CVRRICVLVM VITAE by Enrique García Vargas
Autores (p.o. de firma): J. Hernández Jiménez y E. García Vargas (eds.) Título: Compartiendo el p... more Autores (p.o. de firma): J. Hernández Jiménez y E. García Vargas (eds.) Título: Compartiendo el patrimonio. Paisajes culturales y modelos de gestión en Andalucía y Piura Autores (p.o. de firma): F. J. García Fernández y E. García Vargas (eds.
Books by Enrique García Vargas
E. Ferrer, F. Chaves, M. L. de la Bandera, F. J. García Fernández, M. Oria, E, García Vargas, S. ... more E. Ferrer, F. Chaves, M. L. de la Bandera, F. J. García Fernández, M. Oria, E, García Vargas, S. Contreras (2022): Montemolín (Marchena, Sevilla). Las campañas estratigráficas (1980-1981). Editorial Universidad de Sevilla.
Ferrer Albelda, E., Oria Segura, M. García Vargas, E., García Fernández, F.J., Pliego Vázquez, R.... more Ferrer Albelda, E., Oria Segura, M. García Vargas, E., García Fernández, F.J., Pliego Vázquez, R., coords. (2021). Editorial Universidad de Sevilla

Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 13, 2019
The production of amphorae and the export of commodities transported in them was a key activity f... more The production of amphorae and the export of commodities transported in them was a key activity for the Mediterranean world in Antiquity. Consequently, their study is of enormous value for analysing the agricultural and fishing economy, and also the commercial mechanism of that period. Through the typological and chronological analysis of these ceramic containers, a high degree of knowledge has been achieved, especially for the production of the different Mediterranean societies from the second millennium BC to the Middle Ages.
In The Ovoid Amphorae in the Central and Western Mediterranean between the last two centuries of the Republic and the early days of the Roman Empire, several series of amphorae created in the Late Republican Roman period (2nd and 1st centuries BC) have been studied – a group of material until now little studied. All of these groups of containers share a common feature in the shape of their bodies which is generally ovoid. The fact that they were conceived and developed in the economic and political context in which Rome expanded throughout the Mediterranean, transferring to its new territories its production and commercialization procedures, bears witness to the almost total integration of the Mediterranean markets.
This publication is based on the proceedings of the workshop held at Seville University in December 2015. The book brings together contributions on the main production areas of these ovoid amphorae from the Atlantic to the Greek mainland / North Peloponnese, analysing in detail the origins, evolution and disappearance of their main series. It also includes case studies that are particularly relevant in relation to their distribution, consumption patterns, contents and relationship with other groups of amphorae manufactured in the Roman Imperial era. The aim of this publication has been to present an updated and complete synthesis of the so-called ovoid amphorae, from an interdisciplinary, international and diachronic standpoint.
A lo largo de estas páginas se ofrece un análisis de los grandes procesos históricos experimentad... more A lo largo de estas páginas se ofrece un análisis de los grandes procesos históricos experimentados por las comunidades que habitaron los territorios que se extienden en torno al Mediterráneo, desde los comienzos del I milenio a. C. hasta la desmembración del Imperio Romano, englobando no sólo al continente europeo sino también la orilla meridional del signi cativamente designado por los romanos Mare Nostrum, el litoral próximo oriental, el Asia Menor y más allá; yendo así desde la península ibérica hasta las estepas rusas y desde las tierras escandinavas hasta el norte del continente africano.
Reservados todos los derechos. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro puede reproducirse o transm... more Reservados todos los derechos. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro puede reproducirse o transmitirse por ningún procedimiento electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopia, grabación magnética o cualquier almacenamiento de información y sistema de recuperación, sin permiso escrito del Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla. © SECRETARIADO DE PUBLICACIONES DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA 2013 Porvenir, 27 -41013 Sevilla Tlfs.: 954 487 447; 954 487 451; Fax: 954 487 443 Correo electrónico: [email protected] Web: © J. HERNÁNDEZ-RAMÍREZ y E. GARCÍA VARGAS (coords.) 2013 © De los textos los autores 2013 Impreso en papel ecológico Impreso en España-Printed in Spain
Papers by Enrique García Vargas
Actes III Col·loqui Internacional d’Arqueologia “El Vi a l’antiguitat”, Museu de Badalona: Badalona, 2024
We present in this work the surface and epigraphic material studies carried out at the site of Lo... more We present in this work the surface and epigraphic material studies carried out at the site of Los Zamorales, in the province of Seville. Its interest lies in having a pottery kiln producing wine amphorae Dressel 28 in rural zones of Guadalquivir Valley, the first of its kind. The production of dolia and various construction materials has also been confirmed at the site. We have also found Dressel 20 amphorae, but their production on site remains uncertain. Potter stamps of Dressel 28, Dressel 20 and dolia have been found. This work presents graphic materials and a complete corpus of all stamps
found on site.
(2024): Desenterrando el pasado 2. III Premio Nacional de Arqueolog
ia y Paleontología PALARQ. Na... more (2024): Desenterrando el pasado 2. III Premio Nacional de Arqueolog
ia y Paleontología PALARQ. National Geographic- RB Ediciones. Barcelona, pp. 111-123.
En M. Urteaga y A. Pizzo (eds.), Entre mares. Emplazamiento, infraestructuras y organización de l... more En M. Urteaga y A. Pizzo (eds.), Entre mares. Emplazamiento, infraestructuras y organización de los puertos romanos, L'Erma di Bretschneider, Roma, 2024, p. 767-779
in P. Froklich and M. Navarro Caballero (eds.): L'epigraphie au XXIe siecle, Actes du XVY Congres... more in P. Froklich and M. Navarro Caballero (eds.): L'epigraphie au XXIe siecle, Actes du XVY Congres International d'Epigraphie Grecque et Latine. Bordeaux, 29 aout-02 septembre 2022. Ausonius Editions, Scripta Antiqua 177, Bordeaux, 2024, p. 223-255.

Regional Economies in action. Standardization of Transport amphorae in the Roman and Byzantine Mediterranean, Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut, Sonderschriften Band 63, 2023
S o ut h er n S p ai n w a s t h e ar e a of t h e I b eri a n P e ni n s ul a w h er e t h e l a... more S o ut h er n S p ai n w a s t h e ar e a of t h e I b eri a n P e ni n s ul a w h er e t h e l ar g e st q u a ntiti e s of a m p h or a e w er e pr o d u c e d d uri n g
t h e R o m a n a n d L at e A nti q u e p eri o d s. T hi s v a st pr o d u cti o n i s n ot o nl y e vi d e n c e d i n t h e h u g e a m o u nt of s o ut h Hi s p a ni c
or B a eti c a n a m p h or a e f o u n d i n t h eir r e c e pti o n m ar k et s b ut al s o i n t h e ar c h a e ol o gi c al e vi d e n c e r el at e d t o it s pr o d u cti o n
i n B a eti c a it s elf. T h e n u m b er of a m p h or a w or k s h o p s d o c u m e nt e d t o d at e fr o m t h e P u ni c p eri o d t o L at e A nti q uit y i n
t h e i nl a n d a n d c o a st al ar e a s fi n d s n o c o m p ari s o n i n a n y ot h er a n ci e nt r e gi o n. T h o s e w or k s h o p s pr o d u c e d m a n y diff ere
nt a m p h or a t y p e s u s e d f or t h e c o m m o diti e s e x p ort e d b y t h e B a eti c a n t errit ori e s, wit h oli v e oil a n d fl s h s a u c e s b ei n g
t h e m o st i m p ort a nt a m o n g t h e m. I n t hi s p a p er, it i s o ur ai m t o a n al y z e t h e e v ol uti o n of t h eir st a n d ar di zi n g pr o c e s s,
fr o m n e w f or m s a n d t h e f or m al s u c c e s s of s o m e of t h e m, s e e n i n t h e m ai nt e n a n c e of c ert ai n v ol u m etri c, f or m al, a n d
p etr o gr a p hi c c h ar a ct eri sti c s, t o s o m e of t h e m o st i m p ort a nt a m p h or a t y p e s of t h e R o m a n p eri o d, al w a y s h a vi n g i n mi n d
t h e i n fi u e n c e of t h e hi st ori c al, e c o n o mi c, a n d s o ci al c h a n g e s s uff er e d b y t h e R o m a n a n d L at e A nti q u e w orl d. T w o e ss
e nti al m o m e nt s d e s er v e s p e ci al att e nti o n: T h e A u g u st a n- Ti b eri a n er a a s t h e f o u n d ati o n of t h e e arl y i m p eri al B a eti c a n
e c o n o m y, b a s e d o n B a eti c a a s t h e m ai n s u p pli er of t h e st at e, a n d t h e Tetr ar c h y a s a n e arl y st e p t o w ar d a n e w r ol e f or
B a eti c a wit hi n t h e L at e A nti q u e e c o n o mi c s y st e m.
I n t h e f oll o wi n g p a g e s, t h e m o st i m p ort a nt s o ut h Hi s p a ni c a m p h or a t y p e s ar e d e s cri b e d a n d s el e ct e d a s c a s e st u d -
i e s f or t h e d e ci si v e hi st ori c al p eri o d s. Ori gi n a n d c a u s e of c h a n g e s i n f or m al a n d v ol u m etri c c h ar a ct eri sti c s, a s w ell a s
of s c al e of pr o d u cti o n a n d di v er sit y of m ar k et s, ar e a n al y z e d a n d s e e n fr o m t h e p er s p e cti v e of t h e cl o s e r el ati o n s hi p
b et w e e n c o nt e nt a n d c o nt ai n er, wit h b ot h b ei n g n e c e s s aril y tr a n sf or m e d i n hi g hl y st a n d ar di z e d c o m m o diti e s, e a sil y
r e c o g ni z a bl e, a n d a bl e t o p e n etr at e a n y e xt er n al m ar k et.

LOS CURSOS FLUVIALES EN HISPANIA, VÍAS DE COMERCIO CERÁMICO Actas del VI Congreso Internacional de la SECAH (Zaragoza, 2022) Monografías EX OFFICINA HISPANA 6
The trade of italic wares in the Lower Guadalquivir (3rd-1st centuries B.C.)
Summary: The intent... more The trade of italic wares in the Lower Guadalquivir (3rd-1st centuries B.C.)
Summary: The intention is to revise, update and systematise the archaeological evidence on the trade of Italic products in the interior of Turdetania from the moment previous to the Second Punic War until the consolidation of the Roman settlement in the central third of the 1st century BC. This is an advance of a larger study undertaken based on the new data provided by the excavations at Cerro Macareno (La Rinconada, Seville), in addition to the findings from other sites in the surrounding area exhumed both in older excavations and in other more recent published works. In any case, only the imports documented at primary levels will be selected to be able to analyse and interpret them in their chronological, functional, and cultural context. This will allow us to reread the evolution of the regional Italic trade and to define its phases according to the new documented evidence.
Key Words: Pottery workshop. Romanization; Turdetania; Consumption contexts; Pottery; Imports.

LOS CURSOS FLUVIALES EN HISPANIA, VÍAS DE COMERCIO CERÁMICO Actas del VI Congreso Internacional de la SECAH (Zaragoza, 2022) Monografías EX OFFICINA HISPANA 6, 2024
Summary: This paper aims to analyse the production of pottery in the Guadalquivir valley, especia... more Summary: This paper aims to analyse the production of pottery in the Guadalquivir valley, especially transport amphorae, from
its territorial context. The Guadalquivir river, as well as its main tributaries, constitute a fluvial and port system without whose
consideration the analysis of the regional pottery industry would be meaningless: firstly, because of the particular conditions of
navigability, which are both an advantage and a limit to the establishment of pottery kilns; secondly, because of the changing
structure of production, which leads from a fundamentally urban organisation to a Roman-style territorial organisation in which
rural property becomes dominant and in which progressive state action is added to and superimposed on the municipal structures between the Flavian and Severan periods. The paper analyses the meaning of the mention of the portus as poles of pottery concentration and the progressive substitution of municipal action by imperial and senatorial initiative in the framework of an
economy increasingly directed and organised for the needs of the state in collaboration with the dominant orders of local society. All this, in relation to the great urban ports, such as Hispalis, which centralised exports and were at the same time the gateway for economic exchanges from the maritime exterior to the interior of the Valley.
Key Words: Dressel 20 amphorae; Port systems; Territorial organisation; River navigability; State-led economy
The Tomares Hoard, 2024
E. Ghey (ed.), 2024. Recent Discoveries of Tetrarchic Hoards from Roman Britain and their Wider C... more E. Ghey (ed.), 2024. Recent Discoveries of Tetrarchic Hoards from Roman Britain and their Wider Context. British Museum, pp. 149-159.

Journal of Roman Archaeology, 2024
The Baetican Dressel 20 is probably the most widely diffused amphora of the Roman period, found i... more The Baetican Dressel 20 is probably the most widely diffused amphora of the Roman period, found in large quantities throughout all the Roman and nearby territories. It is the most powerful evidence of the importance of the olive oil trade for Roman society and of olive oil's extraordinary production in the Baetican countryside. This wide diffusion of the amphora and, in some ways, its ubiquity at many archaeological sites, have hindered the study of the early stages of Baetican olive oil production and diffusion. The protagonists were not these spherical containers, commonly stamped up until the late 3rd c. CE, but previous models that evolved rapidly after their origins in Late Republican times. In this paper, we aim to analyze not only the formal characteristics and evolution of these peculiar and still unstandardized containers, but also other aspects linked to their production, as well as the scope of their diffusion.
CVRRICVLVM VITAE by Enrique García Vargas
Books by Enrique García Vargas
In The Ovoid Amphorae in the Central and Western Mediterranean between the last two centuries of the Republic and the early days of the Roman Empire, several series of amphorae created in the Late Republican Roman period (2nd and 1st centuries BC) have been studied – a group of material until now little studied. All of these groups of containers share a common feature in the shape of their bodies which is generally ovoid. The fact that they were conceived and developed in the economic and political context in which Rome expanded throughout the Mediterranean, transferring to its new territories its production and commercialization procedures, bears witness to the almost total integration of the Mediterranean markets.
This publication is based on the proceedings of the workshop held at Seville University in December 2015. The book brings together contributions on the main production areas of these ovoid amphorae from the Atlantic to the Greek mainland / North Peloponnese, analysing in detail the origins, evolution and disappearance of their main series. It also includes case studies that are particularly relevant in relation to their distribution, consumption patterns, contents and relationship with other groups of amphorae manufactured in the Roman Imperial era. The aim of this publication has been to present an updated and complete synthesis of the so-called ovoid amphorae, from an interdisciplinary, international and diachronic standpoint.
Papers by Enrique García Vargas
found on site.
ia y Paleontología PALARQ. National Geographic- RB Ediciones. Barcelona, pp. 111-123.
t h e R o m a n a n d L at e A nti q u e p eri o d s. T hi s v a st pr o d u cti o n i s n ot o nl y e vi d e n c e d i n t h e h u g e a m o u nt of s o ut h Hi s p a ni c
or B a eti c a n a m p h or a e f o u n d i n t h eir r e c e pti o n m ar k et s b ut al s o i n t h e ar c h a e ol o gi c al e vi d e n c e r el at e d t o it s pr o d u cti o n
i n B a eti c a it s elf. T h e n u m b er of a m p h or a w or k s h o p s d o c u m e nt e d t o d at e fr o m t h e P u ni c p eri o d t o L at e A nti q uit y i n
t h e i nl a n d a n d c o a st al ar e a s fi n d s n o c o m p ari s o n i n a n y ot h er a n ci e nt r e gi o n. T h o s e w or k s h o p s pr o d u c e d m a n y diff ere
nt a m p h or a t y p e s u s e d f or t h e c o m m o diti e s e x p ort e d b y t h e B a eti c a n t errit ori e s, wit h oli v e oil a n d fl s h s a u c e s b ei n g
t h e m o st i m p ort a nt a m o n g t h e m. I n t hi s p a p er, it i s o ur ai m t o a n al y z e t h e e v ol uti o n of t h eir st a n d ar di zi n g pr o c e s s,
fr o m n e w f or m s a n d t h e f or m al s u c c e s s of s o m e of t h e m, s e e n i n t h e m ai nt e n a n c e of c ert ai n v ol u m etri c, f or m al, a n d
p etr o gr a p hi c c h ar a ct eri sti c s, t o s o m e of t h e m o st i m p ort a nt a m p h or a t y p e s of t h e R o m a n p eri o d, al w a y s h a vi n g i n mi n d
t h e i n fi u e n c e of t h e hi st ori c al, e c o n o mi c, a n d s o ci al c h a n g e s s uff er e d b y t h e R o m a n a n d L at e A nti q u e w orl d. T w o e ss
e nti al m o m e nt s d e s er v e s p e ci al att e nti o n: T h e A u g u st a n- Ti b eri a n er a a s t h e f o u n d ati o n of t h e e arl y i m p eri al B a eti c a n
e c o n o m y, b a s e d o n B a eti c a a s t h e m ai n s u p pli er of t h e st at e, a n d t h e Tetr ar c h y a s a n e arl y st e p t o w ar d a n e w r ol e f or
B a eti c a wit hi n t h e L at e A nti q u e e c o n o mi c s y st e m.
I n t h e f oll o wi n g p a g e s, t h e m o st i m p ort a nt s o ut h Hi s p a ni c a m p h or a t y p e s ar e d e s cri b e d a n d s el e ct e d a s c a s e st u d -
i e s f or t h e d e ci si v e hi st ori c al p eri o d s. Ori gi n a n d c a u s e of c h a n g e s i n f or m al a n d v ol u m etri c c h ar a ct eri sti c s, a s w ell a s
of s c al e of pr o d u cti o n a n d di v er sit y of m ar k et s, ar e a n al y z e d a n d s e e n fr o m t h e p er s p e cti v e of t h e cl o s e r el ati o n s hi p
b et w e e n c o nt e nt a n d c o nt ai n er, wit h b ot h b ei n g n e c e s s aril y tr a n sf or m e d i n hi g hl y st a n d ar di z e d c o m m o diti e s, e a sil y
r e c o g ni z a bl e, a n d a bl e t o p e n etr at e a n y e xt er n al m ar k et.
Summary: The intention is to revise, update and systematise the archaeological evidence on the trade of Italic products in the interior of Turdetania from the moment previous to the Second Punic War until the consolidation of the Roman settlement in the central third of the 1st century BC. This is an advance of a larger study undertaken based on the new data provided by the excavations at Cerro Macareno (La Rinconada, Seville), in addition to the findings from other sites in the surrounding area exhumed both in older excavations and in other more recent published works. In any case, only the imports documented at primary levels will be selected to be able to analyse and interpret them in their chronological, functional, and cultural context. This will allow us to reread the evolution of the regional Italic trade and to define its phases according to the new documented evidence.
Key Words: Pottery workshop. Romanization; Turdetania; Consumption contexts; Pottery; Imports.
its territorial context. The Guadalquivir river, as well as its main tributaries, constitute a fluvial and port system without whose
consideration the analysis of the regional pottery industry would be meaningless: firstly, because of the particular conditions of
navigability, which are both an advantage and a limit to the establishment of pottery kilns; secondly, because of the changing
structure of production, which leads from a fundamentally urban organisation to a Roman-style territorial organisation in which
rural property becomes dominant and in which progressive state action is added to and superimposed on the municipal structures between the Flavian and Severan periods. The paper analyses the meaning of the mention of the portus as poles of pottery concentration and the progressive substitution of municipal action by imperial and senatorial initiative in the framework of an
economy increasingly directed and organised for the needs of the state in collaboration with the dominant orders of local society. All this, in relation to the great urban ports, such as Hispalis, which centralised exports and were at the same time the gateway for economic exchanges from the maritime exterior to the interior of the Valley.
Key Words: Dressel 20 amphorae; Port systems; Territorial organisation; River navigability; State-led economy
In The Ovoid Amphorae in the Central and Western Mediterranean between the last two centuries of the Republic and the early days of the Roman Empire, several series of amphorae created in the Late Republican Roman period (2nd and 1st centuries BC) have been studied – a group of material until now little studied. All of these groups of containers share a common feature in the shape of their bodies which is generally ovoid. The fact that they were conceived and developed in the economic and political context in which Rome expanded throughout the Mediterranean, transferring to its new territories its production and commercialization procedures, bears witness to the almost total integration of the Mediterranean markets.
This publication is based on the proceedings of the workshop held at Seville University in December 2015. The book brings together contributions on the main production areas of these ovoid amphorae from the Atlantic to the Greek mainland / North Peloponnese, analysing in detail the origins, evolution and disappearance of their main series. It also includes case studies that are particularly relevant in relation to their distribution, consumption patterns, contents and relationship with other groups of amphorae manufactured in the Roman Imperial era. The aim of this publication has been to present an updated and complete synthesis of the so-called ovoid amphorae, from an interdisciplinary, international and diachronic standpoint.
found on site.
ia y Paleontología PALARQ. National Geographic- RB Ediciones. Barcelona, pp. 111-123.
t h e R o m a n a n d L at e A nti q u e p eri o d s. T hi s v a st pr o d u cti o n i s n ot o nl y e vi d e n c e d i n t h e h u g e a m o u nt of s o ut h Hi s p a ni c
or B a eti c a n a m p h or a e f o u n d i n t h eir r e c e pti o n m ar k et s b ut al s o i n t h e ar c h a e ol o gi c al e vi d e n c e r el at e d t o it s pr o d u cti o n
i n B a eti c a it s elf. T h e n u m b er of a m p h or a w or k s h o p s d o c u m e nt e d t o d at e fr o m t h e P u ni c p eri o d t o L at e A nti q uit y i n
t h e i nl a n d a n d c o a st al ar e a s fi n d s n o c o m p ari s o n i n a n y ot h er a n ci e nt r e gi o n. T h o s e w or k s h o p s pr o d u c e d m a n y diff ere
nt a m p h or a t y p e s u s e d f or t h e c o m m o diti e s e x p ort e d b y t h e B a eti c a n t errit ori e s, wit h oli v e oil a n d fl s h s a u c e s b ei n g
t h e m o st i m p ort a nt a m o n g t h e m. I n t hi s p a p er, it i s o ur ai m t o a n al y z e t h e e v ol uti o n of t h eir st a n d ar di zi n g pr o c e s s,
fr o m n e w f or m s a n d t h e f or m al s u c c e s s of s o m e of t h e m, s e e n i n t h e m ai nt e n a n c e of c ert ai n v ol u m etri c, f or m al, a n d
p etr o gr a p hi c c h ar a ct eri sti c s, t o s o m e of t h e m o st i m p ort a nt a m p h or a t y p e s of t h e R o m a n p eri o d, al w a y s h a vi n g i n mi n d
t h e i n fi u e n c e of t h e hi st ori c al, e c o n o mi c, a n d s o ci al c h a n g e s s uff er e d b y t h e R o m a n a n d L at e A nti q u e w orl d. T w o e ss
e nti al m o m e nt s d e s er v e s p e ci al att e nti o n: T h e A u g u st a n- Ti b eri a n er a a s t h e f o u n d ati o n of t h e e arl y i m p eri al B a eti c a n
e c o n o m y, b a s e d o n B a eti c a a s t h e m ai n s u p pli er of t h e st at e, a n d t h e Tetr ar c h y a s a n e arl y st e p t o w ar d a n e w r ol e f or
B a eti c a wit hi n t h e L at e A nti q u e e c o n o mi c s y st e m.
I n t h e f oll o wi n g p a g e s, t h e m o st i m p ort a nt s o ut h Hi s p a ni c a m p h or a t y p e s ar e d e s cri b e d a n d s el e ct e d a s c a s e st u d -
i e s f or t h e d e ci si v e hi st ori c al p eri o d s. Ori gi n a n d c a u s e of c h a n g e s i n f or m al a n d v ol u m etri c c h ar a ct eri sti c s, a s w ell a s
of s c al e of pr o d u cti o n a n d di v er sit y of m ar k et s, ar e a n al y z e d a n d s e e n fr o m t h e p er s p e cti v e of t h e cl o s e r el ati o n s hi p
b et w e e n c o nt e nt a n d c o nt ai n er, wit h b ot h b ei n g n e c e s s aril y tr a n sf or m e d i n hi g hl y st a n d ar di z e d c o m m o diti e s, e a sil y
r e c o g ni z a bl e, a n d a bl e t o p e n etr at e a n y e xt er n al m ar k et.
Summary: The intention is to revise, update and systematise the archaeological evidence on the trade of Italic products in the interior of Turdetania from the moment previous to the Second Punic War until the consolidation of the Roman settlement in the central third of the 1st century BC. This is an advance of a larger study undertaken based on the new data provided by the excavations at Cerro Macareno (La Rinconada, Seville), in addition to the findings from other sites in the surrounding area exhumed both in older excavations and in other more recent published works. In any case, only the imports documented at primary levels will be selected to be able to analyse and interpret them in their chronological, functional, and cultural context. This will allow us to reread the evolution of the regional Italic trade and to define its phases according to the new documented evidence.
Key Words: Pottery workshop. Romanization; Turdetania; Consumption contexts; Pottery; Imports.
its territorial context. The Guadalquivir river, as well as its main tributaries, constitute a fluvial and port system without whose
consideration the analysis of the regional pottery industry would be meaningless: firstly, because of the particular conditions of
navigability, which are both an advantage and a limit to the establishment of pottery kilns; secondly, because of the changing
structure of production, which leads from a fundamentally urban organisation to a Roman-style territorial organisation in which
rural property becomes dominant and in which progressive state action is added to and superimposed on the municipal structures between the Flavian and Severan periods. The paper analyses the meaning of the mention of the portus as poles of pottery concentration and the progressive substitution of municipal action by imperial and senatorial initiative in the framework of an
economy increasingly directed and organised for the needs of the state in collaboration with the dominant orders of local society. All this, in relation to the great urban ports, such as Hispalis, which centralised exports and were at the same time the gateway for economic exchanges from the maritime exterior to the interior of the Valley.
Key Words: Dressel 20 amphorae; Port systems; Territorial organisation; River navigability; State-led economy
En los últimos años ha habido un importante avance sobre el conocimiento de las primeras fases de exportación del aceite de oliva de la Bética, ejemplarizado en la individualización de los primeros envases propiamente béticos de tradición romana, usados para comercializar este producto dentro y fuera de Hispania. Se trata de un proceso innovador que se inicia durante el tercer cuarto del siglo I a.C. y que se incrementa exponencialmente a partir de la segunda mitad de siglo. La finalidad de esta ponencia es explicar el proceso evolutivo y de transformación de los diferentes envases precursores de la Dressel 20, con sus talleres en el valle del Guadalquivir y los focos de difusión exterior. Queremos indagar en el devenir de este proceso dentro del amplio contexto económico del Mediterráneo tardorrepublicano y augusteo, comparando los datos relativos al aceite bético con la producción y exportación de aceite desde otras regiones mediterráneas, e intentando sugerir ciertas pautas relativas al avance de la producción de aceite en la Bética desde la aparición de los primeros tipos olearios hasta que se convierte en la región productora más importante desde el cambio de era hasta el abandono del Monte Testaccio en el s. III d.C.
with special incidence in the Portuguese and Galician Atlantic façade, and a second line of diffusion towards other Mediterranean regions. The findings in Galicia and Portugal are related to the definitive conquest of the Iberian Peninsula as a whole in the time of Augustus, while those of the Mediterranean façade point to other trade routes, which were expanding with other south Spanish ovoid amphorae shortly before the beginning of the Augustan period.
Key words: Hispania; Guadalquivir Valley; Roman Amphorae; Ovoid Amphorae; Betic Olive Oil; Pottery
Production; Gaul.
This chapter focuses on salt production in the provinces of Roman Hispania from the perspective of its technical aspects, its territorial implantation in rural and suburban areas and its ecological impact. The main techniques used to obtain salt in antiquity are studied (marine evaporation salt pans, continental evaporation salt pans, rock salt mines, and other minority techniques) and contextualised in their original territorial and landscape context. Finally, attention is paid to an aspect that has not been explored until now: the saline as a socio-biological system and its relationship with the rural environment in which salt production takes place. This environment is here understood as a specific ecosystem which is favoured and enriched or damaged and impoverished by saline, depending on the type of salt extraction and its ecological consequences.
Keywords: Rural world, ancient technology, ancient Hispania, sociobiological systems, ancient ecology.
"Un conjunto de ánforas tardorrepublicanas procedentes del yacimiento de Mesas de Asta (Campaña 1945-46): viejos datos para nuevas interpretaciones". Revista de Historia de Jerez 25 (2022): 9-46.
Journal of Archaeological Science Reports Volume 44, August 2022, 103509
Tsunamis and Archaeology in the Iberian Peninsula. Springer, Singapur: 267-311..
This contribution intends to take into account the case study offered by the cultural and commercial interaction established between the eastern Greek metropolis, the Punic settlements of the Strait of Gibraltar region (in the broadest sense), as well as the western communities that lived in their hinterland (integrated in different levels in the commercial networks and economic sphere of influence since the early Phoenician presence in the West). That interaction established between the Greek World and the West was based to a large degree in the supply of high quality salted tuna fish to the Greek cities, but ended up transcending to other scopes of cultural practices, especially culinary habits and commensality.
Especially, we will consider the reflection of this interaction in the western Punic cities evidenced by the consumption of Greek products and, above all, the formal/functional transformation of their finewares and cooking wares (as main material evidence of changes in the consumption patterns of its inhabitants). It will also be explored how these trends were filtered to the rest of the communities of Semitic origin that inhabited the interior of the ancient Tartéside, and especially, the influence on local communities.
The Late Roman Republic and Early Augustan ages are of maximum importance for the understanding of the enormous volume of the Baetican exports of olive oil in later moments. Further, these initial stages mark the beginning of the phenomenon of the intense stamping on oil amphorae. The aim of this work is to analyse in depth the epigraphical production of Lucius Horatius, who appears to be the oldest stamp on south Spanish olive oil amphorae. The most recent findings are presented in detail, enlarging the nomina and geography of this production. A critical update is made of all the epigraphical and archaeological data known to date and problems related to their typological ascription are discussed as well. Through such an integral analysis the main trade routes of the Horati stamps can be traced, with an important diffusion in the Iberian Peninsula, with special incidence in the Portuguese and Galician Atlantic façade, and a second line of diffusion towards other Mediterranean regions. The findings in Galicia and Portugal are related to the definitive conquest of the
Iberian Peninsula as a whole in the time of Augustus, while those of the Mediterranean façade point to other trade routes, which were expanding with other south Spanish ovoid amphorae shortly before the beginning of
the Augustan period.