Journal Articles by Javier Ortiz Echagüe
Art in Translation, 2022
During the Cold War Picasso’s Guernica was on loan at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Throu... more During the Cold War Picasso’s Guernica was on loan at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Throughout this period, its interpretation was the subject of much debate. The museum was interested in situating the painting within its own narrative of twentieth-century art history, while, at the same time, the painting functioned as an icon in contemporary political struggles in the form of reproductions and pictorial versions. This article reviews some of these contradictory positions towards Picasso’s work during this intense “battle for the interpretation”.
Goya. Revista de arte, 2022

Arte, individuo y sociedad, 2019
The work of the artist Antoni Tàpies (1923-2012) has been widely studied from different disciplin... more The work of the artist Antoni Tàpies (1923-2012) has been widely studied from different disciplines, including his analytical and syncretic vision. This article tries to analyze one of its aesthetic keys: in particular, the conceptualization of its idea process, using the synthesis that appears in the graphic story The Most Beautiful Panting in the World published by Ralph Herrmanns in 1970, in which Tàpies is represented as a character-artist. The friendship that emerges between Tàpies and Herrmanns allows the creative freedom of the latter, who, as an exceptional interpreter, is capable of capturing Tàpies' thought in the tale. The study of this graphic story also allows us to advance in the study of some educational variables that can intervene in the teaching-learning processes of the arts, such as the artist's relationship with the educational intention that appears as a moral in the story-tale. In this moral of a fable, as a conclusion or educational synthesis, Tàpies tries to express his aesthetic thinking about the creative process, represented in his artistic work.

Fotocinema. Revista científica de cine y fotografía, 2020
Photobooks are fundamental for the dissemination of photography and their study in recent times h... more Photobooks are fundamental for the dissemination of photography and their study in recent times has led to a recovery of the “other history” of the medium. This article explores with five publications by, respectively, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Paul Graham, Carlos Spottorno, Roger Grasas and Federico Clavarino. Their common thread is the idea of Europe. Analyzing the work of these authors allows us to observe how the same theme has been treated, beginning from the Second Post-War years up to more recent works released after the 2008 crisis. They present us with fundamental questions about the configuration of a European identity that is not exempt from conflicts: the inheritance of a cumbersome past, the north-south and/or east-west divides, cultural clichés, the way in which the exercise of power affects citizens. The article identifies the conceptual approaches of each photobook, as well as the thematic and aesthetic elements that define them, in close connection with their respective historical and creative contexts.
Comunicaçao Pública, 2017
El argonauta español, 2015
Comunicación & Sociedad, Jan 2014
Around 1950 there was an intense debate about U.S. aid to Francoist Spain. American magazines suc... more Around 1950 there was an intense debate about U.S. aid to Francoist Spain. American magazines such as Look and Life devoted attention to the Spanish issue, and used photo essays to visually argue their positions. This article seeks to examine how this controversy was created through these photo essays that appeared in American magazines, the reaction of the Spanish public, and the response to American critics by magazines such as Mundo Hispánico and Semana. These cases demonstrate how part of the debate was also an image campaign structured around photo essays published in said illustrated magazines.
Goya. Revista de Arte, Jan 1, 2013
Goya. Revista de Arte, Jan 1, 2012
History of Photography, 2011
The photographs of José Ortiz Echagüe are often read in terms of artistic and documentary values,... more The photographs of José Ortiz Echagüe are often read in terms of artistic and documentary values, with the two poles in tension within his work. Echagüe's project Spain. Types and Costumes was an attempt to document systematically traditional Spanish costumes. At the ...
History of Photography, Jan 1, 2011
Revista de Occidente, Feb 1, 2010
ZER.Revista de Estudios de Comunicación, Jan 1, 2010
Books by Javier Ortiz Echagüe
Compilación de escritos de y sobre José Val del Omar publicada por el Bafici (Buenos Aires Festiv... more Compilación de escritos de y sobre José Val del Omar publicada por el Bafici (Buenos Aires Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente). Introducción y selección de Elena Duque. Con textos de: José Val del Omar, Gonzalo Sáenz de Buruaga, Javier Ortiz Echagüe, Roman Gubern, Nicole Brenez, Carlos Muguiro, Víctor Erice, Salvador Pániker, Eugeni Bonet, Pedro Jiménez, Thomas Beard, Rafael Llano, Javier Codesal, Manuel VIllegas López, Cristóbal Simancas, entre otros.
El Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía mantiene, en paralelo a su programa de exposiciones,... more El Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía mantiene, en paralelo a su programa de exposiciones, actividades públicas y proyectos educativos, una intensa labor de investigación que revierte de manera directa en los contenidos de sus colecciones. Los proyectos que se llevan a cabo desde el Museo en la línea de recuperación de capítulos olvidados o escasamente investigados de la historia del arte se ven así reflejados en iniciativas como la que presenta este volumen: un recorrido histórico a través de la evolución en España de un género a la vez editorial y visual como es el fotolibro. Se trata de un proyecto que ve ahora la luz en forma de exposición y que, gracias a la colaboración con Acción Cultural Española (AC/E), se extenderá en el tiempo a través de este libro y de la presentación de la muestra en diversos centros a nivel internacional.
In parallel to its program of exhibitions, public activities, and educational projects, the Museo... more In parallel to its program of exhibitions, public activities, and educational projects, the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía conducts intensive research that has a direct impact on its collections. The projects undertaken by the museum in the field of recovering forgotten or seldom studied chapters of art history are thus reflected in initiatives such as the one presented in this book, which examines history through the development in Spain of the photobook, a genre that is both editorial and visual. The project has come to fruition in the form of an exhibition that, thanks to the collaboration of Acción Cultural Española (AC/E), will be prolonged through this book and through the showing of the exhibition at various international venues.
Journal Articles by Javier Ortiz Echagüe
Books by Javier Ortiz Echagüe