Papers by Alberth Rojas Perfil Educativo

Interdisciplinarity gives us an ideal opportunity to articulate different files that can be addre... more Interdisciplinarity gives us an ideal opportunity to articulate different files that can be addressed from a perspective multiconceptual yet multifunctional in the sense that you can use various contextual methodologies that can be taken to enhance classroom teaching and option middle school level. The San Jose school in the town of Oporapa Huila, has groups of students who are located in middle level, the level of education provides an opportunity to interrelate disciplines Natural Science and Technology; that interdisciplinary cooperation is based on the problem solving context through school micro.
Some researchers believe that gender mainstreaming should be assumed as a balanced and dynamic system, in order to make changes that lead to a more comprehensive theoretical organization of reality and the training of students. Some results achieved through this experience, obeyed generate an approach to the use and exploitation of ICTs and their integration into scientific micro theoretical and demonstrative, both as a positive assessment in learning through the Natural Sciences Technology.
Keywords: Mainstreaming, Science, Technology, TIC´s, Micro-school

Los precios están sujetos a cambios durante la impresión de la revista. Igualmente, por efectos d... more Los precios están sujetos a cambios durante la impresión de la revista. Igualmente, por efectos de la liquidación según la tasa de cambio de monedas extranjeras. Esta tabla de precios fue elaborada por Revista Motor como referencia a los precios promedio de vehículos en el mercado de los "usados, nuevos e importados" de Bogotá hasta la fecha de impresión de este ejemplar, asumiendo buenas condiciones de uso del vehículo y un kilometraje proporcional a su edad (20.000 Kms/año). Los precios aquí establecidos no son vinculantes ni obligatorios para ninguna persona, comprador interesados, y por tanto dependerá exclusivamente de la negociación entre dichas partes. Esta tabla es únicamente una guía para libre consulta e interpretación de los interesados. La Revista Motor no garantiza la exactitud de los valores estimados, como tampoco se responsabiliza del uso que los lectores hagan de la información aquí contenida. Derechos resevados CASA EDITORIAL EL TIEMPO S.A. Powered by: 2 de Julio de 2014
Papers by Alberth Rojas Perfil Educativo
Some researchers believe that gender mainstreaming should be assumed as a balanced and dynamic system, in order to make changes that lead to a more comprehensive theoretical organization of reality and the training of students. Some results achieved through this experience, obeyed generate an approach to the use and exploitation of ICTs and their integration into scientific micro theoretical and demonstrative, both as a positive assessment in learning through the Natural Sciences Technology.
Keywords: Mainstreaming, Science, Technology, TIC´s, Micro-school
Some researchers believe that gender mainstreaming should be assumed as a balanced and dynamic system, in order to make changes that lead to a more comprehensive theoretical organization of reality and the training of students. Some results achieved through this experience, obeyed generate an approach to the use and exploitation of ICTs and their integration into scientific micro theoretical and demonstrative, both as a positive assessment in learning through the Natural Sciences Technology.
Keywords: Mainstreaming, Science, Technology, TIC´s, Micro-school