Books by Juan Guillermo Munoz

Cofradías, capellanías y obras pías en el México colonial, 1998
Durante el Antiguo Régimen existieron en la América española instituciones y fundaciones promovid... more Durante el Antiguo Régimen existieron en la América española instituciones y fundaciones promovidas con fines religiosos y sostenidas por la sociedad civil, las cuales desempeñaron una importante función económica y social. Estas asociaciones comprendieron las cofradías, las capellanías y las obras pías, que habían surgido en la Europa medieval y se habían fortalecido en la Edad Moderna, periodo durante el cual se popularizó la idea del Purgatorio. En consecuencia, se dio impulso a distintas vías para encaminar el alma hacia su salvación eterna. La pertenencia a una cofradía, la fundación de capellanías y el ejercicio de obras de caridad se convirtieron en parte importante del estilo de vida de los americanos.
During the Old Regime, there were in the Spanish America institutions and foundations promoted with religious purposes and maintained by civil society. These institutions played an important economic and social role. Among these associations there were the brotherhoods, the chaplaincies, and the pious works that had appeared in the medieval Europe and had strengthened themselves in the modern era, period in which the idea of the Purgatory spread enormously. As a result of this, new ways of directing soul towards its eternal salvation were driven. The belonging to one brotherhood, the foundation of chaplaincies, and the execution of pious works became a crucial way of living for people in America.
Transcripción y descripción de los intercambios comerciales de tierras realizados en Colchagua du... more Transcripción y descripción de los intercambios comerciales de tierras realizados en Colchagua durante el siglo XVII, enfatizando la atención en aquellos en que se realizaban trueques de bienes.
Books by Juan Guillermo Munoz
During the Old Regime, there were in the Spanish America institutions and foundations promoted with religious purposes and maintained by civil society. These institutions played an important economic and social role. Among these associations there were the brotherhoods, the chaplaincies, and the pious works that had appeared in the medieval Europe and had strengthened themselves in the modern era, period in which the idea of the Purgatory spread enormously. As a result of this, new ways of directing soul towards its eternal salvation were driven. The belonging to one brotherhood, the foundation of chaplaincies, and the execution of pious works became a crucial way of living for people in America.
During the Old Regime, there were in the Spanish America institutions and foundations promoted with religious purposes and maintained by civil society. These institutions played an important economic and social role. Among these associations there were the brotherhoods, the chaplaincies, and the pious works that had appeared in the medieval Europe and had strengthened themselves in the modern era, period in which the idea of the Purgatory spread enormously. As a result of this, new ways of directing soul towards its eternal salvation were driven. The belonging to one brotherhood, the foundation of chaplaincies, and the execution of pious works became a crucial way of living for people in America.