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The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between underground water extraction (depletion) and development of pressurized irrigation using data for 30 provinces in Iran. A spatial regression was used to study the... more
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      Water resourcesSpatial econometrics
With the likelihood of future changes in climate and climate variability, it is important to understand how human systems may be vulnerable. Rural communities in Saskatchewan having agricultural-based economies are particularly dependent... more
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      SociologyHuman GeographyClimate ChangeWater
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      HistoryPsychologyClimate ChangeAdaptation
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    • Human Geography
This study quantifies the bioenergy production potential in the Canadian agricultural sector. Two presented scenarios included the mix of market and non-market policy targets and the market-only drivers. The scenario that used mix of... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsLand Use ChangeGreenhouse Gas Emissions
In Canada, freight rates on exports of grains and oilseeds from the prairie region have been regulated since 1897. Until the 1960s, the stability and assurance of these rates contributed to development of the prairie-based grains economy.... more
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      Human GeographyUrban And Regional PlanningRegional Economy
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      Sustainable agricultureLand managementCarbon SequestrationMultidisciplinary
In this study, value of water used for irrigation was estimated in the South Saskatchewan River Basin using the concept of producer surplus. The basin was divided into sub-basins for the provinces of Saskatchewan and Alberta. Although the... more
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      Crop ProductionIrrigation WaterRiver Basin
Water demand characteristics of households in various-sized communities are estimated in this study using cross-section data for 50 communities located in southwestern Saskatchewan. Communities differed with respect to frequency of... more
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      Water DemandWater Conservation
Irrigation development in Saskatchewan was initiated as an instrument to bring forth regional stability through drought proofing and diversification in the agricultural sector. This development has been surrounded by controversies.... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringEconomicsIrrigation
In parts of Saskatchewan, with higher levels of precipitation, waterlogging is a common problem, which has been recognized by Saskatchewan policy-makers by passing the Saskatcheuan Conser,uation and Development Act in 1949. Projects under... more
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      Water ConservationEconomic evaluation
ABSTRAC1' Water abundance has led most North American societies to use water freely without priorizing its use. As water scarcity becomes reality in the southern part of Saskatchewan, planners and managers of water require information... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringWater DemandCase Study
ABSTRAC1' Water abundance has led most North American societies to use water freely without priorizing its use. As water scarcity becomes reality in the southern part of Saskatchewan, planners and managers of water require information... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringWater DemandCase Study
The Qanedian and sackalehpwan gpvsrrjmentq havc hvested heavily in develep= ment gf irrigatign in $askatohewan ro atalrriils silofiomic aotrvhy in a reglen that qflen ${peripneeE meteerqlogieal droughtc, Qne ot !h€ mativationc behind... more
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    • Case Study
Adoption of mitigation measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions may affect other members of the society, producing a situation of trade-offs. In this study, such a trade-off is has been analyzed using three aspects of the Canadian... more
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      Sustainable Agriculture (Environment)MultidisciplinaryGreenhouse gases
Irrigation development may present trade-offs between economic and environmental quality. To assess this, a comparative analysis is undertaken of contributions of irrigation versus dryland production to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in... more
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    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
In 1991, on farm management practices contributed 57.6 Tg CO2 equivalent in greenhouse gas emissions, that is, about 10% of the anthropogenic GHG emissions in Canada. Approximately 11% of these emissions were in the form of CO2, 36% in... more
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      Analytical ChemistrySoil sciences