Papers by Elena Carrillo-Alvarez

Purpose: The promotion of healthy ageing has become a priority in most parts of the world, and it... more Purpose: The promotion of healthy ageing has become a priority in most parts of the world, and it should be promoted at all ages. However, baseline training of health and social professionals is currently not adequately tailored to face these challenges. This paper reports the results of a Delphi study conducted to reach expert agreement about health and social professionals’ competencies to promote healthy ageing throughout the lifespan within the SIENHA project. Materials and Methods: This study was developed following the CREDES standards. The initial version of the competence framework was based on the results of a scoping review and built following the CanMEDS model. The expert panel consisted of a purposive sample of twenty-two experts in healthy ageing with diverse academic and clinical backgrounds, fields and years of expertise from seven European countries. Agreement was reached after three rounds. Results: The final framework consisted of a set of 18 key competencies and 8...
Kompass, Mar 14, 2023
Cancer health disparities remain stubbornly entrenched in the US health care system. The Affordab... more Cancer health disparities remain stubbornly entrenched in the US health care system. The Affordable Care Act was legislation to target these disparities in health outcomes. Expanded access to health care, reduction in tobacco use, uptake of other preventive measures and cancer screening, and improved cancer therapies greatly reduced cancer mortality among women and men and underserved communities in this country. Yet, disparities in cancer outcomes remain. Underserved populations continue to experience an excessive cancer burden. This burden is largely explained by health care disparities, lifestyle factors, cultural barriers, and disparate exposures to carcinogens and pathogens, as exem

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Feb 20, 2023
How can reference budgets contribute to the construction of social indicators to assess the adequ... more How can reference budgets contribute to the construction of social indicators to assess the adequacy of minimum income and the affordability of necessary goods and services Project name The Future of European Social Citizenship Project acronym EuSocialCit Grant Agreement ID 870978 Deliverable number D5.3 Lead partner Thomas More Kempen Work package EuSocialCit is an interdisciplinary research project aiming to support the EU in strengthening social rights and European social citizenship. It evaluates the current state of social rights in Europe and their relationship to social inequalities, gender inequalities, poverty and precariousness, and diagnoses the shortcomings of current policies and institutions at the level of individual countries and the EU. The EuSocialCit project focusses on three domains in which social rights are important: the empowerment of citizens (e.g. education and activation), fair working conditions and social inclusion. Each of these domains are respectively studied as part of WP3, WP4 and WP5. This report is produced as part of WP5 which is entitled Inclusion through social policy. This WP focusses on minimum incomes sensu lato, social protection and housing. It identifies, among others, more effective policy packages for the future, based on an innovative set of policy indicators.
Nursing Open
Health is a complex process determined by the interrelation of biological, environmental, psychol... more Health is a complex process determined by the interrelation of biological, environmental, psychological and social factors and it can be experienced differently by women and men (Valls-Llobet, 2003, 2011). In this sense, gender, social class and culture, among others, are determinants in the health-disease process, which is why differences and inequalities in health due to sex/ gender can also occur (Rifà-Ros et al., 2018; Ruiz-Cantero & Verdú-Delgado, 2004). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), gender refers to the roles, behaviours, activities and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men, women, boys, girls and people with non-binary identities (World Health Organization, 2018). In contemporary globalized societies and in regards to health, gender is understood as a socio-cultural construct that becomes normative

Kompass Nutrition & Dietetics
Purpose of review: Food systems at all levels are experiencing various states of dysfunction and ... more Purpose of review: Food systems at all levels are experiencing various states of dysfunction and crisis, and in turn their governance contributes to other intensifying crises, such as climate change, biodiversity loss and the rapid expansion of dietary-related non-communicable diseases. In many jurisdictions governments at local, state and national levels are taking action to tackle some of the key challenges confronting food systems through a range of regulatory, legislative and fiscal measures. This article comprises a narrative review summarising recent relevant literature with a focus on the intersection between corporate power and public health. The review sought to identify some of the principal barriers for the design and support of healthy food systems and environments, as well as key reforms that can be adopted to address these barriers, with a focus on the role of local governments. Recent findings: The review found that, where permitted to do so by authorising legislative...

Frontiers in Psychology
According to the WHO, globally, one in seven adolescents experiences a mental disorder, being in ... more According to the WHO, globally, one in seven adolescents experiences a mental disorder, being in a detrimental situation toward educational achievement, social cohesion, future health and life chances. Calls to identify risk and resilience factors to develop effective preventive actions have been made. Following a systemic approach, we conducted a cross-sectional study on the relationship between social capital and psychological distress in a sample of Catalan adolescents in Barcelona, taking into account a range of other relevant aspects at different levels influencing mental health, including gender, age, migrant status, family background, lifestyle factors, body mass index, and self-rated health. Data were collected through validated questionnaires in December 2016 from 646 of 14- to 18-year-old adolescents from three public and private high schools in Barcelona (Spain). Data analysis included descriptive analysis, a correlational study and logistic regression to obtain the odds ...
Study about the life to retirement transition of different worldwide populations.

BMJ Open, 2019
IntroductionThe work-to-retirement transition involves a process of psychologically and behaviour... more IntroductionThe work-to-retirement transition involves a process of psychologically and behaviourally distancing oneself from the workforce that is often accompanied by other social changes. The person is confronted with new social roles, expectations, challenges and opportunities that can influence lifestyle and well-being. In the scientific literature, we find recent reports of interventions aimed at improving health and well-being in people at retirement age. However, there is still a gap of knowledge on how different interventions during retirement might improve health status. We intend to conduct a scoping review with the aim of describing interventions for improving well-being across the retirement transition.Methods and analysisThe methodological framework described by Arksey and O’Malley; the Joanna Briggs Institute guidelines as well as the Preferred Reporting Items for scoping reviews and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis Protocols statemen...

Sociology of Health & Illness, 2016
The level (or scale) at which social capital can be conceptualised and measured ranges potentiall... more The level (or scale) at which social capital can be conceptualised and measured ranges potentially from the macro-level (regional or country level), to the mesolevel (neighbourhoods, workplaces, schools), down to the individual level. However, one glaring gap in the conceptualisation of social capital within the empirical literature has been the level of the family. Our aim in this review is to examine the family as the 'missing level' in studies on social capital and health. To do so, we conducted a systematic review on the use and measurement of this notion in the health literature, with the final intention of articulating a direction for future research in the field. Our findings are consistent with the notion that family social capital is multidimensional and that its components have distinct effects on health outcomes. Further investigation is needed to understand the mechanisms through which family social capital is related to health, as well as determining the most valid ways to measure family social capital.
Monografico con el titulo: Pedagogia social y pensamiento complejo: una perspectiva emergente sob... more Monografico con el titulo: Pedagogia social y pensamiento complejo: una perspectiva emergente sobre las realidades sociales. Resumen en ingles y catalan

European Journal Of Public Health, 2019
Background The purpose of this article is to report on a comparative analysis of the official foo... more Background The purpose of this article is to report on a comparative analysis of the official food-based dietary guidelines (FBDG) that were applicable in 2015 in 25 EU Member States. We assess FBDG in relation to the main guidelines established by the FAO/WHO, the EURODIET project and the EFSA, with a particular focus on identifying strengths and limitations of current FBDG in Europe towards addressing diet-related health inequalities. Methods This is a review research, in which a mixed-methods sequenced procedure was utilized. In each EU country key informants, including sociologists, economists, dietitians and nutritionists were asked to provide data regarding: (i) current dietary guidelines and national health priorities, (ii) model of health promotion currently available, (iii) results of the latest food consumption survey. All documents were reviewed by the coordinating team. Full data were analysed by two nutritionists, using a tabulated sheet to organize and compare the resu...

L'alimentacio es un dels principals determinants de salut.Mitjancant la dieta es possiblemill... more L'alimentacio es un dels principals determinants de salut.Mitjancant la dieta es possiblemillorar la salut pero una dieta inadequada tambe pot constituir un factor de risc. La saviesa popular, garant durant decades d'uns bons habits alimentaris, esta caient en l'oblit a causa de la dificultat de transmissio de la tradicio alimentaria. Aixi, es dona a infants i joves l'oportunitat (sovint obligada) de construir els seus propis habits,massa sovint sense fonament. En general, els habits alimentaris de la poblacio catalana i espanyola son poc adequats. Es dona una alimentacio per exces a base d'aliments amb un alt contingut en greixos i sucres i deficient en verdures, peix i llegums. Alhora, augmenta la incidencia i la varietat de trastorns de la conducta alimentaria. Es fa palesa, doncs, la necessitat de donar un coneixement fonamentat a infants i joves del que es una alimentacio saludable: nutrients, estructura dels apats, distribucio al llarg del dia i tot allo qu...

Educacio Social Revista D Intervencio Socioeducativa, 2012
Educació Social 52 Pedagogia social i pensament complex: una perspectiva emergent sobre les reali... more Educació Social 52 Pedagogia social i pensament complex: una perspectiva emergent sobre les realitats socials Editorial Educació Social 52 Educació Social 52 y Aproximació a l'objecte d'estudi Ja el 1991, Dahlgren i Whitehead publicaven a The Lancet un estudi en què presentaven l'estil de vida com a responsable de més de la meitat de l'estat de salut. En l'actualitat s'estima que l'any 2020, prop de dues terceres parts de la càrrega mundial de morbiditat serà atribuïble a malalties no transmissibles, la major part d'elles fortament associades amb la dieta (OMS, 2002). De fet, cinc dels deu factors de risc clau per al desenvolupament de malalties cròniques-el sedentarisme, el consum insuficient de fruita i verdura, la hipertensió, la hipercolesterolèmia i l'obesitat-estan relacionats estretament amb l'alimentació i l'activitat física (James et al., 2005).

Este artículo analiza las potencialidades y limitaciones de la PDI, focalizando en las siguientes... more Este artículo analiza las potencialidades y limitaciones de la PDI, focalizando en las siguientes categorías de investigación: (1)contexto, (2)formación, (3)método y (4)uso de la PDI por parte del profesorado, (5)características de la PDI, (6)rendimiento y (7)motivación del alumnado. Los resultados sugieren como grandes potencialidades su naturaleza kinestésica junto con la convergencia de elementos multimedia y un entorno de conectividad. Por otro lado, una formación integral del profesorado y un contexto facilitador son esenciales para evitar su uso disruptivo. Es necesaria más investigación empírica que aporte datos rigurosos sobre rendimiento académico y el uso de la PDI. Palabras clave: Pizarra Digital Interactiva, TIC, herramientas interactivas, educación infantil, educación primaria. This paper reviews the scientific literature concerning the potentials and limitations of interactive whiteboards (IWB), focusing on the following research categories: (1)context, (2)teacher training, (3)teachers' usage of IWB, (4)method, (5)IWB characteristics, (6)performance and (7)students' motivation. The results suggest that the convergence of multimedia elements along with a connectivity environment and its kinesthetic nature are great potentials of this tool. However, integral teachers' training and context support are key elements to avoid a disruptive usage. Further empirical research on the integration of IWB in the classroom and academic performance is needed.

El artículo que presentamos está basado en un estudio realizado con el objetivo de conocer y desc... more El artículo que presentamos está basado en un estudio realizado con el objetivo de conocer y describir la autopercepción del profesorado de infantil y primaria sobre su formación y sus demandas formativas en relación a la PDI en el contexto catalán. Para ello se ha administrado un cuestionario online y se han realizado diversos focus group. Los resultados muestran que la percepción de los profesores en cuanto a su formación es que ésta no responde a sus demandas formativas, destacando una necesidad mayor de formación didáctica que tecnológica y de formación maestro-maestro, más que técnico-maestro. Palabras clave: Pizarra Digital Interactiva, TIC, formación profesorado. This paper is based on a study aimed at knowing and describing the self-perception of kindergarten and elementary school teacher about theirtraining and their training needs in relation to the interactive whiteboard (IW) in the Catalan context. To that effect, an online survey has been administered and several focus groups have been developed. The results show that the perception of the teachers in relation with their training is that it does not meet their training needs, highlighting a greater need for didactical training rather than technological and teacher-teacher training rather than technician-teacher.

L'article presenta el funcionament del procés de publicació científica i facilita informació sign... more L'article presenta el funcionament del procés de publicació científica i facilita informació significativa per als investigadors de l'àmbit socioeducatiu de cara a publicar en revistes de prestigi. Amb aquest objectiu, l'estudi aprofundeix en el procés de publicació en revistes internacionals i facilita un primer pas del procés identificant un conjunt de revistes socioeducatives que comparteixen una perspectiva interdisciplinar. El treball es fonamenta en allò que expressen investigadors experimentats des del rol d'autors, avaluadors i editors, a partir de la revisió d'articles científics, editorials de revistes i manuals d'associacions educatives de recerca. L'article identifica tres moments clau en el procés com són la selecció de la revista, la construcció de l'article o les actituds post elaboració. Tot i que la publicació d'un article en una revista científica és un procés difícil d'acotar, a causa de la seva considerable càrrega subjectiva, l'article descriu alguns dels passos per tal d'augmentar les possibilitats d'èxit. Paraules clau procés de publicació científica, elaboració d'articles, revistes d'impacte, revistes internacionals, detecció de revistes, indexació

Pedagogia Social Revista Interuniversitaria, 2015
Introducción y objetivos: En el contexto socioeconómico actual la colaboración entre organizacion... more Introducción y objetivos: En el contexto socioeconómico actual la colaboración entre organizaciones educativas y sociales de la comunidad supone un activo clave para la mejora de los resultados educativos. El presente artículo profundiza en el liderazgo de estrategias colaborativas en el ámbito escolar y educativo para gobernar de forma exitosa proyectos socioeducativos de ámbito comunitario. De este modo, describe las estrategias necesarias para liderar dichos proyectos, así como las estructuras de toma de decisiones requeridas para sacar el máximo rendimiento a la colaboración interorganizacional. Metodología y tratamiento de datos: Para ello se toma como referencia el caso de Barcelona (España), donde existe una destacada tradición de colaboración comunitaria mediante el desarrollo de Redes Socioeducativas (RS). El estudio lleva a cabo un análisis de contenido de 30 entrevistas realizadas a profesionales experimentados en el liderazgo y el gobierno de RS de éxito. Resultados y discusión: Los resultados muestran un modelo de liderazgo dirigido a tejer alianzas a nivel comunitario, donde los líderes pretenden establecer sinergias entre las diferentes instituciones y servicios mediante la conexión cualitativa de los diferentes profesionales, generando confianza entre los mismos y fomentando la discusión, el consenso y la innovación. Además, los resultados subrayan la existencia de espacios específicamente diseñados para la toma de decisiones colaborativas, que van de más representativos-donde se deciden cuestiones generales o estratégicas-, a más operativos-donde se discuten cuestiones técnicas y de acción de proyecto-. Los resultados subrayan la importancia de equilibrar representatividad y operatividad para la efectividad en el gobierno de la red. Finalmente, se constata la existencia de 3 modelos diferenciados de gobernanza de la red, resaltando la importancia de adoptar el propio modelo a las características y necesidades de cada programa. el liderazgo y la gobernanza colaborativa en proyectos educativos comunitariosiva [ 59 ]
La publicació en revistes d'impacte en llengua anglesa: una aproximació als articles de temàtica ... more La publicació en revistes d'impacte en llengua anglesa: una aproximació als articles de temàtica socioeducativa
Papers by Elena Carrillo-Alvarez