? ?
Journal created:
on 3 January 2005 (#5638609)
on 4 January 2006
Washington, United States
External Services:
someplace else---lovexplsn

gimme some love,
gimme some love,
sugar, on the hard rock radio.♥

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miranda was sitting on my verandah
lookin' as cute as an asian panda!
rivers cuomo was my next door neighbour
so on a sunday morning, when miranda
wasn't feeling so as-cute-as-an-asian-panda
he came to save her! he cooed, "miranda, darling,"
in his soft, sweet voice, "marry me! and we shall
be so happy! in my little blue house with lots of
babies! mini-cuomos, mini-mirandas, mini yous
and mes!"

"HELL YES!" yelled miranda panda -- she wasn't
so sad now! heck, she'd be marrying her soulmate
and it made her think, WOW! so they had a wedding
in a vast field of daises, i was one of the bridesmaids
and wore a dress of paisley! we danced on the streets
and shout-screamed to el scorcho, and scared our
neighbours who stood aghast on their el porch-os!

what a happy, happy day for you and me!
we even hung out with the muppets at the
wedding after party! you sh-sh-shredded the cello
and i said, hello! and we ate neon green jell-o
and it turned miss piggy's teeth yellow.

a weezer-like fairytale for you and me!
hooray! hooray! trees and honey bees!

---COPYRIGHT NATHANIA GILSON [_brokenbracelet]

someplace else---lovexplsn
