competir são fundamentais em dilemas sociais, quando interesses individuais de consumo estão em conflito com benefícios coletivos. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi testar a ocorrência de vieses de cognição social em um dilema simulado, com base nos procedimentos de (Gifford e Hine, 1997). Após jogarem o software FISH em condições de cooperação e competição, os participantes relataram suas auto e hetero percepções. Foram verificados o viés de falso consenso e o erro fundamental de atribuição, mas os vieses de autosserviço e o ator-observador se mostraram efeitos mais limitados e apenas entre cooperadores. Discutem-se algumas implicações teóricas, metodológicas e práticas dos fenômenos no contexto do consumo sustentável.

Psychological Methods, 2021
This study presents the situational optimization function analysis (SOFA) and has three aims. Fir... more This study presents the situational optimization function analysis (SOFA) and has three aims. First, to develop a Bayesian implementation of SOFA. Second, to compare this implementation with three other maximum likelihood-based models in their accuracy to estimate true scores. The third aim is to show how joint modeling can be used for validity research. A simulation study was used to examine the second aim, while an empirical example was used to illustrate the third aim. The simulation study used three data generating processes, with varying degrees of deviation from linear models and with different sample sizes. Results of the simulation study showed that the Bayesian implementation supersedes the other models. In the empirical example, data collected from 66 participants using an iterated prisoner dilemma and a scale measuring cooperation-competition attitudes were used. Results showed that joint modeling is the best fitting model, also increasing the correlation between the true scores of both measures (deviations from the iterated prisoner dilemma and the scale). Finally, implications, limitations and future studies are discussed.

Journal of Business Ethics, 2021
Research on unethical leadership has predominantly focused on interpersonal and high-intensity fo... more Research on unethical leadership has predominantly focused on interpersonal and high-intensity forms of harmful leader behavior such as abusive supervision. Other forms of harmful leader behavior such as excessively pressuring subordinates or acting in self-centered ways have received less attention, despite being harmful and potentially occurring more frequently. We propose a model of four types of harmful leader behavior (HLB) varying in intensity (high vs low) and orientation (people/ relationships or tasks/goals): Intimidation, Lack of Care, Self-Centeredness, and Excessive Pressure for Results. We map out how these relate to other constructs in the unethical leader behavior field in order to integrate the existing work on how leaders can cause harm to followers. Next, in five studies (N = 35, N = 218, N = 352, N = 160, N = 1921 in 196 teams), we develop and test a new survey instrument measuring the four proposed types of perceived HLB. We provide initial validity evidence for this new measure, establish its psychometric properties, and examine its nomological network by linking the four types of HLB to related leadership constructs and soft and hard outcome correlates at the individual and team level. We find that HLB is negatively related to constructive forms of leadership (e.g., ethical and transformational) and positively to unethical ones (e.g., abusive supervision). HLB is also related in the expected direction to job satisfaction, engagement, psychological safety, knowledge sharing, knowledge hiding, deviance, and objectively recorded team-level stress-related absenteeism.

Avaliação Psicológica, 2018
Complex models, such as mediation and moderation, are essential for comprehending psychological v... more Complex models, such as mediation and moderation, are essential for comprehending psychological variables. Nevertheless, during the testing of such models, the structure and reliability of the instruments might affect the estimated relationship between variables. Thus, models of mediation and moderation that correct the parameters yielding error estimates are fundamental. The objective of this study is to compare the performance of three Structural Equation Modeling models that include mediation and moderation effects: Random slopes, latent interactions and path analysis. The three models were compared using both simulated and real data. The results showed that when the variance contained in the slopes is small, both the random slopes model and the latent interaction model are equivalently good. The path analysis model, on the other hand, performs well to recover the effects of moderation, but it underestimates the direct and indirect effects of mediation. Best practices for testing hypotheses with complex effects are discussed, and we suggest using latent models for testing mediation and moderation.
Papers by Vithor R Franco