Papers by Andres Garcia-Suaza

Resumen: El presente trabajo estudia el efecto de la politica fiscal sobre el empleo y la producc... more Resumen: El presente trabajo estudia el efecto de la politica fiscal sobre el empleo y la produccion de los sectores formales e informales. En particular, se estudia cuales tipos de impuestos son mas eficientes para financiar el gasto publico, en el contexto de una economia con un sector informal importante. El modelo puede ser usado para evaluar el efecto de politicas fiscales tendientes a reducir el tamano del sector informal, como la recientemente adoptada en Colombia. En este articulo se presenta un modelo dinamico con acumulacion de capital y presencia del sector informal, con el fin de cuantificar el efecto de cambios en la politica fiscal en un pais con un sector informal importante, como Colombia. Para esto, se le introduce desempleo e informalidad a un modelo dinamico de crecimiento a la Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans con impuestos al consumo, al trabajo y al capital. A partir de esta estructura se construye un modelo Dinamico Estocastico de Equilibrio General (DSGE por su siglas en ...
Lecturas de Economía, 2013
This paper provides new evidence on the effect of pupils’ self-motivation on academic achievement... more This paper provides new evidence on the effect of pupils’ self-motivation on academic achievement in science across countries. By using the OECD´s Programme for International Student Assessment 2006 (PISA 2006) test, we find that self-motivation has a positive effect on students’ performance. Instrumental Variables Quantile Regression is used to analyze the existence of different estimated coefficients over the scores distribution, allowing us to deal with the potential endogeneity of self-motivation. We find that the impact of intrinsic motivation on academic performance depends on the pupil’s score. Our findings support the importance of designing focalized programs for different populations that foster their motivation towards learning.

Este trabajo aporta dos elementos basicos para el analisis del crecimiento economico en Colombia:... more Este trabajo aporta dos elementos basicos para el analisis del crecimiento economico en Colombia: En primerlugar, para el calculo de la participacion de los factores en el producto, se separa el ingreso de capital fisico del ingreso de capital natural y el ingreso del trabajo basico del ingreso de capital humano. Con esta metodologia se comprueba que la participacion de los factores reproducibles tiene una tendencia creciente como lo sugieren los modelos de innovaciones sesgadas. En segundo lugar, utilizando los nuevos calculos de participacion de los factores, se desarrolla un ejercicio de contabilidad de crecimiento, este procedimiento permite identificar con mayor precision el comportamiento de la productividad total de los factores.***We provide two basic elements for the analysis of the economic growth in Colombia: In order to get the factor shares, we separate produced physical capital income from natural capital income and raw labor income from thehuman capital income. We fin...

Labor: Human Capital eJournal, 1976
We assess the role played by advisory supervision on the early stage productivity of recent PhDs ... more We assess the role played by advisory supervision on the early stage productivity of recent PhDs in economics using a tailor-made data set based on RePEc. After allowing for the potential effects of other relevant determinants, including gender and field of specialisation, we find as expected that both advisory quality and rank of the graduation institution are positively related to the academic productivity of graduates. However, students in top institutions do not benefit from working with the most productive academics, unless they become co-authors. For students in non-top institutions, being advised by the best academics is always associated with a higher research output. Possible explanations for this difference can be advising styles, with advisors in top-institutions devoting less time to their advisees unless they are co-authors, or a larger role of learning from peers, relative to advisors, in top-institutions.
This paper empirically analyzes the relationship between familiar duties and job satisfaction in ... more This paper empirically analyzes the relationship between familiar duties and job satisfaction in a developing country by using four different indexes. This analysis includes objective measures and subjective measures from data gathered in Colombia. In contrast to previous literature, objective measures are included through the interactive effects between the family responsibilities variables and the gender. Subjective measures are evaluated using the job-family compatibility perception. Our findings show that women tend to be less satisfied at work as the number of children increases, while men are more prone to satisfaction at work when they are single thus showing the importance given to the use of their own time. It also reveals that jobfamily compatibility is an important determinant of job satisfaction.

In order to present an estimation of the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) to higher education in Col... more In order to present an estimation of the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) to higher education in Colombia we take advantage of the methodological approach provided by Heckman, Lochner and Todd (2005). Trying to overcome the criticism that surrounds interpretations of the education coefficient of Mincer equations as being the rate of return to investments in education we develop a more structured approach of estimation, which controls for selection bias, includes more accurate measures of labor income and the role of education costs and income taxes. Our results implied a lower rate of return than the ones found in the Colombian literature and show that the Internal Rate of Return for higher education in Colombia lies somewhere between 0.074 and 0.128. The results vary according to the year analyzed and individual's gender. This last result reinforces considerations regarding gender discrimination in the Colombian labor market.
This paper provides new evidence on the effect of pupil’s self-motivation and academic assets all... more This paper provides new evidence on the effect of pupil’s self-motivation and academic assets allocation on the academic achievement in sciences across countries. By using the Programme for International Student Assessment 2006 (PISA 2006) test we find that both explanatory variables have a positive effect on student’s performance. Self-motivation is measured through an instrument that allows us to avoid possible endogeneity problems. Quantile regression is used for analyzing the existence of different estimated coefficients over the distribution. It is found that both variables have different effect on academic performance depending on the pupil’s score. These findings support the importance of designing focalized programs for different populations, especially in terms of access to information and communication technologies such as internet.
Sustainability, 2021
This paper proposes a set of five indicators to monitor the bioeconomy in Colombia and Antioquia,... more This paper proposes a set of five indicators to monitor the bioeconomy in Colombia and Antioquia, one of the main regions of the country. The proposed indicators encompass the dimensions of sustainability and emphasize the role of knowledge and scientific research as driving forces of the bioeconomy strategies. To estimate the contribution of the bioeconomy to value added, employment, and greenhouse gas emissions, an input–output analysis is carried out. In addition, text mining analysis techniques are implemented to identify the research groups with an agenda related to bioeconomy fields. Our results reveal an important slot to foster the growth of a sustainable bioeconomy that enables local economies to achieve inclusive growth.
Se ha analizado de manera amplia el efecto de la quiebra y la fusion de las instituciones financi... more Se ha analizado de manera amplia el efecto de la quiebra y la fusion de las instituciones financieras en Colombia; sin embargo no se ha hecho un estudio de los determinantes. Este documento busca encontrar las variables que incentivan la participacion de las instituciones en estas operaciones.
Lecturas de Economía, 2013
Ensayos sobre Política Económica, 2010
... The usual disclaimer applies. E-mails: [email protected]; andres.garcia66@ urosario... more ... The usual disclaimer applies. E-mails: [email protected]; andres.garcia66@; [email protected] (corresponding author). Document received: 23 february 2010; final version accepted: 18 may 2010. ...
Economic literature about determinants of labor income has evolved around its theoretical and met... more Economic literature about determinants of labor income has evolved around its theoretical and methodological foundations and more sophisticated and accurate empirical estimations emerged. Colombian literature, though prolific, lacks on rigor. In order to exemplify the effects of this inattention to detail and using data from the Colombian Household Survey we provide joint estimations of labor income´s determinants for both waged and self-employed workers and contrast them with more accurate, detailed and decomposed estimations in order to illustrate the bias generated by sloppy and unsupported considerations of these two different kinds of workers.
La tasa de desempleo no aceleradora de inflacion cambia de acuerdo con la composicion de la fuerz... more La tasa de desempleo no aceleradora de inflacion cambia de acuerdo con la composicion de la fuerza laboral, se estudia el periodo 1984-2010. Se analizan metas de inflacion para el mismo periodo y el nivel de desempleo tuvo un promedio de 15% para el periodo 1911-2005, estos estudios se elaboraron de acuerdo con una curva de Phillips ampliada con una regla de formacion de expectativas de inflacion.||*Este capitulo se encuentra incluido en la segunda parte del libro El mercado de trabajo en Colombia : hechos, tendencias e instituciones, titulada "Desempeno de largo plazo "

We analyze the implementation process of the concept of labor informality into theColombian labor... more We analyze the implementation process of the concept of labor informality into theColombian labor market. Taking this concept as departure point, we dissect labor market informality in Colombia, its main components and features. By using data from the 2010 GEIH-DANE household survey we contrast the informality rate and its components, as given by three different definitions: the standard Colombian one (DANE-PREALC), and a weak" and "strong" ones, being this last one closer to the ICLS-Delhi one. Our results show that despite the fact that the informality rate seems to be around the same level for the two main definitions, informality components and features do variate, mostly due to the fact that the ICLS-Delhi definition is more focused on the quality of employment, whereas the DANE-PREALC one, emphasizes payroll size as identification criteria. We argue that these specific features highly challenge the standard Colombian policy approach to reduce labor informality.*...

Existing inference procedures to perform counterfactual decomposition of the difference between d... more Existing inference procedures to perform counterfactual decomposition of the difference between distributional features, applicable when data is fully observed, are not suitable for censored outcomes. This may explain the lack of counterfac- tual analyses using target variables related to duration outcomes, typically observed under right censoring. For instance, there are many studies performing counterfac- tual decomposition of the gender wage gaps, but very few on gender unemployment duration gaps. We provide an Oaxaca-Blinder type decomposition method of the mean for censored data. Consistent estimation of the decomposition components is based on a prior estimator of the joint distribution of duration and covariates under suitable restrictions on the censoring mechanism. To decompose other distribu- tional features, such as the median or the Gini coefficient, we propose an inferential method for the counterfactual decomposition by introducing restrictions on the func tional form ...

“El elevado desempleo y la baja creacion de empleo formal siguen siendo importantes cuellos de bo... more “El elevado desempleo y la baja creacion de empleo formal siguen siendo importantes cuellos de botella en la economia colombiana, impidiendo que un robusto crecimiento incida en una mayor reduccion de la pobreza y en mayor bienestar. Entender la fuente de estos problemas y enfrentarlos es clave para garantizar la sostenibilidad del crecimiento y la de los sistemas de seguridad social, cuyo funcionamiento depende del mercado de trabajo. Sin embargo, se sabe todavia muy poco acerca de las causas del pobre desempeno laboral en Colombia. Este volumen viene a cubrir ese vacio, presentando informacion novedosa acerca de las tendencias y dinamicas laborales en Colombia, y analizando los efectos que el ciclo economico, el cambio tecnologico y el marco regulatorio generan sobre la situacion laboral. Sin duda, una obra esencial para los que quieran entender la realidad economica colombiana”. Carmen Pages, 2012, Jefe Unidad de Mercados Laborales y Seguridad Social del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.
Policy Research Working Papers, Sep 20, 2018
The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encoura... more The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations are less than fully polished. The papers carry the names of the authors and should be cited accordingly. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank and its affiliated organizations, or those of the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent.
Review of World Economics
The survival of new exports is key for underpinning the dynamics of exports growth. In this paper... more The survival of new exports is key for underpinning the dynamics of exports growth. In this paper, we explore whether agglomeration of exporters enhance duration of export flows at the firm-product-destination level using transaction level data for the universe of exports in Colombia between 2005 and 2011. We find that both the presence and size of agglomerations increase the survival rate of trade flows, defined by the triple firm-product-destination. This agglomeration effects seems to be related with flow specific spillovers and are highly concentrated across space. The effects tend to be stronger as firms perform similar product-destination export activities. Also the effects are larger for differentiated products where uncertainty about demand is more prevalent.
Papers by Andres Garcia-Suaza