CV by Raffaella Santi
Papers by Raffaella Santi
Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki s.r.l. eBooks, Aug 28, 2017
Rencontres, 2016
Type de publication : Article de collectif Collectif : L'Axe Montaigne-Hobbes. Anthropologie et p... more Type de publication : Article de collectif Collectif : L'Axe Montaigne-Hobbes. Anthropologie et politique Auteur : Santi (Raffaella) Résumé : Après une étude des différences méthodologiques entre Hobbes et Montaigne, cet article analyse leurs pensées respectives sur la raison, la loi, et l'obéissance aux lois civiles. S'il est vrai que pour Hobbes la nécessité de l'État et de lois contraignantes se fonde sur la nature humaine, Montaigne n'essaie pas de fonder une science politique, il s'appuie sur l'argument sceptique selon lequel les hommes sages doivent respecter les lois de leur pays, parce qu'agir autrement serait dangereux et causerait la guerre civile.
Si La Boétie et Hobbes semblent proposer deux pensées politiques très différentes, Raffaela Santi... more Si La Boétie et Hobbes semblent proposer deux pensées politiques très différentes, Raffaela Santi montre qu'il est possible de les rapprocher au motif de leur intérêt pour la question de la soumission volontaire des hommes au pouvoir – sans compter que tous deux traduisent Homère, dont il font un usage politique. Il n'en reste pas moins bien sûr que la soumission volontaire est le pire des maux pour l'un, et un remède indispensable pour l'autre.
Original dans son contenu comme dans la methode, ce volume de Giuliana Di Biase donne de John Loc... more Original dans son contenu comme dans la methode, ce volume de Giuliana Di Biase donne de John Locke l’image d’un homme-philosophe, consubstantiel avec sa philosophie et, notamment, avec sa conception morale – mais cette derniere se croise avec sa vision politique et religieuse et, pour certaines raisons, egalement avec sa position epistemologique. Les concepts principaux, comme il est indique dans le sous-titre, sont ceux de mediocritas et de prudence ; le premier ressort de l’analyse des ecr...
Philosophy study, Nov 28, 2020
In his masterpiece Leviathan (1651), Thomas Hobbes used a series of rhetorical devices in order t... more In his masterpiece Leviathan (1651), Thomas Hobbes used a series of rhetorical devices in order to persuade the English reader of the truth of his political theories and of his civil science. The first rhetorical device is the engraved frontispiece of the book, where the sword of justice held by the sovereign is also a powerful sword of rhetoric (as shown by the table depicting Rhetoric in a Martianus Capella's manuscript owned by the Duke of Urbino). Moreover, Hobbes employs directly the metaphor of the state as a body politic and the analogy of the sovereign as the soul of the state and he also refers-though indirectly-to the Platonic analogy of the sovereign as physician of the state, evoking political thinkers, such as King James VI & I and Edward Forset.
Etudes irlandaises, 2005
Santi Raffaella. Thomas Duddy, general ed. : Dictionary of Irish Philosophers (A-Z). In: Études i... more Santi Raffaella. Thomas Duddy, general ed. : Dictionary of Irish Philosophers (A-Z). In: Études irlandaises, n°30 n°1, 2005. pp. 205-206

Fear is a universal emotion, experienced by everybody. When it becomes collective and social, it ... more Fear is a universal emotion, experienced by everybody. When it becomes collective and social, it can enter into the processes of political imagination, being used for political purposes. This article is a brief examination of the meanings and functions of fear(s) in Hobbes's thought. Some of his views may be 'historically' related to his own time, the Seventeenth Century, and others may be linked and confined to his own theory. However, his reflections on the importance of the perturbatio animi of fear for human psychology, and its impact on human interactions and collective behaviour, are still interesting for us today. The various meanings of fear highlighted by Hobbes (especially in his political works: Elements of Law, De cive, and Leviathan) are here synthetically reconstructed, with particular emphasis on fear as passion, expectation and will, and on fear in his various social aspects: mutual fear and fear of death, which give rise to the political community; fear of punishment and fear for the laws, which help to maintain the State and finally, fear of invisible power and timor Dei, from which religion originates, and the religious power that Hobbes wanted to be held by the State.

International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, Mar 31, 2018
Contemporary Northern Ireland is a divided society "in transition", in the aftermath of a conflic... more Contemporary Northern Ireland is a divided society "in transition", in the aftermath of a conflict that lasted thirty years. The school system is mainly separated, with a minority of "integrated schools" (63 to date), mixed schools with protestant and catholic pupilsonly seven pupils in one hundred attend this type of schools. In this context, teachers and educational researchers have developed some interesting inclusive practices. The article explores the most recent developments in the Northern Irish education system, highlighting the new vision of "shared education", with programmes of meeting and collaboration among different schools, which is-at least at a political level-supplanting the view of "integrated education". It also considers the programme for "Local and Global Citizenship" (LGC) in compulsory education, and its potential for the construction of lasting peace and social change, especially if connected to the teaching of philosophy and the use of philosophical enquiry in the classroom.
Storia del pensiero politico, 2016
Rivista Di Storia Della Filosofia, 2007
Journal of the History of Philosophy, 2005
The Journal of Nietzsche Studies, 2004
Journal of Scottish Philosophy, Mar 1, 2004
Cités, 2018
Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment ... more Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit.
Cultura, 2010
... Print. Heidemann D. and Chr. Krijnen (Eds.) Hegel und die Geschichte der Philosophie. ... Col... more ... Print. Heidemann D. and Chr. Krijnen (Eds.) Hegel und die Geschichte der Philosophie. ... Collected Works of William Whewell, 16 vols., edited by R. Yeo, Bristol, 2001. print Yeo, R. Defining science: William Whewell, natural knowledge and public debate in early Victorian Britain. ...
Philosophy study, Dec 28, 2022
CV by Raffaella Santi
Papers by Raffaella Santi