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    • Clinical Sciences
RS. International consensus on (icon) pediatric asthma. Allergy 2012; 67: 976-997.
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Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) is increasingly used worldwide. Despite its safety being well ascertained, there is no universally accepted system to grade and classify its adverse events (AEs). According to the literature, it seems... more
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      ImmunologyAllergyAnaphylaxisRisk factors
Osteoporosis affects 40% of white women older than 45 years of age and 15% of white men older than 50 years of age, resulting in approximately 1.5 million annual fractures in the United States. Systemic corticosteroid therapy increases... more
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Asthma in the elderly (AIE) is under diagnosed and under treated and there is a paucity of knowledge. The National Institute on Aging convened this workshop to identify what is known, what gaps in knowledge remain and suggest research... more
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      PsychologyImmunologyNatural HistoryAsthma
Five lipoxygenase (5-LO) is the first committed enzyme in the metabolic pathway leading to the synthesis of the leukotrienes. We examined genomic DNA isolated from 25 normal subjects and 31 patients with asthma (6 of whom had... more
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      AsthmaTranscription FactorsClinicalPolymerase Chain Reaction
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      ImmunologyCurriculumAllergy and ImmunologyClinical Allergy and Immunology
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      ImmunologyGastroesophageal Reflux DiseaseClinical Allergy and Immunology
BACKGROUND: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection is the major cause of bronchiolitis in infants and is a risk factor for the development of asthma. Allergic asthmatics are more susceptible to RSV infection and viral exacerbation.... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyVirologyAsthma
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      ImmunologyGlobal HealthAsthmaInternational Cooperation
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RATIONALE: Although there are rare reports of cutaneous reactions from inhalation of specific beta-agonists or soy-derived excipients in metered dose inhalers, to our knowledge cutaneous reactions to multiple beta-agonist agents have not... more
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      ChemistryImmunologyRetinoic AcidClinical Allergy and Immunology
Asthma is the most common chronic lower respiratory disease in childhood throughout the world. Several guidelines and/or consensus documents are available to support medical decisions on pediatric asthma. Although there is no doubt that... more
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This study evaluated the prevalence of upper respiratory symptoms (URS) among patients with symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Seventy-four subjects with heartburn completed a URS questionnaire before dual-probe, 24-h... more
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      GastroenterologyRefluxMedicineInternal Medicine
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      ImmunologyMedicineClinical SciencesClinical Allergy and Immunology
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      ImmunologyMedicineVasculitisPulmonary Embolism
Building-and home-related complaints and illnesses: "Sick building syndrome"
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      PsychologyImmunologyEnvironmental HealthMedicine
With the increeeed uee of "immunoauppreeeive" agents in eewre cwrtf#rra end ttie incrweeing use of cyeloeporine in other conditions of poeetbb immune pethogeneeis, the f&towing provocative article should interest many of our readers
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