Book chapters by Miguel Ángel López-Sáez
L’odio online: forme, prevenzione e contrasto, 2022
I volumi pubblicati nella presente collana sono stati oggetto di procedura di doppio referaggio c... more I volumi pubblicati nella presente collana sono stati oggetto di procedura di doppio referaggio cieco (double blind peer review), secondo un procedimento concordato dai Direttori della collana con l'Editore, che ne conserva la relativa documentazione. Il volume è stato pubblicato con il contributo dei progetti dell'Università di Genova.

Barbarismos Queer y Otras Esdrújulas , 2017
La heteronormatividad es el régimen político, social, filosófico y eco-nómico generador de violen... more La heteronormatividad es el régimen político, social, filosófico y eco-nómico generador de violencias hacia todas aquellas personas que no seguimos un patrón de género, de sexualidad, de prácticas y deseos asociados a la heterosexualidad. Incluso si se cumple con cada manda-miento de lo considerado «normal», sigue existiendo una importante violencia contra aquellas personas situadas en los márgenes. Es un régimen político porque regula el poder, define la comunidad y al in-dividuo. Como explica Butler en Undoing Gender (2004/2012), la he-teronormatividad marca quiénes somos sujetos posibles dentro de la escena política. Cuando las vidas butch, femme, trans* y otras, irrum-pen en el marco social, están cuestionando lo que es humano. El co-rrelato de las «normas posibilitadoras» marcan quién ha de ser oprimi-do y agredido (Gimeno, 2014). Además, establece una máxima ontológica sobre quién es el verdadero hombre-macho. Amar, desear, follar a otro hombre queda tajantemente prohibido. La heteronormati-vidad establece un proyecto hegemonizador en la que todo lo relativo a la sexualidad pertenece a la intimidad privada, mezclándose con sentimientos amorosos y el parentesco (Berlant y Warner, 1998). 1. Usaré el género femenino y las palabras terminadas en «e» para representar de manera más inclusiva la diversidad de identidades, evitando las formas tradicionales enmarcadas dentro del binarismo hombre/mujer, así como otras formas que se sirven de «*» o la «@», que pueden dificultar la lectura a personas con diversidades funcio-nales.
Articles by Miguel Ángel López-Sáez
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023
This article presents the results of the adaptation and validation of the Attitudes Toward Trans ... more This article presents the results of the adaptation and validation of the Attitudes Toward Trans Men and Women (ATTMW) scale—a measure capable of detecting transphobic positions towards trans men and women—in the Spanish context.
The aim of this article is to share theoretical and methodological reflections on a project on fe... more The aim of this article is to share theoretical and methodological reflections on a project on feminist epistemologies and health activism. Based on the analysis of 12 life stories and 1 group interview, an approach based on ethnographic fiction is proposed through the creation of a serial story in podcast format. This approach helps in generating emotions to facilitate understanding and awareness of the issues raised and in showing everyday practices as ways of constructing knowledge. It also avoids turning life stories into academic artifacts with little transformational capacity.

Social Inclusion, 2022
During the lockdown measures put in place at the time of the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic ... more During the lockdown measures put in place at the time of the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in Spain (March through June 2020), LGBTQ+ youth lived through a particularly stressful situation that has so far received little attention. Confined in homes that are often hostile to their sexuality, struggling with the transition to online classes, they reached out to Internet social networks to obtain the support most of them lack in person. This article explores the role of technology for LGBTQ+ youth during a period when the educational environment was not supportive of students' sexuality and identity needs. The research assesses correlations between the use of online social networks and the perceptions of support received from others (using the concepts of social support, thwarted belongingness and burdensomeness, and cohabitation in their homes). The study involves a sample of 445 Spanish participants aged 13 to 21. A descriptive multivariate analysis of variance and bivariate correlations was performed. We found that social networks were very important for LGBTQ+ youth during the pandemic, helping them to explore their identities, but could also be a source of violence. In this regard, while trans and nonbinary youth's use of social networks to contact acquaintances show important differences when compared to that of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals, the former group also experiences more violence coming from these networks, finds less social support through them, and feels a stronger sense of burdensomeness in relation to them. Additionally, they were often living with people other than family members during the lockdown. This data suggests the need to offer specific support and online services for LGBTQ+ youth, particularly for trans and nonbinary youth.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
This article examines the reliability and validity of the adaptation of the Trans Attitudes and B... more This article examines the reliability and validity of the adaptation of the Trans Attitudes and Beliefs Scale (TABS), an instrument capable of detecting transphobic positions, to the Spanish context. A total of 829 psychology students participated in the adaptation procedure. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed to study the fit of the new scale to the factor structure of the original scale (interpersonal comfort, gender identity beliefs, and human value). Convergent validity evidence showed significant correlations and predictive levels with different constructs and sociodemographic variables. The internal consistency of the mean scores was adequate at the global level. The study showed that the TABS is a psychometrically sound instrument for the assessment of attitudes toward trans people, particularly in the context of debates over access to rights and the lack of professional training in disciplines such as psychology.

European Journal of Women's Studies, 2022
This study examines some of the perceptions amongst Spanish LGBTQ+ youth during the first wave of... more This study examines some of the perceptions amongst Spanish LGBTQ+ youth during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent confinement and lockdown measures, between March and May 2020. During this time, many of these young people were forced to return to their family homes and restrict their social relations. This new situation often exposed them to forms of violence from which there was no escape, with negative consequences for their psychosocial health. The study evaluates the correlations between perceived social support, burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness and the people with whom LGBTQ+ youth lived during confinement. A descriptive and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and bivariate correlations is used to examine the responses of 394 LGBTQ+ youth, between 17 and 21 years of age, residing in Spain. Overall, the study finds that gender is key when explaining the differences between the experiences of LGBTQ+ youth, with women and non-binary individuals experiencing a greater perception of stigma in the places where they lived during the lockdown. Moreover, trans men and women and non-binary individuals reported receiving less support and a greater feeling of burdensomeness then the other participants. These results suggest that LGBTQ+ youth must be given special consideration during times of crisis, like the COVID-19 pandemic, and may benefit from intervention with an intersectional and transfeminist perspective.
Quaderns de Psicologia
Resumen En el artículo se revisan las contribuciones más relevantes sobre el constructo de sexism... more Resumen En el artículo se revisan las contribuciones más relevantes sobre el constructo de sexismo. En particular, se analizan las teorías de Masculinidad y Feminidad y los diferentes modelos contemporáneos que han recibido mayor atención en la literatura psicológica española. Además, se discuten los instrumentos generados a raíz de sus correspondientes teorías y se realiza un análisis crítico de los más utilizados. Finalmente se hace una reflexión sobre los rumbos actuales del constructo de sexismo.

International Social Work
A group of 50 people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs) as well as diverse s... more A group of 50 people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs) as well as diverse sexualities and gender identities in Madrid participated in a feminist community-based project, which supported them through the first wave of the pandemic. Facilitated by professionals, the project offered online meetings twice a month, helping them to articulate their needs and promote their agency over their choices and experiences. Based on their demands, participants chose the topics they wanted to discuss, proposed activities, and were the center of the program, while facilitators set up and maintained the online space, helping with participation and access to information and resources. Through this transformative experience, the members of the group developed friendship networks and started their activism, making public appearances in video campaigns and mainstream newspapers to make their needs visible to peers, families, social workers, policy makers, and nongovernmental organiza...

This article provides evidence on the reliability and validity of the Spanish adaptatio... more ABSTRACT
This article provides evidence on the reliability and validity of the Spanish adaptation of the Ally Identity Measure (AIM). This instrument is believed to be useful for psychosocial professionals and educational trainees to analyse the degree of commitment and support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer (LGBQ) people. The sample of this study comprised 223 heterosexual psychology students who participated by completing the Spanish adaptation of the instrument. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed to study its fit to the factor structure of the original scale (knowledge and skills, openness and support, and awareness of oppression). The internal consistency of the subscales was adequate (.85 – .86). Convergent validity showed significant correlations and predictive levels with different attitudinal and socio-demographic variables. We have concluded that the AIM is an accurate instrument to assess allied attitudes towards the LGBQ community.
En el artículo se proporciona evidencia sobre la fiabilidad y validez de la adaptación al español de la Medida de Identificación Aliada (MIA). Este instrumento se considera útil para conocer el grado de compromiso y apoyo con las personas lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y queer (LGBQ) entre profesionales psicosociales y educativos en formación. 223 estudiantes de psicología heterosexuales participaron completando la adaptación al español del instrumento. Se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio para estudiar su ajuste a la estructura factorial de la escala original (conocimientos y aptitudes, apertura y apoyo y conciencia de la opresión). La consistencia interna de las subescalas fue adecuada (.81 – .86). La validez convergente mostró correlaciones y niveles predictivos significativos con diferentes variables actitudinales y sociodemográficas. En conclusión, MIA resulta un instrumento preciso para evaluar las actitudes aliadas con lo LGBQ.
Revista Concreta, 2021
Mascarillas, cams apagadas, plumas y voces» es un texto fruto de conversaciones y escrituras a tr... more Mascarillas, cams apagadas, plumas y voces» es un texto fruto de conversaciones y escrituras a tres bandas, entre Irene Blanco-Fuente, Miguel Ángel López-Sáez y Lucas Platero. A partir de nuestra pluma y tono de voz como acordes disonantes, planteamos algunos interrogantes que surgen de la experiencia encarnada e investigadora
de la disidencia sexual y de género. Se trata de una reflexión
abierta sobre las voces en tiempos de pandemia en relación con la construcción de sentido, las identidades LGTBQA+ y las apps de ligue.

Journal of Homosexuality, Aug 4, 2021
This article presents an instrumental study to validate the adap-tation of the Evasive Attitudes ... more This article presents an instrumental study to validate the adap-tation of the Evasive Attitudes of Sexual Orientation Scale (EASOS) to Spanish. This instrument has been shown to be useful in detecting the potential lack of awareness about the situation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer (LGBQ) people among psychology professionals and its possible relationship to contemporary homonegative attitudes. The 596 heterosexual psychology students who participated were given an adapta-tion into Spanish (back translation). A confirmatory factor ana-lysis was performed to study the fit to the factorial structure of the original scale (aversive heterosexism, institutional hetero-sexism, and heterosexual privilege). The internal consistency of the subscales was adequate (.70-.83). The convergent validity showed positive correlations and significant predictive levels between the EASOS and various attitudinal scales and socio-demographic variables. The findings offer evidence that the EASOS is an adequate instrument to evaluate LGBQ-negativity, particularly in the field of psychosocial intervention.

Sociedad e Infancias , 2020
En marzo y mayo de 2020, en plena pandemia de COVID-19 en España, los medios se han hecho eco de ... more En marzo y mayo de 2020, en plena pandemia de COVID-19 en España, los medios se han hecho eco de las recomen-daciones de expertos que afirmaban que "los niños suponen un riesgo muy elevado de propagación de la epidemia" (Hermoso, 2020), tildándolos de "vectores de contagio". Aunque cada vez hay más evidencias que cuestionan esta afirmación (Molloy y Bearer, 2020), el Gobierno español ha confinado a ocho millones de niñas, niños y adolescentes (INE, 2017) en sus hogares (Orden SND/370/2020). Estas medidas de confinamiento han sido muy duras 3 , en com-paración con las de otros países del entorno, evidenciando la gran brecha social en función de los recursos familiares (Martínez, Rodríguez y Velásquez, 2020). En un clima tildado de "anti-niños" (Flecha, 2020), este etiquetamiento ha hecho que no se preste atención al riesgo de tales medidas de confinamiento para infancia y juventud incluidas en el estado de alarma; un confinamiento que en estudios previos están ligados a la aparición del estrés postraumático (Sprang y Silman, 2013). No ha sido hasta las medidas de desescalada del confinamiento, en mayo de 2020, cuando se han ofrecido medidas dirigidas a la infancia y juventud, con horarios y espacios restringidos Son medidas que tienen un impacto particularmente negativo para la infancia y juventud que tienen sexualidades e identidades de género no normativas, que de entrada sabemos ya viven unas condiciones de vida que están atrave-sadas por un mayor estrés y ansiedad que el resto debido a la falta de apoyos (Platero y Ceto, 2007; Coll, Bustamante y Missé, 2009; Puche, Moreno y Pichardo, 2013; Platero, 2014; Missé, 2018), tienen un mayor riesgo de suicidio y de consumo de sustancias (Frost, Meyer y Schwartz, 2016). Una vulnerabilidad que es más pronunciada en quienes son jóvenes trans o personas no binarias (Platero 2014; Green, Dorison y Price-Feeney, 2020). Metodología. • Participantes. En el reciente estudio que elaboramos sobre los impactos psicosociales de la pandemia del CO-VID-19 en personas LGTBQA+ en España, con datos recogidos entre el 9 de marzo y el 9 de mayo de 2020, se obtuvieron 2832 respuestas. Un total de 93 participantes entre 13 y 17 años de edad respondieron a la encuesta (M = 16.17, DE = .90, Mdn = 16). Aproximadamente el 35.5% de la muestra se identificó como mujeres cis, el 9.7% como hombres cis, el 34.4% como hombres trans, el 8,6% como mujeres trans y el 11.8% como género no binario. El 60.2% de los participantes se declaró bisexual, el 21.5% homosexual, el 9.7% como heterosexual y el 8.7% dentro de otras orientaciones. (como pansexual, antrosexual, asexual, etc.). • Procedimiento. Los participantes fueron reclutados a través de redes sociales, correos electrónicos a asociaciones LGTBI y servicios públicos de atención a personas LGTBI y medios de comunicación (, y Pikara Magazine entre otros). Con este método de reclutamiento se utilizó una técnica de bola de nieve (Charmaz, 2014). A los participantes se les proporcionó una dirección web para acceder a la encuesta electrónica. Y antes de hacer la encuesta, debían leer un consentimiento informado.

Journal of Children's Services 15(4), 2020
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine the situation of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, tra... more Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine the situation of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, queer and asexual (LGBTQAþ) youth in Spain, pre-examining the links between the people they live with, their support networks and their perception of being a burden.
Design/methodology/approach – This study traces some brushstrokes through the preliminary results of the LGBTQAþ population between 13 and 21 years old (n = 445). These data are part of a larger project with 2,800þ respondents.
Findings – This study’s data highlight the connections between places of cohabitation, support and vulnerability in a crisis situation. In general, gender identity, age, support and feelings of acceptance have been key variables in identifying psychosocial factors related to the health of this population. Lastly, the authors offer some future guidelines to improve the situation of young people in the face of new situations of confinement, incorporating good practices for children and youth services.
Research limitations/implications – The use of the snowball technique for data collection may limit the representativeness of the sample. In the same way that data collection is used through access to an online questionnaire, it can limit access to certain people.
Practical implications – Address the psychosocial needs of LGBTQAþ youth, especially in crisis situations. With our data, we can improve services for future situations of confinement due to coronavirus, planning actions that include the youngest members of this population group, as well as those with non-normative sexualities and identities.
Social implications – Encourage and diversify support for LGBTQAþ youth from their families, peers, teachers and other professionals working in the youth field. This support would be congruent with the anti-discriminatory and trans-specific legislation existing in most Spanish regions. Furthermore, it would propose a social change that not only benefits LGTBQAþ people, as it allows for a more inclusive cultural change for all in terms of gender and sexuality.
Originality/value – New data obtained within the time frame of the state of alarm are provided, concerning a social group that has been little researched and that finds itself in an unprecedented health crisis.

Frontiers in Psychology, 2020
This article explores the connections between the construct of sexism and other sociodemographic ... more This article explores the connections between the construct of sexism and other sociodemographic and attitudinal variables, such as internalized homonegativity and heteronormative resistances, among psychology students. Both unrefined and inferential analyses were used with a representative sample of 841 psychology students from public universities in Madrid. Results showed higher levels of sexism, internalized homonegativity and low resistances to heteronormativity among groups of men, heterosexuals and conservatives. Interactions were found that showed a higher degree of hostile sexism in: heterosexual people with respect to LGB and heterosexual men with respect to heterosexual women. Also, interactions were found to show a greater degree of heteronormative resistance in: LGB people with respect to heterosexuals and left-wing women with respect to right-wing women. Correlations with sexism varied according to gender identity and sexual orientation. In addition, heteronormative resistances correlated negatively with sexism, while some components of internalized homonegativity correlated positively. Political affiliation was the most frequent predictor of sexism. The results highlight the need for an intersectional approach to understanding the phenomenon of sexism.
Athenea Digital, 2020
En este artículo, hacemos un recorrido por la creación y uso de los test de masculi-nidad y femin... more En este artículo, hacemos un recorrido por la creación y uso de los test de masculi-nidad y feminidad como tecnologías de género. Desde sus orígenes ligados a la medición de las diferencias entre los sexos (midiendo actitudes e intereses), pasan-do por su uso en la identificación de desviaciones sexuales (especialmente la ho-mosexualidad-feminidad en varones), sus mediciones conscientes e inconscientes, hasta su uso actual con población trans e intersex o de conformidad con los roles de género y su relación con la salud. De cada instrumento proporcionamos una breve descripción, la crítica recibida y sus secuelas posteriores. Por último, abor-damos algunas cuestiones metodológicas y conceptuales que siguen sin resolverse.

Quaderns de Psicologia, 2019
Resumen En el artículo se revisan las contribuciones más relevantes sobre el constructo de sexism... more Resumen En el artículo se revisan las contribuciones más relevantes sobre el constructo de sexismo. En particular, se analizan las teorías de Masculinidad y Feminidad y los diferentes modelos contemporáneos que han recibido mayor atención en la literatura psicológica española. Además, se discuten los instrumentos generados a raíz de sus correspondientes teorías y se realiza un análisis crítico de los más utilizados. Finalmente se hace una reflexión sobre los rumbos actuales del constructo de sexismo. Palabras clave: Sexismo; Masculinidad; Feminidad; Escalas Abstract The article reviews the most relevant contributions on the construct of sexism. In particular , the theories of Masculinity and Femininity and the different contemporary models that have received more attention in the Spanish psychological literature are analyzed. In addition , the instruments generated as a result of their corresponding theories are discussed and a critical analysis of the most used instruments is carried out. Finally, a reflection is made on the current courses of the construct of sexism.
Frontiers in Psychology, 2020
The present study evaluates the correlations between sexism, homonegativity, binegativity, pro-tr... more The present study evaluates the correlations between sexism, homonegativity, binegativity, pro-trans attitudes, political affiliation, contact with LGBT individuals and perceived stigma among psychology students. A study was conducted with 655 cis women (471 heterosexuals, 179 bisexuals and lesbians) and 174 cis men (120 heterosexuals, 54 bisexuals and gays). Descriptive, multivariate analysis of variance, bivariate correlations and multiple regression were used. In general, the groups of men and heterosexuals obtained higher negativity scores and lower acceptance scores, with significant correlations being more frequent in the heterosexual group. Predictive models confirmed the literature on social and ideological conservatism.
Papers by Miguel Ángel López-Sáez
Género y educación: escuela, educación no formal, familia y medios de comunicación.
Género y educación: escuela, educación no formal, familia y medios de comunicación.
Book chapters by Miguel Ángel López-Sáez
Articles by Miguel Ángel López-Sáez
This article provides evidence on the reliability and validity of the Spanish adaptation of the Ally Identity Measure (AIM). This instrument is believed to be useful for psychosocial professionals and educational trainees to analyse the degree of commitment and support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer (LGBQ) people. The sample of this study comprised 223 heterosexual psychology students who participated by completing the Spanish adaptation of the instrument. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed to study its fit to the factor structure of the original scale (knowledge and skills, openness and support, and awareness of oppression). The internal consistency of the subscales was adequate (.85 – .86). Convergent validity showed significant correlations and predictive levels with different attitudinal and socio-demographic variables. We have concluded that the AIM is an accurate instrument to assess allied attitudes towards the LGBQ community.
En el artículo se proporciona evidencia sobre la fiabilidad y validez de la adaptación al español de la Medida de Identificación Aliada (MIA). Este instrumento se considera útil para conocer el grado de compromiso y apoyo con las personas lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y queer (LGBQ) entre profesionales psicosociales y educativos en formación. 223 estudiantes de psicología heterosexuales participaron completando la adaptación al español del instrumento. Se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio para estudiar su ajuste a la estructura factorial de la escala original (conocimientos y aptitudes, apertura y apoyo y conciencia de la opresión). La consistencia interna de las subescalas fue adecuada (.81 – .86). La validez convergente mostró correlaciones y niveles predictivos significativos con diferentes variables actitudinales y sociodemográficas. En conclusión, MIA resulta un instrumento preciso para evaluar las actitudes aliadas con lo LGBQ.
de la disidencia sexual y de género. Se trata de una reflexión
abierta sobre las voces en tiempos de pandemia en relación con la construcción de sentido, las identidades LGTBQA+ y las apps de ligue.
Design/methodology/approach – This study traces some brushstrokes through the preliminary results of the LGBTQAþ population between 13 and 21 years old (n = 445). These data are part of a larger project with 2,800þ respondents.
Findings – This study’s data highlight the connections between places of cohabitation, support and vulnerability in a crisis situation. In general, gender identity, age, support and feelings of acceptance have been key variables in identifying psychosocial factors related to the health of this population. Lastly, the authors offer some future guidelines to improve the situation of young people in the face of new situations of confinement, incorporating good practices for children and youth services.
Research limitations/implications – The use of the snowball technique for data collection may limit the representativeness of the sample. In the same way that data collection is used through access to an online questionnaire, it can limit access to certain people.
Practical implications – Address the psychosocial needs of LGBTQAþ youth, especially in crisis situations. With our data, we can improve services for future situations of confinement due to coronavirus, planning actions that include the youngest members of this population group, as well as those with non-normative sexualities and identities.
Social implications – Encourage and diversify support for LGBTQAþ youth from their families, peers, teachers and other professionals working in the youth field. This support would be congruent with the anti-discriminatory and trans-specific legislation existing in most Spanish regions. Furthermore, it would propose a social change that not only benefits LGTBQAþ people, as it allows for a more inclusive cultural change for all in terms of gender and sexuality.
Originality/value – New data obtained within the time frame of the state of alarm are provided, concerning a social group that has been little researched and that finds itself in an unprecedented health crisis.
Papers by Miguel Ángel López-Sáez
This article provides evidence on the reliability and validity of the Spanish adaptation of the Ally Identity Measure (AIM). This instrument is believed to be useful for psychosocial professionals and educational trainees to analyse the degree of commitment and support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer (LGBQ) people. The sample of this study comprised 223 heterosexual psychology students who participated by completing the Spanish adaptation of the instrument. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed to study its fit to the factor structure of the original scale (knowledge and skills, openness and support, and awareness of oppression). The internal consistency of the subscales was adequate (.85 – .86). Convergent validity showed significant correlations and predictive levels with different attitudinal and socio-demographic variables. We have concluded that the AIM is an accurate instrument to assess allied attitudes towards the LGBQ community.
En el artículo se proporciona evidencia sobre la fiabilidad y validez de la adaptación al español de la Medida de Identificación Aliada (MIA). Este instrumento se considera útil para conocer el grado de compromiso y apoyo con las personas lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y queer (LGBQ) entre profesionales psicosociales y educativos en formación. 223 estudiantes de psicología heterosexuales participaron completando la adaptación al español del instrumento. Se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio para estudiar su ajuste a la estructura factorial de la escala original (conocimientos y aptitudes, apertura y apoyo y conciencia de la opresión). La consistencia interna de las subescalas fue adecuada (.81 – .86). La validez convergente mostró correlaciones y niveles predictivos significativos con diferentes variables actitudinales y sociodemográficas. En conclusión, MIA resulta un instrumento preciso para evaluar las actitudes aliadas con lo LGBQ.
de la disidencia sexual y de género. Se trata de una reflexión
abierta sobre las voces en tiempos de pandemia en relación con la construcción de sentido, las identidades LGTBQA+ y las apps de ligue.
Design/methodology/approach – This study traces some brushstrokes through the preliminary results of the LGBTQAþ population between 13 and 21 years old (n = 445). These data are part of a larger project with 2,800þ respondents.
Findings – This study’s data highlight the connections between places of cohabitation, support and vulnerability in a crisis situation. In general, gender identity, age, support and feelings of acceptance have been key variables in identifying psychosocial factors related to the health of this population. Lastly, the authors offer some future guidelines to improve the situation of young people in the face of new situations of confinement, incorporating good practices for children and youth services.
Research limitations/implications – The use of the snowball technique for data collection may limit the representativeness of the sample. In the same way that data collection is used through access to an online questionnaire, it can limit access to certain people.
Practical implications – Address the psychosocial needs of LGBTQAþ youth, especially in crisis situations. With our data, we can improve services for future situations of confinement due to coronavirus, planning actions that include the youngest members of this population group, as well as those with non-normative sexualities and identities.
Social implications – Encourage and diversify support for LGBTQAþ youth from their families, peers, teachers and other professionals working in the youth field. This support would be congruent with the anti-discriminatory and trans-specific legislation existing in most Spanish regions. Furthermore, it would propose a social change that not only benefits LGTBQAþ people, as it allows for a more inclusive cultural change for all in terms of gender and sexuality.
Originality/value – New data obtained within the time frame of the state of alarm are provided, concerning a social group that has been little researched and that finds itself in an unprecedented health crisis.