Conference Presentations by Cristina Gómez-Román

"En este trabajo queremos estudiar hasta qué punto el contexto influye en las variables explicati... more "En este trabajo queremos estudiar hasta qué punto el contexto influye en las variables explicativas que determinan la participación en la protesta. En concreto, comprobamos si los motivos expresivos e instrumentales, la eficacia, la ira y la identidad tienen el mismo peso explicativo sobre la participación política en diferentes contextos.
Para ello, comparamos dos manifestaciones organizadas por los mismos sindicatos en España, en dos momentos diferentes: uno antes de la reforma laboral y otro tras la reforma. Esta situación contextual nos permite estudiar, en un experimento natural, si hay diferencias en el contexto que llevan a la movilización y si éstas apelan a diferentes dinámicas de motivación para participar en la protesta.
El procedimiento de recogida de datos se llevó a cabo durante las manifestaciones del 1º de mayo (antes de la reforma), y del 29 de septiembre (tras la aprobación de la reforma).
La metodología utilizada en la recogida de datos pretendía garantizar que cada participante en la manifestación tuviese la misma probabilidad de ser entrevistado. Para ello utilizamos supervisores del trabajo de campo que dirigían a un grupo de entrevistadores en cada manifestación. Los supervisores contaban las filas para garantizar un reparto aleatorio de los cuestionarios en la marcha y evitar así el sesgo del entrevistador.
Además, para controlar el sesgo por la falta de respuesta, se usaron dos tipos de recolección de datos: (1) breves entrevistas cara a cara que eran contestadas durante la protesta e incluían las cuestiones más importantes de la investigación; y (2) cuestionarios pre-franqueados más amplios que los participantes tenían que cubrir en casa y reenviar por correo.
Participaron en nuestro estudio 180 manifestantes de la primera protesta (67% hombres, 33% mujeres, con una edad media de 52 años) y 307 participantes de la segunda (El 55,5% fueron hombres y el 44,5% mujeres, siendo la edad media de 42,76 años).
Los resultados obtenidos en la regresión jerárquica muestran que las variables estudiadas y la relación entre ellas no es la misma en ambas manifestaciones, por lo que el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales diseñado es diferente en un contexto y en otro. Así, en la manifestación del 1º de mayo, los motivos instrumentales y la identidad determinaron directamente la participación en la protesta, actuando como mediadores de las otras variables sobre la determinación a participar. Mientras que en la manifestación del 29 de septiembre, la identidad es la que determina fundamentalmente la participación en la protesta, actuando como variable mediadora de los motivos expresivos y la eficacia."
Drafts by Cristina Gómez-Román
Este trabajo tiene por objeto el estudio el comportamiento colectivo con un modelo integral que i... more Este trabajo tiene por objeto el estudio el comportamiento colectivo con un modelo integral que incluye variables como los motivos, la eficacia, la emoción y la identidad. En concreto, el objetivo de este trabajo es examinar cómo el contexto influye en estas variables. Es decir, si el peso de las variables y la relación entre ellas, varía en función del contexto.
Papers by Cristina Gómez-Román

Frontiers in psychology, Feb 13, 2024
Introduction: Human behavior significantly contributes to environmental problems, making the stud... more Introduction: Human behavior significantly contributes to environmental problems, making the study of pro-environmental behavior an important task for psychology. In this context, it is crucial to understand the proenvironmental behavior of adolescents, as young people play a fundamental role in facilitating long-term changes in environmental consciousness and encouraging decision-makers to take action. However, little is currently known about the pro-environmental behavior of adolescents. Recently, there has been growing interest in examining the influence of personality traits and emotional intelligence on pro-environmental behavior. Methods: We conducted a systematic review to enhance our understanding of adolescent pro-environmental behavior. Thus, this systematic review was designed to enhance understanding of adolescent's pro-environmental behavior by summarizing existing evidence on how it relates to personality and emotional intelligence. Results: Our findings suggest associations between specific personality traits and dimensions of emotional intelligence with adolescent pro-environmental behavior, aligning with similar studies conducted on adults. Discussion: While our findings offer valuable insights, further research is needed to establish causality and deepen our understanding of the interplay between multiple variables influencing pro-environmental behavior among adolescents. Systematic review registration: [ record.php?ID=CRD42023387836], identifier [CRD42023387836].
Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Dec 31, 2023

Climatic change, Mar 29, 2024
Some argue that complementing climate change mitigation measures with solar radiation management ... more Some argue that complementing climate change mitigation measures with solar radiation management (SRM) might prove a last resort to limit global warming to 1.5 °C. To make a socially responsible decision on whether to use SRM, it is important to consider also public opinion, across the globe and particularly in the Global South, which would face the greatest risks from both global warming and SRM. However, most research on public opinion about SRM stems from the Global North. We report findings from the first large-scale, cross-cultural study on the public opinion about SRM among the general public (N = 2,248) and students (N = 4,583) in 20 countries covering all inhabited continents, including five countries from the Global South and five 'non-WEIRD' (i.e. not Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich, and Democratic) countries from the Global North. As public awareness of SRM is usually low, we provided participants with information on SRM, including key arguments in favour of and against SRM that appear in the scientific debate. On average, acceptability of SRM was significantly higher in the Global South than in the 'non-WEIRD' Global North, while acceptability in the 'WEIRD' Global North was in between. However, we found substantial variation within these clusters, especially in the 'non-WEIRD' Global North, suggesting that countries do not form homogenous clusters and should thus be considered individually. Moreover, the average participants' views, while generally neither strong nor polarised, differed from some expert views in important ways, including that participants perceived SRM as only slightly effective in limiting global warming. Still, our data suggests overall a conditional, reluctant acceptance. That is, while on average, people think SRM would have mostly negative consequences, they may Climatic Change (2024) 177:65 still be willing to tolerate it as a potential last resort to fight global warming, particularly if they think SRM has only minor negative (or even positive) impacts on humans and nature.

Water Research
Water scarcity is a major problem that affects a greater number of countries every year. A possib... more Water scarcity is a major problem that affects a greater number of countries every year. A possible solution is using recycled water systems. However, to implement the use of recycled water, public acceptance is needed. In this study, we propose a perceptive-axiological model (PAM) to understand the reasons for public acceptance or rejection of recycled water. This is the first model to jointly consider three conceptual dimensions: the diagnosis of the environmental situation, the axiological influence and the public perceptions regarding recycled water. The sample in this study consisted of 726 randomly selected participants who completed an online questionnaire. A key factor considered was the type of water use (low- or high-contact). Additionally, the model's ability to predict acceptance in regions of high and low water stress was tested. The model showed good fit and predictive capacity for both low (R2 = .272) and high (R2 = .501) contact uses and partial equivalence between regions. Threat perception was the most distal variable in the model which, together with identity, affected the attribution of responsibility. These variables, along with trust in scientists, affected the three direct predictors of acceptance: perceived health risks, moral obligation, and cost-benefit analysis. Perceived health risk was the most important predictor in both types of contact (β = -.642 in high-contact, β = -.388 in low-contact uses). Moral obligation had a greater impact in high-contact (β = .170) than in low-contact (β = .099) uses; the opposite outcome occurred with respect to costs-benefit analysis (β = .067 in high-contact, β = .219 in low-contact uses). The PAM offers a general framework that identifies the importance of the three dimensions and how they interact with each other, which facilitates the development of strategies to increase acceptance. On the one hand, the PAM works as a tool to assess the profile of a specific population and, on the other hand, it highlights the specific factors which are the best suited for interventions to increase public acceptance.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020
There is a growing interest in decentralized wastewater treatment systems, especially in regions ... more There is a growing interest in decentralized wastewater treatment systems, especially in regions with water scarcity problems or water management issues. This study aims to determine whether the perceived advantages and disadvantages (leading to acceptance) of decentralized wastewater plants in such regions are the same in regions where the population is not aware of these water issues. Firstly, this study systematically reviews previous findings on public perceptions of the acceptance of decentralized wastewater treatment systems. Then, the study details the results of a focus group study to determine whether the elements identified in the literature are also relevant in a region where people are unaware of water problems. The results show that a lack of awareness of water issues seems to be a critical factor influencing acceptance. Reframing the usefulness of these systems by focusing on other aspects, such as environmental sustainability, is key.

Sustainability, 2020
This study explores whether there are differences in several environmental dimensions, when the E... more This study explores whether there are differences in several environmental dimensions, when the European Region and Generation cohort are considered. In doing so, this study compares millennials in North and South Europe with members of Generation X in three environmental dimensions: attitudes, personal norms, and behavior. Using data from the European Social Survey (n = 6.216), the researchers tested the hypothesis that Northern Europeans and millennials have more pro-environmental standing than southerners and Generation Xers. The findings challenge the common belief that millennials are more committed to being environmentally conscious, showing that many millennials do not feel responsible for their climate footprint, nor do they behave in a way that shows more concern than previous generations to improve their environmental performance. Furthermore, contrary to expectations, Northern European participants are not the most committed, in all environmental dimensions, compared to S...

European Journal of Government and Economics, 2016
In this work we look into the individuals’ reasons that led Occupy protesters to participate in t... more In this work we look into the individuals’ reasons that led Occupy protesters to participate in this movement. We interviewed Occupy participants in the UK and Spain. We wanted to find out if the reasons that lead them to participate are the same in both countries. The context of the country where the demonstration was held was taken into account, as well as the differences there may be in the reasons for participation if we consider whether they are occasional or regular participants in collective protest actions. Using a two-by-two design defined by country of demonstration and the history of mobilisation (occasional vs. regular), our results show important differences in both factors. The study contributes to the literature, highlighting the importance of analysing the context where the demonstration takes place and which motives must be underlined in order to attract participants to protests.

PLOS ONE, 2019
Current predictive models of collective action have devoted little attention to personal values, ... more Current predictive models of collective action have devoted little attention to personal values, such as morals or ideology. The present research addresses this issue by incorporating a new axiological path in a novel predictive model of collective action, named AICAM. The axiological path is formed by two constructs: ideology and moral obligation. The model has been tested for real normative participation (Study 1) and intentional non-normative participation (Study 2). The sample for Study 1 included 531 randomly selected demonstrators and non-demonstrators at the time of a protest that took place in Madrid, May 2017. Study 2 comprised 607 randomly selected participants who filled out an online questionnaire. Structural equation modelling analysis was performed in order to examine the fit and predictive power of the model. Results show that the model is a good fit in both studies. It has also been observed that the new model entails a significant addition of overall effect size when compared with alternative models, including SIMCA. The present research contributes to the literature of collective action by unearthing a new, independent path towards collective action that is nonetheless compatible with previous motives. Implications for future research are discussed, mainly stressing the need to include moral and ideological motives in the study of collective action engagement.

Social Movement Studies, 2017
The recent economic crisis shaped a new wave of protest in Europe mobilising thousands of people.... more The recent economic crisis shaped a new wave of protest in Europe mobilising thousands of people. Austerity measures brought not only the 'usual suspects' onto the streets, they also awoke less frequent demonstrators. What brought all these people to the streets? Are their motivations the same for participation in all demonstrations? We compare participants in two types of mobilisations against austerity: those called particularistic (which are reactions to particular anti-austerity issues), and those universalistic (which address much broader issues such as questioning the political system). We also compare two typologies of participants taking into account their participation history: regular and occasional protesters. Employing a two-by-two design defined by type of demonstration (Particularistic vs. Universalistic) and the individual's participation history (Occasionals vs. Regulars), we found that the differences between demonstrations were smaller than those within types of protesters. Nevertheless, even in this period of hardship, motivation to participate in particularistic or universalistic protests differ depending on the perceptions of political system, ideological positioning and organisational embeddedness. Interaction analyses showed that different levels of identity, trust in institutions and satisfaction with democracy are crucial in driving people to participate in different types of demonstrations as occasionals or regulars.

Frontiers in Psychology, 2017
In times of crisis, political mobilizations increase. Many of them compete to impose a determined... more In times of crisis, political mobilizations increase. Many of them compete to impose a determined diagnosis of the situation. This work analyses this issue, taking into consideration two of the movements that have had a greater incidence during the crisis in Spain: The Catalonian National Assembly and the Marches for dignity. The objective is to know how the categories of aggrieved ingroup and outgroup responsible were identified and how both these movements defined the emotional climate at that moment. This work includes two studies. In the first one, an analysis of the categories identified in the manifestos published by these two movements was carried out. The results show that the Marches for dignity constructed a more inclusive ingroup identity and show a more negative emotional climate than the Catalonian National Assembly. The second study includes a sample of 919 participants and nonparticipants in 2 demonstrations called by those organizations. In this case MANOVAs of 2 (Type of demonstration: Catalonian National Assembly, Marches for dignity) × 2 (Type of participants: participants, non-participants) were performed. Results show that participants in both demonstrations have a higher level of injustice than nondemonstrators. Furthermore, demonstrators in Marches for dignity have a more negative perception of emotional climate than non-demonstrators. However, and contrary to the hypothesis, demonstrators of the Catalonian National Assembly have a more positive perception of emotional climate than non-demonstrators. The work explains these results in the socio-political context in which each of these movements acts and highlights the relevance of comparative investigation designs to further the knowledge of political mobilization dynamics.

International Sociology, 2014
The objective of this study is to ascertain how political context and participants’ union members... more The objective of this study is to ascertain how political context and participants’ union membership affect the motivation to participate in a protest. The study compares participants of two demonstrations in Spain on different dates, organized by the same trade unions, with the same objectives (opposition to a new labor law). The design of the study compares political context (demonstrating before or after the labor reform) and union membership (unionist/non-unionist). This provides an excellent frame of analysis as to how these factors affect the variables that motivate participation in a protest: anger, efficacy, identity, satisfaction with democracy and trust in institutions. The results confirm that political context mainly affects the variables identity and efficacy, whereas the union membership factor influences trust in political institutions, identity and satisfaction with democracy. Furthermore, analysis shows how the interaction between political context and union members...

"En este trabajo queremos estudiar hasta qué punto el contexto influye en las variables expl... more "En este trabajo queremos estudiar hasta qué punto el contexto influye en las variables explicativas que determinan la participación en la protesta. En concreto, comprobamos si los motivos expresivos e instrumentales, la eficacia, la ira y la identidad tienen el mismo peso explicativo sobre la participación política en diferentes contextos. Para ello, comparamos dos manifestaciones organizadas por los mismos sindicatos en España, en dos momentos diferentes: uno antes de la reforma laboral y otro tras la reforma. Esta situación contextual nos permite estudiar, en un experimento natural, si hay diferencias en el contexto que llevan a la movilización y si éstas apelan a diferentes dinámicas de motivación para participar en la protesta. El procedimiento de recogida de datos se llevó a cabo durante las manifestaciones del 1º de mayo (antes de la reforma), y del 29 de septiembre (tras la aprobación de la reforma). La metodología utilizada en la recogida de datos pretendía garantizar ...

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
This study brings together the level of objective knowledge on water-related issues and other var... more This study brings together the level of objective knowledge on water-related issues and other variables of psychological and situational nature. A random sample of 459 participants was employed, selected proportionally based on sex and age. In this sample, knowledge on the water-related issues tended to be low, particularly related to the direct source of water in the household, the type of services involved in the management, and consumption itself. In order to understand both the relationship with knowledge on water and the relative importance of all the other factors, a regression model was formulated. The highest standardised effect was for sex, followed by occupation, political leaning, and water-related emotions. The best level of knowledge was attained if the residents were male, if they were actively employed or unemployed, if their political leaning was towards the left, and if they demonstrated greater emotional involvement with the water use. Consequently, the design of p...
Artículo de opinión, finalista del concurso de la revista El Ciervo, que explica por qué tuvo éxi... more Artículo de opinión, finalista del concurso de la revista El Ciervo, que explica por qué tuvo éxito el 15M.
Conference Presentations by Cristina Gómez-Román
Para ello, comparamos dos manifestaciones organizadas por los mismos sindicatos en España, en dos momentos diferentes: uno antes de la reforma laboral y otro tras la reforma. Esta situación contextual nos permite estudiar, en un experimento natural, si hay diferencias en el contexto que llevan a la movilización y si éstas apelan a diferentes dinámicas de motivación para participar en la protesta.
El procedimiento de recogida de datos se llevó a cabo durante las manifestaciones del 1º de mayo (antes de la reforma), y del 29 de septiembre (tras la aprobación de la reforma).
La metodología utilizada en la recogida de datos pretendía garantizar que cada participante en la manifestación tuviese la misma probabilidad de ser entrevistado. Para ello utilizamos supervisores del trabajo de campo que dirigían a un grupo de entrevistadores en cada manifestación. Los supervisores contaban las filas para garantizar un reparto aleatorio de los cuestionarios en la marcha y evitar así el sesgo del entrevistador.
Además, para controlar el sesgo por la falta de respuesta, se usaron dos tipos de recolección de datos: (1) breves entrevistas cara a cara que eran contestadas durante la protesta e incluían las cuestiones más importantes de la investigación; y (2) cuestionarios pre-franqueados más amplios que los participantes tenían que cubrir en casa y reenviar por correo.
Participaron en nuestro estudio 180 manifestantes de la primera protesta (67% hombres, 33% mujeres, con una edad media de 52 años) y 307 participantes de la segunda (El 55,5% fueron hombres y el 44,5% mujeres, siendo la edad media de 42,76 años).
Los resultados obtenidos en la regresión jerárquica muestran que las variables estudiadas y la relación entre ellas no es la misma en ambas manifestaciones, por lo que el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales diseñado es diferente en un contexto y en otro. Así, en la manifestación del 1º de mayo, los motivos instrumentales y la identidad determinaron directamente la participación en la protesta, actuando como mediadores de las otras variables sobre la determinación a participar. Mientras que en la manifestación del 29 de septiembre, la identidad es la que determina fundamentalmente la participación en la protesta, actuando como variable mediadora de los motivos expresivos y la eficacia."
Drafts by Cristina Gómez-Román
Papers by Cristina Gómez-Román
Para ello, comparamos dos manifestaciones organizadas por los mismos sindicatos en España, en dos momentos diferentes: uno antes de la reforma laboral y otro tras la reforma. Esta situación contextual nos permite estudiar, en un experimento natural, si hay diferencias en el contexto que llevan a la movilización y si éstas apelan a diferentes dinámicas de motivación para participar en la protesta.
El procedimiento de recogida de datos se llevó a cabo durante las manifestaciones del 1º de mayo (antes de la reforma), y del 29 de septiembre (tras la aprobación de la reforma).
La metodología utilizada en la recogida de datos pretendía garantizar que cada participante en la manifestación tuviese la misma probabilidad de ser entrevistado. Para ello utilizamos supervisores del trabajo de campo que dirigían a un grupo de entrevistadores en cada manifestación. Los supervisores contaban las filas para garantizar un reparto aleatorio de los cuestionarios en la marcha y evitar así el sesgo del entrevistador.
Además, para controlar el sesgo por la falta de respuesta, se usaron dos tipos de recolección de datos: (1) breves entrevistas cara a cara que eran contestadas durante la protesta e incluían las cuestiones más importantes de la investigación; y (2) cuestionarios pre-franqueados más amplios que los participantes tenían que cubrir en casa y reenviar por correo.
Participaron en nuestro estudio 180 manifestantes de la primera protesta (67% hombres, 33% mujeres, con una edad media de 52 años) y 307 participantes de la segunda (El 55,5% fueron hombres y el 44,5% mujeres, siendo la edad media de 42,76 años).
Los resultados obtenidos en la regresión jerárquica muestran que las variables estudiadas y la relación entre ellas no es la misma en ambas manifestaciones, por lo que el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales diseñado es diferente en un contexto y en otro. Así, en la manifestación del 1º de mayo, los motivos instrumentales y la identidad determinaron directamente la participación en la protesta, actuando como mediadores de las otras variables sobre la determinación a participar. Mientras que en la manifestación del 29 de septiembre, la identidad es la que determina fundamentalmente la participación en la protesta, actuando como variable mediadora de los motivos expresivos y la eficacia."