Papers by Luis Durán Guerra
Argumentos de Razón Técnica, 2021
This paper deals with the ideological evolution of Ernst Jünger between the First and Second Worl... more This paper deals with the ideological evolution of Ernst Jünger between the First and Second World War: from the heroic realism of The Storms of Steel to the “internal exile” of an esthete at war in their Second World War diaries. In both cases, the experience of war has served the author to create the essential figures of his philosophical thought: the Unknown Soldier, the Worker and the Rebel.
Argumentos de Razón Técnica, 2020
This paper is divided into seven sections. In the first six sections, I show the position on the ... more This paper is divided into seven sections. In the first six sections, I show the position on the Covid-19 pandemic of the main celebrities of the international philosophical scene. The criterion followed has been to group the authors by nationalities or cultural areas, renouncing all criticism in order to try to present objectively the point of view of each philosopher. Finally, in the seventh section, a critical review is made of what the philosophers cited in the first six parts have written about the coronavirus crisis. From this point of view, together with my own critical comments on the subject, the theses held by the authors are taken up again with the intention of outlining their affinities and contrasts.
Anales Cervantinos, 2018
My intention in this essay is not to deny the traditional interpretation according to Cervantes' ... more My intention in this essay is not to deny the traditional interpretation according to Cervantes' parody in Don Quijote the chivalric ideal, but to show, on the one hand, the intrinsic relationship between madness and wit in the knight from La Mancha and point, on the other hand, on the symbolic being of Don Quixote and his ingenious dimension in the light of the Italian philosopher Giambattista Vico's concept of universale fantastico.
Zibaldone. Estudios italianos, 2015
This study deals for the first time in Spanish with Vico’s reception in Il mestiere di vivere
of... more This study deals for the first time in Spanish with Vico’s reception in Il mestiere di vivere
of Piamontian poet and novelist Cesare Pavese. In the pages of Pavesian diary the following Viquian topics are discussed: the historicity of poetry, the “poetic logic”, rusticity, primitiveness and the wildness, figures of barbarism, Homer, the sense of interpretation, the ricorso, the world of childhood, and hermeneutics of myth. The conclusion is that the reading of Vico is essential to understand the two Pavese, man and poet.
Thémata. Revista de Filosofía, 2015
This paper is carried out a characterization of philosophy as a cultural activity which cannot be... more This paper is carried out a characterization of philosophy as a cultural activity which cannot be separated from the urban space. The lack of interest of the philosophers by the city is explained appealing to its refusal to recognize the urban phenomenon as an essential element of human nature. The central thesis is that, outside of town, no place for philosophy.
Comprendre. Revista catalana de filosofía, 2014
This paper explores the transition from the concept to the metaphor through the analysis of the i... more This paper explores the transition from the concept to the metaphor through the analysis of the implications of the Copernican image of the world in early Hans Blumenberg’s metaphorology. The new conception of the universe was transformed into a metaphor of existence: man constitutes neither the center nor the foundation of the universe.
Erebea. Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, 2013
This paper examines the Spanish humanist Benito Arias Montano’s concept and programme of studia h... more This paper examines the Spanish humanist Benito Arias Montano’s concept and programme of studia humanitatis. The paper looks specifically at the Virorum doctorum (1572), a work published by Arias Montano together with the Dutch artist Philips Galle in Antwerp, and focuses on its apology for European humanism. The paper details the plurality of subjects and the diversity and international aspects of the humanist writers depicted in the book.
Cuadernos sobre Vico, 2012
The aim of this paper is to examine Montano’s and Vico’s interpretation of discovery of the New W... more The aim of this paper is to examine Montano’s and Vico’s interpretation of discovery of the New World. It begins with a study on the journey of the discovery as a metaphor of the modern mans’s self-assertion. After that, Montano’s and Vico’s views on the discovery of the New World are analyzed. The conclusion is that the “philosophia biblica” and the “new science” embrace two different conceptions of humanism
Revista de Filosofía, 2010
This paper examines the Hans Blumeberg’s philosophical program: the metaphorology. My intention i... more This paper examines the Hans Blumeberg’s philosophical program: the metaphorology. My intention is to show the importance of Blumenberg’s ideas into the current debate on the relations between philosophy and metaphor.
Cuadernos sobre Vico, 2008
This paper examines the Spanish humanist Benito Arias Montano’s political thought, divided into t... more This paper examines the Spanish humanist Benito Arias Montano’s political thought, divided into two parts. Firstly, a study of the Arias Montano’s activity as advisor to King Philip II in Flanders. Secondly, the comment on his work David (1575), published in collaboration with the Dutch artist Philip Galle in Antwerp, and in which its possible appreciate his sacred political allegory.
Conference Presentations by Luis Durán Guerra
Alfa. Revista de la Asociación Andaluza de Filosofía, 2022
The purpose of this paper is to theoretically contextualise Nicolás Gómez Dávila’s critique of de... more The purpose of this paper is to theoretically contextualise Nicolás Gómez Dávila’s critique of democracy in his Escolios a un texto implícito, for from its reading alone it is not possible to derive an adequate understanding of the reactionary stance of the brilliant Colombian writer. In this way we seem to have contributed in passing to shedding some light on the enigmatic implicit text around which the innumerable scholia of this strange thinker supposedly revolve.
Comunicaciones al X Congreso Andaluz de Filosofía FILOSOFÍA EN TIEMPOS DE CRISIS, 2014
1. The consciousness of the crisis. 2. Crisis and renewal of man and culture. 3. Philosophy and E... more 1. The consciousness of the crisis. 2. Crisis and renewal of man and culture. 3. Philosophy and European crisis in the Vienna Lecture. 4. Crisis of sciences, Lebenswelt, and modernity.
Comunicaciones al XI Congreso Andaluz de Filosofía FILOSOFÍA Y RELIGIÓN, RETOS Y DESAFÍOS ACTUALES, 2016
1. The state of investigation. 2. The Theorem of secularization: Schmitt and Löwith. 3. The posit... more 1. The state of investigation. 2. The Theorem of secularization: Schmitt and Löwith. 3. The position of Blumenberg. 4. A proposition of solution: Koselleck.
Trabajo ganador del VI Certamen de Ensayo Brevísimo "Oliva Sabuco", 2012
Comunicaciones al IX Congreso Andaluz de Filosofía FILOSOFÍA, DIÁLOGO Y MEMORIA, 2012
Resumen l-.n este trabajo analizo la teoría de la reocupación de Hans Blumenberg desde la perspec... more Resumen l-.n este trabajo analizo la teoría de la reocupación de Hans Blumenberg desde la perspectiva de dos ideas fundamentales de su pensamiento: el "absolutismo de la realidad" y la "autoafirmación humana".
Book Reviews by Luis Durán Guerra

Investigaciones fenomenológicas, 2014
1 La fenomenología es, sin duda, una de las corrientes filosóficas contemporáneas a la que más at... more 1 La fenomenología es, sin duda, una de las corrientes filosóficas contemporáneas a la que más atención ha dedicado Hans Blumenberg , un fenomenólogo sui generis él mismo que ha reconocido a Husserl como uno de sus grandes maestros. Entre los textos sobre fenomenología publicados en vida del autor destacamos los siguientes: "«Mundo de la vida» y tecnificación bajo los aspectos de la fenomenología", aparecido en 1963 e incluido en Las realidades en que vivimos 1 , "Mundo de la vida y concepto de realidad", publicado en inglés por primera vez en 1972 y la primera parte de su importante libro de 1986 Tiempo de la vida y tiempo del mundo 2 titulada "El malentendido del mundo de la vida", sin olvidar la tercera parte de este mismo libro sobre "La fundación originaria" en el fundador de la fenomenología. En cuanto a las publicaciones póstumas que también se ocupan de esta escuela fundamental del siglo XX debe destacarse por el momento la recopilación Zu den Sachen und züruck 3 y la obra objeto de esta recensión, Theorie der Lebenswelt 4 , un texto donde el gran filósofo alemán vuelve a abordar un tema que ocupa en el con-1 H. Blumenberg, Las realidades en que vivimos, Paidós, Barcelona, 1999. 2 H. Blumenberg, Tiempo de la vida y tiempo del mundo,
Escritura e imagen, 2013
Supervivencia de las luciérnagas, trad. de Juan Calatrava, Madrid, Abada Editores, 2012, 127 pp.
Cuadernos sobre Vico, 2012
Reseña / Review: Juan Luis Suárez: Herederos de Proteo. Una teoría del Humanismo español. Servici... more Reseña / Review: Juan Luis Suárez: Herederos de Proteo. Una teoría del Humanismo español. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Huelva (Bibliotheca Montaniana nº 19), Huelva, 2008, 233 pp. ISBN 978-84-96826-67-0.
Books by Luis Durán Guerra

Ápeiron Ediciones, Colección Eidos, Madrid, 2023
El presente volumen recoge una serie de ensayos sobre el pensador alemán Hans Blumenberg (1920-19... more El presente volumen recoge una serie de ensayos sobre el pensador alemán Hans Blumenberg (1920-1996). Bajo el lema Variaciones Blumenberg se pretende dar cuenta del carácter elusivo y abierto de una obra inasible, pero no ilegible. De ahí que el autor no haya pretendido otra cosa que delimitar un horizonte de sentido que permita «comprehender» la vastedad del universo blumenberguiano sin reducirlo a un simple vademécum escolar. Los temas de la obra coral de este filósofo polifónico se despliegan como una suerte de infinitas variaciones en torno a la metáfora absoluta, la inconceptuabilidad, el mundo de la vida, el absolutismo, el problema de la técnica, la legitimidad de la modernidad, el teorema de la secularización, la reocupación, el copernicanismo, el mito, el tiempo del mundo, la teoría y el principio de razón insuficiente, el cual se perfila como el verdadero Leitmotiv de una filosofía fenomenológica con clara vocación antropológica. Ahora bien, si hay un tema implícito que, como un basso ostinato liga todas estas variaciones, no es otro, en última instancia, que la necesidad humana de distanciar todo absoluto mediante la metáfora y las historias del mundo de la vida.
Papers by Luis Durán Guerra
of Piamontian poet and novelist Cesare Pavese. In the pages of Pavesian diary the following Viquian topics are discussed: the historicity of poetry, the “poetic logic”, rusticity, primitiveness and the wildness, figures of barbarism, Homer, the sense of interpretation, the ricorso, the world of childhood, and hermeneutics of myth. The conclusion is that the reading of Vico is essential to understand the two Pavese, man and poet.
Conference Presentations by Luis Durán Guerra
Book Reviews by Luis Durán Guerra
Books by Luis Durán Guerra
of Piamontian poet and novelist Cesare Pavese. In the pages of Pavesian diary the following Viquian topics are discussed: the historicity of poetry, the “poetic logic”, rusticity, primitiveness and the wildness, figures of barbarism, Homer, the sense of interpretation, the ricorso, the world of childhood, and hermeneutics of myth. The conclusion is that the reading of Vico is essential to understand the two Pavese, man and poet.