The laboratory rat (Rattus norvegicus) is an indispensable tool in experimental medicine and drug development, having made inestimable contributions to human health. We report here the genome sequence of the Brown Norway (BN) rat strain.... more
Biósfera La biosfera es la delgada capa de la tierra y su atmósfera que cubre la superficie del planeta, y en la que viven todos los seres vivos. Es una zona relativamente delgada que está formada por los océanos, lagos y ríos, la tierra... more
In the course of a study conducted to isolate genes upregulated by plant cell wall sugars, we identified an arabinose-inducible locus from a transcriptional fusion library of Rhizobium leguminosarum VF39, carrying random insertions of the... more
Que el reglamento vigente para impartir cursos de Vacaciones data del año 2000, y no se han realizado las revisiones pertinentes.
- by Luis Nicolas
For Abstract see ChemInform Abstract in Full Text.
During 15 August through 30 September 2006, ground and aircraft measurements were obtained from a multi-national group of students and scientists in Senegal. Key measurements were aimed at investigating and understanding precipitation... more
Eclipse 1. ¿Qué decisión tomaría usted como gerente de mercadotecnia de Eclipse, para darla a conocer al gerente general, de asignar o no marca a sus productos, de forma que garantice una alta probabilidad de éxito? Dar la propuesta de... more
A life-cycle energy consumption analysis of a Bridgeport manual mill and a Mori Seiki DuraVertical 5060 has been conducted. The use phase incorporated three manufacturing environments: a community shop, a job shop, and a commercial... more
Since machine tools are used extensively throughout their functional life and consequently consuming valuable natural resources and emitting harmful pollutants during this time, this study reviews strategies for characterizing and... more
Background: Drugs can induce different immunologic reactions; T-cell mediated responses produce the most severe reactions. Although in vitro studies show that T cells recognize drugs or their metabolites and induce an effector cytotoxic... more
Background: In nonimmediate cutaneous reactions to drugs, the skin is the organ most frequently involved, and T cells may play a relevant role. T cells related to skin immune responses express the cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen... more
Background: Penicillin is no longer the most commonly prescribed b-lactam, and the pattern of reactions has changed. We studied the diagnostic value of skin testing in penicillin-allergic subjects from a population where benzylpenicillin... more