University of San Francisco
Social movement practitioners have grappled for years with the role that ideology and consciousness play in bringing about social change. This article asks how lived experiences of institutional exclusion shape the political consciousness... more
This article draws on my experience as an adjunct professor in the Master’s program of a Department of Mexican-American Studies at a large, public university in California. Seeing my students’ struggles with writing, I conceived of a set... more
The lives of undocumented youth are fundamentally characterized by the legal and social contradiction that arises from growing up in the United States yet facing barriers to full participation in US society. As such, the production of... more
The increased visibility of undocumented youth in the past decade has chal- lenged public conceptions of who undocumented immigrants are, what they look like, and what role they play in US society. Undocumented Latino migrant youth have... more
In recent years, researchers have paid increased attention to the challenges undocumented students face in accessing higher education. However, within this growing field of inquiry, the unique experiences of undocumented students at... more
Despite high levels of disengagement in urban literacy classrooms, few teachers have seen fit to explore spoken word -the performance of poetry -as a tool to engage students in literacy. Spoken word poetry serves as a powerful means of... more
that reflect a concern for students' lives. Specifically, it discusses the impact of students performing autoethnographies )-cultural narratives that build toward critical social analysis-as a means toward increasing critical... more
From Diving In: Bill Ayers and the Art of Teaching into the Contradiction - a tribute to Bill Ayers' life's work.
This article, recently published in Urban Education, analyzes teaching that begins with the realities, ideologies, and articulations of dispossessed youth of color to shift perceptions of cultural deficits into potential academic... more
This article examines the usefulness of engaging culturally relevant texts with five levels of analysis to foster critical thinking and academic writing. Teachers who are not critical of seemingly a theoretical, ahistorical reading... more
Breaking down the social, political, and cultural processes through which race, class, and gender worldviews are established, ideological literacies help students look closely at the intricate, contra- dictory meanings in texts. The... more