Papers by Cira De Pelekais

La investigación expone una prospectiva educativa de sistemas satelitales en contextos universita... more La investigación expone una prospectiva educativa de sistemas satelitales en contextos universitarios virtuales, desde una óptica innovadora, al ser unos artefactos espaciales de alta tecnología propicios para la educación virtual, bajo la perspectiva del espectro educativo, más que mecánico, generando múltiples potencialidades a la educación telemática. Por ello, el propósito cardinal fue investigar como observan los tutores virtuales el desarrollo de las plataformas tecnológicas en los centros universitarios, precisando un constructo teórico como colofón. Se revisaron autores relevantes para el soporte teórico, pero en especial se siguió el procedimiento de Époche y metodología basados en los procesos fenomenológicos de Moustakas (1994), que invita a escribir el desarrollo de la investigación en primera persona, por ello el lector observará que los autores se convierten en uno solo para diseñar el estudio, recolectar y analizar la data. Se realizaron entrevistas fenomenológicas y por computador en tiempo real como técnicas de recopilación. Por otro lado, los procesos fenomenológicos de Moustakas, la Époche, la reducción fenomenológica, la variación imaginativa y la síntesis de los significados y esencias, fueron aplicadas como técnicas de análisis de la data. Se seleccionaron, 5 informantes claves para la investigación elegidos intencionalmente. Entre los hallazgos destacados se encuentra la interrelación de la tecnología satelital con la educación para expandir el saber transdisciplinario, la fusión del satélite del venesta-1 con la educación y la Universidad Virtual, la interacción de ésta ciencia con estrategias didácticas cibernéticas y las plataformas educativas con calidad educativa, permitiendo construir teóricamente una Red de Educación Universitaria Satelital bajo el nombre “EdUniSat” basada en la educación virtual con estándares de calidad, equidad e igualdad social.

El propósito de este trabajo se orientó a analizar la gerencia de eventos desde una perspectiva d... more El propósito de este trabajo se orientó a analizar la gerencia de eventos desde una perspectiva de la planificación estratégica en las universidades privadas del municipio Maracaibo (URBE, URU, UNICA y UJGH). El estudio se sustentó en las teorías de Munch (2008), Alarico (2006), Serna (2006), Francés (2005) y Goldblatt (2003). La investigación está tipificada como descriptiva-analítica con un diseño no experimental, transeccional. La población estuvo conformada por catorce (14) coordinadores y directores de universidades privadas. Los datos fueron recolectados por medio de una encuesta, utilizándose un cuestionario de 45 reactivos. La validez de contenido se obtuvo mediante juicio de cinco (05) expertos, mientras que la confiabilidad fue calculada por medio del coeficiente Alpha de Cronbach, dando una r de 0.96. El análisis de los resultados se orientó por medio del uso de frecuencias relativas y se concluyó que los coordinadores y directores de las universidades privadas están de acuerdo con la implementación de la planificación estratégica en los eventos que se realizan en las organizaciones. Para este fin, la investigación generó una serie de lineamientos estratégicos a fin de garantizar el cumplimento de los objetivos propuestos, seguido de recomendaciones teórico-prácticas que permitirán un óptimo desempeño de la gerencia de eventos.

This research has had as purpose analyse sustainable social development as a result of academic m... more This research has had as purpose analyse sustainable social development as a result of academic management in University organizations of private management. This study was based on the proposals: documents of the United Nations (2002, 2005, 2007, 2010), Guijarro and Chavez (2006), Fuenmayor, Chourio and López (2007), among others. This work was considered analytical-descriptive, with a non-experimental design, field; using the observation as a technique and as a data collection instrument a questionnaire scale Likert type, consisting of reagents 79; determining content validity by expert opinion, for its reliability applied you to the results of the pilot test the formula alpha from Cronbach, obtaining a α = 0.96, considering highly reliable. The same applied to the selected population formed by forty-four (44) Directors of school of the Universidad José Gregorio Hernández (UJGH), Universidad Rafael Urdaneta (URU), Universidad Católica Cecilio Acosta (UNICA), Universidad Alonso de Ojeda (UNIOJEDA), located in the State of Zulia. The results obtained allowed to establish a very high category for both variables. Concluding the existence of great strengths in terms of sustainable social development and academic management. Among the recommendations were formulated strategic guidelines for the purpose of propping up the commitment of the University management towards sustainable social development.
El presente artículo explica el tema de la oficina virtual y sus implicaciones en el mundo de la ... more El presente artículo explica el tema de la oficina virtual y sus implicaciones en el mundo de la gerencia corporativa del siglo XXI

The objective of this study is to analyze Off-Campus Education and the use of new technologies, o... more The objective of this study is to analyze Off-Campus Education and the use of new technologies, offering theoretical elements which allow for the characterization of the educational process in order to respond to one of the questions that arose during the development of the curriculum: How to teach?. The meaning of off-campus education is more or less understand by the majority, however, some relate it exclusively, and in a negative sense, with teaching by correspondence. As a first approximation, it must be affirmed that this classification is not exact, since written correspondence is just one of the means used. The objective of this research is to determine through analysis the effectiveness of the application of new technologies in off-campus education. Its importance is related to helping to establish, through the formulation of theoretical analysis, the contribution it can make in confronting the great educational problems of access to and dialogue with universities, because through the use of the educative technologies it is possible to reach a greater population. The study is based on the humanistic and andragogical approaches to education, and based on the diffusion of self-learning courses and constructivist and cognoscitive theory. In relation to physical limitations, the institutions that will participate as pilot centers for off campus education and the application of new information technology will carry out studies. In this study, the University Doctor Rafael Belloso Chacin, LUZ, UNICA, Simón Rodriguez and the UPEL were included.

This article presents an analysis of Citizen Participation and Accountability variables. The theo... more This article presents an analysis of Citizen Participation and Accountability variables. The theoretical foundation was based on major authors and Coutin (2005), Cruz (2008) and Sánchez y Graña (2000). Based on the data made reflecting on how you can be empowered citizens to obtain timely and accessible information on management in public administration, taking as context, the mayor of Maracaibo and San Francisco del Zulia. It is an investigation under the premises of the positivist paradigm, quantitative and descriptive, it has contemporary relevance if one considers, among other data, that 47% of respondents argued that not give the results of local government management. In conclusion it is argued that citizen participation is strengthened by accountability and vice
Depósito Legal: 200902ZU3060 / ISSN: 1856-9706 Volumen 3 Edición No. 1 – Año 2011
versa product recursive phenomenon, generating a systemic process in the Government-Citizen Relations: Respondability - Public Participation - Respondability, with clearly identifiable elements such as the respondents reported, strategic planning, interactive spaces, empowered citizenry and joint actions.
Esta investigación tuvo como propósito analizar el proceso de la descentralización de la ciencia ... more Esta investigación tuvo como propósito analizar el proceso de la descentralización de la ciencia y la tecnología
The objective of this study is to analyze differences that could exist between
two schools of tho... more The objective of this study is to analyze differences that could exist between
two schools of thought in the area of scientific research which by definition are
antagonistic. It was carried out through documental review in specific areas.
There were theoretical and conceptual aspects as well. The conclusion was that
both methods can be considered as complementary, which implies that the use of
one does not exclude the use of the other when necessary. Also a integrative
methodology is proposed in the hope of conciliating the antagonism that exists
through the flexibility and adaptability of both methods

The purpose was to determine the influence of the Emotional lntelligence
on Organizational Climat... more The purpose was to determine the influence of the Emotional lntelligence
on Organizational Climate in the levels managerial means ofthe PYMES. The investigation
was characterized under an explanatory descriptive focus, with a design
non experimental transactional. As analysis units the PYMES was taken
attributed to the camera ofIndustry and Trade of Cabimas, totalling 100 active
companies. For the gathering ofthe information a questionnaire autoadministrado
was used, with scale type Likert. The results threw that the managers ofhalflevel
have very identified their emotions and feelings, equally have an excellent perception
of the organizational climate, however certain factors of the Emotional
lntelligence that affect directly on the Organizational, such Climate exist it is the
case ofthe Motivation and the Social Abilities, which are not in the good levels of
performance, affecting the levels ofresponsibility and handling ofconflicts direcdy,
allowing this way to index that if a very high one exists it influences ofthe factors
of the Emotional lntelligence on the Organizational Climate.

El propósito de esta investigación fue Analizar la importancia de competencias cognitivas desde l... more El propósito de esta investigación fue Analizar la importancia de competencias cognitivas desde la óptica de la robustez como medio de sostenibilidad en organizaciones caórdicas., fundamentándose en autores como Beorlegui (2014), Maddi (2013), Turienzo y Sala (2011), Sambrano (2010), entre otros. La metodología utilizada fue de tipo descriptiva, de campo, con un diseño no experimental. La población estuvo representada por cuarenta y ocho (48) empleados de dos organizaciones públicas venezolanas. Con un instrumento bajo escala Likert y sometido a validación de expertos, y todo el proceso estadístico, se aplicó a la población objeto de estudio, para luego elaborar con la data resultante una tabla que presenta los resultados del objetivo estudiado sobre competencias cognitivas. Los resultados reflejaron que las personas son capaces de llevar a cabo las actividades diarias desarrollando herramientas que permitan manejar mejor la adaptación y el stress como habilidades y destrezas personales que se desarrollan con la Robustez psicológica de cada individuo producto de un alto sentido del valor de vida, sin embargo, carecen de condiciones favorables para desarrollar su trabajo, concluyendo que a medida que se incrementa la robustez a través de competencias cognitivas existirá un clima laboral óptimo y adaptativo a cualquier circunstancia.
El artículo tiene como propósito analizar la gestión universitaria socialmente responsable, asumi... more El artículo tiene como propósito analizar la gestión universitaria socialmente responsable, asumiendo el concepto como el camino efectivo hacia la puesta en práctica del servicio comunitario en las Instituciones de Educación Superior. Con este fin se hizo una revisión de los instrumentos legales y documentos formales contenidos en la plataforma filosófica de las organizaciones universitarias objeto de estudio, bajo un enfoque cualitativo y un diseño bibliográfico. Concluyéndose que se hace necesario orientar las incipientes iniciativas tomadas por el sector universitario venezolano, como forma de lograr conjuntamente con las colectividades; a través de la detección de necesidades y construcción de proyectos sociales pertinentes, un conocimiento de sus demandas, para poder así dar respuesta inmediata a los problemas planteados.
The purpose of this article is to present a general view of virtual education in Venezuela in
ord... more The purpose of this article is to present a general view of virtual education in Venezuela in
order to evaluate this new educational focus.Acase study is presented in which the need to plan for
the application of new technology in distinct areas of education is evident in order to make adequate
decisions that guarantee cost-benefit relations and the optimization of the massive use of the same;
as well as to provide for the maintenance of these resources in order to guarantee productivity and
Currently, organizations reflect on transparency in accountability as
an empowerment tool that ma... more Currently, organizations reflect on transparency in accountability as
an empowerment tool that makes their management of social responsibility
sustainable. The aim of this research is to analyze managerial accountability
as an integrating element for sustainability in corporate social responsibility.
This was a non-experimental, cross-sectional, documentary
field study, with a purposive sample of 40 managers, using a questionnaire
of 50 items, validated by five experts, producing a Cronbach reliability coefficient
of 0.957. The study determined that managerial accountability
represents an integrating factor that offers the community opportunities to
participate with a good foundation in projects of interest.
This research focused on analyzing public policies for sustainability of the quality of
community... more This research focused on analyzing public policies for sustainability of the quality of
community life in the Idelfonso Vasquez Parish, Maracaibo. The theoretical contributions of
Ruiz (2006), Mascareño (2003), Kelly (2003) and Centelles (2006) were used, among others.
Research was descriptive and analytical, with a non-experimental, field design. The population
of sectors Chino Julio, Cujicito and Mamon were used, and a purposive sample of 65 people
was made. Information was collected through a survey consisting of 20 questions.Theexistence
of public policies oriented toward thecommongood was determined. However, monitoring for
sustainability of the quality of life for inhabitants of the parish under study is incipient.

The purpose of this research is to determine the factors related to productivity in
the national ... more The purpose of this research is to determine the factors related to productivity in
the national oil sector. The study is based on the theoretical views of Tawfix and
Chauvel (1999) and Cartay (1998). The research is qualitative with an emergent or
naturalist design, following the Martinez (2002) and Finol and Nava research design
and that of Hernandez, Fernandez and Baptista (1998). The population under study
was made up of five companies in the oil sector established and operating in Maracaibo
Municipality: PDVSA, Chevron-Texaco, British Petroleum, China National Petroleum
Corporation (CNPC), and Shell Venezuela S. A.. From these companies seven front
line managers and three middle level managers were selected. The results were
analyzed as to dimensions and categories that reveal institutional efforts undertaken
by these organizations to promote a new style of participative management in the
search for general efficiency.

This research, oriented to stablished the relationship between the management
action and the mana... more This research, oriented to stablished the relationship between the management
action and the managers availability of the University Institutes to the administrative
change in the public sector. Based on the process it was conducted a
descriptive research and the result of 34 University Institute managers; where it
was stablished the following questionnaires: Management Action and the Availability
to the Administrative Change. The results of this data were the following:
The Management Action X= 3,62 points; The Management Leadership
X=3,19 points, Limited Authority X=3,91 points; and Making Decisions with
X= 3, 72 points; on the other side the results of the Administrative Change it
was represented by X=3,38 points; The Availability to the Personal Change X=
3,81 points; and X= 2,95 for the Organizational Change. The correlation between
the Management Action and this Availability to the Change it was determinated
by r= 0,82. One of many conclusion of this research is the appeareance
of a positive relationship between this two facts, subject to the Managers consideration
of the Publics University Institutes.

This research focused on analyzing the leadership of service as a fundamental
instrument for prod... more This research focused on analyzing the leadership of service as a fundamental
instrument for productivity in privately run university organizations. Research
was of the analytical, descriptive, field type with a non-experimental,
cross-sectional design. The population consisted of 37 authorities at the universities
URU, UJGH and UNICA. The data collection technique was the survey using
a questionnaire of 36 items with five response alternatives: always, often,
sometimes, rarely, never. Reliability was calculated by applying Cronbach’s alpha
coefficient, yielding an index of 0.945. Results establish that the studied population
has all the characteristics of service leadership considered; those least utilized
in their management are the awareness that helps to understand issues related to
ethics and values, the willingness to serve and participation. Conclusions are that
the authorities interviewed usually implement collaboration and teamwork, assuming
the characteristics of service leadership in their management, combining
behaviors that correspond to the leadership style analyzed; however, they do not
tend to use these characteristics to achieve productivity because they lack the empathy
that allows them to establish a management philosophy consistent with the
human talent they have in their care.

The purpose of this research was to develop a series of strategic guidelines for strengthening so... more The purpose of this research was to develop a series of strategic guidelines for strengthening social
responsibility from the public management standpoint in the university sector. It was considered an
analytic-descriptive field study with a non-experimental, trans-sectional design. The population consisted of 5
deans and 34 school directors in the university sector. The technique of observation by survey was used. As an
instrument, the questionnaire addressed to the population under study consisted of two sections, one for the
variable social responsibility and another for public management. The instruments were properly validated
using evidence related to the content through expert opinion as well as establishing reliability through the
Cronbach coefficient, calculated as r= o.96, considered very high. Social responsibility was measured through
the impact of socially responsible management; results revealed that its presence was determined to be very
high, especially the sponsorship of integrating the efforts of all members of the universities under study. Lines of
action concerning internal management were considered to have a very strong presence, highlighting respect for
the dignity of people who call at the university and appreciation for differences among members of the
institution. As for the basic functions of public management, production in the university environment was
categorized as very high, highlighting the fact that they achieve levels of preparedness in the graduates that
enable them to successfully enter the work scene.
The purpose of this research was to formulate strategies for implementing university social
respo... more The purpose of this research was to formulate strategies for implementing university social
responsibility using the ethical management approach for shared decision making. The
fundamental theoretical basis for its development is in a doctoral project where variables for
university social responsibility, ethical management and shared decision making were studied.
The investigation was a feasible documentary study with a non-experimental design, where the
population consisted of 17 key informants from universities in the states of Zulia and Carabobo;
the analysis technique was based on descriptive statistics. As a result, strategies were generated
that can be replicated at other university organizations in the country.

This research studies the relationship between social responsibility
and managerial training for ... more This research studies the relationship between social responsibility
and managerial training for teaching staff at national universities. The
thematic area under study is social responsibility and managerial training in
the framework of management sciences. Theoretical precepts are supported
by the work of Certo (2004), Koontz Weirich (2004), Gómez, Balkin and
Cardyn (2003), the Ministry for Higher Education (2002), among others. The
study forms part of the research line for social responsibility in organizations
assigned to the Research Center for Administrative and Management
Sciences at URBE. This descriptive study characterized the situation of social
responsibility and managerial training in national universities located in the
Cabimas municipality as they appear in organizational reality. The study
reflects on the urgent need to plan and execute management policies so that
teaching staff at national universities has tools that project the institution as
a generator of well-being through social responsibility responding to the
needs of the surroundings.
Papers by Cira De Pelekais
Depósito Legal: 200902ZU3060 / ISSN: 1856-9706 Volumen 3 Edición No. 1 – Año 2011
versa product recursive phenomenon, generating a systemic process in the Government-Citizen Relations: Respondability - Public Participation - Respondability, with clearly identifiable elements such as the respondents reported, strategic planning, interactive spaces, empowered citizenry and joint actions.
two schools of thought in the area of scientific research which by definition are
antagonistic. It was carried out through documental review in specific areas.
There were theoretical and conceptual aspects as well. The conclusion was that
both methods can be considered as complementary, which implies that the use of
one does not exclude the use of the other when necessary. Also a integrative
methodology is proposed in the hope of conciliating the antagonism that exists
through the flexibility and adaptability of both methods
on Organizational Climate in the levels managerial means ofthe PYMES. The investigation
was characterized under an explanatory descriptive focus, with a design
non experimental transactional. As analysis units the PYMES was taken
attributed to the camera ofIndustry and Trade of Cabimas, totalling 100 active
companies. For the gathering ofthe information a questionnaire autoadministrado
was used, with scale type Likert. The results threw that the managers ofhalflevel
have very identified their emotions and feelings, equally have an excellent perception
of the organizational climate, however certain factors of the Emotional
lntelligence that affect directly on the Organizational, such Climate exist it is the
case ofthe Motivation and the Social Abilities, which are not in the good levels of
performance, affecting the levels ofresponsibility and handling ofconflicts direcdy,
allowing this way to index that if a very high one exists it influences ofthe factors
of the Emotional lntelligence on the Organizational Climate.
order to evaluate this new educational focus.Acase study is presented in which the need to plan for
the application of new technology in distinct areas of education is evident in order to make adequate
decisions that guarantee cost-benefit relations and the optimization of the massive use of the same;
as well as to provide for the maintenance of these resources in order to guarantee productivity and
an empowerment tool that makes their management of social responsibility
sustainable. The aim of this research is to analyze managerial accountability
as an integrating element for sustainability in corporate social responsibility.
This was a non-experimental, cross-sectional, documentary
field study, with a purposive sample of 40 managers, using a questionnaire
of 50 items, validated by five experts, producing a Cronbach reliability coefficient
of 0.957. The study determined that managerial accountability
represents an integrating factor that offers the community opportunities to
participate with a good foundation in projects of interest.
community life in the Idelfonso Vasquez Parish, Maracaibo. The theoretical contributions of
Ruiz (2006), Mascareño (2003), Kelly (2003) and Centelles (2006) were used, among others.
Research was descriptive and analytical, with a non-experimental, field design. The population
of sectors Chino Julio, Cujicito and Mamon were used, and a purposive sample of 65 people
was made. Information was collected through a survey consisting of 20 questions.Theexistence
of public policies oriented toward thecommongood was determined. However, monitoring for
sustainability of the quality of life for inhabitants of the parish under study is incipient.
the national oil sector. The study is based on the theoretical views of Tawfix and
Chauvel (1999) and Cartay (1998). The research is qualitative with an emergent or
naturalist design, following the Martinez (2002) and Finol and Nava research design
and that of Hernandez, Fernandez and Baptista (1998). The population under study
was made up of five companies in the oil sector established and operating in Maracaibo
Municipality: PDVSA, Chevron-Texaco, British Petroleum, China National Petroleum
Corporation (CNPC), and Shell Venezuela S. A.. From these companies seven front
line managers and three middle level managers were selected. The results were
analyzed as to dimensions and categories that reveal institutional efforts undertaken
by these organizations to promote a new style of participative management in the
search for general efficiency.
action and the managers availability of the University Institutes to the administrative
change in the public sector. Based on the process it was conducted a
descriptive research and the result of 34 University Institute managers; where it
was stablished the following questionnaires: Management Action and the Availability
to the Administrative Change. The results of this data were the following:
The Management Action X= 3,62 points; The Management Leadership
X=3,19 points, Limited Authority X=3,91 points; and Making Decisions with
X= 3, 72 points; on the other side the results of the Administrative Change it
was represented by X=3,38 points; The Availability to the Personal Change X=
3,81 points; and X= 2,95 for the Organizational Change. The correlation between
the Management Action and this Availability to the Change it was determinated
by r= 0,82. One of many conclusion of this research is the appeareance
of a positive relationship between this two facts, subject to the Managers consideration
of the Publics University Institutes.
instrument for productivity in privately run university organizations. Research
was of the analytical, descriptive, field type with a non-experimental,
cross-sectional design. The population consisted of 37 authorities at the universities
URU, UJGH and UNICA. The data collection technique was the survey using
a questionnaire of 36 items with five response alternatives: always, often,
sometimes, rarely, never. Reliability was calculated by applying Cronbach’s alpha
coefficient, yielding an index of 0.945. Results establish that the studied population
has all the characteristics of service leadership considered; those least utilized
in their management are the awareness that helps to understand issues related to
ethics and values, the willingness to serve and participation. Conclusions are that
the authorities interviewed usually implement collaboration and teamwork, assuming
the characteristics of service leadership in their management, combining
behaviors that correspond to the leadership style analyzed; however, they do not
tend to use these characteristics to achieve productivity because they lack the empathy
that allows them to establish a management philosophy consistent with the
human talent they have in their care.
responsibility from the public management standpoint in the university sector. It was considered an
analytic-descriptive field study with a non-experimental, trans-sectional design. The population consisted of 5
deans and 34 school directors in the university sector. The technique of observation by survey was used. As an
instrument, the questionnaire addressed to the population under study consisted of two sections, one for the
variable social responsibility and another for public management. The instruments were properly validated
using evidence related to the content through expert opinion as well as establishing reliability through the
Cronbach coefficient, calculated as r= o.96, considered very high. Social responsibility was measured through
the impact of socially responsible management; results revealed that its presence was determined to be very
high, especially the sponsorship of integrating the efforts of all members of the universities under study. Lines of
action concerning internal management were considered to have a very strong presence, highlighting respect for
the dignity of people who call at the university and appreciation for differences among members of the
institution. As for the basic functions of public management, production in the university environment was
categorized as very high, highlighting the fact that they achieve levels of preparedness in the graduates that
enable them to successfully enter the work scene.
responsibility using the ethical management approach for shared decision making. The
fundamental theoretical basis for its development is in a doctoral project where variables for
university social responsibility, ethical management and shared decision making were studied.
The investigation was a feasible documentary study with a non-experimental design, where the
population consisted of 17 key informants from universities in the states of Zulia and Carabobo;
the analysis technique was based on descriptive statistics. As a result, strategies were generated
that can be replicated at other university organizations in the country.
and managerial training for teaching staff at national universities. The
thematic area under study is social responsibility and managerial training in
the framework of management sciences. Theoretical precepts are supported
by the work of Certo (2004), Koontz Weirich (2004), Gómez, Balkin and
Cardyn (2003), the Ministry for Higher Education (2002), among others. The
study forms part of the research line for social responsibility in organizations
assigned to the Research Center for Administrative and Management
Sciences at URBE. This descriptive study characterized the situation of social
responsibility and managerial training in national universities located in the
Cabimas municipality as they appear in organizational reality. The study
reflects on the urgent need to plan and execute management policies so that
teaching staff at national universities has tools that project the institution as
a generator of well-being through social responsibility responding to the
needs of the surroundings.
Depósito Legal: 200902ZU3060 / ISSN: 1856-9706 Volumen 3 Edición No. 1 – Año 2011
versa product recursive phenomenon, generating a systemic process in the Government-Citizen Relations: Respondability - Public Participation - Respondability, with clearly identifiable elements such as the respondents reported, strategic planning, interactive spaces, empowered citizenry and joint actions.
two schools of thought in the area of scientific research which by definition are
antagonistic. It was carried out through documental review in specific areas.
There were theoretical and conceptual aspects as well. The conclusion was that
both methods can be considered as complementary, which implies that the use of
one does not exclude the use of the other when necessary. Also a integrative
methodology is proposed in the hope of conciliating the antagonism that exists
through the flexibility and adaptability of both methods
on Organizational Climate in the levels managerial means ofthe PYMES. The investigation
was characterized under an explanatory descriptive focus, with a design
non experimental transactional. As analysis units the PYMES was taken
attributed to the camera ofIndustry and Trade of Cabimas, totalling 100 active
companies. For the gathering ofthe information a questionnaire autoadministrado
was used, with scale type Likert. The results threw that the managers ofhalflevel
have very identified their emotions and feelings, equally have an excellent perception
of the organizational climate, however certain factors of the Emotional
lntelligence that affect directly on the Organizational, such Climate exist it is the
case ofthe Motivation and the Social Abilities, which are not in the good levels of
performance, affecting the levels ofresponsibility and handling ofconflicts direcdy,
allowing this way to index that if a very high one exists it influences ofthe factors
of the Emotional lntelligence on the Organizational Climate.
order to evaluate this new educational focus.Acase study is presented in which the need to plan for
the application of new technology in distinct areas of education is evident in order to make adequate
decisions that guarantee cost-benefit relations and the optimization of the massive use of the same;
as well as to provide for the maintenance of these resources in order to guarantee productivity and
an empowerment tool that makes their management of social responsibility
sustainable. The aim of this research is to analyze managerial accountability
as an integrating element for sustainability in corporate social responsibility.
This was a non-experimental, cross-sectional, documentary
field study, with a purposive sample of 40 managers, using a questionnaire
of 50 items, validated by five experts, producing a Cronbach reliability coefficient
of 0.957. The study determined that managerial accountability
represents an integrating factor that offers the community opportunities to
participate with a good foundation in projects of interest.
community life in the Idelfonso Vasquez Parish, Maracaibo. The theoretical contributions of
Ruiz (2006), Mascareño (2003), Kelly (2003) and Centelles (2006) were used, among others.
Research was descriptive and analytical, with a non-experimental, field design. The population
of sectors Chino Julio, Cujicito and Mamon were used, and a purposive sample of 65 people
was made. Information was collected through a survey consisting of 20 questions.Theexistence
of public policies oriented toward thecommongood was determined. However, monitoring for
sustainability of the quality of life for inhabitants of the parish under study is incipient.
the national oil sector. The study is based on the theoretical views of Tawfix and
Chauvel (1999) and Cartay (1998). The research is qualitative with an emergent or
naturalist design, following the Martinez (2002) and Finol and Nava research design
and that of Hernandez, Fernandez and Baptista (1998). The population under study
was made up of five companies in the oil sector established and operating in Maracaibo
Municipality: PDVSA, Chevron-Texaco, British Petroleum, China National Petroleum
Corporation (CNPC), and Shell Venezuela S. A.. From these companies seven front
line managers and three middle level managers were selected. The results were
analyzed as to dimensions and categories that reveal institutional efforts undertaken
by these organizations to promote a new style of participative management in the
search for general efficiency.
action and the managers availability of the University Institutes to the administrative
change in the public sector. Based on the process it was conducted a
descriptive research and the result of 34 University Institute managers; where it
was stablished the following questionnaires: Management Action and the Availability
to the Administrative Change. The results of this data were the following:
The Management Action X= 3,62 points; The Management Leadership
X=3,19 points, Limited Authority X=3,91 points; and Making Decisions with
X= 3, 72 points; on the other side the results of the Administrative Change it
was represented by X=3,38 points; The Availability to the Personal Change X=
3,81 points; and X= 2,95 for the Organizational Change. The correlation between
the Management Action and this Availability to the Change it was determinated
by r= 0,82. One of many conclusion of this research is the appeareance
of a positive relationship between this two facts, subject to the Managers consideration
of the Publics University Institutes.
instrument for productivity in privately run university organizations. Research
was of the analytical, descriptive, field type with a non-experimental,
cross-sectional design. The population consisted of 37 authorities at the universities
URU, UJGH and UNICA. The data collection technique was the survey using
a questionnaire of 36 items with five response alternatives: always, often,
sometimes, rarely, never. Reliability was calculated by applying Cronbach’s alpha
coefficient, yielding an index of 0.945. Results establish that the studied population
has all the characteristics of service leadership considered; those least utilized
in their management are the awareness that helps to understand issues related to
ethics and values, the willingness to serve and participation. Conclusions are that
the authorities interviewed usually implement collaboration and teamwork, assuming
the characteristics of service leadership in their management, combining
behaviors that correspond to the leadership style analyzed; however, they do not
tend to use these characteristics to achieve productivity because they lack the empathy
that allows them to establish a management philosophy consistent with the
human talent they have in their care.
responsibility from the public management standpoint in the university sector. It was considered an
analytic-descriptive field study with a non-experimental, trans-sectional design. The population consisted of 5
deans and 34 school directors in the university sector. The technique of observation by survey was used. As an
instrument, the questionnaire addressed to the population under study consisted of two sections, one for the
variable social responsibility and another for public management. The instruments were properly validated
using evidence related to the content through expert opinion as well as establishing reliability through the
Cronbach coefficient, calculated as r= o.96, considered very high. Social responsibility was measured through
the impact of socially responsible management; results revealed that its presence was determined to be very
high, especially the sponsorship of integrating the efforts of all members of the universities under study. Lines of
action concerning internal management were considered to have a very strong presence, highlighting respect for
the dignity of people who call at the university and appreciation for differences among members of the
institution. As for the basic functions of public management, production in the university environment was
categorized as very high, highlighting the fact that they achieve levels of preparedness in the graduates that
enable them to successfully enter the work scene.
responsibility using the ethical management approach for shared decision making. The
fundamental theoretical basis for its development is in a doctoral project where variables for
university social responsibility, ethical management and shared decision making were studied.
The investigation was a feasible documentary study with a non-experimental design, where the
population consisted of 17 key informants from universities in the states of Zulia and Carabobo;
the analysis technique was based on descriptive statistics. As a result, strategies were generated
that can be replicated at other university organizations in the country.
and managerial training for teaching staff at national universities. The
thematic area under study is social responsibility and managerial training in
the framework of management sciences. Theoretical precepts are supported
by the work of Certo (2004), Koontz Weirich (2004), Gómez, Balkin and
Cardyn (2003), the Ministry for Higher Education (2002), among others. The
study forms part of the research line for social responsibility in organizations
assigned to the Research Center for Administrative and Management
Sciences at URBE. This descriptive study characterized the situation of social
responsibility and managerial training in national universities located in the
Cabimas municipality as they appear in organizational reality. The study
reflects on the urgent need to plan and execute management policies so that
teaching staff at national universities has tools that project the institution as
a generator of well-being through social responsibility responding to the
needs of the surroundings.