Papers by M. Angeles López-González
Acción Psicológica, 2012
Although dating violence frequently begins during adolescence and has been postulated as a

Many different cognitive differentiation measures have been developed since the foundation of Per... more Many different cognitive differentiation measures have been developed since the foundation of Personal Construct Psychology in 1955. A relatively small number of studies have explored the component structure of these measures. This study aims to expand this particular area in order to help clarify how to best measure cognitive differentiation. Using a community sample of 898 adults, five distinct repertory grid measures of cognitive differentiation (percentage of variance accounted by the first factor -PVAFF, Intensity, Bieri’s index, functionally independent construction -FIC- and Ordination) were explored through Principal Components Analysis. A 2-factor solution was found. Factor 1 (PVAFF and Intensity) accounted for the multivariate measures explaining 55.1% of the variance. Factor 2 (Bieri and Ordination) accounted for the sum-based measures and explained 24.8% of the variance. FIC loaded moderately on both factors. The need for concurrent validity studies of differentiation measures is pointed out. It is also proposed that cognitive differentiation may not be unitary and may thus require more than one index to be correctly measured.

Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, Dec 1, 2015
Recent research has highlighted the role of implicative dilemmas in a variety of clinical conditi... more Recent research has highlighted the role of implicative dilemmas in a variety of clinical conditions. These dilemmas are a type of cognitive conflict, in which different aspects of the self are countered in such a way that a desired change in a personal dimension (eg, symptom improvement) may be hindered by the need of personal coherence in another dimension. The aim of this study was to summarize, using a meta-analytical approach, the evidence relating to the presence and the level of this conflict, as well as its relationship with well-being, in various clinical samples. A systematic review using multiple electronic databases found that out of 37 articles assessed for eligibility, nine fulfilled the inclusion criteria for meta-analysis. Random effects model was applied when computing mean effect sizes and testing for heterogeneity level. Statistically significant associations were observed between the clinical status and the presence of dilemmas, as well as level of conflict across several clinical conditions. Likewise, the level of conflict was associated with symptom severity. Results highlighted the clinical relevance and the transdiagnostic nature of implicative dilemmas.

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2021
Abstract: The aim of this study was to carry out a systematic review of controlled clinical trial... more Abstract: The aim of this study was to carry out a systematic review of controlled clinical trials in order to identify both specific populations and social issues which may benefit from the effective use of psychodrama psychotherapy. A search was conducted in the WoS, SCOPUS, PsychINFO,
Medline, Academic Search Ultimate, ProQuest, and PubPsych databases, complemented by a manual search on relevant websites and in the reference lists of the selected studies. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and quasi-RCTs of group-based psychodrama psychotherapy were included. The Effective Public Health Practice Project (EPHPP) tool was adopted to assess the methodological quality of the included studies. The search identified 14 RCTs and one quasi-RCT evaluating the effects of group-based psychodrama psychotherapy. The total number of participants in the studies was 642 people. Seven studies were conducted in Turkey, two in the USA, two in Finland, one in Canada, one in Brazil, one in Italy, and one in Iran. The heterogeneity of the issues analyzed indicates that psychodrama improves the symptoms associated with a wide range of problems. Despite psychodrama’s long history, most clinical trials in this field have been published this century, which suggests not only that this psychotherapeutic practice remains relevant today but also that it continues to attract substantial interest among the scientific community. Nevertheless, further research efforts are required to understand its potential benefits for psychosocial well-being.

Se presenta una revisión sistemática de estudios sobre prevalencia de la violencia en el noviazgo... more Se presenta una revisión sistemática de estudios sobre prevalencia de la violencia en el noviazgo (física, psicológica y sexual) cometida y sufrida en adolescentes y jóvenes. De 1221 referencias iniciales, 113 cumplían con los criterios de calidad preestablecidos (evaluación de la violencia con instrumentos fiables y válidos, muestras superiores a 500 participantes u obtenidas mediante muestreo probabilístico). Se encontró una gran variabilidad en los datos de prevalencia, con rangos de variación entre el 3.8% y el 41.9% en violencia física cometida; entre el 0.4% y el 57.3% en violencia física sufrida; entre el 4.2% y el 97% en violencia psicológica cometida; entre el 8.5% y el 95.5% en violencia psicológica sufrida; entre el 1.2% y el 58.8% en violencia sexual cometida; y entre el 0.1% y el 64.6% en violencia sexual sufrida. Los resultados sugieren una mayor prevalencia en la perpetración de agresiones psicológicas por mujeres y sexuales por los hombres; una mayor victimización psicológica y sexual en mujeres; así como tasas ligeramente superiores de agresiones en los adolescentes que en los adultos jóvenes. Asimismo, en muchos de los trabajos revisados las agresiones tenían una naturaleza bidireccional.

Recent research has highlighted the role of implicative dilemmas in a variety of clinical conditi... more Recent research has highlighted the role of implicative dilemmas in a variety of clinical conditions. These dilemmas are a type of cognitive conflict, in which different aspects of the self are countered in such a way that a desired change in a personal dimension (eg, symptom improvement) may be hindered by the need of personal coherence in another dimension. The aim of this study was to summarize, using a meta-analytical approach, the evidence relating to the presence and the level of this conflict, as well as its relationship with well-being, in various clinical samples. A systematic review using multiple electronic databases found that out of 37 articles assessed for eligibility, nine fulfilled the inclusion criteria for meta-analysis. Random effects model was applied when computing mean effect sizes and testing for heterogeneity level. Statistically significant associations were observed between the clinical status and the presence of dilemmas, as well as level of conflict across several clinical conditions. Likewise, the level of conflict was associated with symptom severity. Results highlighted the clinical relevance and the transdiagnostic nature of implicative dilemmas.
Rúbricas, educación a distancia, formación en línea, evaluación continua

Anuario de Psicología Jurídica, 2015
En este trabajo se realiza una revisión crítica de las variables asociadas a la violencia en las ... more En este trabajo se realiza una revisión crítica de las variables asociadas a la violencia en las relaciones de noviazgo de los adolescentes. Se han identificado más de 30 variables y se han agrupado en función de su papel precipitante, facilitador, modulador o inhibidor de las agresiones y de la victimización. Aunque muchas de estas variables se han relacionado consistentemente tanto con la violencia cometida como con la violencia sufrida, otras generan controversia por su relación poco consistente con este tipo de violencia,entre ellas, el sexo, el origen étnico, el lugar de residencia, la estructura familiar, el estatus socio-económico o la exposición a videojuegos y medios de comunicación con contenido violento. La delimitación de los factores de riesgo de violencia y un mayor conocimiento de la función que desempeñan resultan fundamentales para la implementación de programas de prevención en entornos educativos, así compara aumentar la eficacia y la efectividad de los ya existentes.

Anuario de Psicología, Dec 12, 2014
El estudio de los conflictos cognitivos se ha llevado a cabo desde diversas aproximaciones teóric... more El estudio de los conflictos cognitivos se ha llevado a cabo desde diversas aproximaciones teóricas. En el ámbito de la Psicología de los Constructos Personales, la técnica de la rejilla ha permitido operativizar un tipo de conflicto cognitivo denominado Dilema Implicativo (DI) y estudiar su papel en el campo de la salud. En este trabajo se ha analizado la construcción del sí mismo, la estructura cognitiva y el malestar psicológico en personas con y sin DI pertenecientes a una muestra comunitaria. En la investigación participaron 115 sujetos (56.5% mujeres y 43.5% hombres). Las técnicas de evaluación utilizadas fueron la técnica de la rejilla, y las versiones españolas del Symptom Check List-90-R (SCL-90-R) y el Clinical Outcome in Routine Evaluation (CORE-OM). Los principales resultados revelan correlaciones positivas en las tres medidas del sí mismo, lo que supone una alta autoestima, aunque si se comparan los grupos con/sin DI, se observan correlaciones más bajas en las personas con dilemas. En cuanto a la complejidad cognitiva, las personas con dilemas muestran una estructura cognitiva más diferenciada. Por último, en relación con el malestar psicológico percibido, los dos grupos presentan puntuaciones dentro del rango de la normalidad aunque las personas sin DI se sienten en mayor sintonía consigo mismas/con los demás que las personas con dilemas, presentando estas últimas puntuaciones superiores en escalas de depresión y ansiedad del SCL-90, y en las medidas globales del CORE-OM

Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de, 2013
The Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia has been collaborating with Utah Valley Univers... more The Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia has been collaborating with Utah Valley University creating online videoconferences held at both the universities. This project intended to promote an autonomous learning and improve the structure of videoconferences, thus helping students to enhance their foreign language competence. Every participant had to assess their own teaching perspective and learning style, the quality of the resources used during the videoconference, as well as their level of satisfaction with it. To evaluate the teaching style, the content of the videoconference and its value as a tool or resource for learning or both, a new instrument has been devised and validated. Partial results confirm the success of this initiative, considering the number of participants and viewers of the tutorials, and provide constructive feedback for future improved versions of the project.

Revista de Psicoterapia
We present the Spanish version of the Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-Outcome Measure (CO... more We present the Spanish version of the Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-Outcome Measure (CORE-OM), an instrument created by the Core System Group for the evaluation of therapeutic change. The CORE-OM is a self-report questionnaire that assesses psychological distress with domains of Subjective well-being, problems/ symptoms, general functioning and risk. We describe its psychometric properties studies which suggest a good level of validity and reliability, as well as excellent acceptability and sensitivity to therapeutic change. With the supervision and guidance of team members from the CORE-OM developers the original English version was translated into Spanish. 12 people, competent in both languages from different parts of Spain, participated in this process and later 64 Castilian-speaking from different demographic and linguistic backgrounds participated in the review of the instrument. This provided a final version in Spanish of the CORE-OM from which the resulting shorter versions (CORE-SFA, SFB-CORE, CORE and CORE-10-5, all in male and female versions) were derived. Now that the CORE-OM is available to all Spanish-speaking psychotherapists (, it is necessary to continue the validation study with the objective of having the psychometric properties of the instrument for the Spanish version.

El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar la autodefinición y la diferenciación del sí... more "Resumen:
El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar la autodefinición y la diferenciación del sí mismo de un grupo de pacientes con trastornos depresivos (n= 30) comparándolo con una muestra comunitaria (n= 30). Los significados personales de estos sujetos, elicitados a través de la Técnica de la Rejilla, se categorizaron según las virtudes y las fortalezas del carácter de Peterson y Seligman (2004) y se analizó la posición que las personas otorgan a los elementos “yo actual” y “yo ideal”. Además, se estudió la diferenciación del sí mismo a través del análisis de diferentes índices de medida cognitiva que evalúan la autoestima, el aislamiento social autopercibido y la adecuación percibida en los otros. Los resultados más destacables muestran que las personas con depresión presentan más constructos en las categorías autocontrol y autorregulación e inteligencia emocional, personal y social que la muestra comunitaria. Asimismo, se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos en la posición del “yo actual” en relación al “yo ideal”. En este sentido, el grupo clínico elicita un mayor número de constructos discrepantes en Coraje, Sabiduría, Transcendencia, Moderación, Humanidad y Justicia, y el grupo no clínico presenta más constructos congruentes en todas las virtudes menos en Justicia. En cuanto a los constructos dilemáticos, en el grupo clínico se observan más constructos en Coraje y Moderación. Finalmente, los pacientes con depresión presentan una baja autoestima, una construcción negativa del yo y se perciben diferentes con respecto a su entorno social. Estos datos, tomados en conjunto con la correlación positiva encontrada entre el “yo ideal” y los “otros” (adecuación percibida en los otros), indicaría un perfil de aislamiento en la muestra clínica.
The aim of this study was to explore the self-definition and self-differentiation of a group of patients with depressive disorders (n = 30) compared with a community sample (n = 30). Personal meanings of these subjects, elicited by Grid Technique, were categorized according to the virtues and character strengths of Peterson and Seligman (2004) and analyzed the position that people attach to the elements "present self" and "ideal self". In addition, it was studied the self-differentiation through the analysis of several indices that assess self-esteem, perceived social isolation and perceived adequacy in the others. The main results show that people with depression have more constructs in self-control, self-regulation and emotional, personal and social intelligence categories than community sample. Furthermore, significant differences between the two groups were found in the position of "present self" in relation to "ideal self". In this sense, the clinical group elicits more discrepant constructs in Courage, Wisdom, Transcendence, Moderation, Humanity and Justice, and the nonclinical group presents more congruent constructs in all virtues least Justice. Regarding dilemmatic constructs, more of them are showed in Moderation and Courage categories in the clinical group. Finally, patients with depression show low self-esteem and they perceive themselves different with respect to their social environment. These data, taken together with the positive correlation between the "ideal self" and "others" (perceived adequacy in the others), indicate a tentative profile of isolation in the clinical sample.

Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 2012
This bibliometric review covers the scientific production with or about the repertory grid techni... more This bibliometric review covers the scientific production with or about the repertory grid technique (RGT; Kelly, 1955/1991) between 1998 and 2007. An analysis of previous reviews suggests the need for a more careful and broad process of bibliographic research. With this aim, 24 bibliographic sources were used to cover a wide range of specialties. We began by drawing up an explicit protocol in which the research terms were detailed. Then we consulted the bibliographic sources, taking into account a specification of inclusion and exclusion criteria. As a result of this process, 973 references were obtained: 468 journal papers, 335 book chapters, 108 doctoral theses, and 62 books. The review also evaluates the types of documents found, the evolution of the number of works published, the repertory grid's fields of application, and the degree of openness to other disciplines. The most relevant authors, their affiliations, countries, and the publication language are also revealed in this article, as well as the major journals contributing to dissemination of the work done with this technique.

Acción Psicológica, 2012
A pesar de que la violencia en el noviazgo se inicia con frecuencia durante la adolescencia y que... more A pesar de que la violencia en el noviazgo se inicia con frecuencia durante la adolescencia y que se ha postulado como un factor de riesgo para formas graves de violencia en las parejas adultas, el corpus de investigación sobre esta problemática continúa siendo limitado. En este trabajo se investiga la direccionalidad y expresión conductual de las agresiones (psicológicas y físicas) cometidas y sufridas en las relaciones de noviazgo en una muestra (N = 69) de estudiantes con edades comprendidas entre los 16 y los 27 años. Los resultados hallados mostraron un patrón recíproco muy frecuente en la agresión psicológica pero, a medida que se agrava la expresión conductual de la violencia (e.g., golpes, amenazas o palizas), disminuye su carácter recíproco y se incrementa la unidireccionalidad de las agresiones. La variable género no predijo la direccionalidad de la violencia y no ejerció un efecto significativo sobre las variables de estudio, agresión cometida (perpetración) y agresión sufrida (victimización). Además, la violencia psicológica/verbal fue la modalidad agresiva más empleada por los agresores y más sufrida por las víctimas. El trabajo presenta implicaciones prácticas que pueden contribuir a hacer visible esta problemática y a concienciar y sensibilizar a los poderes públicos para el desarrollo de medidas de prevención de la violencia y de intervención con las víctimas.
The Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia has been collaborating with Utah Valley Univers... more The Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia has been collaborating with Utah Valley University creating "online videoconferences" held in both universities This project was intended to promote autonomous learning and to improve videoconference' structure, helping students with their foreign language competences. Every participant must assess their own Teaching Perspective and Learning Style, the quality of the resources used during the videoconference, and their satisfaction level. In order to evaluate teaching style, thematic and the videoconference as channel and/or learning resource, has been created and validate a new instrument. Partial results show the success of this initiative for the number of participants and viewers of the tutorials, and constructive feedback for a future improved version of this project.
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo principal recoger de qué forma se han planteado las unive... more El presente estudio tiene como objetivo principal recoger de qué forma se han planteado las universidades españolas la incorporación de este tipo de competencias, tanto desde el punto de vista institucional, como de titulación y asignatura.
Acción Psicológica, Jun 1, 2009
Psicológicos. Facultad de Psicología. UNED. Tlf.: 91 398 6275 / Fax: 91 398 6298. [email protected]... more Psicológicos. Facultad de Psicología. UNED. Tlf.: 91 398 6275 / Fax: 91 398 6298. [email protected] 2 Licenciada en Psicología, Doctoranda, UNED. 3 Profesora Ayudante, UNED.
Papers by M. Angeles López-González
Medline, Academic Search Ultimate, ProQuest, and PubPsych databases, complemented by a manual search on relevant websites and in the reference lists of the selected studies. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and quasi-RCTs of group-based psychodrama psychotherapy were included. The Effective Public Health Practice Project (EPHPP) tool was adopted to assess the methodological quality of the included studies. The search identified 14 RCTs and one quasi-RCT evaluating the effects of group-based psychodrama psychotherapy. The total number of participants in the studies was 642 people. Seven studies were conducted in Turkey, two in the USA, two in Finland, one in Canada, one in Brazil, one in Italy, and one in Iran. The heterogeneity of the issues analyzed indicates that psychodrama improves the symptoms associated with a wide range of problems. Despite psychodrama’s long history, most clinical trials in this field have been published this century, which suggests not only that this psychotherapeutic practice remains relevant today but also that it continues to attract substantial interest among the scientific community. Nevertheless, further research efforts are required to understand its potential benefits for psychosocial well-being.
El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar la autodefinición y la diferenciación del sí mismo de un grupo de pacientes con trastornos depresivos (n= 30) comparándolo con una muestra comunitaria (n= 30). Los significados personales de estos sujetos, elicitados a través de la Técnica de la Rejilla, se categorizaron según las virtudes y las fortalezas del carácter de Peterson y Seligman (2004) y se analizó la posición que las personas otorgan a los elementos “yo actual” y “yo ideal”. Además, se estudió la diferenciación del sí mismo a través del análisis de diferentes índices de medida cognitiva que evalúan la autoestima, el aislamiento social autopercibido y la adecuación percibida en los otros. Los resultados más destacables muestran que las personas con depresión presentan más constructos en las categorías autocontrol y autorregulación e inteligencia emocional, personal y social que la muestra comunitaria. Asimismo, se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos en la posición del “yo actual” en relación al “yo ideal”. En este sentido, el grupo clínico elicita un mayor número de constructos discrepantes en Coraje, Sabiduría, Transcendencia, Moderación, Humanidad y Justicia, y el grupo no clínico presenta más constructos congruentes en todas las virtudes menos en Justicia. En cuanto a los constructos dilemáticos, en el grupo clínico se observan más constructos en Coraje y Moderación. Finalmente, los pacientes con depresión presentan una baja autoestima, una construcción negativa del yo y se perciben diferentes con respecto a su entorno social. Estos datos, tomados en conjunto con la correlación positiva encontrada entre el “yo ideal” y los “otros” (adecuación percibida en los otros), indicaría un perfil de aislamiento en la muestra clínica.
The aim of this study was to explore the self-definition and self-differentiation of a group of patients with depressive disorders (n = 30) compared with a community sample (n = 30). Personal meanings of these subjects, elicited by Grid Technique, were categorized according to the virtues and character strengths of Peterson and Seligman (2004) and analyzed the position that people attach to the elements "present self" and "ideal self". In addition, it was studied the self-differentiation through the analysis of several indices that assess self-esteem, perceived social isolation and perceived adequacy in the others. The main results show that people with depression have more constructs in self-control, self-regulation and emotional, personal and social intelligence categories than community sample. Furthermore, significant differences between the two groups were found in the position of "present self" in relation to "ideal self". In this sense, the clinical group elicits more discrepant constructs in Courage, Wisdom, Transcendence, Moderation, Humanity and Justice, and the nonclinical group presents more congruent constructs in all virtues least Justice. Regarding dilemmatic constructs, more of them are showed in Moderation and Courage categories in the clinical group. Finally, patients with depression show low self-esteem and they perceive themselves different with respect to their social environment. These data, taken together with the positive correlation between the "ideal self" and "others" (perceived adequacy in the others), indicate a tentative profile of isolation in the clinical sample.
Medline, Academic Search Ultimate, ProQuest, and PubPsych databases, complemented by a manual search on relevant websites and in the reference lists of the selected studies. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and quasi-RCTs of group-based psychodrama psychotherapy were included. The Effective Public Health Practice Project (EPHPP) tool was adopted to assess the methodological quality of the included studies. The search identified 14 RCTs and one quasi-RCT evaluating the effects of group-based psychodrama psychotherapy. The total number of participants in the studies was 642 people. Seven studies were conducted in Turkey, two in the USA, two in Finland, one in Canada, one in Brazil, one in Italy, and one in Iran. The heterogeneity of the issues analyzed indicates that psychodrama improves the symptoms associated with a wide range of problems. Despite psychodrama’s long history, most clinical trials in this field have been published this century, which suggests not only that this psychotherapeutic practice remains relevant today but also that it continues to attract substantial interest among the scientific community. Nevertheless, further research efforts are required to understand its potential benefits for psychosocial well-being.
El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar la autodefinición y la diferenciación del sí mismo de un grupo de pacientes con trastornos depresivos (n= 30) comparándolo con una muestra comunitaria (n= 30). Los significados personales de estos sujetos, elicitados a través de la Técnica de la Rejilla, se categorizaron según las virtudes y las fortalezas del carácter de Peterson y Seligman (2004) y se analizó la posición que las personas otorgan a los elementos “yo actual” y “yo ideal”. Además, se estudió la diferenciación del sí mismo a través del análisis de diferentes índices de medida cognitiva que evalúan la autoestima, el aislamiento social autopercibido y la adecuación percibida en los otros. Los resultados más destacables muestran que las personas con depresión presentan más constructos en las categorías autocontrol y autorregulación e inteligencia emocional, personal y social que la muestra comunitaria. Asimismo, se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos en la posición del “yo actual” en relación al “yo ideal”. En este sentido, el grupo clínico elicita un mayor número de constructos discrepantes en Coraje, Sabiduría, Transcendencia, Moderación, Humanidad y Justicia, y el grupo no clínico presenta más constructos congruentes en todas las virtudes menos en Justicia. En cuanto a los constructos dilemáticos, en el grupo clínico se observan más constructos en Coraje y Moderación. Finalmente, los pacientes con depresión presentan una baja autoestima, una construcción negativa del yo y se perciben diferentes con respecto a su entorno social. Estos datos, tomados en conjunto con la correlación positiva encontrada entre el “yo ideal” y los “otros” (adecuación percibida en los otros), indicaría un perfil de aislamiento en la muestra clínica.
The aim of this study was to explore the self-definition and self-differentiation of a group of patients with depressive disorders (n = 30) compared with a community sample (n = 30). Personal meanings of these subjects, elicited by Grid Technique, were categorized according to the virtues and character strengths of Peterson and Seligman (2004) and analyzed the position that people attach to the elements "present self" and "ideal self". In addition, it was studied the self-differentiation through the analysis of several indices that assess self-esteem, perceived social isolation and perceived adequacy in the others. The main results show that people with depression have more constructs in self-control, self-regulation and emotional, personal and social intelligence categories than community sample. Furthermore, significant differences between the two groups were found in the position of "present self" in relation to "ideal self". In this sense, the clinical group elicits more discrepant constructs in Courage, Wisdom, Transcendence, Moderation, Humanity and Justice, and the nonclinical group presents more congruent constructs in all virtues least Justice. Regarding dilemmatic constructs, more of them are showed in Moderation and Courage categories in the clinical group. Finally, patients with depression show low self-esteem and they perceive themselves different with respect to their social environment. These data, taken together with the positive correlation between the "ideal self" and "others" (perceived adequacy in the others), indicate a tentative profile of isolation in the clinical sample.