Papers by Julián García-Labrador

Las Torres de Lucca 13(2), 2024
Resumen: El presente artículo expone la crítica a Kant realizada por los autores de la nueva cosm... more Resumen: El presente artículo expone la crítica a Kant realizada por los autores de la nueva cosmopolítica, corriente contestataria que renuncia al ideal de paz del cosmopolitismo, denunciando lo que Isabelle Stengers llama la tentación de Kant: la imposición de una paz trascendente que, impuesta de manera global como ajuste a un tribunal externo, encerraría una declaración de guerra. El artículo examina esta acusación y responde explicando el sentido del ideal cosmopolita en Kant y su relación con el logro de la paz y el progreso moral de la humanidad, señalando tres aspectos fundamentales: la relación del ideal kantiano con la plasticidad humana, el papel del conflicto en la antropología de Kant y la consideración kantiana de la humanidad como un todo moral. Se concluye indicando que, a la luz de estas matizaciones, esta impugnación de Kant habría de ser revisada.
The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 2024
This article shows the political adaptations of the yajé ritual in the Ecuadorian Amazon. It focu... more This article shows the political adaptations of the yajé ritual in the Ecuadorian Amazon. It focuses on the siekopái’s practices of resistance, negotiation, and self- affirmation around three contemporary issues: the recognition of their ancestral territory, the demand for reparations for environmental damage resulting from oil exploitation, and the management of care during the COVID-19 pandemic. We argue that the inclusion of the yajé ritual in these contexts corresponds to a contested shamanic tradition, and that the deployment of its political potential is due to com- munal reasons and the shamans’ negotiating skills in the invisible world. We conclude that the adaptations indicate an institutional flexibility that has allowed the siekopái to survive to this day in a changing and threatened environment.
Open philosophy, 2023
One of the effects of the so-called ontological turn has been to take the other so seriously that... more One of the effects of the so-called ontological turn has been to take the other so seriously that radical difference has been conceptualized ontologically. This stance has given rise, in some authors, as Descola, to a typological classification. However, we would suggest the possibility of a non-onto-typological anthropology based on Marion's phenomenology of givenness. With the phenomenology of givenness, from which phenomena are given to a giftedand therefore secondarysubject, this new understanding of subject allows us to think of phenomena as significations much more than as representations and to replace the discontinuity of ontological categories with the continuity of hermeneutics.
HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades, 2023
Este artículo muestra los paralelismos y las divergencias del giro ontológico y de la antropologí... more Este artículo muestra los paralelismos y las divergencias del giro ontológico y de la antropología fenomenológica. Ambas corrientes, en fidelidad al dato etnográfico, comparten el rechazo al régimen de representación y ambas corrientes cuestionan los compromisos epistémicos del investigador. Sin embargo, el giro ontológico presenta una orientación conceptual, que deriva a menudo en tipología, mientras que la antropología fenomenológica atiende a las relaciones perceptivas del mundo de la vida desde una apertura hermenéutica.

Journal of Anthropological Research 78 (2): 181-215, 2022
This paper discusses the relationship between shamanism and preaching by the missionaries of the ... more This paper discusses the relationship between shamanism and preaching by the missionaries of the Summer Institute for Linguistics in the context of conversion to Christianity in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The missionaries had demanded that the Secoya people abandon shamanism and convert to Christianity, and by the end of the twentieth century, they had apparently left it behind forever. However, shamanism is now reappearing. My hypothesis is that when the Secoya believers broke away from their shamanic past, they also abandoned their postmortem conviviality, which is updated and renewed through visions of their ancestors induced by drinking yajé. Hence, within the Secoya communities there is a division between those who embraced the faith and, therefore, renounced postmortem coexistence, and those for whom shamanism is an indispensable condition for ensuring that their dead are not lost in the depths of oblivion
Visual Review, 2022
L’anthropologie contemporaine a connu un véritable tournant ontologique l’obligeant à repenser no... more L’anthropologie contemporaine a connu un véritable tournant ontologique l’obligeant à repenser nombre de ses concepts. Pourtant, les auteurs montrent que l’ontologie, faisant de l’altérité une catégorie, ne peut étendre les limites de ce concept aussi loin qu’il le faudrait. Au travers de la phénoménologie de Jean-Luc Marion, il est possible de penser l’altérité et sa contre-intentionnalité non pas comme un type de phénomène enfermé dans des bornes fixées par un sujet transcendantal, mais comme une lecture possible de tout phénomène, à condition de savoir s’y rendre disponible par une anamorphose généralisée. Ainsi, l’altérité n’a pas à être décrite mais déclarée.
Disparidades. Revista de antropología, 2021
Este artículo muestra la articulación política de las comunas y comunidades indígenas constituida... more Este artículo muestra la articulación política de las comunas y comunidades indígenas constituidas como Pueblo Kitu Kara en la ciudad de Quito. Se examinan sus presupuestos identitarios como colectivo no-migrante y se explican los mecanismos organi- zativos que han permitido el re-descubrimiento de sus sistemas ancestrales de gobierno y la apropiación de elementos normativos constitucionales, tales como la democracia comunitaria. A través del enfoque etnográfico se explican las relaciones ontológicas entre estos sistemas ancestrales y el municipio, evidenciando las contradicciones normativas entre la constitución ecuatoriana de 2008 y la pervivencia de ordenamientos jurídicos anteriores

Journal of Political Ecology, 2020
The Secoya nation ( Siekopai ) of the Ecuadorian Upper Amazon, in its request for recognition of ... more The Secoya nation ( Siekopai ) of the Ecuadorian Upper Amazon, in its request for recognition of indigenous territories in a protected area, has appeared before the Republic of Ecuador's conservation regime with arguments based on an administrative and physical concept of territory. The Secoya worldview and culture, however, supposes an ontology of territory in which the geographic space, updated rituals, and their relationship with nature converge. In this article we analyze this important ontological difference in detail. We compare the territorial subjectivation processes produced by both ontologies: a Cartesian conceptual framework in the case of the State's political geography, and the Secoya's phenomenological ecology. Since the Secoya include a management plan for the protected area in their petition, it would seem they have internalized the State's rule regarding the principle of sustainability within conservation. We argue that sustainability is incompatible...

Antípoda Revista de Antropología y Arqueología, 2018
Authors analyzing Amerindian graphism have noted, on several
occasions, the important role played... more Authors analyzing Amerindian graphism have noted, on several
occasions, the important role played by the category of the invisible. Nonetheless,
and paradoxically, this invisible is not given as a lack of visibility since
it is not introduced as a denial of visibility but rather, on the contrary, as its
excess. It is due to our incapacity to receive the wholeness of what is given,
that certain things remain invisible. This work shows that Jean-Luc Marion’s
phenomenology of givenness allows us to consider invisibility due to the excess
of visibility, through the category of “saturated phenomena” applied to
the analysis of the idol and the icon. Using the phenomenological model of
anamorphosis, it is demonstrated that invisibility due to excess, makes us rethink
the relationship between the Subject and what appears, and the modality
of the invisible, which is not represented but signified. The Subject must
abandon its transcendental primacy and make itself secondary with regards
the phenomenon, in order to receive the invisible significance that is given
behind the representative poorness of the Amazonian art. As such, from different
perspectives, both Amazon studies and phenomenology allow us to
overcome the end of metaphysics.
Ketzalcalli, 2017
El chamanismo es, en las culturas amazónicas, una de las señas identitarias más reconocibles. Su ... more El chamanismo es, en las culturas amazónicas, una de las señas identitarias más reconocibles. Su práctica implica la interacción de las prácticas comunitarias con la vivencia personal de los participantes en estados expandidos de conciencia. Los Secoya de la Alta Amazonía hacen del ritual del chamanismo una ocasión para reactualizar los mitos del origen y afianzar los vínculos de pertenencia. Ofrecemos la transcripción de un testimonio personal y explicamos sus particularidades, relacionando la experiencia individual de un tomador de yajé con la historicidad de la comunidad a la que pertenece.

Linha mestra. 38, pp.96-105, 2019
El objeto del presente art culo es presentar la integraci n de la intensidad deleuziana en el cor... more El objeto del presente art culo es presentar la integraci n de la intensidad deleuziana en el corpus de la obra de Viveiros, especialmente en su Metafísicas caníbales. Para Viveiros de Castro la relaci n con la diferencia se construye desde la predaci n. De esta manera, en las culturas amazónicas los enemigos son asimilados como afines cuando son depredados. Pero antes de que el proceso de metamorfosis devenga historia, el mito se eleva como la categoría central de comprensión. El mito es para Viveiros el régimen atemporal de diferencia ontológica intensiva. Todas las potencialidades de ser se reúnen en su tensión diferencial en el mito. Viveiros remite a Deleuze para comprender que el mito determina las condiciones intensivas del sistema. De esta manera, Viveiros hace de Deleuze el interlocutor privilegiado para comprender las dinámicas humanas de los pueblos amerindios desde la intensión y la extensión.

Revista de Estudios Globales y Arte Contemporáneo, 2020
Los Siekopaai son una de las 14 nacionalidades indigenas reconocidas por el Estado ecuatoriano. H... more Los Siekopaai son una de las 14 nacionalidades indigenas reconocidas por el Estado ecuatoriano. Habitan la region amazonica en la frontera norte entre Ecuador y Peru y pertenecen al grupo linguistico tukano occidental. En sus negociaciones con la administracion estatal tratan de ver reconocido su territorio ancestral, toda vez que este ha sido mermado y usurpado en diferentes etapas y desde multiples intereses (explotacion petrolera, agroindustria, conservacionismo). En estas reivindicaciones los Siekopaai se presentan ataviados con sus cushmas , pintura facial, coronas rituales, etc., mostrando una cosmovision chamanica dificilmente comprensible para los funcionarios estatales. El objeto del presente articulo es evidenciar que la estetica de los Siekopaai es indice de una ontologia politica, en la que las relaciones bio-sociales de la selva amazonica constituyen el continuum natualeza – sociedad. Painting the world, meaning the life. The aesthetics of Tukano people as a political o...
Humanidades e innovaçao 10 (8), 2023
El objeto del presente texto es mostrar que en América Latina la impunidad por la violación de De... more El objeto del presente texto es mostrar que en América Latina la impunidad por la violación de Derechos Humanos guarda una estrecha relación con el déficit democrático en los diferentes Estados. Se argumenta que, al no existir mecanismos nacionales de sanción, se anula la dimensión preventiva tras la violación de los Derechos Humanos y que el fortalecimiento de la sociedad civil conduciría a una disminución de la impunidad. Se concluye indicando que este fortalecimiento y la conjugación con instrumentos y estructuras regionales daría lugar a la construcción de una democracia cosmopolita de carácter regional que garantizara la verdad, justicia, reparación y prevención en materia de Derechos Humanos

Bajo Palabra. Revista de Filosofía 30: 239-264, 2022
El presente artículo se centra en la visión arendtiana de los campos de concentración como imagen... more El presente artículo se centra en la visión arendtiana de los campos de concentración como imagen del infierno. Se explica que esta imagen aparece en la medida en que el hombre moderno es capaz de establecer una imagen en términos de dominio. Arendt asume que la producción moderna de la imagen del infierno descansa sobre dos supuestos: la inmanencia del mundo secularizado y la fenomenología de la apariencia. En este marco interpretativo, dependiente de la heideggeriana ontología de la totalidad, los campos de concentración fueron la imagen del infierno porque la deshumanización de las víctimas aparecía como una posibilidad factible. Se concluye destacando, de la mano de Lévinas, que esta interpretación arendtiana de los campos de concentración revela sus limitaciones al no poder pensar la alteridad más allá de la inmanencia del mundo
Techno Review. International Technology, Science and Society Review 11 (2): 121-139, 2022
This paper presents Arendt's posthumanist prophecies and establishes the relationship with her an... more This paper presents Arendt's posthumanist prophecies and establishes the relationship with her analysis of modern technoscience. It stresses the ambivalent role that technology plays in her thought. Arendt affirms, on the one hand, the political neutrality of technology; but, on the other hand, she foresees that the future modification of the human condition, thanks to technology, could lead to a stage of such passivity that humanity abandons itself to an endless vital process in which a properly human world is no longer possible.
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía, 2019
The notion of “event” is often used, in contemporary philosophy, as a way to overcome the end of ... more The notion of “event” is often used, in contemporary philosophy, as a way to overcome the end of metaphysics since it challenges both the metaphysical conditions of appearing and knowing. Thanks to a comparative analysis of the works of Hannah Arendt and Jean-Luc Marion, the authors show that even though the event appears as a questioning of the modern concept of history in the texts of the former, and as a modality of saturated phenomena in the Marion’s phenomenology of givenness, its use allows us to re-evaluate the relationship of both philosophers with metaphysics. After pointing out a fundamental difference of the conception of the event in Arendt and Marion, it is then possible to reveal their position regarding the possibility of thinking after the end of metaphysics.
Tsafiqui, 2017
Myth’s analysis fossilizes it and disconnects it from its original function and its deeper meanin... more Myth’s analysis fossilizes it and disconnects it from its original function and its deeper meaning. Starting from the testimony of the Australian Aboriginal People have been identified four possible levels of meaning for myths, and using semiological method, we have as a goal to find out if this interpretation process could be common to every culture having in the myth an immaterial collective heritage. We propose a name for these levels of analysis and meaning, providing examples from various cultures, from diverse times and territories. The result is a verification of the most intimate level in the meaning of myth, being aware that scientific methods always will keep us away from the more personal and living layer of myth interpretation, the one that constitutes the individual patrimony.
Antípoda 33. Antropología de la imagen... by Julián García-Labrador

Antípoda. Revista de Antropología y Arqueología, 2018
Resumen: Los autores que analizan el grafismo amerindio han señalado en múltiples ocasiones el pa... more Resumen: Los autores que analizan el grafismo amerindio han señalado en múltiples ocasiones el papel primordial que ocupa en estos la categoría invisible. Sin embargo, paradójicamente, este invisible no se da como falta o carencia de visibilidad, puesto que no se presenta como la negación de la visibilidad sino, al contrario, como exceso de esta. Es por nuestra incapacidad de recibir la totalidad de lo que se da, que ciertas cosas permanecen invisibles. Mostramos en este trabajo que la fenomenología de la donación de Jean-Luc Marion nos permite pensar la invisibilidad por exceso de visibilidad, gracias a la categoría “fenómenos saturados”, aplicada al análisis del ídolo y del ícono. Utilizando el modelo fenomenológico de la anamorfosis, mostramos que la invisibilidad por exceso nos impone repensar tanto la relación entre el Sujeto y lo que aparece como la modalidad de lo invisible, que deja de ser representado para ser significado. El Sujeto debe abandonar su primacía trascendental y hacerse secundario frente al fenómeno, con el fin de poder recibir la significación invisible que se da detrás de la pobreza representativa del arte amazónico. Así, partiendo de diferentes perspectivas, tanto los estudios amazónicos como la fenomenología nos permiten superar las aporías del fin de la metafísica.
Palabras clave: Thesaurus: Amazonía. Autores: fenomenología; invisible; invisto; Jean-Luc Marion.
The Glow of the Invisible Forest: Towards a Phenomenology of Unseen Significance
Abstract: Authors analyzing Amerindian graphism have noted, on several occasions, the important role played by the category of the invisible. Nonetheless, and paradoxically, this invisible is not given as a lack of visibility since it is not introduced as a denial of visibility but rather, on the contrary, as its excess. It is due to our incapacity to receive the wholeness of what is given, that certain things remain invisible. This work shows that Jean-Luc Marion’s phenomenology of givenness allows us to consider invisibility due to the excess of visibility, through the category of “saturated phenomena” applied to the analysis of the idol and the icon. Using the phenomenological model of anamorphosis, it is demonstrated that invisibility due to excess, makes us rethink the relationship between the Subject and what appears, and the modality of the invisible, which is not represented but signified. The Subject must abandon its transcendental primacy and make itself secondary with regards the phenomenon, in order to receive the invisible significance that is given behind the representative poorness of the Amazonian art. As such, from different perspectives, both Amazon studies and phenomenology allow us to overcome the end of metaphysics.
Keywords: Thesaurus: Amazonia. Authors: Invisible; unseen; Jean-Luc Marion; Phenomenology.
O resplendor da selva invisível: para uma fenomenologia das significações não vistas
Resumo: Os autores que analisam o grafismo ameríndio assinalaram em múltiplas ocasiões o papel primordial que a categoria invisível ocupa nele. No entanto, paradoxalmente, esse invisível não se dá como falta ou carência de visibilidade, já que não se apresenta como a negação da visibilidade, mas, ao contrário, como excesso. É devido à nossa incapacidade de receber a totalidade do que se dá que certas coisas permanecem invisíveis. Mostramos neste trabalho que a fenomenologia da doação de Jean-Luc Marion nos permite pensar a invisibilidade como excesso de visibilidade, graças à categoria “fenômenos saturados”, aplicada à análise do ídolo e do ícone. Ao utilizar o modelo fenomenológico da anamorfose, mostramos que a invisibilidade por excesso nos obriga a repensar tanto a relação entre o Sujeito e o que aparece quanto a modalidade do invisível, que deixa de ser representado para ser significado. O Sujeito deve abandonar sua primazia transcendental e tornar-se secundário diante do fenômeno, com o fim de poder receber a significação invisível que ocorre por trás da pobreza representativa da arte amazônica. Assim, ao partir de diferentes perspectivas, tanto os estudos amazônicos quanto a fenomenologia nos permitem superar as aporias do fim da metafísica.
Palavras-chave: Thesaurus: Amazônia; fenomenologia. Autores: invisível; não visto; Jean-Luc Marion.
Books by Julián García-Labrador
Conferences by Julián García-Labrador
V Congreso Latinoamericano de Etnobiología, 2017
Papers by Julián García-Labrador
occasions, the important role played by the category of the invisible. Nonetheless,
and paradoxically, this invisible is not given as a lack of visibility since
it is not introduced as a denial of visibility but rather, on the contrary, as its
excess. It is due to our incapacity to receive the wholeness of what is given,
that certain things remain invisible. This work shows that Jean-Luc Marion’s
phenomenology of givenness allows us to consider invisibility due to the excess
of visibility, through the category of “saturated phenomena” applied to
the analysis of the idol and the icon. Using the phenomenological model of
anamorphosis, it is demonstrated that invisibility due to excess, makes us rethink
the relationship between the Subject and what appears, and the modality
of the invisible, which is not represented but signified. The Subject must
abandon its transcendental primacy and make itself secondary with regards
the phenomenon, in order to receive the invisible significance that is given
behind the representative poorness of the Amazonian art. As such, from different
perspectives, both Amazon studies and phenomenology allow us to
overcome the end of metaphysics.
Antípoda 33. Antropología de la imagen... by Julián García-Labrador
Palabras clave: Thesaurus: Amazonía. Autores: fenomenología; invisible; invisto; Jean-Luc Marion.
The Glow of the Invisible Forest: Towards a Phenomenology of Unseen Significance
Abstract: Authors analyzing Amerindian graphism have noted, on several occasions, the important role played by the category of the invisible. Nonetheless, and paradoxically, this invisible is not given as a lack of visibility since it is not introduced as a denial of visibility but rather, on the contrary, as its excess. It is due to our incapacity to receive the wholeness of what is given, that certain things remain invisible. This work shows that Jean-Luc Marion’s phenomenology of givenness allows us to consider invisibility due to the excess of visibility, through the category of “saturated phenomena” applied to the analysis of the idol and the icon. Using the phenomenological model of anamorphosis, it is demonstrated that invisibility due to excess, makes us rethink the relationship between the Subject and what appears, and the modality of the invisible, which is not represented but signified. The Subject must abandon its transcendental primacy and make itself secondary with regards the phenomenon, in order to receive the invisible significance that is given behind the representative poorness of the Amazonian art. As such, from different perspectives, both Amazon studies and phenomenology allow us to overcome the end of metaphysics.
Keywords: Thesaurus: Amazonia. Authors: Invisible; unseen; Jean-Luc Marion; Phenomenology.
O resplendor da selva invisível: para uma fenomenologia das significações não vistas
Resumo: Os autores que analisam o grafismo ameríndio assinalaram em múltiplas ocasiões o papel primordial que a categoria invisível ocupa nele. No entanto, paradoxalmente, esse invisível não se dá como falta ou carência de visibilidade, já que não se apresenta como a negação da visibilidade, mas, ao contrário, como excesso. É devido à nossa incapacidade de receber a totalidade do que se dá que certas coisas permanecem invisíveis. Mostramos neste trabalho que a fenomenologia da doação de Jean-Luc Marion nos permite pensar a invisibilidade como excesso de visibilidade, graças à categoria “fenômenos saturados”, aplicada à análise do ídolo e do ícone. Ao utilizar o modelo fenomenológico da anamorfose, mostramos que a invisibilidade por excesso nos obriga a repensar tanto a relação entre o Sujeito e o que aparece quanto a modalidade do invisível, que deixa de ser representado para ser significado. O Sujeito deve abandonar sua primazia transcendental e tornar-se secundário diante do fenômeno, com o fim de poder receber a significação invisível que ocorre por trás da pobreza representativa da arte amazônica. Assim, ao partir de diferentes perspectivas, tanto os estudos amazônicos quanto a fenomenologia nos permitem superar as aporias do fim da metafísica.
Palavras-chave: Thesaurus: Amazônia; fenomenologia. Autores: invisível; não visto; Jean-Luc Marion.
Books by Julián García-Labrador
Conferences by Julián García-Labrador
occasions, the important role played by the category of the invisible. Nonetheless,
and paradoxically, this invisible is not given as a lack of visibility since
it is not introduced as a denial of visibility but rather, on the contrary, as its
excess. It is due to our incapacity to receive the wholeness of what is given,
that certain things remain invisible. This work shows that Jean-Luc Marion’s
phenomenology of givenness allows us to consider invisibility due to the excess
of visibility, through the category of “saturated phenomena” applied to
the analysis of the idol and the icon. Using the phenomenological model of
anamorphosis, it is demonstrated that invisibility due to excess, makes us rethink
the relationship between the Subject and what appears, and the modality
of the invisible, which is not represented but signified. The Subject must
abandon its transcendental primacy and make itself secondary with regards
the phenomenon, in order to receive the invisible significance that is given
behind the representative poorness of the Amazonian art. As such, from different
perspectives, both Amazon studies and phenomenology allow us to
overcome the end of metaphysics.
Palabras clave: Thesaurus: Amazonía. Autores: fenomenología; invisible; invisto; Jean-Luc Marion.
The Glow of the Invisible Forest: Towards a Phenomenology of Unseen Significance
Abstract: Authors analyzing Amerindian graphism have noted, on several occasions, the important role played by the category of the invisible. Nonetheless, and paradoxically, this invisible is not given as a lack of visibility since it is not introduced as a denial of visibility but rather, on the contrary, as its excess. It is due to our incapacity to receive the wholeness of what is given, that certain things remain invisible. This work shows that Jean-Luc Marion’s phenomenology of givenness allows us to consider invisibility due to the excess of visibility, through the category of “saturated phenomena” applied to the analysis of the idol and the icon. Using the phenomenological model of anamorphosis, it is demonstrated that invisibility due to excess, makes us rethink the relationship between the Subject and what appears, and the modality of the invisible, which is not represented but signified. The Subject must abandon its transcendental primacy and make itself secondary with regards the phenomenon, in order to receive the invisible significance that is given behind the representative poorness of the Amazonian art. As such, from different perspectives, both Amazon studies and phenomenology allow us to overcome the end of metaphysics.
Keywords: Thesaurus: Amazonia. Authors: Invisible; unseen; Jean-Luc Marion; Phenomenology.
O resplendor da selva invisível: para uma fenomenologia das significações não vistas
Resumo: Os autores que analisam o grafismo ameríndio assinalaram em múltiplas ocasiões o papel primordial que a categoria invisível ocupa nele. No entanto, paradoxalmente, esse invisível não se dá como falta ou carência de visibilidade, já que não se apresenta como a negação da visibilidade, mas, ao contrário, como excesso. É devido à nossa incapacidade de receber a totalidade do que se dá que certas coisas permanecem invisíveis. Mostramos neste trabalho que a fenomenologia da doação de Jean-Luc Marion nos permite pensar a invisibilidade como excesso de visibilidade, graças à categoria “fenômenos saturados”, aplicada à análise do ídolo e do ícone. Ao utilizar o modelo fenomenológico da anamorfose, mostramos que a invisibilidade por excesso nos obriga a repensar tanto a relação entre o Sujeito e o que aparece quanto a modalidade do invisível, que deixa de ser representado para ser significado. O Sujeito deve abandonar sua primazia transcendental e tornar-se secundário diante do fenômeno, com o fim de poder receber a significação invisível que ocorre por trás da pobreza representativa da arte amazônica. Assim, ao partir de diferentes perspectivas, tanto os estudos amazônicos quanto a fenomenologia nos permitem superar as aporias do fim da metafísica.
Palavras-chave: Thesaurus: Amazônia; fenomenologia. Autores: invisível; não visto; Jean-Luc Marion.