Papers by Gloria F Orenstein

Renegade, 2017
The course will introduce students to some of the major experimental works and movements that def... more The course will introduce students to some of the major experimental works and movements that defi ned the historical avant-garde in the 20th century: from the modernist poetry of Guillaume Apollinaire and Gertrude Stein, to Marinetti’s Futurist manifesto, the Soviet Constructivists, Dada, André Breton’s Surrealism, and end with the contestatory pronouncements and practices of the Situationists. The great historical upheavals of the 20th century—the Great War, the Soviet Revolution, the Spanish Civil War, World War II—were powerful forces that had a profound impact on these avantgarde fi gures and movements. Our major aim is to analyze the poetics and politics of these different movements or anti-movements from a comparative and transnational perspective. We will also examine the relation of cinema to other arts, and in particular, architecture, music, painting, photography, and poetry. We will also pay particular attention to the historiographic, stylistic, aesthetic and political ...
Reply to Wickes
Signs, 1980
Exposition Art et littérature féministes

Gloria Feman Orenstein - Torah Study, Feminism and Spiritual Quest in the Work of Five American Jewish Women Artists - Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues 14:1
While most contemporary American Jewish women artists (of the "second wave") have expre... more While most contemporary American Jewish women artists (of the "second wave") have expressed their Jewish identity in art by engaging with historical and social issues (anti-semitism, the Holocaust, assimilation, immigration, ethnicity, etc.) this article focuses on the works of two groups of Jewish women artists who have an advanced knowledge of Torah and Hebrew, and whose works engage profoundly with Jewish texts. Helene Aylon, Bruria Finkel and Gilah Yelin Hirsch have been immersed in Jewish studies since childhood whereas Ruth Weisberg and Cheselyn Amato pursued their learning somewhat later in life, as Jewish teachings became more available to women. All of these artists are feminist creators and activists and have been participating in various aspects of the feminist movement and the women's art movement in the U.S. This article explores the differences in their expressions of Jewish identity, and, primarily, the ways in which the teachings of Torah and knowledge of Hebrew (including the study of Kabbalah) have produced innovative Jewish insights in the work of feminist artists who are steeped in the Jewish canon.
Hélène de Beauvoir’s Feminist Gaze
Simone de Beauvoir Studies
Rethinking Environmental Choices: The Intersection of Feminism and the Environmental Movement, or What Is Feminist About the Feminist Perspective on the Environment
American Behavioral Scientist, 1994
Art History and the Case for the Women of Surrealism
Journal of General Education, 1975
Alchimie du verbe and Alchimie du corps: Two Aspects of the Influence of Surrealism on Contemporary Theatre
Dada Surrealism, 1973
Refashioning the World to the Image of Female Desire: The Collages of Aube Elléouët
Dada Surrealism, 1990
Refashioning the World to the Image of Female Desire: The Collages of Aube Elleouet Gloria Feman ... more Refashioning the World to the Image of Female Desire: The Collages of Aube Elleouet Gloria Feman Orenstein To study the collage oeuvre of Aube ... with the order of the natural world, rather than with that of technological civilization, is not a form of biologi-cal destiny, but a ...
Visibly Female : Feminism and Art Today : An Anthology
The reflowering of the goddess
Is Equality Still Inequality?
Journal of the National Association of Women Deans Administrators and Counselors, 1986
Special Issue on Art || The Greening of Gaia: Ecofeminist Artists Revisit the Garden
The Greening of Gaia: Ecofeminist Artists Revisit the Garden
Ethics & the Environment, 2003
In 1987 I wrote, “In the creation of new cultures that neither pit humans against nature nor set ... more In 1987 I wrote, “In the creation of new cultures that neither pit humans against nature nor set them above it, but rather situate humans within the cycles of the cosmos and celebrate the interconnectedness of all things, the arts have begun to play a major transformational part. This, in itself, makes ecofeminism a different kind of political movement, for
Reply to Wickes
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 1980
Living What We're Thinking
The Women's Review of Books, 1990

Gloria Feman Orenstein - Torah Study, Feminism and Spiritual Quest in the Work of Five American Jewish Women Artists - Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues 14:1
While most contemporary American Jewish women artists (of the "second wave") have expre... more While most contemporary American Jewish women artists (of the "second wave") have expressed their Jewish identity in art by engaging with historical and social issues (anti-semitism, the Holocaust, assimilation, immigration, ethnicity, etc.) this article focuses on the works of two groups of Jewish women artists who have an advanced knowledge of Torah and Hebrew, and whose works engage profoundly with Jewish texts. Helene Aylon, Bruria Finkel and Gilah Yelin Hirsch have been immersed in Jewish studies since childhood whereas Ruth Weisberg and Cheselyn Amato pursued their learning somewhat later in life, as Jewish teachings became more available to women. All of these artists are feminist creators and activists and have been participating in various aspects of the feminist movement and the women's art movement in the U.S. This article explores the differences in their expressions of Jewish identity, and, primarily, the ways in which the teachings of Torah and knowledge of Hebrew (including the study of Kabbalah) have produced innovative Jewish insights in the work of feminist artists who are steeped in the Jewish canon.
Torah Study, Feminism and Spiritual Quest in the Work of Five American Jewish Women Artists
Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues, 2007
... Each of them has envisioned a contemporary Jewish feminist art that is rooted in the specific... more ... Each of them has envisioned a contemporary Jewish feminist art that is rooted in the specificity of Torah study and an understanding of the mystical dimensions of the Hebrew ... Each of theseartists has questioned the traditional role ascribed to women in Judaism and ...
Papers by Gloria F Orenstein