Papers by Antonio Palacios-Rodríguez

Societies, 2025
In the midst of the Knowledge Society, where social interactions, contact, and the establishment ... more In the midst of the Knowledge Society, where social interactions, contact, and the establishment of relationships—whether face to face or through the use of new technologies—prevail, isolation is detected as a consequence of the global COVID-19 pandemic, due to which both interpersonal relationships and attachment bonds are negatively affected. It is for all this that the need arises in this study to analyze the possible existence of a correlation between both variables. The objective of this work is to analyze the relationship between social skills and the type of attachment in a sample of subjects over 18 years of age. After carrying out the analyses, the existence of a statistically significant relationship was detected between the social skills variable and Attachment Scale 3, corresponding to subjects with good abilities to express feelings and comfort with relationships (secure attachment). It is concluded by stating that subjects who have developed a secure attachment will have more satisfactory social relationships.
Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 2024

Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 2024
Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIEd) offers advanced tools that can personalize learning e... more Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIEd) offers advanced tools that can personalize learning experiences and enhance teachers' research capabilities. This paper explores the beliefs of 425 university teachers regarding the integration of generative AI in educational settings, utilizing the UTAUT2 model to predict their acceptance and usage patterns through the Partial Least Squares (PLS) method. The findings indicate that performance expectations, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, and hedonic motivation all positively impact the intention and behavior related to the use of AIEd. Notably, the study reveals that teachers with constructivist pedagogical beliefs are more inclined to adopt AIEd, underscoring the significance of considering teachers' attitudes and motivations for the effective integration of technology in education. This research provides valuable insights into the factors influencing teachers' decisions to embrace AIEd, thereby contributing to a deeper understanding of technology integration in educational contexts. Moreover, the study's results emphasize the critical role of teachers' pedagogical orientations in their acceptance and utilization of AI technologies. Constructivist educators, who emphasize student-centered learning and active engagement, are shown to be more receptive to incorporating AIEd tools compared to their transmissive counterparts, who focus on direct instruction and information dissemination. This distinction highlights the need for tailored professional development programs that address the specific beliefs and needs of different teaching philosophies. Furthermore, the study's comprehensive approach, considering various dimensions of the UTAUT2 model, offers a robust framework for analyzing technology acceptance in education.

Campus Virtuales, 2025
The Breakout educational methodology is an innovative strategy that promotes active learning and ... more The Breakout educational methodology is an innovative strategy that promotes active learning and student participation. This study analyzes the interaction between cognitive load, gamification and gender in the context of the Breakout methodology, with a sample of 540 future teachers of Primary Education at the University of Seville. Two instruments were used for data collection: the GAMEX scale to evaluate gamification and a cognitive load scale to measure this variable. The results revealed a moderate perception of the difficulty of the tasks, supported by a high valuation of the learning achieved and its improvement. Gamification stood out in dimensions such as fun and absorption, indicating a positive impact on the educational experience, with significant differences according to gender: women perceived knowledge acquisition more positively. Previous experience with Breakout was also associated with a greater tendency to have fun and absorption during the learning process. It is concluded that the Breakout methodology efficiently balances intrinsic and extrinsic cognitive load. Consequently, further research is recommended on gender dynamics in active and gamified educational environments, considering the diversity of the participants.

Education Sciences, 2024
Numerous studies support that the development of digital teaching competence is essential in 21st... more Numerous studies support that the development of digital teaching competence is essential in 21st century schools. This paper examines Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) to gain a deeper understanding of ICT integration in teaching. By assessing TPACK, we uncover opportunities to enhance teacher competencies and, consequently, improve student learning. This research evaluated the initial TPACK of primary school teachers from a public school in the Colombian Caribbean. Eight teachers participated in a professional development program based on the Lesson Study (LS) methodology. Adopting an interpretive qualitative approach and a case study for the operational analysis of LS, the findings indicate that teachers, in self-reports and performance-based assessments, highlight high competence in the PK, CK, and PCK domains. This demonstrates their ability to select and adapt effective teaching strategies. They excel in guiding learning and understanding academic content, showcasing a remarkable capacity to adapt to the diverse socioeconomic realities of their students. However, these findings also highlight areas for improvement in developing the technological components of TPACK, specifically TK, TPK, TCK, TPCK, and XK.

RIED-Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 2025
La competencia digital docente es esencial debido al creciente papel de la tecnología en las aula... more La competencia digital docente es esencial debido al creciente papel de la tecnología en las aulas. Este estudio evalúa la competencia digital docente en el contexto de la Península Ibérica, abarcando a 170,603 docentes en activo de enseñanza obligatoria en España (Andalucía) y Portugal. Su objetivo principal es analizar las diferencias en la competencia digital docente entre estos dos países y explorar los factores que influyen en su desarrollo. La metodología del estudio se basa en una muestra de docentes que completan el cuestionario validado DigCompEdu Check-In. Se emplearon técnicas estadísticas descriptivas, de contraste e inferenciales. Los resultados indican que los docentes portugueses muestran un nivel ligeramente superior de competencia digital en comparación con sus homólogos españoles en todas las dimensiones evaluadas. La dimensión "Desarrollo de la Competencia Digital de los Estudiantes" obtuvo la puntuación más baja en ambos países, señalando la necesidad de mejorar la habilidad de los docentes para fomentar las competencias digitales del alumnado en seguridad digital, alfabetización crítica o resolución de problemas. Además, los resultados muestran que el género, la edad, el nivel educativo y la experiencia docente son factores importantes a la hora de explicar la competencia digital de los docentes. Por ello, se subraya la importancia de implementar programas de formación personalizados. Además, se enfatiza la importancia de fomentar la colaboración entre docentes, promoviendo oportunidades para el intercambio de prácticas exitosas. Esta colaboración no solo ayuda a cerrar la brecha digital, sino que también impulsa una educación actualizada y relevante en la era digital.

Edutec, Jun 28, 2024
El cierre físico de las instituciones educativas durante la pandemia planteó nuevos retos para lo... more El cierre físico de las instituciones educativas durante la pandemia planteó nuevos retos para los autores educativos que tuvieron que adoptar sobre la marcha nuevas herramientas virtuales para su proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje. En este sentido, el presente trabajo analiza de forma cuantitativa el uso de un simulador virtual disponible en la web como una estrategia educativa vinculada a las prácticas de laboratorio desarrolladas durante la pandemia en la asignatura de Microscopía y Microanálisis en una universidad ecuatoriana. Siguiendo las premisas de los docentes para el desarrollo de la práctica, 30 estudiantes experimentaron el manejo del simulador y contestaron a un cuestionario ad hoc, donde se evaluó tanto el uso del simulador como las competencias académicas adquiridas. Los resultados evidencian valores altos positivos en la percepción estudiantil y se concibió al uso del simulador como una experiencia interesante e innovadora. Esto discute el uso de entornos virtuales como una alternativa académica a las disciplinas con un componente práctico.

Societies, Feb 12, 2024
Research competencies are considered essential in fields such as science, academia, and technolog... more Research competencies are considered essential in fields such as science, academia, and technology, and this research seeks to provide a reliable tool to evaluate them. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to validate the "Cursa-T" scale through an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, as well as through structural equations, to ensure that the data collected fit the proposed theoretical model. The study sample consists of 1104 university students, mostly female, and a questionnaire based on previous studies is used. The most important results of the research include the validation of the "Cursa-T" scale through advanced statistical methods, such as exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The scale is found to be reliable and valid for measuring undergraduate research and digital competencies, and the data collected fit the proposed theoretical model. The discussion of the research highlights the importance of technology, devices, software, and the use of platforms in the development of research and digital competencies in Health Sciences students. It also reflects on the role of social networks in these competencies, as they can facilitate participation in academic communities. Ultimately, the research underlines the relevance of preparing undergraduate students in health areas.
Dykinson eBooks, Sep 12, 2023

Interaction Design and Architecture(s), Jun 19, 2023
New educational trends mediated by technology require the development of Teacher Digital Competen... more New educational trends mediated by technology require the development of Teacher Digital Competence (TDC). These have been regulated by competence frameworks, such as DigCompEdu. The aim of the study is to determine and compare the level of self-perception of digital competence among teachers of the different stages of compulsory education (Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education) as a function of gender, considering different age ranges, years of teaching experience and hours of permanent education. This study also analysed how different predictors influence each other in the acquisition of TDC. To this end, an ex post facto non-experimental design is used with 78,966 teachers from Andalusia (Spain). The results show that the diagnosed level is low-medium and that the analysed variables had significant impact and prediction levels. Consequently, the casuistry of this phenomenon is discussed, concluding that it is necessary to develop personalised training programmes for teachers.

Frontiers in Education
A systematic review is presented with the purpose of exploring the trends associated with the dev... more A systematic review is presented with the purpose of exploring the trends associated with the development of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) from Lesson Study. In the 21st century, technology established a complex and necessary relationship with different sectors of society, enabling different conceptual and practical models for the incorporation of technologies in teaching. TPACK was one of the most outstanding. In this perspective, a systematic literature review is presented taking into account 16 studies published between 2015 and 2021 with the purpose of analyzing the development of TPACK in teachers, in research that uses the Lesson Study (LS) as an intervention strategy. The review was carried out in April 2022 using the following databases: Scopus, Web of Science, Spinger Link, Proquest Central, Science Direct, Redalyc, Dialnet and Scielo. The phases of identification, screening, selection and inclusion of the flowchart of the PRISMA guide were applied. Th...
Computers in the Schools, 2024
This study examines future teachers’ self-perception regarding competences related to the environ... more This study examines future teachers’ self-perception regarding competences related to the environmental impact of digital technologies. The sample includes 1948 participants (235 men and 1713 women) selected through incidental sampling from the Faculty of Education Sciences at the University of Seville. The validated instrument used was the Teacher’s Digital Competence and Eco-responsible Use of Technology Scale. Results indicated that the participants had received less than optimal training and had limited knowledge about technologies and their environmental impact. The study concludes that it is necessary to establish training on the development of environmental competences and their link to educational technologies, starting from the institution, with the aim of guaranteeing the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Education Sciences, 2024
This study explores teachers' acceptance of artificial intelligence in education (AIEd) and its r... more This study explores teachers' acceptance of artificial intelligence in education (AIEd) and its relationship with various variables and pedagogical beliefs. Conducted at the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL, Ecuador), the research surveyed 425 teachers across different disciplines and teaching modalities. The UTAUT2 model analyzed dimensions like performance expectations, effort expectations, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, usage behavior, and intention to use AIEd. Results showed a high level of acceptance among teachers, influenced by factors like age, gender, and teaching modality. Additionally, it was found that constructivist pedagogical beliefs correlated positively with AIEd adoption. These insights are valuable for understanding AIEd integration in educational settings.

Revista de Educación a Distancia (RED), 2024
Numerosos estudios han demostrado que la realidad virtual (RV) es una tecnología educativa con un... more Numerosos estudios han demostrado que la realidad virtual (RV) es una tecnología educativa con un gran potencial para el desarrollo de competencias. Su integración requiere la movilización de recursos cognitivos por parte del alumnado, por lo que el diseño de las acciones formativas con RV deben ser óptimas. En este sentido, los objetivos de este estudio es conocer la carga cognitiva que produce la interacción con objetos de aprendizaje producidos en la modalidad RV y con objetos en 360º, así como analizar la evaluación de la misma por parte del alumnado y sus relaciones. Para ello, 136 médicos en formación respondieron dos cuestionarios: carga cognitiva y evaluación de la calidad de la acción formativa. Los resultados mostraron altos niveles de carga cognitiva pertinente y bajos de esfuerzo mentar, carga cognitiva interna y extrínseca. Además, la autopercepción de la calidad de la acción formativa es alta, con niveles de correlación entre las distintas dimensiones. Por ello, concluye demostrando el potencial de la RV como tecnología educativa y abre nuevas vías para la investigación relacionada.

Edutec, Revista Electrónica De Tecnología Educativa, 2024
El cierre físico de las instituciones educativas durante la pandemia planteó nuevos retos para lo... more El cierre físico de las instituciones educativas durante la pandemia planteó nuevos retos para los autores educativos que tuvieron que adoptar sobre la marcha nuevas herramientas virtuales para su proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En este sentido, el presente trabajo analiza de forma cuantitativa el uso de un simulador virtual disponible en la web como una estrategia educativa vinculada a las prácticas de laboratorio desarrolladas durante la pandemia en la asignatura de Microscopía y Microanálisis en una universidad ecuatoriana. Siguiendo las premisas de los docentes para el desarrollo de la práctica, 30 estudiantes experimentaron el manejo del simulador y contestaron a un cuestionario ad hoc, donde se evaluó tanto el uso del simulador como las competencias académicas adquiridas. Los resultados evidencian valores altos positivos en la percepción estudiantil y se concibió al uso del simulador como una experiencia interesante e innovadora. Esto discute el uso de entornos virtuales como una alternativa académica a las disciplinas con un componente práctico.

Bordón. Revista De Pedagogía, 2024
INTRODUCCIÓN. El uso de la tecnología digital por parte de los niños en el hogar y en la escuela ... more INTRODUCCIÓN. El uso de la tecnología digital por parte de los niños en el hogar y en la escuela ha aumentado mucho en los últimos años. Este fenómeno ha dado lugar a estudios que confirman la necesidad de una adecuada alfabetización digital en los niveles educativos inferiores y, por ende, del profesorado de la etapa de Educación Infantil que les permita adaptarse a la nueva realidad educativa y social. MÉTODO. Se diseña la presente investigación con una metodología ex post facto, con enfoque de investigación descriptivo y de contraste. Su objetivo principal es conocer el nivel de autopercepción de la competencia digital docente (CDD) del profesorado de Educación Infantil en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía (España). Posteriormente, se analizan aquellas variables de las que derivan diferencias respecto al nivel competencial y se establecen perfiles de identificación. Han participado un total de N= 8881 docentes, a los que se les administró el instrumento DigCompEdu Check-in englobado dentro del Marco Europeo de Competencia Digital Docente DigCompEdu. Aplicadas las pruebas correspondientes (análisis descriptivo, estadístico de contraste y prueba de Kruskal-Wallis, entre otras). RESULTADOS. Muestran que los sujetos encuestados tienen un nivel de CDD moderado en la mayoría de las áreas estudiadas, aunque en algunas de ellas su nivel competencial es bajo. Asimismo, el estudio determina que existen diferencias respecto a las variables edad, años de experiencia y formación recibida. DISCUSIÓN. Las conclusiones derivadas de este estudio pueden ayudar a desarrollar intervenciones educativas enfocadas a mejorar el bajo nivel competencial de los docentes.

Edutec. Revista Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa
Los MOOC se configuran como una de las tecnologías que, en los últimos tiempos, vienen ganando te... more Los MOOC se configuran como una de las tecnologías que, en los últimos tiempos, vienen ganando terreno en el campo educativo como nuevos enfoques en la educación a distancia, incrementándose su presencia en las instituciones educativas y el nivel de investigaciones y publicaciones que giran alrededor de estos desarrollos tecnológicos. En concreto, esta investigación se centra en el t-MOOC basado en la tarea. Se presenta la evaluación de un t-MOOC diseñado y producido para el desarrollo de competencias digitales del profesorado a través del juicio de expertos según el Marco DigCompEdu. En su evaluación participan 172 expertos que obtienen un índice de competencia experta igual o superior a 0,9. Las puntuaciones alcanzadas permiten señalar que los expertos valoraron el t-MOOC de manera muy positiva, tanto de forma conjunta como individual. Igualmente, el estudio pone de manifiesto la significación del Coeficiente de Competencia Experta (CCE) a la hora de discriminar de forma más adecu...

Societies, 2024
Research competencies are considered essential in fields such as science, academia, and technolog... more Research competencies are considered essential in fields such as science, academia, and technology, and this research seeks to provide a reliable tool to evaluate them. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to validate the "Cursa-T" scale through an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, as well as through structural equations, to ensure that the data collected fit the proposed theoretical model. The study sample consists of 1104 university students, mostly female, and a questionnaire based on previous studies is used. The most important results of the research include the validation of the "Cursa-T" scale through advanced statistical methods, such as exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The scale is found to be reliable and valid for measuring undergraduate research and digital competencies, and the data collected fit the proposed theoretical model. The discussion of the research highlights the importance of technology, devices, software, and the use of platforms in the development of research and digital competencies in Health Sciences students. It also reflects on the role of social networks in these competencies, as they can facilitate participation in academic communities. Ultimately, the research underlines the relevance of preparing undergraduate students in health areas.
Revista DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia, 2021
Papers by Antonio Palacios-Rodríguez
paradigm shift in education, leading to the digital transformation of learning
environments (Cabero-Almenara et al., 2022). Educational institutions
worldwide have embraced this transformation, leveraging digital tools and
platforms to enhance teaching and learning processes (Marimon-Martí et
al., 2022; Vásquez Peñafiel et al., 2023). This editorial introduces
contributions to the Research Topic “Educational digital transformation:
new technological challenges for competence development”, which seeks to
improve training policies and practices to foster educational development.
oportunidad para sentar las bases de una educación inclusiva. Éstas ofrecen fuertes
posibilidades para favorecer la inclusión de las personas con diversidad funcional y
superar las limitaciones que se derivan de la misma.
Esta obra se apoya en los principios de igualdad, autonomía y singularidad, pilares que
se suman al valor de la vida humana sin distinción alguna. Queremos sumarnos a esta
labor, generando foros de análisis nacionales e internacionales en los que discutir y
debatir sobre estrategias, metodologías, recursos, criterios, competencias, etc… Todo
ello para dibujar espacios de futuro inclusivos.
Anímate a trazar líneas con nosotros, a dibujar espacios inclusivos con tecnologías.
Publicación destinada a personas relacionadas o interesadas con el mundo de la
Tecnología Educativa en Educación Infantil.