پلگ ان ٹیگ: tools
BX Essentials
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Ferramentas e configurações padrões recomendados pelo time WordPress Buildbox.
Sample Data Generator
(3 مجموعی درجہ بندی)This plugin generate sample html content in WordPress editor. This plugin use LoremIpsum.net API, http://loripsum.net/api and http://dummyimage.com/.
Better Plugins Plugin
(2 مجموعی درجہ بندی)This plugin makes your life easier by providing tools for filtering, comparing, and reporting plugins.
System Info
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)The System Info plugin generates a composer.json file and provides system information based on the active plugins and theme in your WordPress installa …
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Ext Security. Monitoring about evil hacking attempts. Our reports – Simply, Briefly and in Detail.
Encryption Tools Generator
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Convert your wordpress page or post to a security or encryption online tool generator.
Stumble! for WordPress
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Stumble! for WordPress extends WordPress to support a "random article" feature, similar to StumbleUpon's StumbleThru.
Env Bar
(1 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Display a colored bar to help distinguish between different environments.
Jameel's Dev Tools
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Chalked full of little helpers for developing websites, including search and replace function and shortcode to create columns.
Basic Dev Tools
(4 مجموعی درجہ بندی)A plugin with some Basic Tools For Development and Developers. Trying to be easier the way of develop common things in WP
(4 مجموعی درجہ بندی)WP-Chargify allows users to integrate the Chargify service with WordPress.
Print Basic Facts
(1 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Print Basic Facts will display valuable, time saving, information for a WordPress site. Optimize your troubleshooting efforts with this lightweight ap …
Developer Toolbar
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Adds easy to access data for developers, including a fixed toolbar to the bottom of pages that shows query data and memory usage among other data.
Foxdell Folio Taxonomy Toolkit
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Have finer control over your taxonomies so that you can have better organisation of your posts by using taxonomies other than just Categories and Tags …
Wegner Tools
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)A small plugin to enable and disable multiple code snippets / tool via checkboxes. There are possibilities to extend and reconfigure the DIVI THEME.