Papers by Hovann Simonian
The striking parallels between events in the Caucasus a century apart—the Karabakh conflict, Turk... more The striking parallels between events in the Caucasus a century apart—the Karabakh conflict, Turkish military support for Azerbaijan, Turkish-Russian rapprochement, Russia’s betrayal of Armenia, and the Zangezur Corridor—prompted me to revisit a paper I wrote nearly thirty years ago on this very subject.
Surprisingly, few contemporary analysts and experts on the region are well-versed in its history from a century ago. This gap in historical awareness is what motivated me to share this paper here on Academia. Though it reflects the perspective of a young graduate student rather than that of a seasoned scholar, I believe it offers valuable insights into the region’s enduring geopolitical dynamics.
Armenian Pontus: The Trebizond-Black Sea Communities, 2009
"History and Identity among the Hemshin," in Richard G. Hovannisian, ed., Armenian Pontus: The Tr... more "History and Identity among the Hemshin," in Richard G. Hovannisian, ed., Armenian Pontus: The Trebizond-Black Sea Communities (UCLA Armenian History and Culture Series, Historic Armenian Cities and Provinces, Vol. 8). Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 2009, pp. 371-402.
Hovann Simonian, "La Noblesse Arménienne," in Annuaire High-Life (La Société et le High-Life), vo... more Hovann Simonian, "La Noblesse Arménienne," in Annuaire High-Life (La Société et le High-Life), vol. 139, 2017, pp. 16-22.
The Hemshin, History, Society and Identity in the Highlands of Northeast Turkey, Jan 2007
Chapter Six (pp. 124-137) in The Hemshin, History, Society and Identity in the Highlands of North... more Chapter Six (pp. 124-137) in The Hemshin, History, Society and Identity in the Highlands of Northeast Turkey (London: Routledge, 2007).
The Hemshin, History, Society and Identity in the Highlands of Northeast Turkey, Jan 2007
Chapter Four (pp. 52-99) in The Hemshin, History, Society and Identity in the Highlands of Northe... more Chapter Four (pp. 52-99) in The Hemshin, History, Society and Identity in the Highlands of Northeast Turkey (London: Routledge, 2007).
The Hemshin, History, Society and Identity in the Highlands of Northeast Turkey, Jan 2007
Chapter Two (pp. 19-41) in The Hemshin, History, Society and Identity in the Highlands of Northea... more Chapter Two (pp. 19-41) in The Hemshin, History, Society and Identity in the Highlands of Northeast Turkey (London: Routledge, 2007).
ISIM Newsletter, Jan 1, 2004
Journal of Genocide Research, Jan 1, 2002
... Les Lazes en Turquie (XIXeXXe Sie`cles), Cahiers du Bosphore No 11 (Istanbul: Les Editions I... more ... Les Lazes en Turquie (XIXeXXe Sie`cles), Cahiers du Bosphore No 11 (Istanbul: Les Editions Isis, 1995), p2; Revaz Gachechiladze, The New ... Bougai, p 141; Pohl, p 130; Jean-Jacques Marie, Les Peuples Déportés d'Union Soviétique, Questions au XXe Sie`cle Series (Paris ...
Books by Hovann Simonian

The Hemshin are without doubt one of the most enigmatic peoples of Turkey and the Caucasus. As fo... more The Hemshin are without doubt one of the most enigmatic peoples of Turkey and the Caucasus. As former Christians who converted to Islam centuries ago yet did not assimilate into the culture of the surrounding Muslim populations, as Turks who speak Armenian yet are often not aware of it, as Muslims who continue to celebrate feasts that are part of the calendar of the Armenian Church, and as descendants of Armenians who, for the most part, have chosen to deny their Armenian origins in favour of recently invented myths of Turkic ancestry, the Hemshin and the seemingly irreconcilable differences within their group identity have generated curiosity and often controversy.
The Hemshin is the first scholarly work to provide an in-depth study of these people living in the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. This groundbreaking volume brings together chapters written by an international group of scholars that cover the history, language, economy, culture and identity of the Hemshin. It is further enriched with an unprecedented collection of maps, pictures and appendices of up-to-date statistics. The Hemshin forms part of the Peoples of the Caucasus series, an indispensable and yet accessible resource for all those with an interest in the Caucasus.
This work analyzes political and economic dynamics of the Caspian basin. It examines the area's h... more This work analyzes political and economic dynamics of the Caspian basin. It examines the area's historical evolution and the diverse issues and players in what has become a modern variant of the "Great Game" of the 19th century. Following a historical overview of the region and its oil industries, the text analyzes the domestic politics and the foreign policies of the five states bordering the Caspian - Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. It identifies all the external interests involved in the Caspian's political rivalries and control over its resources and territory, including the US, the European powers, various nationalist movements, Islamic militants, multinational corporations, NGOs and international financial institutions.
Book Reviews by Hovann Simonian
Central Asian Survey, 1998
Review of Richard G. Hovannisian. The Republic of Armenia. Vol. III. From London to Sèvres to Lon... more Review of Richard G. Hovannisian. The Republic of Armenia. Vol. III. From London to Sèvres to London, February-August 1920. Berkeley/Los Angeles/London: University of California Press, 1996, xx, 534; AND Vol. IV. Between Crescent and Sickle: Partition and Sovietization. Berkeley/Los Angeles/London: University of California Press, 1996, xii, 496, in Central Asian Survey, vol. 17, No. 3, September 1998, pp. 506-508.
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 2006
Review of Willem van Schendel and Erik J. Zürcher (eds.). Identity Politics in Central Asia and t... more Review of Willem van Schendel and Erik J. Zürcher (eds.). Identity Politics in Central Asia and the Muslim World: Nationalism, Ethnicity and Labour in the Twentieth Century. London and New York: I.B. Tauris, 2001, viii, 235 pp., in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (BSOAS), vol. 69, No. 1, February 2006, pp. 162-163.
Asian Affairs, 2001
Review of Hilmar Kaiser (ed.). Marsovan 1915: The Diaries of Bertha B. Morley. 2nd Edition. Ann H... more Review of Hilmar Kaiser (ed.). Marsovan 1915: The Diaries of Bertha B. Morley. 2nd Edition. Ann Harbor, Michigan: Gomidas Institute, 2000, xiv, 89 pp.; AND Stina Katchadourian (ed.). Great Need Over the Water: The Letters of Theresa Huntington Ziegler, Missionary to Turkey, 1898-1905. Ann Harbor, Michigan: Gomidas Institute, 2000, xvi, 375 pp., in Asian Affairs, Vol. 32, No. 2, June 2001, pp. 210-212.
Central Asian Survey, 2001
Review of International Oil and Gas Investment: Moving Eastward? Thomas W. Wälde and George K. Nd... more Review of International Oil and Gas Investment: Moving Eastward? Thomas W. Wälde and George K. Ndi (editors). Dordrecht/Boston/London: Graham & Trotman/Kluwer, 1994, xxiv, 548 pp.; International Boundaries and Environmental Security: Frameworks for
Regional Cooperation. Gerard Blake, Chia Lin Sien, Carl Grundy-Warr, Martin Pratt and Clive Schofield (editors). Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer, 1997, xiv, 392 pp.; AND Boundaries and Energy: Problems and Prospects. Gerard Blake, Martin Platt, Clive Schofield and Janet Allison Brown (editors). Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer, 1998, xviii, 566 pp., in Central Asian Survey, Vol. 20, No. 2, June 2001, pp. 251-252.
Nationalities Papers, 2000
Review of Jonathan Cohen, ed. A Question of Sovereignty: The Georgia–Abkhazia Peace Process. Acco... more Review of Jonathan Cohen, ed. A Question of Sovereignty: The Georgia–Abkhazia Peace Process. Accord: An International Review of Peace Initiatives, No. 7. London: Conciliation Resources, 1999, 100 pp., in Nationalities Papers, Vol. 28, No. 4, December 2000, pp. 760-761.
Geopolitics and International Boundaries, 1997
Review of John F. R. Wright, Suzanne Goldenberg, and Richard Schofield (editors). Transcaucasian ... more Review of John F. R. Wright, Suzanne Goldenberg, and Richard Schofield (editors). Transcaucasian Boundaries. London: UCL Press, 1996, viii, 237 pp., in Geopolitics and International Boundaries, Vol. 2, No. 2, Autumn 1997, pp. 150-152.
Central Asian Survey, 2003
Review of Levon Chorbajian (editor). The Making of Nagorno-Karabagh: From Secession to Republic, ... more Review of Levon Chorbajian (editor). The Making of Nagorno-Karabagh: From Secession to Republic, xiii, 267 pp. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hants/New York: Palgrave, 2001, in Central Asian Survey, Vol. 22, No. 1, March 2003, pp. 117-120.
Central Asian Survey, 2000
Review of Michael H. Glantz and Igor S. Zonn (editors). Scientific, Environmental, and Political ... more Review of Michael H. Glantz and Igor S. Zonn (editors). Scientific, Environmental, and Political Issues in the Circum–Caspian Region. Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, xvi, 312 pp.; AND Iwao Kobori and Michael H. Glantz (editors). Central Eurasian Water Crisis: Caspian, Aral, and Dead Seas. Tokyo, New York, Paris: United Nations University Press, 1998, x, 204 pp., in Central Asian Survey, Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2000, pp. 301-303.
Central Asian Survey, 2000
Review of Charles van der Leeuw. Storm over the Caucasus: In the Wake of Independence. Richmond, ... more Review of Charles van der Leeuw. Storm over the Caucasus: In the Wake of Independence. Richmond, England: Curzon Press, 1999, xii, 212 pp., in Central Asian Survey, Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2000, pp. 297-300.
Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, 2004
Bahman Aghai Diba. The Caspian Sea in the Twenty-First Century: The Positions and Views of Russia... more Bahman Aghai Diba. The Caspian Sea in the Twenty-First Century: The Positions and Views of Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, with Special Reference to Iran. Bethesda, Maryland: IBEX Publishers, 2003, 184 pp., in Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, Vol. 38, No. 2, December 2004, pp. 269-271.
Papers by Hovann Simonian
Surprisingly, few contemporary analysts and experts on the region are well-versed in its history from a century ago. This gap in historical awareness is what motivated me to share this paper here on Academia. Though it reflects the perspective of a young graduate student rather than that of a seasoned scholar, I believe it offers valuable insights into the region’s enduring geopolitical dynamics.
Books by Hovann Simonian
The Hemshin is the first scholarly work to provide an in-depth study of these people living in the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. This groundbreaking volume brings together chapters written by an international group of scholars that cover the history, language, economy, culture and identity of the Hemshin. It is further enriched with an unprecedented collection of maps, pictures and appendices of up-to-date statistics. The Hemshin forms part of the Peoples of the Caucasus series, an indispensable and yet accessible resource for all those with an interest in the Caucasus.
Book Reviews by Hovann Simonian
Regional Cooperation. Gerard Blake, Chia Lin Sien, Carl Grundy-Warr, Martin Pratt and Clive Schofield (editors). Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer, 1997, xiv, 392 pp.; AND Boundaries and Energy: Problems and Prospects. Gerard Blake, Martin Platt, Clive Schofield and Janet Allison Brown (editors). Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer, 1998, xviii, 566 pp., in Central Asian Survey, Vol. 20, No. 2, June 2001, pp. 251-252.
Surprisingly, few contemporary analysts and experts on the region are well-versed in its history from a century ago. This gap in historical awareness is what motivated me to share this paper here on Academia. Though it reflects the perspective of a young graduate student rather than that of a seasoned scholar, I believe it offers valuable insights into the region’s enduring geopolitical dynamics.
The Hemshin is the first scholarly work to provide an in-depth study of these people living in the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. This groundbreaking volume brings together chapters written by an international group of scholars that cover the history, language, economy, culture and identity of the Hemshin. It is further enriched with an unprecedented collection of maps, pictures and appendices of up-to-date statistics. The Hemshin forms part of the Peoples of the Caucasus series, an indispensable and yet accessible resource for all those with an interest in the Caucasus.
Regional Cooperation. Gerard Blake, Chia Lin Sien, Carl Grundy-Warr, Martin Pratt and Clive Schofield (editors). Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer, 1997, xiv, 392 pp.; AND Boundaries and Energy: Problems and Prospects. Gerard Blake, Martin Platt, Clive Schofield and Janet Allison Brown (editors). Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer, 1998, xviii, 566 pp., in Central Asian Survey, Vol. 20, No. 2, June 2001, pp. 251-252.