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Questo lavoro propone una prima ricognizione concernente le origini della psicologia clinica statunitense, tra Ottocento e Novecento, sullo sfondo di un’interpretazione storiografica che ipotizza una ‘pluralità di matrici’ della stessa... more
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      History Of Psychologyhistory of clinical psychology
L’articolo si occupa, nella sua prima parte, di un recente volume di storia della psicologia italiana, analizzandolo soprattutto sul piano delle scelte storiografiche compiute dai curatori. Tale disamina si evolve poi in un approccio... more
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      History Of PsychologyHistory of Italian Psychology
Il presente contributo, inserito in un volume dedicato alla figura e all’opera di Alfred Binet che contiene scritti di numerosi autori europei, nordamericani e sudamericani, si occupa di una significativa pagina degli sviluppi del testing... more
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      History of Psychological TestingHistory of Italian Psychology
ABSTRACT — According to the prevailing theory of scientific historiography, psychoanalysis met with significant difficulties in finding acceptance within the various areas of Italian culture. These difficulties are generally attributed to... more
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      History Of PsychoanalysisHistory of Psychiatry
Riassunto – Partendo da una analisi storiografica delle applicazioni psicologiche, il presente lavoro si focalizza sulle tematiche dell’orientamento, occupandosi di un celebre studioso italiano del primo Novecento: Sante De Sanctis.... more
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      History of Italian PsychologySante De Sanctis
The article first outlines an historiographical framework on the birth and first developments of testing in Italy, identifying among other two main roots, the anthropometric and the psychiatric one, which seems prevalent. After recalling... more
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      History Of PsychologyHistory of Psychological TestingHistory of Italian Psychology
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      ReligionHistory Of Psychology
A previous examination of the sources of the Italian testing “movement” at his beginnings has allowed us to suppose the existence of an important “question of demarcation” inside psychology, between 1800 and 1900. Indeed, in most cases... more
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      History Of PsychologyHistory of Psychological Testing
Il libro di Domenico Losurdo ha suscitato un acceso dibattito sulla stampa ed è diventato un vero caso editoriale. vi propone un resoconto completo degli articoli che si sono occupati del volume.
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      EconomicsPhilosophyHistorical MaterialismPhilosophy and Religious Studies
Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury (1588-1679) is one of the most influential British philosophers of the seventeenth century. The paper reconstructs Hobbes's legal theory, focusing on his definition of law (civil law, as he calls it) found in... more
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      PhilosophyWorld Economics
The thesis developed in this article is that, concerning the elaboration of the notion of Commonweale / Commonwealth, the political thinkers of the English Renaissance were influenced by Plato's philosophy. In fact, if we read the... more
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      PoliticsPlatonismThe Renaissance
Fear is a universal emotion, experienced by everybody. When it becomes collective and social, it can enter into the processes of political imagination, being used for political purposes. This article is a brief examination of the meanings... more
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    • Philosophy
Contemporary Northern Ireland is a divided society "in transition", in the aftermath of a conflict that lasted thirty years. The school system is mainly separated, with a minority of "integrated schools" (63 to date), mixed schools with... more
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      Political SciencePoliticsPedagogyProtestantism
And in the same epistle, where I say of the civil philosophy: "It is no ancienter than my book De Cive"; these words are added: "I say it provoked, and that my detractors may see they lose their labour". But that which is truly said, and... more
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      Political SciencePoliticsPolitical Authorityphilosophy study
In his masterpiece Leviathan (1651), Thomas Hobbes used a series of rhetorical devices in order to persuade the English reader of the truth of his political theories and of his civil science. The first rhetorical device is the engraved... more
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      SovereigntyPolitical SciencePoliticsphilosophy study
After the so-called "Troubles", since 1998, Northern Ireland is experiencing a complicated but lasting peace process (or "conflict transformation" process). Despite this, the society remains divided along... more
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    • Political Science
This article highlights the key role played by human psychology and the passions in Hobbes's theoretical construction of politics as civil science. It analyses the connections with some stoic theories, in particular with the... more
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Alexander of Aphrodisias's Commentary on Aristotle's Metaphysics is an important testimony to understand Plato's philosophy. In fact, Alexander uses some lost Aristotelian books, especially a work On the Good, from which we learn that... more
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      PhilosophyHistoriographyphilosophy study
The thesis developed in this article is that, concerning the elaboration of the notion of Commonweale / Commonwealth, the political thinkers of the English Renaissance were influenced by Plato's philosophy. In fact, if we read the Timaeus... more
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      PoliticsPlatonismThe Renaissance