Papers by Isabel Soriano Pinar
The Journal of Technology Transfer
This paper attempts to analyze the association between corporate governance - measured by the exe... more This paper attempts to analyze the association between corporate governance - measured by the exercise of control by larger shareholders and the board of directors- and corporate entrepreneurship for businesses quoted on the Madrid Stock-Exchange. Under the hypothesis of management opportunist behavior and being consistent with agency theory, this paper contrasts the existence of a greater corporate entrepreneurship when an effective control over the management does not exist, and the executives are significant shareholders. Thus, the authors examine two sources of influence on managerial support for corporate entrepreneurship: the firms ownership structure and its governance system. Their objective was to understand how firm characteristics -in terms firm corporate governance attributes- influences the decisions about entering in new businesses or markets.
Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, 2005
El impacto del espíritu emprendedor en los resultados...

Esic market, 2014
The following paper aims to analyze gender differences in entrepreneurial orientation. Based on t... more The following paper aims to analyze gender differences in entrepreneurial orientation. Based on the model of entrepreneurship orientation for the intrapreneurship, we have analyzed the proactivity, creativity, innovation and risk propensity as variables that capture the profile of the individual entrepreneur in the pre-stage company. To perform the analysis we have selected a sample of students from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos who attended extracurricular seminars on “Entrepreneurship and Leadership”. The study of gender difference has been made by a study of mean differences and a classification study by the method of discriminant analysis. The results not only indicate that there are significant differences in entrepreneurial behavior due to gender differences, but also the study of the group classification confirms the existence of distinct groups associated with gender. Specifically, the feminine gender is more risk averse and is considered less innovative. However, regarding proactivity, the feminine gender is associated more to attributes relating to responsibility, discipline and independence, and the masculine to initiative and leadership positions. Keywords: Gender, entrepreneurial behavior, study of attitudes, entrepreneurship.

El fenomeno del Corporate Entrepreneurship esta cobrando cada vez mayor importancia en el desarro... more El fenomeno del Corporate Entrepreneurship esta cobrando cada vez mayor importancia en el desarrollo y crecimiento de las empresas, en la obtencion de beneficios y en la renovacion estrategica y organizativa, lo que ha supuesto un creciente desarrollo de investigaciones que tratan de explicar las actividades del entrepreneurship en el interior de las empresas. Sin embargo, las investigaciones en este campo se han desarrollado desde diversos puntos de vista, por lo que el objeto de este trabajo es presentar un modelo teorico que ponga de manifiesto los factores que influyen en la aparicion de las actividades de Corporate Entrepreneurship en las empresas, asi como poner de manifiesto las diferencias entre los conceptos que cada punto de vista proporciona del mismo con el objeto de proporcionar una definicion que integre los aspectos mas relevantes de los distintos enfoques. Finalmente, el modelo pretende poner de manifiesto las principales medidas de las iniciativas del Corporate Entrepreneurship, que han sido desarrolladas y que tienen un significativo impacto en el Corporate Entrepreneurship, como son el tamano de la empresa, los sistemas de gobierno, la edad y la estructura de la propiedad entre otros.

El fenomeno del Corporate Entrepreneurship esta cobrando cada vez mayor importancia en el desarro... more El fenomeno del Corporate Entrepreneurship esta cobrando cada vez mayor importancia en el desarrollo y crecimiento de las empresas, en la obtencion de beneficios y en la renovacion estrategica y organizativa, lo que ha supuesto un creciente desarrollo de investigaciones que tratan de explicar las actividades del entrepreneurship en el interior de las empresas. Sin embargo, las investigaciones en este campo se han desarrollado desde diversos puntos de vista, por lo que el objeto de este trabajo es presentar un modelo teorico que ponga de manifiesto los factores que influyen en la aparicion de las actividades de Corporate Entrepreneurship en las empresas, asi como poner de manifiesto las diferencias entre los conceptos que cada punto de vista proporciona del mismo con el objeto de proporcionar una definicion que integre los aspectos mas relevantes de los distintos enfoques. Finalmente, el modelo pretende poner de manifiesto las principales medidas de las iniciativas del Corporate Entr...
Los avances en tecnologia de la informacion y las comunicaciones, asi como la mayor hostilidad de... more Los avances en tecnologia de la informacion y las comunicaciones, asi como la mayor hostilidad del entorno, han influido en el diseno de los procesos organizativos actuales. Esto ha provocado que las empresas se planteen la externalizacion de distintos procesos, lo cual conduce hacia un fenomeno conocido como virtualizacion de los sistemas productivos. En este trabajo se presenta, en primer lugar, una definicion integradora de los sistemas virtuales. Ademas, se desarrolla su caracterizacion a partir del grado de virtualidad que presentan estas estructuras. Este analisis permite construir finalmente un modelo explicativo del potencial de creacion de valor de los sistemas virtuales frente a las alternativas tradicionales.

Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2019
PurposeThis paper aim to propose a model of analysis that justifies gamification as an adequate t... more PurposeThis paper aim to propose a model of analysis that justifies gamification as an adequate tool to improve the design of services through the human centered design (HCD) methodology.Design/methodology/approachThe present study is a conceptual contribution. Based on the information provided by the academic literature on the design of services, HCD and gamification, the suitability of the proposed model is justified to help the servitized companies to improve the design of their services.FindingsThere is a gap in the academic literature about how a servitized company develops its service design process; consumers demand experiences through services; involving consumers in the co-creation of value and co-design of services can guide servitized companies to achieve success with servitization; gamification is an effective tool as a relational marketing strategy.Research limitations/implicationsThe review of the literature carried out in this paper provides a solid theoretical basis ...

ESIC MARKET Economic and Business Journal, 2014
The following paper aims to analyze gender differences in entrepreneurial orientation. Based on t... more The following paper aims to analyze gender differences in entrepreneurial orientation. Based on the model of entrepreneurship orientation for the intrapreneurship, we have analyzed the proactivity, creativity, innovation and risk propensity as variables that capture the profile of the individual entrepreneur in the pre-stage company. To perform the analysis we have selected a sample of students from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos who attended extracurricular seminars on “Entrepreneurship and Leadership”. The study of gender difference has been made by a study of mean differences and a classification study by the method of discriminant analysis. The results not only indicate that there are significant differences in entrepreneurial behavior due to gender differences, but also the study of the group classification confirms the existence of distinct groups associated with gender. Specifically, the feminine gender is more risk averse and is considered less innovative. However, regardin...
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 2018
The aim of this paper is to identify the changes in the intellectual structure of research on ser... more The aim of this paper is to identify the changes in the intellectual structure of research on servitization between 1980 and 2015 by using a proven methodology such as bibliometric technique. The results show that the provision of services in any organization is taking on greater strategic importance. This paper contributes to understand how this topic has evolved thus completing the investigation carried out by other authors. It also highlights the research lines that have been developed until now and the future directions for servitization research.
Revista Europea De Direccion Y Economia De La Empresa, 2005
El impacto del espíritu emprendedor en los resultados...
This paper attempts to analyze the association between corporate governance - measured by the exe... more This paper attempts to analyze the association between corporate governance - measured by the exercise of control by larger shareholders and the board of directors- and corporate entrepreneurship for businesses quoted on the Madrid Stock-Exchange. Under the hypothesis of management opportunist behavior and being consistent with agency theory, this paper contrasts the existence of a greater corporate entrepreneurship when an effective control over the management does not exist, and the executives are significant shareholders. Thus, the authors examine two sources of influence on managerial support for corporate entrepreneurship: the firms ownership structure and its governance system. Their objective was to understand how firm characteristics -in terms firm corporate governance attributes- influences the decisions about entering in new businesses or markets.
Revista madri+ …, 2005
... FERNÁNDEZ MONROY, M. (2003): “Modelo de Comportamiento de la Organización Virtual: Una Aplica... more ... FERNÁNDEZ MONROY, M. (2003): “Modelo de Comportamiento de la Organización Virtual: Una Aplicación Empírica a los Sistemas de Franquicia”, Tesis Doctoral, Universidad de las Palmas ... LIPNACK, J.; STAMPS, J. (1997): Virtual Teams, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Nueva York ...
Estableciendo puentes en …, 2008
Este artículo trata de explicar las considerables diferencias entre países en el ratio de activid... more Este artículo trata de explicar las considerables diferencias entre países en el ratio de actividad emprendedora (TEA), a partir de un análisis de los valores y de las motivaciones que impulsan a la actividad emprendedora y que resultan asociados al nivel de desarrollo económico del país. Tradicionalmente se han considerado la motivación al logro y la independencia como los principales impulsores del comportamiento emprendedor del individuo; sin embargo, apenas han sido considerados estos elementos, a nivel de país y en relación con el TEA. El nivel de desarrollo de un país conlleva el tipo de necesidades sin cubrir así como qué es lo que valora esa sociedad. Las necesidades sin cubrir se configuran como elementos motivadores determinantes del comportamiento (Maslow) y explican una parte de las diferencias en los niveles de actividad emprendedora.
Papers by Isabel Soriano Pinar