Universidad de la República
Licenciatura en Diseño de Paisaje
Size-density relationships (SDRs) frequently follow a power-law relationship, with exponents that compensate for the increase in populationlevel metabolic demand-the energetic equivalence rule. However, these exponents present a range of... more
Metacommunity theory, which has gained a central position in ecology, accounts for the role of migration in patterns of diversity among communities at diff erent scales. Community isolation has a main role in this theory, but is diffi... more
Habitat requirements of migratory birds can be dynamic during the annual cycle, and understanding habitat use during the nonbreeding season is important for conservation planning. In grassland birds, habitat selection is often determined... more
Habitat requirements of migratory birds can be dynamic during the annual cycle, and understanding habitat use during the nonbreeding season is important for conservation planning. In grassland birds, habitat selection is often determined... more
Between 2000–2020, more than ten new populations of the invasive American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) have been reported in the southern cone of South America. We studied the stomach contents of 126 bullfrogs from a population at... more
Frequently new pollutants are released into the environment, demanding the employment of generic methods to detect toxic responses. In vitro bioassays such as the yeast estrogenicity screening (YES) allow detecting estrogenic and... more
Habitat requirements of migratory birds can be dynamic during the annual cycle, and understanding habitat use during the nonbreeding season is important for conservation planning. In grassland birds, habitat selection is often determined... more