Papers by Josep M. Pons-Altés
Historia Social, 2006
... El siguiente articulo pretende reivindicar la importancia de las practicas y culturas politi-... more ... El siguiente articulo pretende reivindicar la importancia de las practicas y culturas politi-cas desarrolladas en ambitos agrarios a mediados del siglo xix, de su progresiva politiza-cion ajustada a los nuevos marcos ideologicos ya los lenguajes politicos desarrollados en ese ...

Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y Sociales, 2023
En este artículo presentamos un estudio que articula el aprendizaje de los periodos históricos co... more En este artículo presentamos un estudio que articula el aprendizaje de los periodos históricos con el aprendizaje cooperativo a través del método Puzle en la formación de docentes. La virtualización de las clases universitarias por la pandemia de la covid-19 nos permite indagar si el Puzle es una buena opción para el aprendizaje cooperativo virtual de los periodos históricos. Esta investigación es de tipo estructural y se ha desarrollado en cuatro fases: análisis de la literatura, adaptación del método y creación de las fases de aprendizaje de los periodos históricos, aplicación y recogida de datos, y análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de las percepciones del alumnado (n=57) con el programa Atlas.ti y con la matriz DAFO para mostrar Debilidades, Amenazas, Fortalezas y Oportunidades del Puzle virtual. Los resultados apuntan que es un método cooperativo virtual útil para el aprendizaje de los periodos históricos, y un instrumento para la inclusión, la motivación y la responsabilidad individual. También que es un método complejo donde aparecen tres tipologías diferentes de aprendizaje grupal, diferenciando la cooperación de la colaboración.
Comunicació Educativa, 2023
International Journal of Iberian Studies, 2016
Comunicació Educativa, 2019

Resum: Aquest article pretén mostrar experiències de treball cooperatiu a dues universitats catal... more Resum: Aquest article pretén mostrar experiències de treball cooperatiu a dues universitats catalanes-la Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) i la Uni-versitat de Vic (UVic)-en dues àrees de didàcti-ca: la de les ciències socials i la de matemàtiques. A partir de treballs específics de classe, s'ha fet una immersió teòrica i pràctica en el treball coope-ratiu als alumnes del grau d'Educació Primària. En la part pràctica s'han analitzat les seqüències procedimentals dels treballs efectuats i s'han de-tectat actuacions positives i d' altres de millorables per ajudar els futurs mestres a ser competents en el treball cooperatiu amb els alumnes de primària. Abstract: This paper relates some experiences of cooperative work in two Catalan public universities: the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and the Universitat de Vic. The cooperative work was carried out in the disciplines of Social Sciences and Mathematics. We implemented specific exercises in the degree in Primary Education to enable students to engage in and experience cooperative work on both a theoretical and a practical level. During the practical part, we analysed working procedures and found that while some were decidedly positive, there were others which could be improved. The analysis aims to help future teachers to become competent in adopting cooperative methodologies with their own primary school students.

L'articolo studia con quali argomenti e attività didattiche vengono presentati, nei manuali scola... more L'articolo studia con quali argomenti e attività didattiche vengono presentati, nei manuali scolastici della Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado, i concetti di " nazione " , di " Risorgimento " e dell'identità nazionale italiana contemporanea. La caratterizzazione di tipo essenzialista della nazione, predominante nei manuali, complica l'adeguata comprensione del processo di unificazione italiana. Nonostante la qualità dei libri analizzati, vi compaiono contraddizioni e non vengono affrontate con la profondità necessaria le strategie che vennero impiegate per creare una forte coscienza nazionale, pertanto la conseguenza più probabile è che gli alunni finiscano per assimilare un'idea determinista secondo la quale l'Italia era inevitabilmente predestinata a costituire un'entità politica unificata. Abstract english The article looks at school textbooks of the Scuola di Primo Grado Secondaria to determine on what grounds and educational activities the concepts of " nation " and " Risorgimento " are presented. It also considers the construction of contemporary Italian national identity. An essentialist characterization of the nation, dominant in the manuals, hinders a proper understanding of the process of Italian unification. Despite the quality of the books analyzed, contradictions appear and the strategies used to achieve a strong national consciousness are not addressed in sufficient depth. It is likely that students end up internalizing the deterministic idea that Italy was destined inevitably to form a unified political entity.

Ivo Mattozzi, Un sapere storico per l'educazione interculturale Josep M. Pons-Altés, Nazione e Ri... more Ivo Mattozzi, Un sapere storico per l'educazione interculturale Josep M. Pons-Altés, Nazione e Risorgimento nei manuali scolastici italiani. Valter Deon, I manuali di storia, i più consumati Maria Rosa Cuccia, La storia generale nei documenti ministeriali ESPERIENZE Luisa Bordin, Scrivere un manuale di storia dalla parte delle bambine e dei bambini Maria Catia Sampaolesi, Un curricolo di storia generale per la scuola secondaria di I grado. L'esperienza della rete di storia di Castelfidardo (AN) Paola Lotti, La storia generale negli indici dei manuali scolastici: un'esperienza didattica LETTURE Falk Pingel, L'Europa del XX secolo nei manuali di storia (A cura di Vincenzo Guanci) inutile e priva di senso; che non li aiuta a capire il mondo nel quale si trovano ad agire; che non amano. È dunque un'organizzazione delle conoscenze che può essere annoverata fra i fattori responsabili dei fallimenti, ripetutamente denunciati, dell'insegnamento della storia.
This paper presents the activities we prepared and used in practical classes for the Social Scien... more This paper presents the activities we prepared and used in practical classes for the Social Science Didactics subject in the fourth year of Rovira and Virgili University’s degree in Primary Education. There are nine proposals, which we have called “laboratories” because key ideas that are useful for understanding society need to be generated and wielded. The nine laboratories are related to understanding these concepts: stages of history; time and chronology; the relationship between the past, present and future; the seasons of the year; time zones; how clocks function; the winds; and orientation and directions. The results confirm that students’ creativity and capacity of thought were stimulated by these teaching resources, even though it is sometimes difficult to compensate for the inadequacies of their basic training.

RESUMEN. El trabajo y la educación en valores cooperativos son más necesarios que nunca, por ello... more RESUMEN. El trabajo y la educación en valores cooperativos son más necesarios que nunca, por ello promovemos una línea de investigación con profesores universitarios y maestros. Se trabajó a dos niveles: 1.133 alumnos de Educación Primaria y 88 estudiantes de Grado de Educación Primaria. En el primer caso con plantillas de ejercicios referentes a los valores de equidad y responsabilidad en la participación, y en el segundo caso mediante ejercicios cooperativos basados en el currículum de Primaria. El procedimiento en los dos casos estuvo a cargo del profesor responsable de cada aula. Detectamos que los alumnos de Educación Primaria tienen una base no muy sólida de los dos valores mencionados. Existe una percepción jerárquica de la organización escolar y de las relaciones sociales, y son las escuelas rurales donde están más asumidas las estrategias de diálogo. En los estudiantes universitarios se aprecia una valoración positiva del trabajo cooperativo una vez han realizado las prácticas. En conclusión, es útil abordar en la Educación Primaria los valores estudiados. En la Universidad es necesaria la confluencia entre formación teórico-práctica y práctica simulada: cuando se consigue, los futuros maestros perciben que el trabajo cooperativo es un recurso adecuado. Palabras clave: Trabajo cooperativo; dominio de valores; equidad; responsabilidad en la participación; formación de maestros.
ABSTRACT. Work and education on cooperative values are needed more than ever and for this reason, we have focused our line of research on university lecturers and school teachers. The work was based on two levels of education: 1,133 primary school students and 88 undergraduate students studying Primary Education. In the first case group, students were given template exercises dealing with the values of equality and accountability in participation scenarios, and the second group were given cooperative exercises based on the primary education curriculum. In both cases, the teacher in charge of each classroom was responsible for carrying out the exercises. We found that primary school students did not have a solid base of these two values. They do however have a hierarchical perception of school organization and social relationships, and it was in the rural schools where more dialogue strategies were assimilated. College students displayed a positive assessment of cooperative work once the practical work had been carried out. In conclusion, it is useful to address these

Antoni Gavaldà, Josep M. Pons-Altés, Luisa Girondo, Carme Olivé, Víctor Grau, Jordi Suñé, Jacint Torrents, Joan Callarisa, Pilar Arumí, "El treball cooperatiu de les ciències socials i les matemàtiques. Accions de connexió universitària catalana", Comunicació Educativa, núm. 28, 2015, pp. 39-46. Resum: Aquest article pretén mostrar experiències de treball cooperatiu a dues universitats catal... more Resum: Aquest article pretén mostrar experiències de treball cooperatiu a dues universitats catalanes —la Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) i la Uni-versitat de Vic (UVic)— en dues àrees de didàcti-ca: la de les ciències socials i la de matemàtiques. A partir de treballs específics de classe, s'ha fet una immersió teòrica i pràctica en el treball coope-ratiu als alumnes del grau d'Educació Primària. En la part pràctica s'han analitzat les seqüències procedimentals dels treballs efectuats i s'han de-tectat actuacions positives i d' altres de millorables per ajudar els futurs mestres a ser competents en el treball cooperatiu amb els alumnes de primària. Paraules clau: treball cooperatiu, cooperació a l' es-cola, valors cooperatius, aprenentatge significatiu, currículum d' educació primària.
Abstract: This paper relates some experiences of cooperative work in two Catalan public universities: the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and the Universitat de Vic. The cooperative work was carried out in the disciplines of Social Sciences and Mathematics. We implemented specific exercises in the degree in Primary Education to enable students to engage in and experience cooperative work on both a theoretical and a practical level. During the practical part, we analysed working procedures and found that while some were decidedly positive, there were others which could be improved. The analysis aims to help future teachers to become competent in adopting cooperative methodologies with their own primary school students.

La revista Plecs d'Història Local va néixer l'any 1986 amb la intenció de reflectir la dinamitzac... more La revista Plecs d'Història Local va néixer l'any 1986 amb la intenció de reflectir la dinamització de la història local i comarcal, una revitalització que el primer número relacionava amb els centres d'estudis, els arxius locals, les noves fornades de llicenciats en història, la re cuperació de la identitat catalana, el municipalisme i la nova cultura democràtica. 1 De periodicitat bimestral, va néixer com a suplement de L'Avenç i amb la presència de la Diputació de Barcelona com a coeditora, i tingué la voluntat de contribuir a la difusió dels estudis locals i a la coordinació d'investigadors i entitats. Les refe rències en els editorials al rol que havien d'assolir els centres d'estudis i a les infraestructures culturals que s'estaven construint il·lustren la precarietat de què es partia. Aquells primers anys en va ser director Joan Fuster Sobrepere, també director de L'Avenç, fins que el 1988 va ser substituït per Jesús Mestre i Campi. Amb la nova direcció, fins al 1997, es va tendir a potenciar el debat metodològic i la difusió de les iniciatives que anaven sorgint pel territori. En van ser una mostra les guies d'història local de diverses comarques que es van publicar, que informaven sobre arxius, biblioteques, centres d'estudis, activitats i institucions culturals de cada comarca. Després dels tres anys de direcció de Pere Anguera, entre 1997 i 2000, en què hi hagué un interès especial per la historiografia local d'altres zones de cultura no catalana, el següent director va ser Carles Santacana. Fou ell qui l'any 2005, a la vegada que es produïa una renovació formal, recordava explícitament quin havia de ser el nucli de les preocupacions de la revista: «La recerca en història local, les publicacions que es generen, la vida associativa que es produeix entorn dels centres d'estudis, les intervencions en el pa-
The notion of competence has led to significant changes in the approach to teaching in the classr... more The notion of competence has led to significant changes in the approach to teaching in the classroom. The emphasis on the applicability of learning and its relation to the students' contexts runs parallel to the interest in interdisciplinary proposals. In this proposal, we discuss and evaluate an experience of interdisciplinary work in the context of basic teacher training. Both the planning and the implementation of the project were the result of teachers from different teaching areas and from educational psychology working as a team.
The aim of the article is to cast more light onto the public image of Lluís Companys prior to the... more The aim of the article is to cast more light onto the public image of Lluís Companys prior to the Civil War, establish which ideas and references he was associated with, and how his figure was deliberately manipulated by part of the Catalan press of the time. We place special emphasis on two questions that were constant features of his political trajectory and had a decisive effect on his projection: his involvement in the workersʼ and peasantsʼ movements and the polemic about the sincerity of his Catalan nationalism. Thus, the study attempts to overcome the image of the “martyr president” and recover that of the commited and polemic politician, a reflection of a society that was undergoing intense conflicts.

En aquest article exposaré els aspectes principals desenvolupats en la tesi doctoral que vaig pre... more En aquest article exposaré els aspectes principals desenvolupats en la tesi doctoral que vaig presentar a l'Institut Universitari d'Història Jaume Vicens i Vives de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra el juny de 2001, 1 que ampliava temàticament i cronològicament un treball de recerca anterior. 2 Tal com mostra el títol, un primer objectiu de la investigació resulta evident: estudiar el sistema polític liberal a mitjan segle XIX en un àmbit concret. En aquest cas, l'àmbit triat ha estat la ciutat de Lleida i també, secundàriament, les altres comarques de Ponent (perquè la ciutat no es pot desvincular del seu territori més proper). I els límits cronològics del treball s'expliquen perquè va ser entre 1843 i 1868 quan, com a conseqüència del predomini del partit moderat en el Govern espanyol, es va implantar un model d'Estat conservador i centralista que ha marcat bona part de la història contemporània d'Espanya.
Books by Josep M. Pons-Altés

Social Alternatives in Southern Europe and Latin America Solidarity, Mutual Aid, and Cooperation in Comparative Perspective (19th–21st Centuries), 2024
One of the distinguishing features of the cooperative movement and, in general, initiatives linke... more One of the distinguishing features of the cooperative movement and, in general, initiatives linked to the social and solidarity economy is the importance attributed to education. To the extent that they share the aim of a more or less profound social transformation, they consider that education that improves people's participatory and critical capacity plays a fundamental role. As described below, in recent decades proposals for implementing cooperative learning (CL) in schools have substantially increased in many countries, but the predominant trend is not connected with projects for social change. Such projects do not identify significantly with CL practices that do not fully incorporate cooperative values. Within this general framework, this chapter aims to reflect on the conceptualisation and impact of the Anglo-Saxon concept of “cooperative learning”, which clearly predominates in Spanish and Italian schools that apply cooperation between pupils, and contrast it with the francophone concept of “pédagogies coopératives”. To conclude, it examines areas in which CL could converge with the social and solidarity economy.

This book deals with the evolution of initiatives connected to the social and solidarity economy ... more This book deals with the evolution of initiatives connected to the social and solidarity economy and their political cultures and educational implications in the south of Europe and in Latin America.
Employing a comparative perspective, the contributors present 11 studies of these trajectories in Argentina, Chile, Portugal, France, Italy, Spain, and Catalonia in order to engender familiarity with social tributary practices and projects in the Latin world. As the cyclical crises of capitalism and their resulting inequalities have created proposals of reform and brought them into action, certain shared ideological influences and policies have emerged across these societies. Faced with the interpretative schemes used for the Anglo-Saxon sphere, which have been the usual reference in international research, this volume’s geographical and cultural matrix of analysis helps fill a longstanding gap in this field.
The book will be of interest to scholars, educators, and students specialising in the history and political science of the social and solidarity economy sectors, as well as professionals involved in cooperatives, mutual aid societies, and associations.
Papers by Josep M. Pons-Altés
ABSTRACT. Work and education on cooperative values are needed more than ever and for this reason, we have focused our line of research on university lecturers and school teachers. The work was based on two levels of education: 1,133 primary school students and 88 undergraduate students studying Primary Education. In the first case group, students were given template exercises dealing with the values of equality and accountability in participation scenarios, and the second group were given cooperative exercises based on the primary education curriculum. In both cases, the teacher in charge of each classroom was responsible for carrying out the exercises. We found that primary school students did not have a solid base of these two values. They do however have a hierarchical perception of school organization and social relationships, and it was in the rural schools where more dialogue strategies were assimilated. College students displayed a positive assessment of cooperative work once the practical work had been carried out. In conclusion, it is useful to address these
Abstract: This paper relates some experiences of cooperative work in two Catalan public universities: the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and the Universitat de Vic. The cooperative work was carried out in the disciplines of Social Sciences and Mathematics. We implemented specific exercises in the degree in Primary Education to enable students to engage in and experience cooperative work on both a theoretical and a practical level. During the practical part, we analysed working procedures and found that while some were decidedly positive, there were others which could be improved. The analysis aims to help future teachers to become competent in adopting cooperative methodologies with their own primary school students.
Books by Josep M. Pons-Altés
Employing a comparative perspective, the contributors present 11 studies of these trajectories in Argentina, Chile, Portugal, France, Italy, Spain, and Catalonia in order to engender familiarity with social tributary practices and projects in the Latin world. As the cyclical crises of capitalism and their resulting inequalities have created proposals of reform and brought them into action, certain shared ideological influences and policies have emerged across these societies. Faced with the interpretative schemes used for the Anglo-Saxon sphere, which have been the usual reference in international research, this volume’s geographical and cultural matrix of analysis helps fill a longstanding gap in this field.
The book will be of interest to scholars, educators, and students specialising in the history and political science of the social and solidarity economy sectors, as well as professionals involved in cooperatives, mutual aid societies, and associations.
ABSTRACT. Work and education on cooperative values are needed more than ever and for this reason, we have focused our line of research on university lecturers and school teachers. The work was based on two levels of education: 1,133 primary school students and 88 undergraduate students studying Primary Education. In the first case group, students were given template exercises dealing with the values of equality and accountability in participation scenarios, and the second group were given cooperative exercises based on the primary education curriculum. In both cases, the teacher in charge of each classroom was responsible for carrying out the exercises. We found that primary school students did not have a solid base of these two values. They do however have a hierarchical perception of school organization and social relationships, and it was in the rural schools where more dialogue strategies were assimilated. College students displayed a positive assessment of cooperative work once the practical work had been carried out. In conclusion, it is useful to address these
Abstract: This paper relates some experiences of cooperative work in two Catalan public universities: the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and the Universitat de Vic. The cooperative work was carried out in the disciplines of Social Sciences and Mathematics. We implemented specific exercises in the degree in Primary Education to enable students to engage in and experience cooperative work on both a theoretical and a practical level. During the practical part, we analysed working procedures and found that while some were decidedly positive, there were others which could be improved. The analysis aims to help future teachers to become competent in adopting cooperative methodologies with their own primary school students.
Employing a comparative perspective, the contributors present 11 studies of these trajectories in Argentina, Chile, Portugal, France, Italy, Spain, and Catalonia in order to engender familiarity with social tributary practices and projects in the Latin world. As the cyclical crises of capitalism and their resulting inequalities have created proposals of reform and brought them into action, certain shared ideological influences and policies have emerged across these societies. Faced with the interpretative schemes used for the Anglo-Saxon sphere, which have been the usual reference in international research, this volume’s geographical and cultural matrix of analysis helps fill a longstanding gap in this field.
The book will be of interest to scholars, educators, and students specialising in the history and political science of the social and solidarity economy sectors, as well as professionals involved in cooperatives, mutual aid societies, and associations.