This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
RESUMEN La conjunción de la apertura de datos por parte de las administraciones públicas y la pro... more RESUMEN La conjunción de la apertura de datos por parte de las administraciones públicas y la proliferación de los dispositivos de movilidad favorece la creación de nuevos servicios, la mejora en la prestación de los existentes y la configuración de nuevos usos comunicativos por parte de los ciudadanos. El desarrollo y puesta a disposición de aplicaciones gra-tuitas que utilizan los datos abiertos, ofreciendo información de utilidad, en tiempo real, adaptada a la experiencia del usuario y/o geolocalizada, plantea una reformulación del concepto de " información de servicio " , ya que ofrece tanto a los ciudadanos como al sector infomediario un espacio emergente para el desarrollo de nuevos modelos de pro-ducción, diseminación y consumo de este tipo de información. Desde la contextualización teórica de los procesos de sensorización de la realidad, el registro móvil de la experiencia cotidiana, o la reinterpretación de la información de servicio, se analiza el papel de los datos abiertos en el sector público en España y su aplicación concreta en la crea-ción de apps de servicio basadas en estos. Se revela la extraordinaria emergencia de esta nueva forma de acceder a la información de servicio y su utilidad para la toma de decisiones en la vida cotidiana.
HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades
Iniciamos una aproximación general a la obra de Ken Wilber en relación con la posible formulación... more Iniciamos una aproximación general a la obra de Ken Wilber en relación con la posible formulación de una teoría integral de la comunicación que aborde, sin dejar ningún espacio sin cubrir, los grandes interrogantes que plantean las transformaciones existenciales que estamos viviendo los habitantes del universo digital. Las posibilidades del modelo AQAL de Wilber para analizar los medios de comunicación actuales son fascinantes en aspectos como las fake news o la inteligencia artificial.
Las series de ficción españolas son un producto audiovisual en auge. Son respaldadas, en primer l... more Las series de ficción españolas son un producto audiovisual en auge. Son respaldadas, en primer lugar, por las audiencias, por lo que copan el prime time o la sobremesa de nuestras principales cadenas televisivas. Cada vez hay más interés en conocer a fondo cómo se realizan estas obras ficcionales y, por esa razón, esta publicación resulta especialmente pertinente. En Ficcionando se hace un repaso a ciertas tendencias detectadas en las series de televisión españolas más representativas de la última década. Se realiza un análisis bastante exhaustivo de lo ofrecido por el sector, señalando tanto sus virtudes como sus carencias. El libro se divide en cuatro bloques muy correctamente establecidos. Comienza con un repaso a algunos géneros propios de las series de ficción.
Audiovisual formats are essential for virtual learning. Videos in MOOC courses exercise an inform... more Audiovisual formats are essential for virtual learning. Videos in MOOC courses exercise an informative, educational, and advertising function in the course program and in social networks. In this article, videos for courses are reviewed critically and include proposals for improvement. Videos of 50 courses of the edX platform are analyzed from the point-of-view of the narrative design of their content and audiovisual components. The results show that MOOC videos have a master lesson structure, with the visual and sound codes of classroom lectures. Solutions that incorporate creative languages and audiovisual technologies used in film and television are proposed
In the current information society, we cannot avoid learning, we cannot avoid being connected to ... more In the current information society, we cannot avoid learning, we cannot avoid being connected to knowledge. Through the networks and the media, citizens have become permanent students who consume videos, podcasts and other types of audiovisual and multimedia content of an educational and scientific nature. In the same way, universities are adapting to this new media-training ecosystem that is transforming the structures, agents and processes of higher education in any country in the world. The main objectives of this research are to unravel the advantages offered by these new learning models and formats for students, professors and the institutions themselves, and to synthesize the ways of designing, producing and disseminating quality content. YouTube is a virtual classroom, social networks are scientific laboratories and audiovisual and multimedia contents are the blackboards of the present. Let's find out what this integral revolution means for our faculties.
Ficcionando sinergias. Los profesionales se buscan en la ficción televisiva española, 2021
Este capítulo realiza una aproximación al papel, función y valor narrativo de la música en las se... more Este capítulo realiza una aproximación al papel, función y valor narrativo de la música en las series españolas de ficción a partir del análisis de una selección de algunas de las que han alcanzado mayor éxito en los últimos años, situándolas en el contexto de una ya larga tradición de ficción para televisión.
The Horizon 2020 framework program requires research projects to incorporate communication plans ... more The Horizon 2020 framework program requires research projects to incorporate communication plans that cover all activities for the dissemination, communication, and exploitation of results. These must include strategic and specialized measures that identify the diversity of audiences, incorporate mechanisms for dialog with stakeholders, and establish systems for measuring results. This has changed the way in which the dissemination and scientific popularization of the projects are conceived and planned. This research analyzes the perception of Spanish experts in the design and development of competitive research projects regarding which are the most appropriate models and strategies for scientific communication. Through 22 in-depth interviews conducted with specialists from entities, companies, principal researchers, managers, evaluators, and scientific disseminators involved in H2020 projects, two dimensions of project communication are evaluated: the concept of dissemination, and ...
Tras tres anos de produccion, llega por fin a cines espanoles Open Windows, el primer largometraj... more Tras tres anos de produccion, llega por fin a cines espanoles Open Windows, el primer largometraje rodado integramente en ingles por Nacho Vigalondo y Eugenio Mira, la pelicula que surgio a raiz de un encargo de un proyecto sobre la alienacion de las redes sociales promete convertirse en pelicula de culto, al menos para los fans del genero y los groupies del director y tweetstar. Hemos sentado juntos al director de fotografia Jon D. Dominguez y al supervisor de VFX David Heras, con quienes hemos conversado acerca del proceso de produccion del film.
The virtual courses developed by higher education institutions incorporate the video format as on... more The virtual courses developed by higher education institutions incorporate the video format as one of the most used resources in the delivery of their online training offer. Within the different types of audiovisual productions found in MOOCs, the introductory or presentation video of the courses has become an illustrative piece of the new edu-communicative context of distance education, when articulating, in the same work, informative, didactic, and advertising content. The objective of this research work is to study the triple communicative nature of this innovative format following a specific methodology of audiovisual textual analysis. For this, 420 videos of this type of promotional video, belonging to 105 universities and educational centres that have developed MOOC courses for the Miríadax platform, are analysed. After checking the results of the formal characteristics, content structures, discursive techniques, and audiovisual language components of the videos, it is conclud...
The European Union’s H2020 program requires that all proposals submitted to calls include a scien... more The European Union’s H2020 program requires that all proposals submitted to calls include a scientific communication plan. Approved projects must have a plan for exploitation and dissemination of results (PEDR) that sets out the communication strategies. These must be translated into actions and products that contribute to reaching the different interest groups, following the four-helix model. This research analyzes the actions for disseminating and communicating the results of the research projects of the H2020 program led by entities, bodies, or companies in Spain and carried out through the web and social media. The hypothesis establishes that the communication actions carried out through the web and social media are scarce, standardized, and correspond to low-cost resources and formats, with nonprofessional production. From the database of projects funded by the H2020 program available on Cordis, a sample of 50 projects was selected based on funding criteria, choosing those with...
Neuromarketing has aroused great interest in scientific research about consumer behavior and, con... more Neuromarketing has aroused great interest in scientific research about consumer behavior and, consequently, in the advertising industry, which is searching for an alternative to traditional techniques for measuring efficacy. However, despite its development in the academic world, in the professional sector, its use is still very limited. The aim of this work was to find out the perception of advertising professionals as regards neuromarketing techniques for identifying its advantages and disadvantages compared to other research techniques, as well as the reasons why the use of neuromarketing is so much lower than expected in the Spanish market. The technique chosen for data gathering was the semi-structured interview, which made it possible to go into more depth with the subjects that came up. The interview, after a pre-selection of 100 professionals who matched the set criteria, was carried out individually, face-to-face, with a sample of 30 people with considerable professional experience in the field of marketing, sales communication, and market research; all of them belonged to leading companies from the sector. Once the information had been categorized into units with common themes, the results obtained were interpreted to explain how neuromarketing techniques are being used in the field of advertising. The results obtained led us to the conclusion that, even though neuromarketing provides more objective data and it is closer to what really happens to consumers when they are exposed to an advertising message, the ignorance of its true possibilities, the inability of suppliers of these techniques to transmit the value they add to research, its complexity, its high cost and time requirements explain why it has had scarce use in advertising research. The results revealed the real reasons for the rejection of neuromarketing techniques which, in turn, will make it possible to introduce both technological and formative solutions, allowing it to be incorporated into future research designs.
audiovisuales. Ha publicado artículos científicos, monografías y manuales docentes y ha realizado... more audiovisuales. Ha publicado artículos científicos, monografías y manuales docentes y ha realizado estancias de investigación en universidades como el Tecnológico de Monterrey (México) o
Este artículo aborda la poética de Vicente Aranda en su filme Libertarias (1996). Desde la perspe... more Este artículo aborda la poética de Vicente Aranda en su filme Libertarias (1996). Desde la perspectiva metodológica del análisis textual fílmico, se estudia el discurso narrativo y la construcción formal de la obra. Las conclusiones de este artículo destacan la actitud lúdica y hedonista del cineasta en el tratamiento de una historia que contiene los rasgos recurrentes de la filmografía del director tanto en la escritura del guión como en los parámetros estéticos de la realización audiovisual.
Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences, 2019
Audiovisual content as a learning tool has been incorporated extensively into lecture classes. Em... more Audiovisual content as a learning tool has been incorporated extensively into lecture classes. Emotion-cognition is intrinsic to the functioning of the human brain, and therefore can explain the acquisition of knowledge and competencies in the educational field, and more specifically, the transformative impact on digital natives. Advances in the study of the brain have allowed for quantitative measurement of attentional (EDL) and emotional (EDR) terms. The objective of this article is to analyze and evaluate the correlation between attention and emotion during the viewing of two videos shown in a classroom in the academic space of a university. The method consisted of recording the electrodermal activity of various groups of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and Public Relations students during the viewing of the two audiovisual stories. The main results and conclusions link characteristics of the audiovisual narrative and technical-expressive qualities and objectives of the...
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2016
In 2015, a study was conducted within the program for the improvement of hybrid and distance lear... more In 2015, a study was conducted within the program for the improvement of hybrid and distance learning courses developed by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain. The purpose was to identify student difficulties that arise throughout the course, identifying possible improvements (regarding the design, interaction, and logic) and obtaining a list of items to be changed to improve students’ overall experience. A/B split testing was used in the development of the research, by means of 10 s judgment tests offering a variation in the distribution of the elements in the interface of two models. Activities were recorded by means of screen and sound capture of the users’ comments explaining the actions they were taking and the reason why they were doing so. The main conclusions are: facilitating recurrent access itineraries, improving tagging, offering documents in a standard and accessible format, differentiating types of content clearly and guaranteeing a single organisational logic for all courses.
Fecha de recepción del artículo: 26/02/2016 Fecha de aceptación definitiva: 03/04/2016 RESUMEN La... more Fecha de recepción del artículo: 26/02/2016 Fecha de aceptación definitiva: 03/04/2016 RESUMEN La conjunción de la apertura de datos por parte de las administraciones públicas y la proliferación de los dispositivos de movilidad favorece la creación de nuevos servicios, la mejora en la prestación de los existentes y la configuración de nuevos usos comunicativos por parte de los ciudadanos. El desarrollo y puesta a disposición de aplicaciones gratuitas que utilizan los datos abiertos, ofreciendo información de utilidad, en tiempo real, adaptada a la experiencia del usuario y/o geolocalizada, plantea una reformulación del concepto de "información de servicio", ya que ofrece tanto a los ciudadanos como al sector infomediario un espacio emergente para el desarrollo de nuevos modelos de producción, diseminación y consumo de este tipo de información. Desde la contextualización teórica de los procesos de sensorización de la realidad, el registro móvil de la experiencia cotidiana, o la reinterpretación de la información de servicio, se analiza el papel de los datos abiertos en el sector público en España y su aplicación concreta en la creación de apps de servicio basadas en estos. Se revela la extraordinaria emergencia de esta nueva forma de acceder a la información de servicio y su utilidad para la toma de decisiones en la vida cotidiana.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
RESUMEN La conjunción de la apertura de datos por parte de las administraciones públicas y la pro... more RESUMEN La conjunción de la apertura de datos por parte de las administraciones públicas y la proliferación de los dispositivos de movilidad favorece la creación de nuevos servicios, la mejora en la prestación de los existentes y la configuración de nuevos usos comunicativos por parte de los ciudadanos. El desarrollo y puesta a disposición de aplicaciones gra-tuitas que utilizan los datos abiertos, ofreciendo información de utilidad, en tiempo real, adaptada a la experiencia del usuario y/o geolocalizada, plantea una reformulación del concepto de " información de servicio " , ya que ofrece tanto a los ciudadanos como al sector infomediario un espacio emergente para el desarrollo de nuevos modelos de pro-ducción, diseminación y consumo de este tipo de información. Desde la contextualización teórica de los procesos de sensorización de la realidad, el registro móvil de la experiencia cotidiana, o la reinterpretación de la información de servicio, se analiza el papel de los datos abiertos en el sector público en España y su aplicación concreta en la crea-ción de apps de servicio basadas en estos. Se revela la extraordinaria emergencia de esta nueva forma de acceder a la información de servicio y su utilidad para la toma de decisiones en la vida cotidiana.
HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades
Iniciamos una aproximación general a la obra de Ken Wilber en relación con la posible formulación... more Iniciamos una aproximación general a la obra de Ken Wilber en relación con la posible formulación de una teoría integral de la comunicación que aborde, sin dejar ningún espacio sin cubrir, los grandes interrogantes que plantean las transformaciones existenciales que estamos viviendo los habitantes del universo digital. Las posibilidades del modelo AQAL de Wilber para analizar los medios de comunicación actuales son fascinantes en aspectos como las fake news o la inteligencia artificial.
Las series de ficción españolas son un producto audiovisual en auge. Son respaldadas, en primer l... more Las series de ficción españolas son un producto audiovisual en auge. Son respaldadas, en primer lugar, por las audiencias, por lo que copan el prime time o la sobremesa de nuestras principales cadenas televisivas. Cada vez hay más interés en conocer a fondo cómo se realizan estas obras ficcionales y, por esa razón, esta publicación resulta especialmente pertinente. En Ficcionando se hace un repaso a ciertas tendencias detectadas en las series de televisión españolas más representativas de la última década. Se realiza un análisis bastante exhaustivo de lo ofrecido por el sector, señalando tanto sus virtudes como sus carencias. El libro se divide en cuatro bloques muy correctamente establecidos. Comienza con un repaso a algunos géneros propios de las series de ficción.
Audiovisual formats are essential for virtual learning. Videos in MOOC courses exercise an inform... more Audiovisual formats are essential for virtual learning. Videos in MOOC courses exercise an informative, educational, and advertising function in the course program and in social networks. In this article, videos for courses are reviewed critically and include proposals for improvement. Videos of 50 courses of the edX platform are analyzed from the point-of-view of the narrative design of their content and audiovisual components. The results show that MOOC videos have a master lesson structure, with the visual and sound codes of classroom lectures. Solutions that incorporate creative languages and audiovisual technologies used in film and television are proposed
In the current information society, we cannot avoid learning, we cannot avoid being connected to ... more In the current information society, we cannot avoid learning, we cannot avoid being connected to knowledge. Through the networks and the media, citizens have become permanent students who consume videos, podcasts and other types of audiovisual and multimedia content of an educational and scientific nature. In the same way, universities are adapting to this new media-training ecosystem that is transforming the structures, agents and processes of higher education in any country in the world. The main objectives of this research are to unravel the advantages offered by these new learning models and formats for students, professors and the institutions themselves, and to synthesize the ways of designing, producing and disseminating quality content. YouTube is a virtual classroom, social networks are scientific laboratories and audiovisual and multimedia contents are the blackboards of the present. Let's find out what this integral revolution means for our faculties.
Ficcionando sinergias. Los profesionales se buscan en la ficción televisiva española, 2021
Este capítulo realiza una aproximación al papel, función y valor narrativo de la música en las se... more Este capítulo realiza una aproximación al papel, función y valor narrativo de la música en las series españolas de ficción a partir del análisis de una selección de algunas de las que han alcanzado mayor éxito en los últimos años, situándolas en el contexto de una ya larga tradición de ficción para televisión.
The Horizon 2020 framework program requires research projects to incorporate communication plans ... more The Horizon 2020 framework program requires research projects to incorporate communication plans that cover all activities for the dissemination, communication, and exploitation of results. These must include strategic and specialized measures that identify the diversity of audiences, incorporate mechanisms for dialog with stakeholders, and establish systems for measuring results. This has changed the way in which the dissemination and scientific popularization of the projects are conceived and planned. This research analyzes the perception of Spanish experts in the design and development of competitive research projects regarding which are the most appropriate models and strategies for scientific communication. Through 22 in-depth interviews conducted with specialists from entities, companies, principal researchers, managers, evaluators, and scientific disseminators involved in H2020 projects, two dimensions of project communication are evaluated: the concept of dissemination, and ...
Tras tres anos de produccion, llega por fin a cines espanoles Open Windows, el primer largometraj... more Tras tres anos de produccion, llega por fin a cines espanoles Open Windows, el primer largometraje rodado integramente en ingles por Nacho Vigalondo y Eugenio Mira, la pelicula que surgio a raiz de un encargo de un proyecto sobre la alienacion de las redes sociales promete convertirse en pelicula de culto, al menos para los fans del genero y los groupies del director y tweetstar. Hemos sentado juntos al director de fotografia Jon D. Dominguez y al supervisor de VFX David Heras, con quienes hemos conversado acerca del proceso de produccion del film.
The virtual courses developed by higher education institutions incorporate the video format as on... more The virtual courses developed by higher education institutions incorporate the video format as one of the most used resources in the delivery of their online training offer. Within the different types of audiovisual productions found in MOOCs, the introductory or presentation video of the courses has become an illustrative piece of the new edu-communicative context of distance education, when articulating, in the same work, informative, didactic, and advertising content. The objective of this research work is to study the triple communicative nature of this innovative format following a specific methodology of audiovisual textual analysis. For this, 420 videos of this type of promotional video, belonging to 105 universities and educational centres that have developed MOOC courses for the Miríadax platform, are analysed. After checking the results of the formal characteristics, content structures, discursive techniques, and audiovisual language components of the videos, it is conclud...
The European Union’s H2020 program requires that all proposals submitted to calls include a scien... more The European Union’s H2020 program requires that all proposals submitted to calls include a scientific communication plan. Approved projects must have a plan for exploitation and dissemination of results (PEDR) that sets out the communication strategies. These must be translated into actions and products that contribute to reaching the different interest groups, following the four-helix model. This research analyzes the actions for disseminating and communicating the results of the research projects of the H2020 program led by entities, bodies, or companies in Spain and carried out through the web and social media. The hypothesis establishes that the communication actions carried out through the web and social media are scarce, standardized, and correspond to low-cost resources and formats, with nonprofessional production. From the database of projects funded by the H2020 program available on Cordis, a sample of 50 projects was selected based on funding criteria, choosing those with...
Neuromarketing has aroused great interest in scientific research about consumer behavior and, con... more Neuromarketing has aroused great interest in scientific research about consumer behavior and, consequently, in the advertising industry, which is searching for an alternative to traditional techniques for measuring efficacy. However, despite its development in the academic world, in the professional sector, its use is still very limited. The aim of this work was to find out the perception of advertising professionals as regards neuromarketing techniques for identifying its advantages and disadvantages compared to other research techniques, as well as the reasons why the use of neuromarketing is so much lower than expected in the Spanish market. The technique chosen for data gathering was the semi-structured interview, which made it possible to go into more depth with the subjects that came up. The interview, after a pre-selection of 100 professionals who matched the set criteria, was carried out individually, face-to-face, with a sample of 30 people with considerable professional experience in the field of marketing, sales communication, and market research; all of them belonged to leading companies from the sector. Once the information had been categorized into units with common themes, the results obtained were interpreted to explain how neuromarketing techniques are being used in the field of advertising. The results obtained led us to the conclusion that, even though neuromarketing provides more objective data and it is closer to what really happens to consumers when they are exposed to an advertising message, the ignorance of its true possibilities, the inability of suppliers of these techniques to transmit the value they add to research, its complexity, its high cost and time requirements explain why it has had scarce use in advertising research. The results revealed the real reasons for the rejection of neuromarketing techniques which, in turn, will make it possible to introduce both technological and formative solutions, allowing it to be incorporated into future research designs.
audiovisuales. Ha publicado artículos científicos, monografías y manuales docentes y ha realizado... more audiovisuales. Ha publicado artículos científicos, monografías y manuales docentes y ha realizado estancias de investigación en universidades como el Tecnológico de Monterrey (México) o
Este artículo aborda la poética de Vicente Aranda en su filme Libertarias (1996). Desde la perspe... more Este artículo aborda la poética de Vicente Aranda en su filme Libertarias (1996). Desde la perspectiva metodológica del análisis textual fílmico, se estudia el discurso narrativo y la construcción formal de la obra. Las conclusiones de este artículo destacan la actitud lúdica y hedonista del cineasta en el tratamiento de una historia que contiene los rasgos recurrentes de la filmografía del director tanto en la escritura del guión como en los parámetros estéticos de la realización audiovisual.
Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences, 2019
Audiovisual content as a learning tool has been incorporated extensively into lecture classes. Em... more Audiovisual content as a learning tool has been incorporated extensively into lecture classes. Emotion-cognition is intrinsic to the functioning of the human brain, and therefore can explain the acquisition of knowledge and competencies in the educational field, and more specifically, the transformative impact on digital natives. Advances in the study of the brain have allowed for quantitative measurement of attentional (EDL) and emotional (EDR) terms. The objective of this article is to analyze and evaluate the correlation between attention and emotion during the viewing of two videos shown in a classroom in the academic space of a university. The method consisted of recording the electrodermal activity of various groups of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and Public Relations students during the viewing of the two audiovisual stories. The main results and conclusions link characteristics of the audiovisual narrative and technical-expressive qualities and objectives of the...
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2016
In 2015, a study was conducted within the program for the improvement of hybrid and distance lear... more In 2015, a study was conducted within the program for the improvement of hybrid and distance learning courses developed by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain. The purpose was to identify student difficulties that arise throughout the course, identifying possible improvements (regarding the design, interaction, and logic) and obtaining a list of items to be changed to improve students’ overall experience. A/B split testing was used in the development of the research, by means of 10 s judgment tests offering a variation in the distribution of the elements in the interface of two models. Activities were recorded by means of screen and sound capture of the users’ comments explaining the actions they were taking and the reason why they were doing so. The main conclusions are: facilitating recurrent access itineraries, improving tagging, offering documents in a standard and accessible format, differentiating types of content clearly and guaranteeing a single organisational logic for all courses.
Fecha de recepción del artículo: 26/02/2016 Fecha de aceptación definitiva: 03/04/2016 RESUMEN La... more Fecha de recepción del artículo: 26/02/2016 Fecha de aceptación definitiva: 03/04/2016 RESUMEN La conjunción de la apertura de datos por parte de las administraciones públicas y la proliferación de los dispositivos de movilidad favorece la creación de nuevos servicios, la mejora en la prestación de los existentes y la configuración de nuevos usos comunicativos por parte de los ciudadanos. El desarrollo y puesta a disposición de aplicaciones gratuitas que utilizan los datos abiertos, ofreciendo información de utilidad, en tiempo real, adaptada a la experiencia del usuario y/o geolocalizada, plantea una reformulación del concepto de "información de servicio", ya que ofrece tanto a los ciudadanos como al sector infomediario un espacio emergente para el desarrollo de nuevos modelos de producción, diseminación y consumo de este tipo de información. Desde la contextualización teórica de los procesos de sensorización de la realidad, el registro móvil de la experiencia cotidiana, o la reinterpretación de la información de servicio, se analiza el papel de los datos abiertos en el sector público en España y su aplicación concreta en la creación de apps de servicio basadas en estos. Se revela la extraordinaria emergencia de esta nueva forma de acceder a la información de servicio y su utilidad para la toma de decisiones en la vida cotidiana.
Este trabajo es un texto colectivo de introducción al videoactivismo. En los primeros capítulos l... more Este trabajo es un texto colectivo de introducción al videoactivismo. En los primeros capítulos lo aborda desde una perspectiva conceptual e histórica: presenta una definición del concepto, una descripción de los rasgos que caracterizan a las prácticas videoactivistas y un repaso de sus antecedentes históricos. Después, hace un recorrido analítico por varios casos de producción videoactivista contemporánea para examinar sus funciones e identificar las confluencias y las fricciones en las que se desarrolla respecto a otras prácticas comunicativas como la publicidad o el periodismo de los medios corporativos. Todas las investigadoras que firman este trabajo son personas que abordan el videoactivismo con doble óptica: desde la universidad y desde las calles. Escriben, por tanto, como observadoras académicas y como ciudadanas y ciudadanos conscientes de la gravedad de la situación política en la que se encuentra la sociedad en la que viven y de la importancia que el audiovisual tiene como herramienta política de construcción de imaginarios colectivos. El texto ha sido coordinado de modo colectivo, siguiendo una dinámica horizontal para la toma de decisiones en el trabajo editorial y de redacción. Los textos tienen como objetivo implementar la reflexión académica sobre el videoactivismo, ampliar nuestro marco conceptual de abordaje de esta práctica comunicativa y surtir de descripciones que puedan contribuir a consolidar un corpus académico especializado.
The audiovisual text is definitively created during the postproduction process. In this article t... more The audiovisual text is definitively created during the postproduction process. In this article the technique called sequence-shot, paradigm of the internal editing, is confronted with the principal concepts, characteristics, procedures and functions of the narrative time frequently attributed exclusively to the external editing. The sequenceshot turns out to be a discursive option that allows to develop new textual solutions about the different conformantes of the narrative time.
Artículos by Mario Rajas
Papers by Mario Rajas