Papers by Pierluigi Graziani
Actas Del V Congreso De La Sociedad De Logica Metodologia Y Filosofia De La Ciencia En Espana 2006 Isbn 978 84 9349419 3 Pags 368 372, 2006
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2016
Computing and Philosophy, 2016
Foreword This work presents the principal texts concerning the so-called Arithmetic Machine conce... more Foreword This work presents the principal texts concerning the so-called Arithmetic Machine conceived by Blaise Pascal: they are translated into Italian and accompanied by notes. The first text is a dedicatory letter to Pierre Séguier (who was, during Pascal's times, Minister of ...

This volume is the first systematic and thorough attempt to investigate the relation and the poss... more This volume is the first systematic and thorough attempt to investigate the relation and the possible applications of mereology to contemporary science. It gathers contributions from leading scholars in the field and covers a wide range of scientific theories and practices such as physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, computer science and engineering. Throughout the volume, a variety of foundational issues are investigated both from the formal and the empirical point of view. The first section looks at the topic as it applies to physics. The section addresses questions of persistence and composition within quantum and relativistic physics and concludes by scrutinizing the possibility to capture continuity of motion as described by our best physical theories within gunky spacetimes. The second part tackles mathematics and shows how to provide a foundation for point-free geometry of space switching to fuzzy-logic. The relation between mereological sums and set-theoretic suprema is...

I contributi raccolti in questo volume indagano tanto il campo degli enti matematici e fisici qua... more I contributi raccolti in questo volume indagano tanto il campo degli enti matematici e fisici quanto quello degli oggetti sociali e fittizi, ma ampio spazio è dedicato anche alla prospettiva storica e non manca un’analisi dell’intreccio tra ontologia e politica. Per la rilevanza dei problemi posti e l’originalità delle soluzioni offerte, unitamente al rigore delle argomentazioni utilizzate e all’accuratezza degli apparati bibliografici, esso costituisce un utile strumento per orientarsi in uno dei più rilevanti dibattiti filosofici contemporanei. Il volume è nato da un ciclo di seminari pubblici promossi dalla Società Filosofica Italiana, in collaborazione con l’Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, al fine di dar voce ad alcuni giovani studiosi affiancati da tre docenti universitari – Vincenzo Fano, Maurizio Ferraris e Costantino Esposito – con i quali essi continuano a interagire per la migliore riuscita dei loro studi. I contenuti delle relazioni sono stati modificati in vi...
L'idea per questo volume celebrativo nasce durante numerose discussioni tra i curatori. Il risult... more L'idea per questo volume celebrativo nasce durante numerose discussioni tra i curatori. Il risultato è una raccolta di scritti di oltre 50 autori di fama internazionale, e lo scopo è quello di celebrare il 70° compleanno di Dario Antiseri. Gli antichi romani chiamavano questo tipo di pubblicazione "Liber Amicorum", un libro di amici: infatti tutti i contributi sono scritti da suoi amici e colleghi e spaziano dalla filosofia della scienza all'economia, alla sociologia, alla politica e alla storia.
In a work published in the year 2000, Reviel Netz wrote that some of the theses about the analyti... more In a work published in the year 2000, Reviel Netz wrote that some of the theses about the analytical-synthetical method could look surprising «partly because much of the most recent literature on analysis has not yet been put together, as it were, synthetically; and partly because the question itself (if not the components of my answer to it) has not yet been put forward, so that “the heuristic nature of Greek mathematical analysis” is one of those many outdated pieces of luggage which we go on carrying around largely because we have forgotten about their existence». With this work, I would like to provide a limited answer to such needs, by organizing the set of looks that have been directed to the ancient method of analysis and synthesis, and that have often observed it from different points of view without fully grasping its interpretative complexity.
Il contesto storico e scientifico determinatosi tra Otto e Novecento ha dato origine a studi fond... more Il contesto storico e scientifico determinatosi tra Otto e Novecento ha dato origine a studi fondazionali sempre più raffinati. Tra i diversi approcci alla Geometria elementare, ne troviamo almeno tre che fanno riferimento ad un “nuovo” concetto basilare: quello di sfera. Le tre assiomatizzazioni furono sviluppate da Mario Pieri, Edward V. Huntington e Alfred Tarski con caratteristiche diverse, dipendenti dal diverso modo di considerare la sfera. Queste costruzioni sono state poi dimenticate in favore di altri sistemi fondazionali (ad esempio, quello di Hilbert). Oggi, tornano oggetto di un rinnovato interesse nel contesto degli studi sulle “spatial logics” e sul “spatial reasoning”.
Varzi_Mereology.ttf DOWNLOAD:

The present volume presents philosophy of science at its best, that is a philosophy of science th... more The present volume presents philosophy of science at its best, that is a philosophy of science that is done in close contact with current scientifi c research and carefully assesses and evaluates its commitments and consequences. As such it represents philosophy simpliciter at its best, for it is concerned with and dares to ask fundamental questions about the nature of things that stem from natural sciences, arguably our most reliable sources of knowledge of the world. The contributions make vividly clear that a philosophy that is totally disconnected from science is sterile and that the practice of science that is totally disconnected from a philosophical attempt to understand the natural world in its most general features is blind. Throughout the book we are confronted with questions about the nature of species, numbers, space, time, matter, consciousness and so on. Taking seriously these questions, along with other open problems in the philosophy of science, and keeping the dialo...
Papers by Pierluigi Graziani