Papers by Gonzalo Rodriguez Rodriguez

Cuadernos Económicos de ICE, 2015
El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar la eficiencia de los viveros de empresas, haciendo ... more El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar la eficiencia de los viveros de empresas, haciendo un análisis a nivel regional y su aportación a la economía. Para ello, se hace un repaso a la literatura para ver las diversas aportaciones a los conceptos de emprendedor y viveros de empresas, para posteriormente realizar una comparativa regional de estos centros y su relación con la economía en españa. Posteriormente, se presenta un modelo económico que busca analizar si los recursos de los viveros de empresas (públicos y totales) son usados con eficiencia y contribuyen a los objetivos de los centros de iniciativas emprendedoras. Se finalizará con unas conclusiones, siendo la principal, que los viveros de empresas son instrumentos muy útiles para contribuir al desarrollo económico y social en españa y la gran importancia del sector público para el funcionamiento de estos centros de iniciativa emprendedora. Palabas clave: viveros de empresas, recursos públicos, creación de empresas, generación de empleo, recaudación fiscal.
Economia de los cultivos de mejillon en Galicia
Marine Policy, 2009
This paper presents an estimation of the economic effects of the Prestige oil spill in Galicia, f... more This paper presents an estimation of the economic effects of the Prestige oil spill in Galicia, focusing on the Death Coast fisheries and using fish landings as a market technique. Examining the evolution of landings in the Death Coast before and after the accident, the analysis reveals two opposing trends, with landings of some species increasing and those of other species diminishing. However, it is necessary to stress that the results obtained from the use of landings as a main indicator are not enough to confirm the influence of the oil ...
Economia de los cultivos de mejillon en Galicia
Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies, 2018
The discussion about the biodiversity conservation and human wellbeing is currently intense and, ... more The discussion about the biodiversity conservation and human wellbeing is currently intense and, quite often, revenue coming from tourism had been assumed enough to marry together the development of local communities with the protection of natural capital. However, the debate is far from been solved. This research is based in three key features aimed to capture the complexity of the phenomena: data is taken in three different periods, focus is on relationship between biodiversity protection and poverty alleviation and, finally a context sensitive approach was adopted. Results shows that i) improvement in wellbeing has not to do with endogenous development, ii) the impact of the park in poverty alleviation is negligible and iii) tourism is not a solution per se.

Marine Policy
Abstract The current European Union has been progressively implementing since January 2014 a disc... more Abstract The current European Union has been progressively implementing since January 2014 a discard ban which includes the obligation to land unwanted catch for certain regulated species and sizes. Although a full enforcement of the landing obligation has a direct impact on discard reduction through more responsible and selective fishing, fishers argue that it will prompt both a decrease in incomes and an increase in working time onboard. Thus, the measure is in a hold in south-western waters due to the difficulties to implement the ban in mixed fisheries This paper analyzes some possible scenarios which fishers could face under the landing obligation. It is shown the construction of a spatial bio-economic model to infer average costs, incomes and gross profits by fishing ground. We illustrate its use using a coastal trawling fleet based in the northwestern Iberian Peninsula as case study. Results show how fishing ground selection will remain the key factor affecting gross profits, well above the selection of closer fishing grounds, the improvement of fuel efficiency, or extending the length of the fishing trip. Increasing the number of crew members to overcome the expected excess of work time onboard would also be a cost-benefit balanced measure. According to our scenario simulations, to maintain business-as-usual (status quo situation) is the most probable fishing strategy without any regulation change. Fishing strategies are tight and maximized to current economic outcomes. Fishers will be reluctant to change their own fishing unless they are forced to for economic and/or regulatory reasons.
Economia de los cultivos de mejillon en Galicia, 2008
Economia de los cultivos de mejillon en Galicia, 2008
Economia de los cultivos de mejillon en Galicia, 2008
Economia de los cultivos de mejillon en Galicia, 2008
Economia de los cultivos de mejillon en Galicia, 2008
Nuevos retos para el turismo, 2009
Economia de los cultivos de mejillon en Galicia, 2008
Economia de los cultivos de mejillon en Galicia, 2008
Revista Galega De Economia, 2011
Cooperativismo E Economia Social, 2000
Aquaculture Economics Management, Oct 11, 2013
Papers by Gonzalo Rodriguez Rodriguez
Sin embargo, los instrumentos para poder objetivar estas expectativas, tanto en el plano público como en el privado, son escasos, particularmente a nivel local.
En este sentido, y con el objetivo de clarificar un poco el estado de la cuestión en lo referido a la medición de la importancia económica del turismo, en la primera parte de la comunicación se realiza una revisión de las diferentes metodologías de cálculo del impacto económico del turismo. A continuación se desenvuelve una discusión sobre las principales propiedades de las mismas, y sobre todo, de sus carencias y posibilidades de utilización a nivel local. Finalmente, se propone un método de cálculo del impacto del turismo a nivel local y se realiza una aplicación al ayuntamiento de Ribeira (A Coruña), con la finalidad de probar esta metodología y verificar sus propiedades para proveer una medida fiable del impacto.