Papers by Carmen gallardo Pino
... Ana Martínez Pérez, URJC. Cecilia Peñacoba Puente, URJC. Resumen ... El curso de verano Habil... more ... Ana Martínez Pérez, URJC. Cecilia Peñacoba Puente, URJC. Resumen ... El curso de verano Habilidades para la una vida saludable (julio de 2008) fue un paso decisivo hacia la constitución de un grupo de agentes promotores de salud en la URJC ...

Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 2013
We aimed to determine the prevalence of contraceptive methods and identify factors associated wit... more We aimed to determine the prevalence of contraceptive methods and identify factors associated with the use of contraception by Greek female higher education students. Cross-sectional epidemiologic survey on the factors determining the use of contraception among higher educational students. 3,624 female students between 18 and 26 years of age. We used primary individualized data drawn from a survey carried among female college students in Greece. The dependent dichotomous variables were the responses "YES" or "NO" to the question: "During the last 12 months, what contraceptive method have you generally used in your sexual intercourses?" The methods were male condoms, oral contraceptive use (OCs) and emergency contraception (EC). The independent variables which were analysed in this survey were socio-demographic characteristics, variables related to lifestyle and variables associated with sexual habits. Condom was the most widely used (53.87%). The variables associated independently and significantly with a greater likelihood of the use of condoms were condom use at first sexual intercourse, occupational status and higher educational level of parents. As for OCs, those who had relationship, had more than 2 sexual lifetime partners and had ever visited gynecologist (OR 6.40; 95%CI 2.80-9.40) was more likely to use. For the use of EC, those who were older, had relationship, were smokers and had more than 2 sexual lifetime partners (OR 2.15; 95%CI 1.75-2.64), was more likely to use this method. Condom is the most used contraceptive method among female higher educational students in Greece, followed by EC. The variable most strongly associated with use of the OCs was a gynecologist visit. The factors associated with use of EC were having more than 2 sexual partners, smoking, and having a stable sexual partner.
Evaluacion De Competencias En El Marco Del Espacio Europeo De Educacion Superior 2010 Isbn 978 84 693 4610 5 Pags 157 165, 2010

Global health promotion, Jan 15, 2014
Las universidades de Iberoamérica han desarrollado importantes acciones para el fortalecimiento d... more Las universidades de Iberoamérica han desarrollado importantes acciones para el fortalecimiento de la promoción de la salud en la región. Las acciones universitarias incluyen: la capacitación profesional especializada, el desarrollo de actividades de investigación, el desarrollo de publicaciones, el apoyo a las redes académicas-profesionales, el desarrollo de eventos científicos y profesionales, la incorporación en las universidades de los Centros Colaboradores de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), vinculados a la promoción de la salud y el desarrollo de las cátedras de promoción de la salud, entre otras actividades. El Movimiento de Universidades Promotoras de la Salud surge a partir del año 2003 en América Latina con alcance Iberoamericano. El Movimiento de Universidades Promotoras de la Salud ha demostrado, en sus 10 años de implantación en Iberoamérica, que es una iniciativa idónea para fortalecer la salud mediante el ideario...
Etica En La Universidad Transversalizar Las Competencias Eticas En El Espacio Europeo De Educacion Superior 2013 Isbn 978 84 8198 876 5 Pags 149 164, 2013
![Research paper thumbnail of [Consensus document on the prevention of exposure to methylmercury in Spain]](
Nutrición hospitalaria, Jan 21, 2015
The beneficial effects of fish consumption in both children and adults are well known. However, t... more The beneficial effects of fish consumption in both children and adults are well known. However, the intake of methylmercury, mainly from contaminated fish and shellfish, can have adverse health effects. The study group on the prevention of exposure to methylmercury (GEPREM-Hg), made up of representatives from different Spanish scientific societies, has prepared a consensus document in a question and answer format, containing the group's main conclusions, recommendations and proposals. The objective of the document is to provide broader knowledge of factors associated with methylmercury exposure, its possible effects on health among the Spanish population, methods of analysis, interpretation of the results and economic costs, and to then set recommendations for fish and shellfish consumption. The group sees the merit of all initiatives aimed at reducing or prohibiting the use of mercury as well as the need to be aware of the results of contaminant analyses performed on fish and s...
Las universidades saludables no sólo deben integrarse en la comunidad, ciudad y el contexto socia... more Las universidades saludables no sólo deben integrarse en la comunidad, ciudad y el contexto social en el que se encuentran, sino que deben también contribuir a promocionar y potenciar los valores que permiten el bienestar, la autonomía y el completo
![Research paper thumbnail of [Methylmercury exposure in the general population; toxicokinetics; differences by gender, nutritional and genetic factors]](
Nutrición hospitalaria, 2014
Mercury is an environmental toxicant that causes numerous adverse effects on human health and nat... more Mercury is an environmental toxicant that causes numerous adverse effects on human health and natural ecosystems. The factors that determine the existance of adverse effects, as well as their severity are, among others: the chemical form of mercury (elemental, inorganic, organic), dosis, age, period of exposure, pathways of exposure and environmental, nutritional and genetic factors. In the aquatic cycle of mercury, once it has been deposited, it is transformed into methylmercury due to the action of certain sulphate-reducing bacteria, which bioaccumulates in the aquatic organisms and moves into the food chain. The methylmercury content of large, long-lived fish such as swordfish, shark, tuna or marlin, is higher. Methylmercury binds to protein in fish and is therefore not eliminated by cleaning or cooking the fish. Fetuses and small children are more vulnerable to the neurotoxic effects of methylmercury from the consumption of contaminated fish. Methylmercury is absorbed in the gas...
Papers by Carmen gallardo Pino