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In order to benefit from RFID adoption, entire RFID infrastructure must first be established and supply chain companies should conduct considerable up-front analyses to assess their readiness. The purpose of this study is to survey the... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsManagementMarketing
Entrepreneurs play different roles according to the economists and academicians, and the priority of these roles are different in the academic settings and the entrepreneurs' real setting.This survey have been done among 15 Iranian... more
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    • Business
Innovation is the essence of entrepreneurship. In this study EFQM's model has seen for the first time from an entrepreneurial perspective, in other words the nine items of the model has been used for the formulation of nine... more
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      EntrepreneurshipInnovation statistics
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    • Artificial Intelligence
Since failures are inevitable where any service is offered, the subsequent complaints are predictable, and thus, considering suitable policies to handle the customers' complaints is essential. The purpose of the present study is to... more
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      BusinessManagementMarketingDistributive Justice
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipCorporate Entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurship (SE) can be defined, according to Nicholls 1 , "as any venture that has been creating social value as its prime strategic objective and which addresses this mission in a creative and innovative fashion."Sustainable... more
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      BusinessSocial Entrepreneurship
This paper is a qualitative interpretive research which tries to establish a new theory, based on deductive process, in entrepreneurship by gathering contextual qualitative data from 1000 relevant articles. Entrepreneurial Timing Theory... more
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      EntrepreneurshipTiming and time perception
Proposed issues in social entrepreneurship, as most of the issues in social sciences are abstract ones .For the performance assessment and implementation of timely controlling and compensatory measures ,we need an effective... more
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      EntrepreneurshipManagementSocial Entrepreneurship
Studying the relationships among HRCM's dimensions and HREM is the purpose of this research which is done for the first time in HRM studies. This is an applied cross sectional research which is based on descriptive and survey studies... more
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    • HRM and Knowledge
This article has studied the career interests of Iranian high school students as a case study and has tried to predict the future possible scenarios of Iranian high school students' career characteristics tendency. The statistical... more
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    • Entrepreneurship
Human body, other animate beings, plants, and organizations are all dynamic and systemic entities. The similarity between living organisms and organizations, especially considering highly evolved organisms such as the human body, is... more
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      ManagementOrganizational Theory
If entrepreneurship is amid jungle of theories and has many theorists, its social orientation or what is known as social entrepreneurship (SE) is amid arid land of theories and suffers under-theorizing which could be inherently stemmed... more
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      EntrepreneurshipSocial EntrepreneurshipSociology of KnowledgeEpistemic Justification
Entrepreneurship could be used as a foreign policy tool in the world of politics. The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is a politicoeconomic alliance of six Arab states in close proximity to the Gulf. The council embraces the states which... more
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      EntrepreneurshipForeign Policy AnalysisSocial EntrepreneurshipGulf Cooperation Council
One of the intriguing issues in public administration is the genesis, formation, growth and evolution of good governance in human history. To fulfill this aim, many philosophers and scholars from numerous scientific fields have proposed... more
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      Political PhilosophyAncient Greek PhilosophyPersian Culture
Social entrepreneurship (SE) strategic literature is in an under-theorized condition for large-scale strategy setting and classification. However, the research intends to fill the gap by proposing a literature-supported governmental-scale... more
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      EntrepreneurshipSocial EntrepreneurshipPublic Policy and AdministrationPublic Administration and Policy
This research is a survey and exploratory study to present a conceptual model for the sustainable development of Iran based on social entrepreneurship. Its approach for conceptual modeling is based on Path Analysis through Multiple... more
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      EntrepreneurshipPublic AdministrationSocial PolicyPublic Management
Fractal metaphor could be introduced to organization studies to elaborate on those organizational concepts that call for self-organization, self-similarity, similarity persistence in different organizational levels, symmetrical expansion,... more
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      Organizational BehaviorManagementPolitical PhilosophyOrganizational Theory
The paper was shaped around the pivotal question: Is SE a sound and scientific field of research? The question has given a critical tone to the paper and has also helped to bring out some of the controversial debates in the realm of SE.... more
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    • Sociology