History / Archaeology / Epigraphy / GIS by Sergio García-Dils de la Vega
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2024
Ficheiro Epigráfico, 2025
n this article, we present the edition of fragments from four new votive inscriptions from Gades,... more n this article, we present the edition of fragments from four new votive inscriptions from Gades, which, in this case, include the representation of feet and are possibly related to the Eastern cults of the Roman period in the city.
Habis, 2024
This paper presents the epigraphic edition of four newly discovered Latin inscriptions from Gades... more This paper presents the epigraphic edition of four newly discovered Latin inscriptions from Gades, which provide references to local magistracies and priesthoods.
![Research paper thumbnail of [147] Rodríguez Azogue, Fernández Flores & García-Dils 2017: Araceli Rodríguez Azogue, Álvaro Fernández Flores y Sergio García-Dils de la Vega. Carta Arqueológica Municipal de Cazalla de la Sierra. Sevilla: Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía.](https://a.academia-assets.com/images/blank-paper.jpg)
La realización de la Carta Arqueológica Municipal del Término Municipal de Cazalla de la Sierra (... more La realización de la Carta Arqueológica Municipal del Término Municipal de Cazalla de la Sierra (Sevilla) surge de la necesidad de establecer una correcta tutela del patrimonio arqueológico del municipio, siendo necesario para esta labor un conocimiento global del mismo que se plasme en un documento administrativo que sirva, además, como instrumento de protección y gestión, tanto a nivel municipal como autonómico. Aunque se tiene constancia de la ocupación de Cazalla de la Sierra desde la prehistoria hasta la actualidad, y la declaración como Bien de Interés Cultural de casco histórico de 2002 es testimonio de la relevancia patrimonial del municipio, hasta el momento no se ha desarrollado un estudio de conjunto de carácter territorial que defina, caracterice y delimite el patrimonio arqueológico, y que además cuente con factores como el estado de conservación, la accesibilidad o el riesgo de destrucción de los distintos elementos arqueológicos registrados. Estos aspectos resultan fundamentales para el uso, como herramienta de gestión y protección, de la carta arqueológica municipal. https://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/tabula/bitstream/20.500.11947/10763/2/CARTA%20CAZALLA%20DE%20LA%20SIERRA.pdf
La realización de la Carta Arqueológica Municipal del Término Municipal de Alcalá del Río surge d... more La realización de la Carta Arqueológica Municipal del Término Municipal de Alcalá del Río surge de la necesidad de establecer una correcta tutela del patrimonio arqueológico del municipio, siendo necesario para esta labor un conocimiento global del mismo que se plasme en un documento administrativo que sirva además como instrumento de protección y gestión, tanto a nivel municipal como autonómico. Aunque existían algunos trabajos previos, hasta el momento no se había desarrollado un estudio de conjunto de carácter territorial que contase con factores como el estado de conservación, la accesibilidad o riesgo de destrucción de los distintos elementos arqueológicos registrados, aspectos básicos para el uso, como herramienta de gestión y protección, de la carta arqueológica municipal.
Anas, 2024
This paper presents an updated perspective on the circus of colonia Augusta Firma – Astigi (Écija... more This paper presents an updated perspective on the circus of colonia Augusta Firma – Astigi (Écija, Seville) based on the results of the archaeological excavations conducted in 2023-2024. These excavations have yielded new and decisive evidence regarding its layout and configuration.
![Research paper thumbnail of [144] García-Dils & Fernández Flores 2024: Sergio García-Dils de la Vega y Álvaro Fernández Flores. “Nueva inscripción cristiana tardoantigua del Aljarafe (Sevilla)”. FichEpigr 269, nº898, pp. 3-11](https://attachments.academia-assets.com/119272338/thumbnails/1.jpg)
Ficheiro Epigráfico, 2024
FICHEIRO EPIGRÁFICO é um suplemento da revista CONIMBRIGA, destinado a divulgar inscrições romana... more FICHEIRO EPIGRÁFICO é um suplemento da revista CONIMBRIGA, destinado a divulgar inscrições romanas inéditas de toda a Península Ibérica, que começou a publicar-se em 1982. Todos os volumes estão disponíveis no endereço http://www.uc.pt/fluc/ iarq/documentos_index/ficheiro. Publica-se em fascículos de 16 páginas, cuja periodicidade depende da frequência com que forem recebidos os textos. As inscrições são numeradas de forma contínua, de modo a facilitar a preparação de índices, que são publicados no termo de cada série de dez fascículos. Cada «ficha» deverá conter indicação, o mais pormenorizada possível, das condições do achado e do actual paradeiro da peça. Far-se-á uma descrição completa do monumento, a leitura interpretada da inscrição e o respectivo comentário paleográfico. Será bem-vindo um comentário de integração histórico-onomástica, ainda que breve.
Tutti i contributi sono stati sottoposti a referaggio esterno e anonimo (Double Peer Review). La ... more Tutti i contributi sono stati sottoposti a referaggio esterno e anonimo (Double Peer Review). La relativa documentazione è conservata nell archivio del Centro di Studi Interuniversitario sulla Pittura Antica (CESPITA), presso il Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà di Bologna. Angela Bosco ha curato la segreteria scienti ca e la rilettura dei testi in inglese. Alle attività di redazione hanno partecipato, nel quadro del tirocinio curriculare dell Università di Bologna diretto da Antonella Coralini, allievi dei corsi di laurea dell Alma Mater:
![Research paper thumbnail of [141] Oller et al. 2023: J. Oller, S. García-Dils, D. Fernández, P. Ozcoz, J. Oleksiak, D. Eguiluz, A. Molina, B. Burgaya, L. Sagristà, S. Salvia y J. M. Carrasco: “The 2023 archaeological season in the emerald mines of Wadi Sikait”. Thetis 28, pp. 17-22, Tafn. XIX-XXXI.](https://attachments.academia-assets.com/112185122/thumbnails/1.jpg)
[141] Oller et al. 2023: J. Oller, S. García-Dils, D. Fernández, P. Ozcoz, J. Oleksiak, D. Eguiluz, A. Molina, B. Burgaya, L. Sagristà, S. Salvia y J. M. Carrasco: “The 2023 archaeological season in the emerald mines of Wadi Sikait”. Thetis 28, pp. 17-22, Tafn. XIX-XXXI. Thetis, 2023
The 2023 archaeological season of the Sikait Project in the Wadi el Gemal National Park has conti... more The 2023 archaeological season of the Sikait Project in the Wadi el Gemal National Park has continued to decipher the historical evolution of the ancient industry at Smaragdos, the only known source of beryl in the Roman Empire according to the classical literary sources. The work focused on the continuation of the excavations in the main site of Sikait, the documentation of the emerald mines, and conservation interventions. In addition to that, an intensive topographical survey of different areas of the Wadi el Gemal Park has been conducted. This paper offers an overview of the preliminary results of the season.
Revista del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental, 2023
The Sikait Project is an archaeological project centered in the analysis of the extraction and tr... more The Sikait Project is an archaeological project centered in the analysis of the extraction and trade of emeralds in Antiquity. Since 2018 it has conducted five archaeological seasons in the Wadi el-Gemal National Park (Eastern Desert of Egypt), a region known in ancient times as the “Smaragdos”, for being the only area within the Roman Empire where emeralds could be found. The current paper introduces the results of the project during the 2020 to 2023 seasons, focusing on the archaeological excavations in Sikait and the documentation of the emerald mines.
Anas, 2023
This paper offers an updated view of the circus of colonia Augusta Firma - Astigi (Écija, Seville... more This paper offers an updated view of the circus of colonia Augusta Firma - Astigi (Écija, Seville) in the light of the latest archaeological excavations. The new evidence available allows us to clarify different aspects of the hypotheses that have been held to date about its layout and configuration.
Journal of Mosaic Research, 2023
The Domus I of the Plaza de Armas of the Royal Alcazar of Ecija (Seville, Spain) has been object ... more The Domus I of the Plaza de Armas of the Royal Alcazar of Ecija (Seville, Spain) has been object of archaeological excavations and restoration interventions since 2001, which have revealed that this luxurious urban residence was completely reformed in the Severan period, when several rooms and the central courtyard were decorated with mosaic pavements of different thematic. In 2015 was discovered the so-called mosaic of the Loves of Zeus, which decorate the triclinium of the domus, with several scenes from this mythological cycle, along with Bacchic themes and characters, and the representation of the seasons. In this paper is offered an update on the progress of research relative to this outstanding mosaic.
Habis, 2023
This paper offers the complete epigraphic edition of a statue pedestal from Singilia Barba but lo... more This paper offers the complete epigraphic edition of a statue pedestal from Singilia Barba but located in reuse in a church of Antequera, and today preserved in the museum of this Andalusian town. The text shows the homage of the well-known Roman matron Acilia Plecusa to her husband and patron M'. Acilius Fronto, praefectus fabrum, by permission of the ordo decurionum.
European Journal of Post-Classical Archaeologies, 2023
This paper focuses on the religious practices in the Roman emerald mines of the Smaragdos. The re... more This paper focuses on the religious practices in the Roman emerald mines of the Smaragdos. The recent archaeological work in this area, corresponding with the current Wadi el Gemal National Park in the Egyptian Eastern Desert, is showing the importance of sacred spaces and ritual activities in the life of the mining communities in this region. We will offer a first approach to these religious activities, analysing the temples from the Sikait settlement and several recently discovered elements found in the emerald mines in a wide chronological framework going from the Early Roman until the Byzantine – or Blemmyan – period.
European Journal of Post-Classical Archaeologies, 2023
This paper offers an overview of the transformations experimented by the urban structure of colon... more This paper offers an overview of the transformations experimented by the urban structure of colonia Augusta Firma (Hispania Baetica) in Late Antiquity, based on the results obtained in the archaeological excavations carried out in the last two decades in the city of Ecija (Seville). Also, the archaeological evidence concerning an architectural complex located north of Ecija is presented and its possible identification as a Christian
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2023
In this paper is presented the edition of 43 new funerary inscriptions found in an archaeological... more In this paper is presented the edition of 43 new funerary inscriptions found in an archaeological excavation carried out in the years 2022-2023 in a lot located in the no3 of the street Juan Ramón Jiménez in the city of Cádiz, inside the necropolis of Roman Gades, located in the islad of Kotinoussa. The abundant epigraphic evidence recovered in these excavations, a part of which is presented in the following lines, represents a notable contribution to the knowledge of the sepulchral epigraphic uses in the city from the middle of the 1st century AD until the 3rd century. Within this chronological period, the pieces presented here contain, in addition to the usual funerary formulae, a significant onomastic repertoire that enriches the knowledge of local anthroponymy.
Desiderio Vaquerizo Gil, Ana Ruiz Osuna y Belén Vázquez Navajas (eds.). Claves para la definición de un paisaje cultural. Arqueología, patrimonio, didáctica y turismo en la cuenca del Guadalquivir. Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 25-36., 2023
This paper presents an overview about the archaeological heritage of Ecija (Seville) in different... more This paper presents an overview about the archaeological heritage of Ecija (Seville) in different aspects. Starting from a historiographical review of the archaeological knowledge of the historical city, are described the methodological strategies employed for the processing and study of the available data, based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and the expression of this knowledge in the municipal planning and management. Likewise, are presented the actions carried out in two emblematic public spaces, the Plaza de España and the Plaza de Armas of the Royal Alcazar.
Thetis, 2022
Results of the 2022 Season in the Beryl Mining Area of Wadi Sikait: Excavations in Sikait and Doc... more Results of the 2022 Season in the Beryl Mining Area of Wadi Sikait: Excavations in Sikait and Documentation of the Emerald Mines. The 2022 season of the Sikait Project in the Egyptian Eastern Desert allowed for further increase of our knowledge about the traces of the extraction and trade of beryl in ancient times. The present paper offers an overview of the work done, including excavation, consolidation and restoration activities in the settlement of Sikait, as well as survey and documentation of the emerald mining areas of Wadi Sikait and surroundings.
History / Archaeology / Epigraphy / GIS by Sergio García-Dils de la Vega