Books by Rosana Cerezo-Fernández
Case Studies in European Zooarchaeology, 2024

DESCENDIENDO EL RÍO SELLA. Una (re)visión de la Arqueología Prehistórica del valle del Sella (Asturias, España)., 2022
En este artículo se revisa la información disponible sobre las intervenciones arqueológicas lleva... more En este artículo se revisa la información disponible sobre las intervenciones arqueológicas llevadas a cabo en la conocida como Área de Estancia de la cueva de Tito Bustillo, tanto por Miguel Ángel García Guinea (campaña de 1970), como por J. Alfonso Moure Romanillo (campañas de 1972 a 1986). Se hace particular hincapié en la publicación de nuevos datos sobre el yacimiento, relacionados con dataciones radiocarbónicas y con determinados análisis llevados a cabo a partir de los restos de origen biótico (mamíferos, aves, peces, moluscos, industria ósea y objetos de adorno) y abiótico (procedencia de las materias primas líticas). Por último, se adelantan los primeros resultados sobre la intervención arqueológica llevada a cabo en el año 2020 en esta zona de la cueva, que consistió en la realización de la topografía y en la limpieza de los perfiles dejados en las
by Dimitrije Markovic, Teodora Mladenović, Mladen Mladenović, Chiara Messana, Elena Vasileva, Vito Giuseppe Prillo, Milan Savić, Aleksa Alaica, Ana Beatriz Santos, Jessica Peto, ROCÍO PAZOS GARCÍA, Rosana Cerezo-Fernández, Jacob I Griffith, and Benjamin Wimmer The book of abstracts from the 9th PZAF (Postgraduate Zooarchaeology Forum)
Talks by Rosana Cerezo-Fernández
JIA-lacant 2022. Jornades de Joves en Investigació Arqueològica. Universitat d'Alacant., 2022
JIA-lacant 2022. Jornades de Joves en Investigació Arqueològica. Universitat d'Alacant., 2022

2nd Virtual Conference for Women Archaeologists and Paleontologists, 2022
The research on the Upper Paleolithic bone industry has been focused mainly on the typological ch... more The research on the Upper Paleolithic bone industry has been focused mainly on the typological characterization of tools, according to their morphology. The lack of techno-functional studies has led to imprecision in the identification of types which, apparently, do not have a clear morphology or function. An example is the beveled deer antler, indistinctly called ciseau, lissoir or coin in French publications, or as cincel, retocador, cuña, útil biselado, romo, intermedio, etc in Spanish historiography. This communication presents the technological study of several beveled deer antler tools from the site of Tito Bustillo (Asturias, northern Spain), which occupations dated in the Magdalenian (ca. 17-12 ka BP). In combination with their experimental reproduction, it has been possible to identify a type of tool that seemingly follows a standardized operational chain and possibly a specific and common function among them. In addition, the documentation of parallel samples from Upper Paleolithic sites on the Iberian Peninsula and in southwestern France, leads us to propose the redefinition as ciseaux of those tools that have not been accurately recognized by other investigators in previous works. Maybe, because their study has been overlooked in comparison with other parts of the bone industry record.
Papers by Rosana Cerezo-Fernández

The study of archaeological remains from Late Antiquity in the Iberian Peninsula has developed si... more The study of archaeological remains from Late Antiquity in the Iberian Peninsula has developed significantly in recent years. However, interest has been directed primarily towards material culture, while biotic remains have been a secondary research topic. The present article analyses the faunal remains obtained in the excavations carried out in 2001 at the site of San Pelayo (Salamanca), a settlement interpreted as a Roman villa. The material found has been dated to the transition from the fourth to the fifth century, a period when the site had already lost its function as an aristocratic residence. The faunal remains have been analysed from the anatomical, taxonomic, osteometric and taphonomic perspectives in order to obtain information on the economy of the settlement. The analysis reveals that meat consumption came mainly from a livestock herd made up of sheep and goats and, to a lesser extent, cattle and suidae. Other animal resources were acquired from wild mammals (red deer and rabbits), although hunting can be considered a secondary activity in San Pelayo. The diet also included resources from areas near the site, such as birds, fish and molluscs. Finally, we have documented the use of animal bone and antler for the production of a bone industry; determining the operational processes involved in the transformation of these raw materials into objects.
Sautuola, 2023
Jou ́l Llobu cave is one of the cavities located in the course of the Güeña river (Asturias) in w... more Jou ́l Llobu cave is one of the cavities located in the course of the Güeña river (Asturias) in which the presence of prehistoric occupations
is known. This article presents a set of archaeological materials from a non-systematic collection carried out from the middle of the last century
and from excavations carried out at the beginning of this century. The lithic and bone materials, which lack a stratigraphic context, allow us
to point out at least two moments of occupation in the cavity, one ascribed to the Solutrean and the other to the end of the Neolithic or the
beginning of the Chalcolithic. Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry (ZooMS) Collagen Fingerprinting technique has allowed us to approach
the determination of the origin of the raw material of animal origin used for the creation of some of the bone industry artifacts described here.

Trabajos de Prehistoria
Se presentan los resultados de las excavaciones de 2022 en el Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca), q... more Se presentan los resultados de las excavaciones de 2022 en el Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca), que amplían el área exhumada en 2021. Se discute la secuencia diacrónica de dicho espacio y su interpretación funcional y social. Se aborda la religiosidad doméstica a partir de varios edificios de uso cultual y un abundante elenco de objetos litúrgicos: vajilla torneada egipcia o levantina pintada y fenicia de engobe rojo, un aplique de taracea y abalorios de fayenza con iconografía oriental, pebeteros y terracotas y vajilla local con temas orientalizantes, etc. Además, sobresalen los nuevos indicadores de prácticas aristocráticas: instrumentos para artesanías de alta calidad –alfarería y actividades textiles– y atalajes ecuestres –dos camas de bocados óseos–. El cocinado con bandejas y hornillos de atanor, las artesanías especializadas, los rituales domésticos y la edilicia remiten también al ámbito mediterráneo. Todas estas evidencias permiten interpretar el sector excavado como un esp...

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2022
The archaeological investigations carried out in the last twenty years in the Lower Valley of the... more The archaeological investigations carried out in the last twenty years in the Lower Valley of the River Güeña (Asturias, central part of northern Spain) have documented different prehistoric sites, particularly with Middle and Upper Palaeolithic occupations. This paper presents the results of the archaeological excavation carried out in the cave of La Cuevona de Avín. From the systematic study of the biotic and abiotic remains, a total of three occupation phases (Phases 1 to 3) have been determined, dated in the Late Pleistocene. The lithic studies indicate the use of local raw materials (mainly quartzite), but also regional ones (different types of flint) in the whole sequence. Retouched implements are typologically representative only during the Upper Magdalenian (Phase II) and use-wear analysis indicates the manufacture and use of artefacts in situ during this phase. Archaeozoological studies reveal continuity in subsistence strategies throughout the sequence, noting specialization in red deer hunting during the Azilian (Phase I), and more diversified prey in the older phases.
Conference Organization by Rosana Cerezo-Fernández

Mobility is a quality of individuals and social groups that have the ability to move around the t... more Mobility is a quality of individuals and social groups that have the ability to move around the territory for economic, social and/or cultural reasons. In this sense, mobility is a dynamic reality that must be considered in archaeological research on all historical periods. In recent decades, zooarchaeology has advanced in the knowledge of the forms of mobility of human groups from Prehistory to the present day in combination with various analytical techniques (DNA, dental microwear, osteometry, isotopic analysis, ZooMs). Aspects such as the seasonality of human occupations in the Palaeolithic in relation to hunting, migratory movements as a subsistence strategy, the functionality of settlements, the introduction of domestic animals, the improvement of certain aspects of livestock or the presence of "exotic" species in various archaeological contexts are some of the markers that allow us to trace the networks of mobility in past societies. These markers are part of the daily activity of past societies and are linked to their survival and social behaviour. Therefore, zooarchaeology has become a very useful tool to establish mobility in the various (pre)historical societies, be it short, medium, or long distance. This session aims to create an open forum to analyse human decisions to move through different territories based on the relationship between humans and animals documented in the archaeological record in any spatial framework from Palaeolithic to Middle Ages.
Books by Rosana Cerezo-Fernández
Talks by Rosana Cerezo-Fernández
Papers by Rosana Cerezo-Fernández
is known. This article presents a set of archaeological materials from a non-systematic collection carried out from the middle of the last century
and from excavations carried out at the beginning of this century. The lithic and bone materials, which lack a stratigraphic context, allow us
to point out at least two moments of occupation in the cavity, one ascribed to the Solutrean and the other to the end of the Neolithic or the
beginning of the Chalcolithic. Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry (ZooMS) Collagen Fingerprinting technique has allowed us to approach
the determination of the origin of the raw material of animal origin used for the creation of some of the bone industry artifacts described here.
Conference Organization by Rosana Cerezo-Fernández
is known. This article presents a set of archaeological materials from a non-systematic collection carried out from the middle of the last century
and from excavations carried out at the beginning of this century. The lithic and bone materials, which lack a stratigraphic context, allow us
to point out at least two moments of occupation in the cavity, one ascribed to the Solutrean and the other to the end of the Neolithic or the
beginning of the Chalcolithic. Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry (ZooMS) Collagen Fingerprinting technique has allowed us to approach
the determination of the origin of the raw material of animal origin used for the creation of some of the bone industry artifacts described here.