Papers by Monika Mierzwa-Hersztek

The availability and affordability of fertilizers are the main risks currently faced by the ferti... more The availability and affordability of fertilizers are the main risks currently faced by the fertilizer market. Therefore, there is a need to look for other sources of nutrient supply for plants, while taking care of soil properties. The application of fertilizers with the addition of functionalized materials could help in the efficient use of nutrients. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of the application of mixtures with the addition of zeolite–vermiculite composites (NaX–Ver) on the culturable microorganisms and selected soil properties. A two-year pot experiment was conducted on soil with elevated contents of cadmium, zinc, and lead. The test treatments included soil mixed with NPK and additives in two doses of NaX–Ver combined with leonardite (Leo) or lignite (L). The test plant used in the experiment was maize. The soil material was analyzed for the number of bacteria, mold fungi, actinomycetes, and ammonifiers. Furthermore, soil pH, EC, N total, and SOC contents, a...

The present study was aimed to assess the efficacy of individual and combined effects of novel fu... more The present study was aimed to assess the efficacy of individual and combined effects of novel fuller earth, rock phosphate, and biochar (grapefruit peel) at 1% dosage on maize plant growth, soil chemical properties anduptake of toxic metals (TMs), such as Cu, Zn, Fe, and Cd, by maize plant sown in Korangi (district of Karachi, Pakistan) heavily polluted and Korangi less polluted (K-HP and K-LP) soils. The obtained results indicate that the dry biomass of maize crop increased by 14.13% with combined (FE1% + GBC1%) on K-HP soil and 18.24% with combined (FE 1% + GBC 1%) effects on K-LP soil. The maximum immobilization of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Cd was observed by 36% with GBC1%, 11.90% with FE1%, 98.97% with combined RP1% + GBC1%, 51.9% with FE1% + GBC1% for K-HP, 11.90% with FE1%, 28.6% with FE1%, 22.22% with RP1% + GBC1%, and 57.05% with FE 1% + GBC 1% for K-LP soil. After the addition of proposed substances, modification of soil OM, SOC, TOC, and pH level appeared this lead to the changes ...

Sustainability, 2021
The chemical composition of hop sediments from beer brewing and fermentation gives them the poten... more The chemical composition of hop sediments from beer brewing and fermentation gives them the potential for further use. These wastes are not generated in large amounts, but the absence of proper characteristics may lead to processing errors. This study examines the possibility of using hop waste for aerobic biological transformation processes (composting). The study was carried out on two hop sediments from two different technological stages of beer production: hot trub and spent hops. Chemical, microbiological, and biochemical analyses were performed in the composted hop sediments, as was the assessment of phytotoxicity to Lepidium sativum L. The tested feedstocks were partially inhabited by microorganisms and thus safe from an epidemiological point of view, and they were not a source of microbial contamination. Inhibitory properties for plant development were found for hot trub, which most likely result from the organic compound content. If it is only a small portion of its biomass...

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2021
Human micronutrient deficiencies are a widespread problem worldwide and mainly concern people who... more Human micronutrient deficiencies are a widespread problem worldwide and mainly concern people whose diet (mainly of plant origin) consists of insufficient amounts of critical vitamins and minerals. Low levels of micronutrients in plants are linked to, i.e., their decreasing concentration in soils and/or low bioavailability and presence of abiotic stresses which disturb the proper growth and development of plants. Agronomic biofortification of crops is a very promising way to improve the concentration of micronutrients in edible parts of crops without compromising yield and is recognized as the cheapest strategy to alleviate hidden hunger worldwide. The review is focused on the factors influencing the effectiveness of biofortified crops (a type of application, form, and a dose of applied microelement, biofertilizers, and nanofertilizers). Also, the accumulation of zinc, selenium, and iron in edible parts of crops, their effects on metabolism, morphological and yield parameters, and a...

Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S, 2017
The aim of the research was to evaluate the effect of temperature during the treatment process as... more The aim of the research was to evaluate the effect of temperature during the treatment process as well as the effect of adding plant materials to sewage sludge on selected chemical properties and Vibrio fischeri response. The mixtures were placed in a chamber furnace, under airless conditions. Two temperature procedures were applied: 300 and 600ºC; the exposure time in both cases was 15 minutes. Thermal treatment of sewage sludge without a plant component is not well-founded and may cause an increase in concentration of trace elements. Using the temperature of 300ºC caused significantly lower changes in the contents of total forms of trace elements than using the temperature of 600ºC. The metals extracted from the studied mixtures were not toxic for the Vibrio fischeri. In the case of the fractional composition of humic compounds, thermal treatment of mixtures of sewage sludge and plant materials is not beneficial in terms of labile fractions, but it had a beneficial effect on stabi...

Composting is one of the most common methods of treating biodegradable waste, and application of ... more Composting is one of the most common methods of treating biodegradable waste, and application of the process' final product into the soil is, due to the high carbon content, one of the most rational ways of its management. If the compost is not in line with legal requirements, it is necessary to search for alternative ways of its use, such as application for energy purposes. The aim of this study was to estimate differences in the physical, including energetic, properties of composts prepared from plant feedstock with additions of such materials as biochar, sewage sludge, coffee grounds and yeast effluent. The composting process was carried out for 140 days. The basic chemical and physical properties as well as heat of combustion were determined in the analysed feedstocks and mixtures derived from them. It was found that 10% addition of biochar had no significant effect on the composting process rate; however, biochar-amended treatments showed a smaller loss of dry matter and higher C:N ratio compared to other combinations. The use of biochar or coffee grounds as additives in the composting process reduced volumetric density of the composted biomass. Maize straw amended with sewage sludge and coffee grounds reduced air-filled porosity of composts. The share of biochar in the compost limited this tendency. The heat of combustion determined in composts was lower than the parameter determined in material mixtures before the composting process. The results show that sewage sludge reduced the heat of combustion of composts, which was closely related to ash content. K e y w o r d s: biochar, compost, porosity, density, heat of combustion *The Research was financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland.

The authors of this study aimed at evaluating the influence of plant biomass added to sewage slud... more The authors of this study aimed at evaluating the influence of plant biomass added to sewage sludge on the product energy potential. In order to improve its physical properties, sewage sludge was mixed with wheat straw, sawdust, and bark of conifers. Materials with a natural water content were mixed at 1:1 weight ratio on a dry matter basis. The scheme of the experiment was as follows: sewage sludge without any additions (SS), sewage sludge + wheat straw (SS + WS), sewage sludge + sawdust (SS + S), sewage sludge + bark (SS + B). The moisture of materials, the contents of volatile matter, combined carbon, heat of combustion and calorific value were determined in the study. The addition of plant biomass to sewage sludge reduced the moisture content and increased the volatile matter content compared to sewage sludge without such addition, in which case the variation was relatively low. For the studied mixtures, larger variations were observed in relation to the ash and combined carbon ...

Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. A, 2016
The aim of the research was to assess the content of total and assimilable forms of sulphur in so... more The aim of the research was to assess the content of total and assimilable forms of sulphur in soil after application of composted materials with the addition of polyethylene and corn starch foils. The experimental design consisted of 7 treatments carried out in 3 replications on two soils: 0 – non-fertilized soil, NPK – soil fertilized with mineral fertilizers, K1 – soil fertilized with composted material without the addition of foil, K2 – soil fertilized with composted material with the addition of foil A (which included 47.5% polyethylene C + 45% corn starch + 7.5% compatibilizer), K3 – soil fertilized with composted material with the addition of foil B (which included 65% polyethylene C + 30% corn starch + 5% compatibilizer), K4 – soil fertilized with composted material with the addition of foil C (which included 65% polyethylene C + 30% corn starch + 5% compatibilizer and copolymer), and K5 – soil fertilized with composted material with the addition of foil C and microbiologica...

Infrastructure and Environment, 2019
The study aimed at determining applicability of permanent pasture (meadow) vegetation for energy ... more The study aimed at determining applicability of permanent pasture (meadow) vegetation for energy purposes. The possibility of using mowed, air-dried and collected biomass as solid fuel was considered. Botanical composition of the sward and the yield size were determined on the studied area. For individual species found in the sward, analysis of chemical composition, ash content, volatile matter, solid carbon, higher heating value and calorific value were determined. Sward of the studied pasture was dominated by: True fox sedge Carex vulpina L and tufted hairgrass Deschampsia caespitosa L. Hay yield was 66.3 dt ha−1. Mean higher heating value of the collected plant material was 16.54 MJ kg−1, calorific value was 15.26 MJ kg−1. Ash constituted 6.54%. Vegetation of the studied meadow was characterized by elevated potassium, sodium and calcium content relative to energy crop biomass.

Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 2018
This study evaluated the effects of poultry litter biochar application on soil quality and yield ... more This study evaluated the effects of poultry litter biochar application on soil quality and yield of pasture grass mixture. A micro-plot field experiment was established on an Eutric Cambisol (CM-eu) with five treatments: 1) soil without fertilisation (control), 2) mineral fertilisation (NPK), 3) NPK + poultry litter at a rate of 5 t ha-1 DM (PL), 4) NPK + poultry litter biochar at a rate of 2.25 t ha-1 DM (PLBI) and 5) NPK + poultry litter biochar at a rate of 5 t ha-1 DM (PLBII). Given the need to create comparable conditions, the following rates of mineral fertilisers were used in the experiment: 100 kg ha-1 N, 40 kg ha-1 P and 120 kg ha-1 K. In 2014-2016, soil samples were analysed for changes in biological and chemical properties. Annual biomass production of pasture grass mixture was determined at three harvests per year. To characterize the biological soil properties, the soil enzymatic (dehydrogenases and urease) activity was determined. The results indicated that PLBI and PLBII reduced the contents of available forms of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn). Significant increase in dehydrogenases activity was observed in the soil with both rates of poultry litter biochar introduced. Coapplication of PLBI or PLBII with mineral fertilisers also increased the total production of biomass of pasture grass mixture compared to the NPK treatment.

Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2019
Knowledge on the fraction of trace elements in the bottom sediments is a key to understand their ... more Knowledge on the fraction of trace elements in the bottom sediments is a key to understand their mobility and ecotoxicological impact. The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of the content of organic matter fractions on the mobility and ecotoxicity of trace elements in sediments from the Rybnik reservoir. The most refractory fraction of organic matter-Cnh (non-hydrolysing carbon)dominated in the sediments. The content of organic matter fractions are arranged in the following order: Cnh (non-hydrolysing carbon) [ Cfa (fulvic acid) [ Cha (humic acid) [ DOC (dissolved organic carbon). On the other hand, the highest value of correlation coefficients was found for different fractions of trace elements and DOC content in the bottom sediments. A higher content of TOC in the sediments significantly increased the share of elements in the potential mobile fraction and, at the same time, decreased the binding of elements in the mobile fractions. Moreover, in sediments that contain more than 100 g/kg d.m. TOC, no and medium risk of trace element release from sediments was observed. The Cu, Cd and Ni were potentially the most toxic elements for biota in the Rybnik reservoir. However, the correlation between the content of trace elements and the response of bacteria was insignificant. These results suggested that the complexation of trace elements with organic matter makes them less toxic for Vibrio fischeri. The transformation and sources of organic matter play an important role in the behaviour of trace elements in the bottom sediments of the Rybnik reservoir.

Soil Science Annual, 2018
Due to the indisputable significance of humus in many biochemical processes as well as its increa... more Due to the indisputable significance of humus in many biochemical processes as well as its increasing deficit particularly in light soils, alternative sources of substrates for the reproduction of this constituent should be sought. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the addition of wheat straw and wheat straw biochar (in four rates) on quantitative and qualitative humus parameters. The following properties were determined in soil: pH, organic carbon, total nitrogen, humic and fulvic acids, carbon in the extract, non-hydrolysing carbon and spectrophotometric indexes for solution of humic acids including A2/6, A2/4, A4/6. After applying 1% and 2% additions of biochar to the soil, the Corg soil content significantly increased compared to the same doses of thermally unconverted straw. After 254 days of incubation, the addition of biochar to soil at higher doses, decreased the share of humic acid carbon (CHA, CFA) in the Corg content compared to treatments without organi...

Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 2019
The progressing degradation of the natural environment taking place over the last few decades and... more The progressing degradation of the natural environment taking place over the last few decades and resulting from the systematically growing production of synthetic polymer materials led to the search for technological innovations aimed at producing environmentally friendly materials. Moreover, the increasing importance of sustainability promotes the development of bio-based and biodegradable polymers, sometimes misleadingly referred to as "bioplastics". Inability to degrade synthetic polymer materials and the problem of their persistence in the environment even for hundreds of years have caused the production of polymer materials with the addition of components that may accelerate their degradation more and more important in recent years. Additionally, the growing interest in environmental issues makes the requirements for new materials that will not significantly burden the environment higher. In Poland 29.1% and 26.8% of post-consumer polymer materials, respectively, were recovered and recycled, which means that up to 44.1% of post-consumer polymer materials were sent to municipal landfills. In 2017, for the first time in Poland, more plastics were recovered (55.9%) than stored (44.1%). However, by 2020, the level of energy recovery and recycling of post-consumer polymer materials in Poland should cover a total of 84.5%. When looking at the average values for Europe (recycling 31.1%, recovery 41.6%, storage 27.3%), it should be noted that Poland has much to catch up in this area and decisive actions should be taken to actually solve this problem. For this reason, it is extremely important to know the mechanisms responsible for the degradation of polymer materials and understand the interaction between these materials and abiotic and biotic factors that cause structural changes in polymers. Recent studies show that knowledge of the conditions determining the decomposition of polyethylene polymer materials and their impact on the natural environment is still insufficient. The literature reports reveal many contradictory theories, especially those that relate to the degradation of polymer materials in the soil environment. This study constitutes a comprehensive review of researches on (bio)degradation of polymer materials over the last decades, various methods of polymer structure modification to increase the degree of their degradability, as well as methods of recycling post-consumer polymer materials. Because there is a need to assess the performance of polymer innovations in terms of their biodegradability, especially under realistic waste management and environmental conditions, to avoid the unwanted release of plastic degradation products to the environment.

Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2018
Fertilisation has the greatest impact on soil properties, and they in turn decide on the conversi... more Fertilisation has the greatest impact on soil properties, and they in turn decide on the conversion and availability of fertilising compounds. The aim of the tests was to evaluate the influence of low-temperature (300 o C) conversion of pig manure and poultry litter on (i) K, Mg, and P contents in biochars and (ii) reduction of acidification, cation exchange capacity, and availability of K, Mg, and P in sandy soil after their application. The tests were conducted in laboratory conditions using 0.5%, 1%, and 2% addition of pig manure, poultry litter, or biochars. Thermal conversion of pig manure and poultry litter increased the content of total forms of K, Mg, and P in biochars and did not significantly increase the content of these elements extracted by water. The introduction of organic materials into the soil, in particular biochar, caused significant reduction in soil acidification and an increase in cation exchange capacity. The contents of available potassium and magnesium increased together with the increase in dose of pig manure-derived and poultry litter-derived biochars. No available forms of phosphorus were found in the soil into which lower (0.5% and 1%) doses of biochar were introduced. Only the highest (2%) dose of biochars and poultry litter caused the release of available P.

The Science of the total environment, 2018
Compost extracts with the addition of polymers obtained from thermoplastic corn starch and polyet... more Compost extracts with the addition of polymers obtained from thermoplastic corn starch and polyethylene are novel organic amendments, which can be typically applied to suppress soil-borne diseases. Considering the diversity of biologically active substances, including those growth-promoting and stabilizing various pathogens contained in extracts, composts have a large potential to successfully replace the massively used pesticides. The effect of various concentrations of water compost extracts with the addition of polymers obtained from thermoplastic corn starch and polyethylene on the linear growth, biomass, and sporulation of the following polyphagous fungi was assessed under in situ and in vitro conditions: Fusarium culmorum (W.G. Smith), Fusarium graminearum Schwabe, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary, Rhizoctonia solani Kühn, Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler. The studies revealed that the fungistatic activity was determined by the kind and concentration of compost extra...

Environmental toxicology and chemistry, Jan 18, 2017
Production of biochar from sewage sludge may be a promising solution for sewage sludge management... more Production of biochar from sewage sludge may be a promising solution for sewage sludge management and improvement of soil properties, including carbon dioxide sequestration. The aim of the study was to compare the effects of biochars derived from different sewage sludges on soil physicochemical and biological properties, ecotoxicity and plant yield. Three biochars (produced at a temperature of 300 °C) were applied into sandy acid soil in doses of 0.5%, 1% and 2% (w/w). Depending on the kind and dose, the application of sewage sludge biochars into the soil caused diverse effects on the parameters of soil biological activity (microbial biomass, soil respiration, and value of metabolic quotient). No correlation between the applied dose of biochars and inhibition of Vibrio fischeri luminescence was observed. The factor with a stronger impact on the activity of V. fischeri was the type of biochar. The use of Ostracodtoxkit F test allowed to demonstrate that the addition of sewage sludge ...

International Agrophysics, 2017
The variety of technological conditions and raw materials from which biochar is produced is the r... more The variety of technological conditions and raw materials from which biochar is produced is the reason why its soil application may have different effects on soil properties and plant growth. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the addition of wheat straw andMiscanthus giganteusstraw (5 t DM ha−1) and biochar obtained from this materials in doses of 2.25 and 5 t DM ha−1on soil enzymatic activity, soil ecotoxicity, and plant yield (perennial grass mixture with red clover). The research was carried out under field conditions on soil with the granulometric composition of loamy sand. No significant effect of biochar amendment on soil enzymatic activity was observed. The biochar-amended soil was toxic toVibrio fischeriand exhibited low toxicity toHeterocypris incongruens. Application of wheat straw biochar andM. giganteusstraw biochar in a dose of 5 t DM ha−1contributed to an increase in plant biomass production by 2 and 14%, respectively, compared to the soil with minera...
Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2017
treatment with mineral fertilisation applied (MF), by 59 and 77%, respectively. The significantly... more treatment with mineral fertilisation applied (MF), by 59 and 77%, respectively. The significantly highest basal respiration value was determined in soil with 5 t DM ha −1 biochar. The application of poultry litter had significant effect on nitrifying bacteria activity (increase by 50%). Poultry litter biochar added to the soil in both doses contributed to an increase in nitrifying bacteria activity by 36 and 34%, respectively compared to MF treatment. Biochar had more adverse effect on soil microbial biomass and nitrifying bacteria activity than non-converted poultry litter, but it had significant effect on soil respiration activity.
Polish Journal of Chemical Technology, 2016
The aim of this research was to determine the effect of thermal conversion temperature and plant ... more The aim of this research was to determine the effect of thermal conversion temperature and plant material addition to sewage sludge on the PAHs content and the activity of selected γ-radionuclides in biochars, and to conduct an ecotoxicological assessment. The pyrolysis of the mixtures of sewage sludge and plant materials at 300°C and such temperature caused an increase in the contents of 2- and 3-ring hydrocarbons. During the pyrolysis of organic materials at 600°C, the amount of the following compounds was reduced in biochars: benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, benzo[a]pyrene, indeno[1,2,3c,d]pyrene, dibenzo[a,h]anthracene, and benzo[g,h,i]perylene. Among γ-radioisotopes of the elements, natural radiogenic isotopes were dominant.

Chilean journal of agricultural research, 2016
By-products of animal breeding and raising can contain considerable amounts of trace elements, in... more By-products of animal breeding and raising can contain considerable amounts of trace elements, including Mn and Fe, due to the fact that their amounts in fodders are purposefully being increased. Thermal conversion of pig manure and poultry litter may have a significant effect on changes in the content and mobility of Mn and Fe in these materials. The aim of the research was to evaluate the effect of thermal conversion of pig manure and poultry litter on the content and mobility of Mn and Fe in biochars and in soil after their application (0.5%, 1%, and 2% amendments to the soil). As a result of thermal conversion of pig manure and poultry litter, an increase in the content of total forms and a reduction of Mn and Fe forms extracted with water were recorded. The 2% amendment of pig manure biochar to soil caused an increase in the content of mobile forms of Fe, whereas poultry litter biochar decreased mobility of this element. Introduction of pig manure biochar and poultry litter biochar to the soil caused a similar immobilization of mobile forms of Mn as in the case of application of thermally unprocessed manure and litter. It has been shown that the content of Fe and Mn extracted with 0.025 M C10H22N4O8 was higher than the content of these elements extracted with 1 M NH4NO3.
Papers by Monika Mierzwa-Hersztek