پلگ ان ٹیگ: news
Admin Events Extended
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Adds further source to community events and news to the admin dashboard widget.
PostCrafts – Advanced Post Blocks to Highlight, Summarize and Beautifully Organize Your Posts
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)PostCrafts is the best post grid, blog designer, news, magazine, and WordPress blog plugin that comes with various Gutenberg blocks.
Zip.News API
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)This plugin will communicate with Zip.News' API, fetches articles according the search widget configuration and displaying them when the widget & …
WP Flash News Notification
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Display recent blog posts in a smart way. Auto Flash news with floating position(left/right)
Bulk Mail Sender
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Bulk Mail Sender is use to send newsletter or other mails to the users