پلگ ان ٹیگ: footer
WP247 GeneratePress Pre-Footer Widgets
(1 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Add Pre-Footer Widgets to the GeneratePress theme
Language Translator
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Add a highly customizable language translator to your website.
Copyright shortcode creator VICT
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Shortcodes to show the current year, the copyright logo and/or the sitename wherever you want it.
Header and Footer Sticky with elementor
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)buildwithguru is a powerful plugin for creating custom headers and footers in Elementor with sticky header functionality.
Genesis Footer Links Nofollow
(2 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Plugin makes all or specified links in the footer rel=nofollow. Use of Genesis Theme Framework is required.
Sexy RSS Footer
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Sexy RSS Footer enables you to add any possible content at the end of every feed entry. This includes variables like number of comments, author etc.
wp-hefo | WordPress header & footer
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Injects HTML snippets into the header and the footer, to make them persistent across themes (theme-independent).
Add To Post Footer
(1 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Add some content to the bottom of all your posts. You can add images and HTML too. Install and activate it, it's easy!
DBD Footprints
(1 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Add code or other text to the footer of the blog. Works great for Google Analytics, Extreme Tracking, and many others.
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)This plugin adds image links in a sidebar or in the footer.
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)A highly customizable plugin that will help to disable many links from dashboard.
Custom Header Footer By ByteMantra
(1 مجموعی درجہ بندی)This plugin enables you to add extra custom header and footer content. Content can be any script, html or styles. It does not support any PHP code.
Maha Copyright Date
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Super simple way to add your website name, copyright symbol and current year via a shortcode.
ContaGen Widget
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)This plugin allows you to add contact information in a widget and display it with or without icons.
WP Head Footer
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)WP Head Footer allows you to easily add custom code to the header and/or footer of any post, page, or custom post type on your WordPress site without …
AH Footer Scripts
(2 مجموعی درجہ بندی)This small plugin moves all scripts (including jQuery) to the footer to help speed up page load times, while keep stylesheets in the header.
Get Data
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)By using Get Data Plugin, you can get content by URL and insert data in header or footer.
DB Signatures
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Add some HTML content to the bottom of every posts, pages and custom post types.
Virtual Signature
(1 مجموعی درجہ بندی)Virtual Signature allows Author to append Custom Signature at the end of the post.
WP Footer Ad
(0 مجموعی درجہ بندی)WP Footer Ad allows to set up banners (image or text) to be displayed in the footer.