vRack Private Network

An isolated private network to connect your OVHcloud services together, across OVHcloud data centers.

The vRack Private Network allows you to build complex private infrastructures on a global multi-datacenter scale. You can also expose your vRack to the public Internet if you need services to be publicly reachable.


Build your private infrastructure

Design Your Private Network

A private network lets you design your own IP addressing scheme and network topology using private IP ranges. You can create custom subnets, allocate IPs, and organize your network for optimal performance, security, and control while keeping it isolated from the public Internet.

Public Routing Reachability

Route your public Additional IPs (IPv4 and IPv6 BETA) into a vRack network to build a global, flexible, dual-stack environment.

Included at no extra cost

Included with your qualifying OVHcloud services: take advantage of unmetered bandwidth. vRack's options scales with your services and ensures cost control with predictable pricing.

Icons/concept/Puzzle Created with Sketch.

Compatible with most OVHcloud services

The vRack private network allows users to connect public cloud instances, hosted private cloud, bare-metal servers, and load balancers.

Icons/concept/Cloud/Cloud Infinity Created with Sketch.

Hybrid & Multi-Cloud

To accommodate hybrid & multi-cloud needs, interconnect your on-premise network with OVHcloud using vRack and OVHcloud Connect.

Icons/concept/Cloud/Cloud Padlock Created with Sketch.

Global private network

The vRack private network spans across all OVHcloud data centers, allowing you to interconnect any eligible service to any data centers, facilitating the global presence of your application, and allowing for high availability or fault-tolerant architectures.

vRack Services that privately connect your OVHcloud managed services


vRack Services expands your networking capabilities, offering IP level (Layer 3) services directly within vRack.  

Use Service Endpoint to connect your OVHcloud managed services to the vRack of your choice and scale your infrastructure securely.

Create a subnet in vRack and secure it using the new  Service Endpoint feature.

Establish a vRack Service Endpoint to connect your Enterprise File Storage to the vRack of your choice and benefit from a scalable and secure connectivity.

Architecture examples

Basic architecture

The vRack enables you to isolate your critical servers within a private VLAN. Your data is secure and communication between your servers is not routed via the public network.

See more use cases with dedicated servers

basic architecture vrack

Multiple VLAN & Multiple data center architecture

The vRack is a private network that spreads across all OVHcloud data centers, allowing you to build a highly available or distributed worldwide infrastructure for your applications, to the data centers of your choice.

Deploy up to 4000 private VLANs to isolate your servers to filter customer access and secure your data.

vRack multiple VLAN

Multiple service architecture

The vRack adapts to the needs of your business. Build your infrastructure using the products and services of our Baremetal, Public Cloud, or Private Cloud universes.

vRack dedicated ip address

Hybrid Cloud

Connect your on-premise network to vRack with OVHcloud Connect, to allow hybrid cloud configurations. 

vRack hybrid cloud schema ovhcloud

Additional IPs

Publicly expose your applications in the vRack by using Additional IP blocks and setting up high-availability protocols such as VRRP.

Routing Additional IPs into vRack

Expose applications from your vRack network to the public internet by using Additional IP blocks and setting up high availability protocols such as VRRP.

Now, dual-stack network routing is possible with Additional IPv6 blocks in Beta!



private network diagram ovhcloud

Compatible OVHcloud services can leverage vRack for:

  • Private connectivity between services
    All attached services (globally) will interconnect within a private network. In this mode, vRack also supports up to 4,000 VLANs for better segmentation.

Available bandwidth options and specific conditions may vary per product category. For more details please visit:

  • Public connectivity with the Internet
    Once an Additional IP is attached to your vRack network, a gateway is created in one of the regions where the IP is geo-located. The limit on public bandwidth capacity in every location is set to 5Gbps (egress, per region, per vRack network).


List of available regions

You can assign your IP address blocks to any compatible service within a region. IP address blocks in a region can be moved from one data center to another within that region but cannot be moved outside of that region.

Except for the 3 regions eu-west-gra, eu-west-rbx, and eu-west-sbg, where IP address blocks can be moved between these three regions.

A region is a geographical area composed of one or more data centers.

Region location

Region name

Region code (aka trigram*)

Availability of vRack Public Routing
Europe (France - Paris) **



Europe (France - Gravelines)eu-west-graGRAAvailable
Europe (France - Roubaix)eu-west-rbxRBXAvailable
Europe (France - Strasbourg)eu-west-sbgSBGAvailable
Europe (Germany - Limburg)eu-west-limLIMAvailable
Europe (Poland - Warsaw)eu-central-wawWAWAvailable
Europe (UK - Erith)eu-west-eriERIAvailable
North America (US - East - Vint Hill)us-east-vinVINAvailable
North America (US - West - Hillsboro)us-west-hilHILAvailable
North America (Canada - East - Beauharnois)ca-east-bhsBHSAvailable
North America (Canada - East - Toronto)ca-east-torYYZAvailable
Asia Pacific (Singapore -Singapore) **ap-southeast-sgpSGPComing soon
Asia Pacific (Australia - Sydney) **ap-southeast-sydSYDComing soon
Asia Pacific (India – Mumbai) **ap-south-mumYNMComing soon

* The naming convention is no longer in use. It's displayed only for reference purposes.

** Additional IPv6 can only be attached to your services using the vRack network. It adds flexibility, however, it's not currently available in APAC, TOR, and 3AZ regions.

Ready to get started ?

Create an account and launch your vRack in minutes.

Companion products

Additional IP - Network | OVHcloud

Additional IPs

You can use Additional IPs with vRack Private Network. Routing your Additional IP block to the vRack gives you more flexibility on public addressing and provides the ability to use high-availability protocols like VRRP for your public-facing services.

OVHcloud Connect - Network | OVHcloud

OVHcloud Connect

With our OVHcloud Connect hybrid connection solution, you can set up a secure, high-performance link between your company network and the OVHcloud vRack, enabling hybrid and multi-cloud setups.

illustration load-balancer

Bring Your Own IP (BYOIP)

With the Bring Your Own IP (BYOIP) service, you can import your public IPv4 address ranges and use them like failover IP blocks with OVHcloud products.


Which services are eligible for the vRack?

You can connect most Baremetal, Hosted Private Cloud, and Public Cloud services. Please refer to the specific offer to check eligibility.

Can you spread vRack over multiple OVHcloud data centers?

Yes, you can set up a VLAN that spans all OVHcloud data centers.

With vRack, can I connect several VLANs to the same server?

Yes, you can build an infrastructure integrating one or multiple servers connected to up to 4,000 VLANs.

How many vRacks can I activate on the OVHcloud Control Panel?

You can create up to 20 vRacks per customer account.

Can I route Additional IPs to vRack?

Yes! Additional IP blocks (IPv4 and IPv6) can be added to your vRack free of charge. This can be done inside the vRack management section in the Control Panel.

How do I rename a vRack?

Use the API to customize the names of your different vRacks or directly in your control panel.

Does vRack support Multicast?

Multicast is tolerated within the limit of 20 packets/seconds/servers.

What is vRack’s maximum bandwidth ?

The limit is based on the OVHcloud server network interface bandwidth capacity. Please refer to a specific  Baremetal, Hosted Private Cloud, or Public Cloud offer to check specific bandwidth capacity.

How many VLANs can I create in vRack?

You can create up to 4000 VLANs to segment your network by creating multiple logically isolated networks.

Can I use Public IPv6 blocks with my servers inside vRack?

Yes, Additional IPv6 can be used with vRack-connected backends.

Is Additional IPv6 compatible with all vRack features?

The public routing option into vRack only allows the use of the native VLAN of your vRack, so multiple VLANs are not supported. You can use multiple vRacks instead for separation.

Can I subnet my IPv6 block and delegate parts of it to VMs?

Yes, with Additional IPv6 addresses subnets can additionally be defined in routed mode to default to the bridged one.