Papers by Ana Belén Gil González
J. Univers. Comput. Sci., 2008
This paper analyses aspects about the recommendation process in distributed information systems. ... more This paper analyses aspects about the recommendation process in distributed information systems. It extracts similarities and differences between recommendations in e- stores and the recommendations applied to an e-learning environment. It also explains the phenomena of self-organization and cooperative emergence in complex systems coupled with bio-inspired algorithms to improve knowledge discovery and association rules. Finally, the present recommendation is applied to e-learning by proposing recommendation by emergence in a Multi-Agent System architecture.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002
The importance of intermediaries in electronic commerce and also in electronic marketplaces has l... more The importance of intermediaries in electronic commerce and also in electronic marketplaces has long been recognised in specialised literature. In this paper, we propose a web-based intermediary for e-commerce, whose main goal is to facilitate the entry of small and medium enterprises into the virtual business arena, by allowing the formation of enterprise coalitions based on the role of this
A major challenge in searching and retrieval digital content is to efficiently find the most suit... more A major challenge in searching and retrieval digital content is to efficiently find the most suitable for the users. This paper proposes a new approach to filter the educational content retrieved based on Case-Based Reasoning (CBR). AIREH (Architecture for Intelligent Recovery of Educational content in Heterogeneous Environments) is a multi-agent architecture that can search and integrate heterogeneous educational content within the CBR model proposes. The recommendation model and the technologies reported in this research applied to educational content are an example of the potential for personalizing labeled educational content recovered from heterogeneous environments.

XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students, 2003
Introduction Gathering product information from large electronic catalogs on E-commerce (EC) site... more Introduction Gathering product information from large electronic catalogs on E-commerce (EC) sites can be a time-consuming and information-overloading process. User personalization, site content customization based upon a user's preferences and interests, is one mechanism of increasing the browsing efficiency of EC sites. Ideally, by increasing product navigation efficiency, EC sites will increase sales. This article briefly describes the main working objectives and perspectives regarding development of an EC site recommendation system. The article begins with a brief overview of systems. Next, we describe the importance of understanding consumers and their behavior and present a proposal for an agent-based architecture. We conclude with some thoughts about the field. This article is not intended to provide an in-depth explanation of the field, but instead demonstrates how a successful combination of marketing, Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), user modeling, and Human Computer Interaction (HCI) lead to an effective technology in the decision support systems of EC. Recommendation systems suggest products and provide information to consumers to help them decide which items to purchase. Often, it is not possible for humans to make optimal purchasing decisions because there are too many factors involved. Technology can aid decision development by, for example, appropriately chunking information and thus structuring the user's valuation of products and allowing better human analogical reasoning. The recommender in the EC environment acts as a specialized seller for the customer. The recommenders mainly rely on user interfaces, techniques of marketing and large amounts of information about others customers and products to offer the right item to the right customer. The recommenders are the fundamental elements in sustaining usability and site confidence. EC recommenders are gradually becoming powerful tools for EC business. We classify the large number of recommenders [12,13] by the kind of information they use and by the way the recommendation system handles that information: 1. Collaborative-Social-filtering systems generate recommendations by aggregating consumer preferences. These systems group users based on similarity in behavioral or social patterns. The statistical analysis of data extraction or data mining and knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) techniques (monitoring the behavior of a user over the system, ratings over the products, purchase historical, etc.) builds the recommendation by analogies with many other users. Similarities between users are computed using the user-to-user correlation. This technique finds a set of "nearest neighbors" for each user in order to identify similar liking. Some collaborative filtering systems include Ringo [14] or …
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2009
This paper describes VisualChord, a Web application, as personal tutor of initiation to the guita... more This paper describes VisualChord, a Web application, as personal tutor of initiation to the guitar that based on agents architecture that extracts files, tablatures and songs from Internet repositories, normalizing by rules and with a disambiguation algorithm to be stored in the internal repository with semantic tagging including a difficulty measure for each piece. This allows the user to training with a personalized music pieces selection with his/her guitar. There tries to offer a small personalized and flexible tutor who adapts to the tastes and aptitudes of the user. We describe the VisualChord platform, discuss the architecture, and describe some usability test and results with information about acquiring and making use of this develop.
This study presents a novel bio-inspired method, based on gain scheduling, for the calculation of... more This study presents a novel bio-inspired method, based on gain scheduling, for the calculation of Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller parameters that will prevent system instability. The aim is to prevent a transition to control system instability due to undesirable controller parameters that may be introduced manually by an operator. Each significant operation point in the system is firstly identified. Then, a solid stability structure is calculated, using transfer functions, in order to program a bio-inspired model by using an artificial neural network. The novel method is empirically verified under working conditions in a liquid-level laboratory plant.
(OA) se debe a la falta de consenso en cuanto a su significado, diseño y evaluación que permita g... more (OA) se debe a la falta de consenso en cuanto a su significado, diseño y evaluación que permita gestionarlos con eficacia. En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta de gestión de OAs de calidad que propone un diseño instruccional y evaluación de OAs que fue aplicada como caso de estudio.
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2011
The aim of this study is to present a novel soft computing method to assure PID tuning parameters... more The aim of this study is to present a novel soft computing method to assure PID tuning parameters place the system into a stable region by applying the gain scheduling method. First the system is identified for each significant operation point. Then using transfer functions solid structures of stability are calculated to program artificial neural networks, whose object is to prevent system from transitioning to instability. The method is verified empirically under a data set obtained by a pilot plant.

Education in the Knowledge Society (EKS), 2012
El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) destaca la importancia del aprendizaje autónomo d... more El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) destaca la importancia del aprendizaje autónomo del alumnado así como la importancia de incorporar nuevas metodologías en las enseñanzas universitarias, donde se promueve la adquisición y desarrollo de competencias en investigación y difusión de los conocimientos generados. El presente artículo muestra los resultados obtenidos tras la realización de un simulacro de congreso científico en la Universidad de Huelva, como estrategia metodológica para poder realizar un entrenamiento en transferencia del conocimiento con el alumnado de las titulaciones de Enfermería, Historia, Educación y Filología Inglesa, en el curso 2010/11. La evaluación de esta experiencia revela que se produjo una mejora notable en las competencias comunicativas del alumnado a través de un aprendizaje motivador. Además, ésta estrategia didáctica favorece el desarrollo de la creatividad, la reflexión crítica, la comunicación y el trabajo en equipo, favoreciendo el apren...

One of the many areas in which artificial intelligence (AI) techniques are used is the developmen... more One of the many areas in which artificial intelligence (AI) techniques are used is the development of systems for the recognition of vital emotions to control human health and safety. This study used biometric sensors in a multimodal approach to capture signals in the recognition of stressful situations. The great advances in technology have allowed the development of portable devices capable of monitoring different physiological measures in an inexpensive, non-invasive, and efficient manner. Virtual reality (VR) has evolved to achieve a realistic immersive experience in different contexts. The combination of AI, signal acquisition devices, and VR makes it possible to generate useful knowledge even in challenging situations in daily life, such as when driving. The main goal of this work is to combine the use of sensors and the possibilities offered by VR for the creation of a system for recognizing stress during different driving situations in a vehicle. We investigated the feasibil...

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jan 5, 2018
Social networks have become a place where brands or companies are advertised to increase their ma... more Social networks have become a place where brands or companies are advertised to increase their market share. The companies allocate resources to hire community managers that disseminate quality content and perform customer service tasks. This article presents the development of a tweet retrieval tool and user account information to generate simulation and a strategic analysis of a set of competitors in the Twitter social network during a period of three months. A collection of tweets related to four related textile brands has been obtained. The information retrieval process is done using Python to access the Twitter REST service whose results are indexed using Elasticsearch. Once the data is arranged, Kibana is used to create an interactive panel, with different visualizations, that helps to extract the information hidden in the data, proposing different alternatives, its advantages and its disadvantages. .

In this article we present the development of a web application called SHARP Online: An Adaptive ... more In this article we present the development of a web application called SHARP Online: An Adaptive Hypermedia System Applied to Mathematical Problem Solving. The pedagogical basis of this application is found in the support techniques for heuristic learning in mathematical problem solving developed according to the Schoenfeld model. The adaptivity of this tool is achieved by way of the utilization of an adaptive algorithm which has been developed for it and is described in this article. This algorithm implements mechanisms that make it possible for the user to construct mathematical knowledge adaptively using training methods. This application also provides the teacher with the following complete set of tools for managing the entire process: the inclusion of contents through a collaborative application with support; a shared work space; the adaptivity of the algorithm variables; and the supervision of the students' progress, etc. through specific modules. This application was originally developed for educational contexts in the area of teaching mathematics, and therefore includes a module for editing and visualizing mathematical formulas for a Web environment.

In the current educational context there has been a significant increase in learning object repos... more In the current educational context there has been a significant increase in learning object repositories (LOR), which are found in large databases available on the hidden web. All these information is described in any metadata labeling standard (LOM, Dublin Core, etc). It is necessary to work and develop solutions that provide efficiency in searching for heterogeneous content and finding distributed context. Distributed information retrieval, or federated search, attempts to respond to the problem of information retrieval in the hidden Web. Multi-agent systems are known for their ability to adapt quickly and effectively to changes in their environment. This study presents a model for the development of digital content retrieval based on the paradigm of virtual organizations of agents using a Service Oriented Architecture. The model allows the development of an open and flexible architecture that supports the services necessary to dynamically search for distributed digital content. A major challenge in searching and retrieving digital content is also to efficiently find the most suitable content for the users. This model proposes a new approach to filtering the educational content retrieved based on Case-Based Reasoning (CBR). It is based on the model AIREH (Architecture for Intelligent Recovery of Educational content in Heterogeneous Environments), a multi-agent architecture that can search and integrate heterogeneous educational content through a recovery model that uses a federated search. The model and the technologies presented in this research exemplify the potential for developing personalized recovery systems for digital content based on the paradigm of virtual organizations of agents. The advantages of the proposed architecture, as outlined in this article, are its flexibility, customization, integrative solution and efficiency.
Este trabajo analiza las mejoras que aporta la tecnología hipermedia al desarrollo de aplicacione... more Este trabajo analiza las mejoras que aporta la tecnología hipermedia al desarrollo de aplicaciones que sirvan para implementar procesos de aprendizaje favorecedores del pensamiento heurístico, mediante un desarrollo hipermedia adaptativo en procesos de resolución de problemas. Para ello, se ha construido una herramienta de entrenamiento personal en la resolución de problemas, diseñando los mecanismos que permiten a la aplicación adaptarse a los conocimientos del usuario y ayudarle a perfeccionarlos dentro de una materia concreta, orientado este sistema a la enseñanza y didáctica de las matemáticas.

The predominant means of communication is speech; however, there are persons whose speaking or he... more The predominant means of communication is speech; however, there are persons whose speaking or hearing abilities are impaired. Communication presents a significant barrier for persons with such disabilities. The use of deep learning methods can help to reduce communication barriers. This paper proposes a deep learning-based model that detects and recognizes the words from a person’s gestures. Deep learning models, namely, LSTM and GRU (feedback-based learning models), are used to recognize signs from isolated Indian Sign Language (ISL) video frames. The four different sequential combinations of LSTM and GRU (as there are two layers of LSTM and two layers of GRU) were used with our own dataset, IISL2020. The proposed model, consisting of a single layer of LSTM followed by GRU, achieves around 97% accuracy over 11 different signs. This method may help persons who are unaware of sign language to communicate with persons whose speech or hearing is impaired.
Avances en Informática y Automática. Duodécimo Workshop, 2020, ISBN 978-84-09-10312-6, págs. 65-80, 2020
IxD&A, 2014
The paradigm of Learning Object provides Educators and Learners with the ability to access an ext... more The paradigm of Learning Object provides Educators and Learners with the ability to access an extensive number of learning resources. To do so, this paradigm provides different technologies and tools, such as federated search platforms and storage repositories, in order to obtain information ubiquitously and on demand. However, the vast amount and variety of educational content, which is distributed among several repositories, and the existence of various and incompatible standards, technologies and interoperability layers among repositories, constitutes a real problem for the expansion of this paradigm. This study presents an agent-based architecture that uses the advantages provided by Cloud Computing platforms to deal with the open issues on the Learning Object paradigm.

E-Commerce is a business form that has grown in popularity in our society. E-Commerce application... more E-Commerce is a business form that has grown in popularity in our society. E-Commerce applications are so consolidated in a certain kind of areas, and also have a very promising road in many others. In this way, new technologies have been applied to give an adequate response to this kind of software. One of these technologies is the agent technology that has found in the e-commerce one of the major application area. Our work is devoted to develop an e-commerce system that is especially thought for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), where several enterprises share a common mediated e-commerce site. Concretely, in this paper we present an e-commerce architecture definition proposal that is based on an agent-oriented technology, but also compliant with our past work in this area. This architecture establishes the basis for our future work on e-commerce solutions development, making near the e-business world to the small enterprises.
Papers by Ana Belén Gil González